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News ‘These Kids Are Dying’ — Inside the Overdose Crisis Sweeping Fort Bragg


Staff member
Aug 16, 2019

‘These Kids Are Dying’ — Inside the Overdose Crisis Sweeping Fort Bragg

Seth Harp
Rolling Stone
4 Sep 2022

Racheal Bowman, A single mother from Aberdeen, Maryland, was finishing up her shift as a postal worker the afternoon of June 11, 2021, when she got a worrisome call from her son’s girlfriend. Her son, Matthew Disney, a 20-year-old soldier stationed at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, wasn’t answering his phone. Neither his girlfriend nor his mom nor his little sisters could reach him. “It was very unlike him,” Bowman says. “Matthew’s sister has been incredibly ill her whole life” with a rare intestinal disorder. “When she calls, he answers.”

Her son was the child she never had to worry about, Bowman tells Rolling Stone. As a boy, he was well-behaved and supportive of his mom, who had been through a nasty divorce and struggled financially. He was “upbeat and passionate” about baseball, football, and video games. And for as long as she could remember, he’d had it in his head to join the military. “He had the very strong belief that if you were able-bodied, you should serve your country,” Bowman says. “Whether you like your president or not. He could tell you all about other countries where it was mandatory.”
Forty-one Fort Bragg soldiers took their own lives in 2020 and 2021, making suicide the leading cause of death. A spokesman for the Army, Matthew Leonard, confirmed that no other base has ever recorded a higher two-year suicide toll. There were also a shocking number of incidents of soldier-on-soldier violence. Since mid-2020, 11 Fort Bragg soldiers have been murdered or charged with murder, including one murder-suicide. Five Fort Bragg soldiers were shot to death, and one was beheaded. Rolling Stone has previously reported on the rash of violent crime at Fort Bragg and investigated several of the unsolved murders. The newly obtained documents shed light on another kind of killer stalking soldiers and go a long way toward explaining the record-setting death toll.

Fourteen of the casualty reports state explicitly that the soldier died from a drug overdose. Eleven of these identify fentanyl as the fatal agent. In five other cases, the soldier died at a young age from acute renal or liver failure, or from a heart attack — medical events that young people typically don’t experience, but that can be brought on by heavy drug abuse, complications from mixing drugs, or organ damage from the use of banned steroids. In addition, there were two cases where soldiers died from “undetermined” causes after being found unresponsive, for a total of 21 probable drug-related deaths in the two years ending December 2021. By comparison, there were about 13 illness deaths at Fort Bragg over the same period, 14 car and motorcycle crashes, and three fatal training accidents. Putting aside instances of self-harm, then, accidental overdose is the leading cause of death at Fort Bragg.
Wow! I was stationed at Pope AFB (attached to Ft Bragg) in the 1970's. I don't know what it is like now but even back then there was a lot of drugs available off base. Fayetteville had a notorious section of town by the train station where prostitution was very open and drugs flowed like water. Very sad news, indeed.
Wow! I was stationed at Pope AFB (attached to Ft Bragg) in the 1970's. I don't know what it is like now but even back then there was a lot of drugs available off base. Fayetteville had a notorious section of town by the train station where prostitution was very open and drugs flowed like water. Very sad news, indeed.
In my experience Fayetteville is an… interesting place. What branch were you in C_K?
I worked for USAF and Lockheed/Martin Avionic Research (C-130) Project. It was applied R&D work. Prototype flight controls. Best job I ever had. We used hurricanes to test extreme flight situations. Set the controls for the heart of the sun ran through my head a lot during my time there.
I've come to the conclusion that America (as a people and government) either

1) does not care about fent overdoses
2) wants it to happen and get worse.

We have all the data on drug prohibition and the results of it. If your talk yo your average binge drinking beer gutted American that has never met a drug user their attitude is basically "good let em all die."

We even have bumper stickers common on conservative states that say "Ban Narcan".....until it's of course their child. Then executing black drug dealers seems to be the solution.

I think America could really use some addiction specialists, or recovered addicts in positions of political power

But then you have cokeheaded assholes like Gavin Newsome that just vetoed getting IV users off the sidewalks and saving thousands of their lives. He absolutely wants them dead.

Really hoping newsome.gets fent in his next Coke bag he shares with a prostitute (and the prostitute has a high tolerance so she can survive it)
If your talk yo your average binge drinking beer gutted American that has never met a drug user their attitude is basically "good let em all die."
a lot more of those folks are willing to discuss it than you'd think. everyone has lost someone to overdose by now.

most of these rural folk have just been misled, in my experience. most don't have malice about it (at least for drug users, maybe not sellers)

politicians like Newsom on the other hand... yes, he doesn't care if they live or die.
From the article looks like it may have gotten an initial under the rug sweep too.

Starting from WW1 and the introduction of modern technology into warfare you see serious side effects clearly emerge.

Many different names eventually trickled down to PTSD. I do not think we are meant to and in most cases are capable of dealing with modern warfare.

Shits just too wrong
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I've come to the conclusion that America (as a people and government) either

1) does not care about fent overdoses
2) wants it to happen and get worse.

