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The Big and Dandy NBOMe-2C-C (25C-NBOMe) Thread

Normally, it is salt. It should be mentioned otherwise. The best way to know is asking your guy. :)

I find it disconcerting that this is being sold on blotter

On the streets, yes. But for someone who doesn't want to bother about diluting and accurate measuring, I don't see a big problem. It's just an easy way to keep a single dose separate and solid.

I see where the problems can be, but the price of blotters on those manufacturing it is quite expensive, and I think that anyone getting serious about their research would still stick to the too-good-reliable liquid form.
Can someone please offer some advice? This is my first time using liquid methods of storage or measuring.

1)What is the best cheap option for measuring liquid a syringe such as a 1ml or 3ml or a pipette? (such as those plastic 3ml ones)?

2)I should be able to get supermarket distilled water. Would it be okay to leave 5mg of this compound in either 25ml or 12.5ml of distilled water in a glass bottle? Would this chemical preserve the liquid or would it grow microbes? Would I need to add any preserving agent to stop microbe contamination? If so can I use NaCl? Besides being cheap it won't vaporise in my pipe so it will be left behind which is good.

3)If there are issues with preservation/microbe contamination then would I be better off simply evaporating off the whole liquid then just re-add distilled water next time to dose? A borosilicate beaker or flask would make it easy to heat and evaporate. Even air drying 12.5ml or 25ml should be okay in the air for a week. However what I really want is to store in a small glass medicine bottle with a lid I can tighten so each time I re-add the water I can shake to dissolve well. A glass medicine bottle (unless I could find a borosilicate one) I don't know a safe way to heat to evaporate off the water.

4)Would the melting point of this compound be high enough that I can safely boil off the distilled water such as for final administration in a borosilicate pipe with a flame? Basically I don't want the any of the compound to vaporise while I'm boiling off the water and just wanted to check if this is a likely risk or not. I only want the compound to vaporise after I've gotten rid of the water.
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not sure about the b.p., but i'm sure its in the literature somewhere. If you're going to be storing it for a considerable length of time, i'd recommend using a solution of 10-20% either EtOH or isopropanol to prevent any microbial growth. Also, make sure to either store it in a volumetric container or have the volume written down so you can account for any evaporation. Doubt it would be necessary to repeatedly evap & re-dilute
not sure about the b.p., but i'm sure its in the literature somewhere.

I doubt it, especially not for the salt. The melting point should be quite a bit over 100 deg C though, so there's no chance of losing any while evaporating the water.
Originally posted by any major dude

... i'd recommend using a solution of 10-20% either EtOH or isopropanol to prevent any microbial growth.

Would common vodka be okay for this purpose once I dilute it? Also is distilled water necessary or would de-mineralised water be sufficient?

Would a plastic pipette be more accurate than a syringe?

Thanks for you help
vodka should be fine. I've usually just used a jug of distilled water from the grocery store, pretty cheap. I doubt de-mineralised water would be much of a problem, but i'm honestly not 100% sure on that.

as for pipette vs. syringe, pipette's are generally designed for measuring smaller amounts, but depending on the volumes you're using, probably a 6 one way, half a dozen the other type situation.
Vodka should be fine, and tap water is probably fine to dilute it. But to be sure you could use distilled or deionised water. There should be no difference between them for this purpose.

I don't know what plastic pipettes you're talking about, but the ones I've seen only give approximate measurements. A syringe should be far more accurate.

Edit: ^ beat me to it! You never seen a 1mL syringe? I doubt the error on a measurement is more than 10% at 0.1mL, and probably far less at higher volumes.
Thanks for the info guys.

I just found this guide for how to accurately measure liquids using a syringe: http://www.murphysmachines.com/how_to/how_to_syringe.html

I am thinking of using a 3mL syringe and carefully measuring 2.5mL five times to get the final 12.5mL. I will then use the same 3ml syringe to measure 0.5mL which will be the amount for individual doses. I hope this will keep the factor of liquid measurement error down to a minimum.
Absolutely stunned...working on a short TR.

500 mcg intranasal.

Onset: 2-5 minutes. Duration: 6-8 hours.

Visually, this was one of the most spectacular psychedelic experiences I've had. I fully agree with the assessment that it's nonthreatening for the degree of psychedelia produced, but I will not likely push it much higher than 500 mcg. It felt very clean aside from initial muscle tension and tremors, and a vague change in mucous quality. Mental effects were equally intriguing. None of the weirdness of high dose trypts. I'm wondering what advantages LSD has on this...it's perfect in so many ways.
Absolutely stunned

Onset: 2-5 minutes.

Welcome to the fan club brother. It is truly one of the most amazing things to come along in a loooong time.

That onset after liquid insufflation should be noted by everyone! Plan ahead, prepare everything, get the setting ready... there will be ZERO time to accomplish anything as soon as the insufflation is complete.
Do you encounter anxiety when snorting it due to the rapid onset?
As psood mentioned, any second guessing regarding dose could be anxiety provoking (as could lack of preparedness or improper setting) but in a comfortable environment with 500 mcg, it feels incredibly benign...surprisingly so.
Your description above, "nonthreatening for the degree of psychedelia produced," is exactly how i would describe a solid dose of 2cd (for me 80-100mg oral).

My favorite psychs are those that can take you far and still allow you to keep your ego in tact.
This seems like it may fit that description. (others are 4 aco dmt, LSD and 2cd IME, though any of those can get a little rough around the edges at times.)
^I've never taken 2C-D above 50 mg, but I have little doubt that you would agree that 25C-NBOMe is cleaner and more impressive. Even the selective 2C-D gets down with all kinds of receptors, including 5-HT2B, 5-HT1D, and adrenergic receptors, not to mention it doesn't have as much selectivity for 5-HT2A over 5-HT2C. Ego dissolution is not out of the question with 25C-NBOMe, but I think it'd be a gentle process.

Here's the link to my TR: my 25C-NBOMe report.

Unless the Chloro is a heck of a lot different that the Methyl, these NBOMes are pretty uninspiring.

Nichols is on record as saying that the Iodo is not "psychedelic".

Yet the majority's opinion of this compound seems quite positive.

So does 25C-NBOME have (or produce) the magic that characterizes the classics?

Obviously it causes "visuals", but is that enough?
I would say it compares favorably with LSD and psilocin. That said, it is rather different from either, more along the DOM/mescaline/MDA category of psychedelics.
i'm a bit torn on whether i think ego-dissolution is possible on this substance. probably need to have a few more experiences before i go on record ;)

However, it does seem a lot less jarring than most psychedelics, but still intense. Very interesting indeed
When using liquid snorting as a ROA, how much liquid do you use?
Are you fine with measuring with a 1 ml syringe or are smaller volumes needed?
I'm really interested in trying this chemical, but I don't own a submilligram scale, only a milligram scale, and don't have access to μL pipettes. So liquid measuring is a must and the smallest volume I can reliably measure is 0,05 ml

Another option would be rectal administration, since larger volumes can be used this way. But how does rectal compare to nasal administration?
I can't comment on rectal admin, but for intranasal, the less volume, the better. If you pour a full mL down your nose, I'd imagine much of it would go down your throat, but if you were able to measure 0.05-0.1 mL (50-100 uL), which you should be able to do with a 1 mL syringe, I think that would work out just fine.