NASADD Social- Now featuring naked women

Coke is a rich mans drug, I ain't had that kind of money since the 80s. My newest foodie addiction is this new flavor of Ben&Jerrys ice cream, Late Night Snack. Jesus, its fantastic.
Coke is a rich mans drug, I ain't had that kind of money since the 80s. My newest foodie addiction is this new flavor of Ben&Jerrys ice cream, Late Night Snack. Jesus, its fantastic.

I almost remember what Ben and Jerry's tastes like too lol My favorite was that brownie cheesecake one. That's another orgasm in my mouth

Bingey is pretty wealthy, he can turn the fastest $10 trick I've ever seen!!
**spits soda across the room**
really? BAs loaded? Ya know, philanthropy for the poor and un-healthy can get you into heaven, or a lower tax bracket, whichever you be needin'.=D
**spits soda across the room**
really? BAs loaded? Ya know, philanthropy for the poor and un-healthy can get you into heaven, or a lower tax bracket, whichever you be needin'.=D

He's loaded all right.....with AIDS and crabs.

There are *some* downfalls to turning quick $10 tricks, but once's he's sitting on a mountain of cocaine (or a penis) then he really doesn't care about such woes.
Oh my. BA, honey, are you a walking petri dish? I've got some friends at the CDC that woud just LOVE to talk to you. I tink ur kwel, even if I gotta wear a bio suit.<3
I got enough health problems without throwing in THAT cocktail. Besides, I had crabs once, totally un-fun....Spring Break 87 was a righteous debacle.
Peanut butter, banana, and bacon sandwich. I believe there was honey on it too. PB and Banana is dank.. bacon? Why must people put bacon on everything. It's annoying. Why not add some mayo while we're at it.

are you serious? he ate that shit?
We can pretend mine tastes like chocolate fudge


And we'll pretend that mine tastes (and smells) like roses and sunshine....oh wait, no pretending will needed for that, my golden vag really does taste and smell like those things

And we'll pretend that mine tastes (and smells) like roses and sunshine....oh wait, no pretending will needed for that, my golden vag really does taste and smell like those things

Well good luck finding a "man" who would ever put his mouth anywhere near a female vag
one time i asked BA what his favorite food was and he told me popscicles. i asked him what his favorite flavor was and he said "dick flavor, i love dick flavored popscicles."

true story, and i also dont care if i spelled popscicles wrong.