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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television The Simpsons

holy crap they put so much effort in that absolute shit
I've never been much of a Simpsons fan. I don't care if they keep making it, I don't have to watch it.
After having spent a few weeks in Israel this past winter, I was pumped to see the 'Simpsons go to Israel' episode this season. It was a half hour of my life I'll never get back. (No... make that an hour, since it took me to the end of The Cleveland Show, which was on next, for me to realize it was not a self-referential parody of Family Guy.)

I think my enjoyment of the Israel episode was POISONED, rather than enhanced, by having actually been to the country! There was certainly no layer of laughs for people with actual firsthand experience of the place. C'mon now... I thought the Simpsons writers were better than that, especially since many of them I'm sure are ethnically Jewish and hear a lot about Israel. All of the gags in it were recycled and stale, pretty much.

The golden rules of entertainment are to end on a high note and to always know and play to your audience. Ax this shit.
C'mon now... I thought the Simpsons writers were better than that, especially since many of them I'm sure are ethnically Jewish and hear a lot about Israel. All of the gags in it were recycled and stale, pretty much.

FWIW, very few (if any) of the original writing staff is still on board. On the outside it may look like the same machine but all the inner gears have been replaced.
^ Even the animation is different these days; it's too clean and sterile. In the olden days it had an analog warmth to it.

Anyone who watches the Simpsons with any depth can tell it's a completely different show to what it used to be. The writing and plots are so different. Also much more superficial than it used to be. I find in the past the humour wasn't so "cheap" and dirty as it is now.

I can't stand how they all have cell phones. :|
^yeah i've been aggrieved about the sterile animation for years now. it sucks so hard.
^ Even the animation is different these days; it's too clean and sterile. In the olden days it had an analog warmth to it.



stop fighting you two, they're BOTH good examples of the before times
and there's PLENTY of milhouse to go around!
^ Even the animation is different these days; it's too clean and sterile. In the olden days it had an analog warmth to it.

mmm analogue warmth...

i agree with what MDAO said about the characters being anachronisms. the addition of modern shit in the series, like the LCD TV in the opening credits, to the episodes with ipods and all sorts of other bullshit, make for a brutal headfuck when juxtaposed against the 90s-era scenery and characters.

looking critically at it, sure there have been a few shitty eps as of late, but the writing isn't that bad. what's fundamentally the problem, imho, is that the show has placed way too much emphasis as of late in trying to shake that comfy 90s feel it had, and not enough effort into making the stories genuinely focus on the characters the way they used to. it doesn't take many words to describe the plot of a new ep because they're just kind of... hollow now...
what's fundamentally the problem, imho, is that the show has placed way too much emphasis as of late in trying to shake that comfy 90s feel it had, and not enough effort into making the stories genuinely focus on the characters the way they used to. it doesn't take many words to describe the plot of a new ep because they're just kind of... hollow now...

My sentiments exactly. :(

When a new episode is on I just change the channel; they're painful to watch. :(
I had a fit of hysterical laughter today about an old scene I was playing back in my head;

Teacher: What is your area of expertise?
Homer: Well, I can tell the difference between butter and "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter".
Teacher: No you can't, Mr Simpson! No one can!
Homer: Oh I've failed again.

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The jokes aren't funny.

THAT'S the fundamental problem.

You people realize that human beings write the jokes, and that ZERO of the human beings who wrote Simpsons jokes during The Conan Years are still writing Simpsons jokes today.

It's a whole different show.

Family Guy Seasons 1 through 3 didn't have better major characters, didn't have NEARLY as good minor characters, didn't have emotional themes, and didn't have that much going for it over The Simpsons.

And yet Family Guy Seasons 1-3 overtook The Simpsons in many people's eyes (as the FUNNIEST show on television) (mine included) mainly because FAMILY GUY'S WRITERS WROTE SMARTER JOKES.



Regarding the quality of the episodes of the last few years: it seems like I can find no agreement among my RL friends or the opinions of Bluelighters. Some like them, some don't. That's probably why it's still airing; they've got just enough people to justify continuing.
Being a person who was born in 1992, I have no respect for The Simpson's. I've always hated the show and thought it lacked quality and was just another television show that always had uncreative, uninteresting and ridiculous plots. The Simpson's also included no character development and re-hashed material left and right.

I'm sure If I was a bit older I'd have more respect for the show, but, I'm not old. From what I've seen, the show is retarded; they should've pulled the plug when it was good... which would have been decades ago.
^my nephew is your age and he enjoys the classic simpsons era. take a look at the backlog, when the show was good, nothing was better.

Regarding the quality of the episodes of the last few years: it seems like I can find no agreement among my RL friends or the opinions of Bluelighters. Some like them, some don't. That's probably why it's still airing; they've got just enough people to justify continuing.

i chanced upon some of the most recent stuff and it solicited more snickers than i had anticipated. the animation seems to have evolved again to a bit of a classic/sterile hybrid. it sure as shit aint as bad as it was several years ago.
^my nephew is your age and he enjoys the classic simpsons era. take a look at the backlog, when the show was good, nothing was better.
Uh, well... What seasons should I download? Like, what season would be The Simpson's at their best? Because I've seriously have hated every episode I've ever seen and I'd be surprised if it were actually good at one point.
Say.. 3 to 8 :)

1 and 2 are still dear to me, but may be too classic for you. 9-10 are good but after that it drops off.
Uh, well... What seasons should I download? Like, what season would be The Simpson's at their best? Because I've seriously have hated every episode I've ever seen and I'd be surprised if it were actually good at one point.