We have all the data on drug prohibition and the results of it. If your talk yo your average binge drinking beer gutted American that has never met a drug user their attitude is basically "good let em all die."

We even have bumper stickers common on conservative states that say "Ban Narcan".....until it's of course their child. Then executing black drug dealers seems to be the solution.

I think America could really use some addiction specialists, or recovered addicts in positions of political power

But then you have cokeheaded assholes like Gavin Newsome that just vetoed getting IV users off the sidewalks and saving thousands of their lives. He absolutely wants them dead.

Really hoping newsome.gets fent in his next Coke bag he shares with a prostitute (and the prostitute has a high tolerance so she can survive it)

Its number two, global depopulation through various compartmentalized vectors is a real thing. Prescription drugs is one arm of their agenda, flooding the streets with more drugs via the criminal cartels is another. There are other aspects, such as the popularization and proliferation of psychoactives through the entire population to better facilitate mass mind control via media subliminal programming (hypnosis programming). Like why do they want everyone on marijuana ? now psilocibin, LSD, MDMA ? Is it all just to make the world a better place ? Im not saying there are no thereputic effects in any of these substances, but i suspect alterior motives as with every gift given to us by the deep state (cellphone technology, internet and so on).
If you want to go full rabbit hole with me il tell you about the witchcraft that they use. Non stop punching sigils and hexes and demonic spells into this reality. I can show you examples of shitheads who actively do this stuff, and it so often subtle - they way they lace their entire media discourse with triggers and commands to induce suicidal and depressive ideations. I dont know if these guys are trained to do this shit or if they are just demonically possessed, but they do it. I dont know who they are working for and through which channels they recieve communication or payment from but its real, and im not on any drugs that would cause me to schizo either. They are running non stop negativity subliminals through various media vectors in line with the global events they manufacture to induce shock, panic and so on. It would require a whole army to analyize and break down how exactly these scumbags operate this reality, how they program us/it. Its not just that ''fear sells'', they operate an entire covert system of subliminal programming. They know how to increase homocide rates through the radio (altho they have so many techniques to accomplish the desired outcomes - but allot of it is hands off).
If you want to go full rabbit hole with me il tell you about the witchcraft that they use. Non stop punching sigils and hexes and demonic spells into this reality. I can show you examples of shitheads who actively do this stuff, and it so often subtle - they way they lace their entire media discourse with triggers and commands to induce suicidal and depressive ideations. I dont know if these guys are trained to do this shit or if they are just demonically possessed, but they do it. I dont know who they are working for and through which channels they recieve communication or payment from but its real, and im not on any drugs that would cause me to schizo either. They are running non stop negativity subliminals through various media vectors in line with the global events they manufacture to induce shock, panic and so on. It would require a whole army to analyize and break down how exactly these scumbags operate this reality, how they program us/it. Its not just that ''fear sells'', they operate an entire covert system of subliminal programming. They know how to increase homocide rates through the radio (altho they have so many techniques to accomplish the desired outcomes - but allot of it is hands off).
little off topic, but worth it. So 90's you have to be able to present why and how this works or tries and fails. If you present it like this.. its going to be difficult if not impossible to for naive citizens to grasp.

1% illogical thought will kill 99% logical.. well there is some magic in this world, Think math.
little off topic, but worth it. So 90's you have to be able to present why and how this works or tries and fails. If you present it like this.. its going to be difficult if not impossible to for naive citizens to grasp.

1% illogical thought will kill 99% logical.. well there is some magic in this world, Think math.

Bill Cooper explains the how and the why of global depopulation in the book Behold a Pale Horse. He outlines the reasons, the models they operate on re managing world population and energy and explains how they manufacture things like wars. To date at least nobody has gone into much depth re what i refer to in the above post, which is the more general way in which their agents operate in media (including on online forums). Anywhere they can create an audience they have their warlocks spewing poison into the collective psyche, both in terms of disseminating the formal lies of their narratives and on a much more insidious level via constant proliferation of subliminal triggers, commands and suggestions. The aim is demoralization of society in every sense, a kind of large scale Zersetzung operation - only the systems they use around hypnosis are far more advanced than anything you will find in official declassified stasi papers and so on. This also ties into NASA - silent weapons for quiet wars (which Cooper mentions).

Various different networks and societies are employed to carry out different sections of the agenda, but allot of it comes from the occult secret societies (broadly Gnostic-Luciferian) which seem to constitute the base of the power structure, behind them being various aristocratic families. From what i can tell these bloodlines and secret societies actually control the intelligence services (and through this the rest of the system). If you want to understand the technicalities of depopulation read Cooper, but you really need to do your own research (Global Research is a good source for ongoing events, use Yandex). As for the more intensive mind control that these creatures engage in, read Fritz Springmeier (How the Illuminati Create a Mind Control Slave) he shows here how they create manchurian candidates among children through ritual mind fragmentation via torture. Again tho, nothing has been written on the more subtle witchcraft processes i outline above. It would be very difficult to quantify altho patterns could be identified to prove the existence of the phenomena.
Let’s try to keep this at least somewhat on topic folks, thanks.
We have all the data on drug prohibition and the results of it. If your talk yo your average binge drinking beer gutted American that has never met a drug user their attitude is basically "good let em all die."

