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The Worst Drug Comedown

Looked at this cos i wanted to know if it was just me having seriously bad comedowns, but i guess im not the only one who does. thank god!
Personally, ive had the worst comedowns off speed or ecstasy but i think they go pretty quick compared to coke. Coke comedowns.. now they just take the piss.
Anyone know any good drugs what dont have any comedown at all? or is that just wishful thinking?

hmm..maybe you can try GHB/GBL/1,4-B? its not a stimulant by any means, but if you need something to get you going for parties/raves its def the way to go. just keep moving on it, and youll feel really energetic, but not wired. if you chill on it though you probably wont want to get up lol. i dunno but whenever i take it i feel like moving around/dancing. no comedowns/side-effects, well not for me anyway. i dont take any drugs anymore, apart from alchohol once every few weeks, and G once a month/every few months.
1. Coke

2. Meth

3. Dex/mixed amphs

Mixing any above with copious alcohol worsens by 2-10x
what the heck, how come nobody listed opiates? I lie in bed sick after like a weekend binge or w/e. And my brain feels like hell.
I think it depends heavily on how much sleep I got, but generally I'd agree with most posts here that alcohol and coke are the worst.

The really horrible ones are when you've fucked yourself up on drink and you wake up feeling like complete shit but also knowing you've done something really embarassing. All you can do is lie there groaning and thinking over and over again about what you did. Horrible.

Strange so many here said MDMA. For me I always sleep very well and wake up feeling completely fine after doing it. It's one of the things that scares me a little about it, apart from the tolerance you have for the next day or two I feel like I could do it every day.
Speed, no questions asked... cocaine/crack also. Always leads to using other drugs to come down, for me at least

MDMA has given me the worst of my life so far. 3 weeks of being depressed and feeling in a dream-like state isn't really all it's cracked up to be.

Edit: This was after doing it far too in a very short span of time though. Once in a blue moon and I don't get much of a comedown, maybe a day of feeling the aforementioned symptoms.
lol.... acid 8o

and weed actually. weed hangovers are by far as bad as alcohol hangovers :\ I get really sick & can't digest food for a good day or so afterwards.

awwwwful :|

MDMA doesn't really give me a comedown - I get a headache when i'm due to go to bed, but it goes away hehe. Meth used to give me fucked up comedowns but now I'm a seasoned user, it's not all that bad....
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I had to skip 2 days of work rehabilitation for that fucker (the rest of the two days after that being weekends, by the way). At least on speed comedown I could handle it enough to not do so.
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The comedown of coke wins
The hangover from alcohol wins EDIT: SPEED IS WORSE
And the depression (which for me can last weeks) of E is the worst

So it depends on how you look at it. E is definitely the overall champion, which sucks, because I really love that stuff. Good thing I don't do drugs anymore, I might do psychs when I know more about my mental state.
I don't understand the concept of coke having a comedown....

I thought that's why people preferred coke to meth?? because there IS no comedown! (and it leaves the system quicker)

I personally have never experienced a comedown from coke!
alcohol and speed used in 1 night
the next day i was rough
i dont ever get hangover from alcohol
but that day, i was sick, either freezing cold or boiling hot
and i had virtigo, unable to eat, unable to move
was actully wanting to die
im never drinking and taking speed together again

last weekend.. speed fucking balls, snorted dexies all night long, popped a concerta at 5:30 AM. Drank about 8 beers throughout the night.

Snorted another dexie at 7:30am, went to saturday school at 8, still a tad drunk, last beer was at time of concerta.

Finally got done at 11.. wow i'm feeling like shit, friend picks me up, we go to his house.

Stomach hurts like absolute hell, tired as hell but can't sleep.

Manage to get 2 hours of off and on sleep.

The entire next day, i feel horrible, still speeding, but not in a good way, hungover, no food, no sleep..

i'd say alcohol + speed are a very bad comedown combined with no food or sleep.
methylphenidate. after a shitty 'high' you get to feel like shit.

BZP was bad when I was taking it as a study aid ages ago, when it was still legal.

But the one time I was sold some (obviously different) piperazine as ecstasy...damn. Just damn. The first 8 or so hours were fun. Then I realised that I was in for a marathon. By hour 10 I was starting to feel sick. By hour 15 I was afraid to leave my bedroom to use my restroom in fear that my flatmates (who were not home at the time) would come home during my restroom time and see me. By hour 18 I was feeling like everyone I knew hated me with a passion. By hour 20 I was thinking that the police were coming after me. By hour 30 I was seeing imaginary people in my closet and such (had been up for 45 hours at this point). At hour 40 I was hiding under my covers in complete and utter terror of everything I could imagine. I got to sleep around hour 42, slept 8 hours and woke up compeltely fine. But damn...it was horrible.

And I've done meth and speed and know that this was not either of them. Those comedowns suck, but are NOTHING like this.

wow.... 8o I gotta avoid those.
What drug gives you the worst comedown?
Out of my experience I would have to say alcohol, never felt worse then when i drink too much, spend hours throwing up, cant sleep cause the rooms spinning and I feel like shit the next day.
Nothing has compared to a very bad hangover for me.

I am not sure if this counts as a comedown or not, but when I took too much Xanax, I woke up feeling very depressed and wanted to kill myself. If that doesn't count as a comedown, then probably Vicodin, because it gives me terrible stomach aches sometimes. And if that's not a comedown, than I never had a comedown.