I dont think I enojy pot anymore...


Mar 1, 2010
So. I been smoking for 7 years now. I use too LOVE smoking pot. It made everything that much better. Recently though, about the last year or so, whenever I smoke reggs I get REALLY paranoid and think about everytihng too much. The biggest diffrence in my life is that I'm a chronic opiate user now. Could that have any effect? Last time I smoked piff and dro I got nice but I use too enjoy good regs...sucks. Any advice?
I know what you're talking about. I've enjoyed pot for over 10 years and over the last year I had gotten to where I don't like it anymore. It stated giving me anxiety and magnifying my negative thoughts. I get enough shit in life without taking it from my own thoughts.

The best advice I can give is to step away from marijuana for a while. At least give it enough time to rid your system of THC completely. Then try it again and see if you have the same reaction. I'm on probation until 2012, so I haven't smoked in six months and won't smoke until 2012. If I still feel the same as I did before I stopped, then I'll be quitting for good.

By the way, your body goes through a systematic change every seven years. Could be your new body's way of saying it hates marijuana.
By the way, your body goes through a systematic change every seven years. Could be your new body's way of saying it hates marijuana.

I never heard this before...very intresting...could you post a link too an article on that?? Or wiki article anything?
^ Yeah i'd like to hear something supporting that, not that I don't believe you i'm just interested and wanna read up a bit more. :)

& Pots like anything else in life, if your not enjoying it take a break. If it's still shit after a break time to move on my friend.
I think this might get more replies in TDS, so I'm going to send it over there...mods, let me know if you think it doesn't belong and toss it back this way.
Same thing happened to me so I decided to lay off the pot for a little bit. I would try smoking and I'd just freak out and get paranoid, so I just quit all together. Two years after not touching it I decided to try again and it was a good time, I started smoking regularly again. Only thing was, all I would do was geek out for a good 20 minutes and then pass out. I guess pot just isn't my thing. Even though I can smoke it without a problem now, I prefer not to.
To the OP, no I can't see why opiates would have an effect on you liking pot, but they DO tend to turn people off to alcohol.

I didn't start smoking pot till AFTER I got hooked on opiates, and I usually used it cause opiates don't allow me to sleep at night. But I still absolutely can't drink alcohol for shit, and I know a lot of opiate addicts who hate alcohol. Its just not a "fun" drug at all.. its depressing really. But I guess everyone has their different reasons.
Marijuana changed for me after I started using other drugs, although for me it was MDMA/amphetamines rather than opiates.

I think an issue is that marijuana is after-all a mild-psychedelic, yet it is treated as if it is only a sedative or relaxant. It would make sense that something with mild psychedelic properties to have an effect that is not always consistent, especially if overused.

If it's not fun, then you have more money if your pocket to use for other things :)
thats it say goodbye. it'll never be the same again

you will not be a pot smoker for much longer i can assure you of this. your anxiety will ruin the high to the point of quitting. at least you have the memories
Interesting that you think it is your opiate use that turned you OFF to smoking pot...I smoked for about a year before becoming addicted to oxy with increasing frequency and paranoia and then bam opiates cured that problem for me. Allowed me to get really fucking lit + increased the euphoric effects of the oxy, plus no paranoia, I was calm and nodding off most of the time. I personally LOVE smoking weed on opiates, matter of fact I just got back in from smoking a bowl of dank after doing an 80 earlier haha :)
i used to smoke pot quite reguarly when i was a teenager, im only 21 now but pot has given me the worst depression i have ever felt, i have taken a fair share of harder drugs also, (no opiates) suprisingly though weed messed me up 10x more than anything else, gave me depression, panic attacks severe anxiety, i couldnt communciate with people one time i got stoned i had to leave the social gathering an i just went an balled my eyes out,
i think pot doesnt effect people as bad as others, i think if i ever got stoned again i would go into a very unpleasant physcotic state of mind an would shit myself that i would never turn to reality,
to me pot is a fu**** powerful drug an shouldnt be messed about with, my advice, stop the doobie's, waste of time, money an takes motivation out you.
Benzos if you have to smoke. If that doesn't help fuck it all. Don't touch that shit anymore, smoke a lil if you need to sleep.

I have to smoke sometimes cause my friend always smokes, and I won't smoke without a benzo anymore. If I do I know I won't enjoy it.

If you notice things around you, you will like it, if you turned introspective, then you will hate it, at least IMO.
I smoked a bit this morning, and I felt okay but this was after taking a sunboxone...whats up with that 7 year article?
i had the same thing when i was into heroin. i was a daily somker for only 2 years tho, but i loved weed. when heroin got introduced into my life i started to dislike weed too. i felt nervous also, but still would smoke and sumwhat enjoy if i was dope sick. i think with the blissful feeling opiates give you nothing can compare.
i just love the taste and smell, not necessarily being stoned anymore. could someone please invent delicious sweet and aromatic skunk and hash that barely gets you stoned?
In my case I smoked for about 20 years...day in day out.

In my case I spent most of the day inside and out of it.

I became rather paranoid and didn't really like the person that I had become...so I threw the bong out and then stopped smoking scoobies (Joints) completely.

Now, I go out and socialise with people.

Everybody is different, however I do find that eventually most people 'get over' pot.....

Perhaps, in it's own way...this is yours?
I was an intense pothead for nearly two years and smoked casually since I was 14. I don't enjoy pot like I used to either. I'm now 26 and pot makes me anxious. Sometimes I can enjoy it but then I want the feeling to be over, and that's when I get paranoid.

I'm prescribed xanax, benztropine and antidepressants. This combination helps with the paranoia and bad reactions, but I still don't enjoy it as much as I used to. No more bong hits for me. I can't explain why I dislike it now...perhaps I grew out of it?
Fuck I used to love it but now, at 30,, at least if Im sober it just leads to instant paranoia so end of story,, I avoid it like the plague,, started smokin pot heavily at 14, even by 18 the warning signs were there but hell it was pretty much the easiest drug to get still so I did keep on, even if it wasnt enjoyable at least I wasnt the only one of my mates getting trashed - and besides sometimes even thats preferable to staying straight from the chasms of my putrid stagnating brain anyway,, but now,, having had long love affairs with pills/MDMA/shrooms,, particularly Ketamine and now opiates ,, unless Im already trashed FUCK POT altogether,, its just like an instant paranoia brick wall I'm crashing into,, no way
So. I been smoking for 7 years now. I use too LOVE smoking pot. It made everything that much better. Recently though, about the last year or so, whenever I smoke reggs I get REALLY paranoid and think about everytihng too much. The biggest diffrence in my life is that I'm a chronic opiate user now. Could that have any effect? Last time I smoked piff and dro I got nice but I use too enjoy good regs...sucks. Any advice?

This is a no offense.. if you are physically addicted to opiates that is very likely the main source of your altered marijuana high.