We even have bumper stickers common on conservative states that say "Ban Narcan".....until it's of course their child. Then executing black drug dealers seems to be the solution.
Overdoses/poisonings has affected people from all walks of life. It's extremely rare to find a family that hasn't been affected by drugs or alcohol use. If they say it's not true, they just don't know about it yet or choose to wear blinders. I am attempting to start a local program to hand out test strips. If we can keep even one person alive it's worth it. Unfortunatly, it's illegal in my state and both me and the user can be arrested for possession of paraphernalia. I'm communicating with state reps and senators to change the laws in the spirit of harm reduction.
When we start placing people in groups such as conservative/liberal, atheist/Jew, Christian, Muslim etc., black/white/brown we lose the power to change anything.
Oh, and let's close our borders. People are dying.
Overdoses/poisonings has affected people from all walks of life. It's extremely rare to find a family that hasn't been affected by drugs or alcohol use. If they say it's not true, they just don't know about it yet or choose to wear blinders. I am attempting to start a local program to hand out test strips. If we can keep even one person alive it's worth it. Unfortunatly, it's illegal in my state and both me and the user can be arrested for possession of paraphernalia. I'm communicating with state reps and senators to change the laws in the spirit of harm reduction.
When we start placing people in groups such as conservative/liberal, atheist/Jew, Christian, Muslim etc., black/white/brown we lose the power to change anything.
Oh, and let's close our borders. People are dying.
It's exactly certain demographics that are the problem. Mainly anyone outside of progressives are ultra anti harm reduction

I'm sure overdoses affect conservative Christians. But they wash it under the rug...blame the death on anything other than drugs like and "illness" and grow to hate drug users even more blaming their kids death on other users, doctors, etc.

Furthermore becsuse of their social circles they would never speak out in favor of harm reduction or injection sites.
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Its number two, global depopulation through various compartmentalized vectors is a real thing. Prescription drugs is one arm of their agenda, flooding the streets with more drugs via the criminal cartels is another. There are other aspects, such as the popularization and proliferation of psychoactives through the entire population to better facilitate mass mind control via media subliminal programming (hypnosis programming). Like why do they want everyone on marijuana ? now psilocibin, LSD, MDMA ? Is it all just to make the world a better place ? Im not saying there are no thereputic effects in any of these substances, but i suspect alterior motives as with every gift given to us by the deep state (cellphone technology, internet and so on).
Society in general does not want any one on MJ lsd or mdma
Society in general does not want any one on MJ lsd or mdma
im talking about powerful sections of the control system eminating from the deep state. They have been trying to popularize the use of all psycoactives since they created the 60s counter culture. I know these substances have various treatment potentials, but i suspect the reason they want everyone mainlining the stuff is for mind control. Check out Logos Media on YT, a guy called Jan Irving, he did allot of research blowing open the 60s counterculture, how it was created by the CIA, Tavistock ect. and how the entire psychedelic movement meshes with their mind control programming systems (large scale hypnosis).
im talking about powerful sections of the control system eminating from the deep state. They have been trying to popularize the use of all psycoactives since they created the 60s counter culture. I know these substances have various treatment potentials, but i suspect the reason they want everyone mainlining the stuff is for mind control. Check out Logos Media on YT, a guy called Jan Irving, he did allot of research blowing open the 60s counterculture, how it was created by the CIA, Tavistock ect. and how the entire psychedelic movement meshes with their mind control programming systems (large scale hypnosis).
it was created by the CIA, but not on purpose.. it was one of humanities biggest backfires. not that the criminal intelligence agency represents humanity.. as they are worse than dog shit.
Overdoses/poisonings has affected people from all walks of life. It's extremely rare to find a family that hasn't been affected by drugs or alcohol use. If they say it's not true, they just don't know about it yet or choose to wear blinders. I am attempting to start a local program to hand out test strips. If we can keep even one person alive it's worth it. Unfortunatly, it's illegal in my state and both me and the user can be arrested for possession of paraphernalia. I'm communicating with state reps and senators to change the laws in the spirit of harm reduction.
When we start placing people in groups such as conservative/liberal, atheist/Jew, Christian, Muslim etc., black/white/brown we lose the power to change anything.
Oh, and let's close our borders. People are dying.
Nice work and God speed<3<3<3
It's exactly certain demographics that are the problem. Mainly anyone outside of progressives are ultra anti harm reduction
i live in west virginia and i can tell you that at least in my area it's not just progressives on the harm reduction train.

Oh, and let's close our borders. People are dying.
this will do nothing to stop the flow of drugs. fentanyl can be mailed just as easily as it is smuggled in someone's possession

i agreed with everything you wrote until that line. ironically, by partitioning other humans off on the other side of a closed border, we actually end up creating the groups you said we should avoid.