

Bluelight Crew
Mar 7, 2007
My therapist recently asked me to define happiness............
I couldn't put it into words-
She then asked me to visualize happiness, what did I see?

My idea of happiness was simple- Less stress, more smiles, nature and either Children or Travel.
I have a feeling this wasn't exactly what she was looking for..........

So if you were to answer those two questions, bolded above, what would be your answer?
I know this is kinda lame, but whenever I'm having a bad day or feel down, my dog always makes me smile or laugh. She is just so damn cute that she always makes me happy...well, when she isn't being a monster and tearing up my door (she quit, though). Then, I want to kill her LOL
Going to bed at night feeling all is well with the world. I'm easily pleased.
I know this is kinda lame, but whenever I'm having a bad day or feel down, my dog always makes me smile or laugh. She is just so damn cute that she always makes me happy...well, when she isn't being a monster and tearing up my door (she quit, though). Then, I want to kill her LOL

That's not lame! I think it's how animals live in the present that make them so attractive to us.
I think that happiness is really the simple things in life, like a profession or job that makes you feel good about the contribution you make to the rest of the world. Being genuinely tired at the end of the day because of your hard work. And the company of others. Time with nature.

I used to think that it meant a Mercedes and a six-figure salary, but when I had those things, I was miserable.
I know this is kinda lame, but whenever I'm having a bad day or feel down, my dog always makes me smile or laugh. She is just so damn cute that she always makes me happy...well, when she isn't being a monster and tearing up my door (she quit, though). Then, I want to kill her LOL

You know, I feel the same way with my kitty
Damn thats a hard one and i don't even have a definition really. I just know when im happy
Going to bed each night contented with the day just ended.
Enjoying the company of my significant other, knowing i am needed and i feel need, being able to love, and be loved. That's happiness to me.
I know this is kinda lame, but whenever I'm having a bad day or feel down, my dog always makes me smile or laugh. She is just so damn cute that she always makes me happy...well, when she isn't being a monster and tearing up my door (she quit, though). Then, I want to kill her LOL

Same, my dog makes me sooo happy, cutest little Sheltie.
The really strange thing about happiness is that you only really ponder whether or not you have it when you don't. Any time in my life that I've felt truly happy, I have never once sat down and thought to myself 'wow, I'm so happy right now' - instead I just sort of carry on what I'm doing, oblivious. On the other hand most of the occasions I've felt really down, I know that I spent a good deal of that time asking myself if I was happy or not, how I was feeling.

So for me happiness is the thing that no-one ever truly gets to have and be aware of it. Not because it is impossible to find, just that because when you do find it, knowing if you have it or not suddenly isn't so important. The only answer you'll ever get by asking yourself 'am I happy?' - is no.

...maybe that's why it's so elusive.
Happiness is only real when shared' - End quote from 'Into the Wild'

For me happiness is knowing that im loved and accepted by others, that these people in my life genuinely enjoy my company and i am an integral part of there happiness, knowing that my presence alone can leave such a positive impact on there lives, leaves me with a high sense of self-esteem in myself as a person.

I've never been happier then when someone has been happy to see me.

Love is happiness for me; not just between a partner, but love for everyone, and feeling that love back.
^Funny you brought up that 'Into The Wild' quote b/c I brought it up when she asked me :)
I understood his search for happiness through nature and the disapproval of society- but then when he writes that at the end it kinda struck me, which was the point, and it threw a wrench in my plans of escaping to Alaska (j/k) but it did make me think about what my interactions with others were and how I share happiness with others and vice versa. <3
You only brought it up cause you love kstew you liar. It had nothing to do with happiness haha.

And I think happiness is a balancing act. Like walking a tight rope, without a circus net....
popping percocet. Seriously, thats happiness, you always seem to be struggling for it... never seeming to realize its already inside of you. You just have to find it. But you take all sorts of stupid risks because your human and thats happiness. =]
happiness is never fully obtainable some may argue, other may argue it is.....

its all relative.............
@lou reed. "Happiness is....a warm gun". Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. You beat me to it. It was my first thought in a smartass kind of way.

To be serious my views on happiness have changed many times over the years. For me its simpler now. Happiness is less pain in my body. Appreciating that I am alive. A roof over my head. A bed to sleep in. Cable tv lol. My bills paid and enough to buy groceries. Enough left over for a soda or some smokes. A bong rip of some excellent chronic....................................and the thought -hope_ that I will live long enough to be a grandma. Its the one thought that keeps me wanting to continue with life. Can't wait to be a grandma.
I prefer the idea of having "peace of mind" rather than "happiness". Happiness seems to be what everybody searches for, thinking one thing or another is lacking. When everything is going well, I am happy, when things are not going well, I'm unhappy. So it seems to be very elusive.

On the other hand, I think a person can learn to have peace of mind no matter emotion they are experiencing. If you are happy, you are feeling at peace. If you are sad, you are still feeling at peace. I'm definitely not at that point, but it is definitely something that can be learned. This way wherever the wind blows you are still able to keep your peace of mind rather than grasping at something that cannot be maintained.
...is a warm gun.., is always my first response when I'm asked that question, never underestimate the influence of the beatles on the subconscious of the world!

Happiness to me these days is simple little things, like having a girl in my life that I like and who likes me back, or who may not like me back.

Happiness is watching a good tv show, having an extra hour to sit in a coffee shop and drink coffee before going to work.

Happiness is hearing the right song at the right time in your day, also realizing that you are appreciated in ways that you didn't even realize, a stranger smiling at you...

simple things are happiness for me.
being able to truly understand, and accept; or to truly be able to accept what i don't understand.

it seems for me anyways, that if these thoughts become inert & 2nd nature, most of the fear in my life will not exist, and any insecurity or want will not be a part of my ego, or needed.
so being reluctant to take chances with love, goals in life ~ or being content in just being as is, as you are at any moment anywhere ~ would be happiness and peace with inertia in me.