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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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MDPV has stopped you being able to see? Thats messed up!

I had a bit of a drunken idea last night that ended up in a beautiful experience. Had about 4 beers. Decided a Line would be a good idea. So I lined up 100mg then hit a blunt with some salvia in it instantly afterwards. For the next hour I was having some absolutely mental visuals all sorts of distortion and tracers and I could not move I was locked into my chair hearing music that wasn't actually playing. It was excellent :) also the ganja sent me straight to sleep after an hour so no comedown woo!
Cool, cheers.

SWIMS only taken pills a few times (each time SWIMs been told they had weak mdma effects and more speedy). SWIM started taking mephedrone and enjoys it, self-control seems easy. However, due to the effects wearing off after an hour and a half or so is considering getting methelyone to hit after having been told that its worthless topping up on mcat. SWIM is inexperienced with methelyone and confused with its effects despite having read several threads on here. SWIM isn't too sure if its worthwhile trying, seems fairly hit and miss. Not sure if its much of a party drug either (i.e. house parties)?
Cool, cheers.

SWIMS only taken pills a few times (each time SWIMs been told they had weak mdma effects and more speedy). SWIM started taking mephedrone and enjoys it, self-control seems easy. However, due to the effects wearing off after an hour and a half or so is considering getting methelyone to hit after having been told that its worthless topping up on mcat. SWIM is inexperienced with methelyone and confused with its effects despite having read several threads on here. SWIM isn't too sure if its worthwhile trying, seems fairly hit and miss. Not sure if its much of a party drug either (i.e. house parties)?

We dont SWIM here.
Is it true that mephedrone comes from the khat plant? I always thought it was but I wasn’t 100% sure seeing as the press always mention its from khat and we all know how misinformed they can be.

Does anybody know if khat will get banned with mephedrone and has anybody tried khat and if so how does it compare to mephedrone & other similar drugs?

My friend who lives in east London says all the Somalians down there chew it constantly and that its 10x more powerful than ecstasy, I didn't take the latter as fact though since he does exaggerate sometimes.

He also said a stick of khat has around 30g mephedrone (or the chemical mephedrone is derived from) inside it. He should be bringing me a batch of some khat when he is on holiday and come back up north. It's something to look forward too but I won't get my hopes up on it being mind blowing.
One last question, has anybody ever recovered a euphoric high when redosing on mephedrone?

Hehe. Meph is indeed based on khat (not an extract but the chemistry bods will know better) but khat is nothing like meph. It's a mild stimulant similar to caffeine. It's also carcinogenic. You can buy it in any town or city in the UK with a Somali population. It's a bit like comparing chewing coca leaves to snorting Bolivian flake - one is somewhat more potent than the other ;)
^ Yea, I thought exact same analogy while reading it :)

Btw the thought has cropped into my mind recently, maybe I'll have to write a seperate post for the 'chemistry bods' but how does it work when they extract something from a plant to make a partially synthetic substance and how does this increase potency?

Is it just getting all of a particular substance out of the leaves so it's just like a concentrate? Does this just make it more potent just cos your only taking in the concentrate rather than other parts which are not psychoactive? There must be more to it cos mephedrone is not just cathinone alone (the ingredient from the plant)

Or is there also chemical additions which are made after the extraction process to sup' it up? Like mcat is 4-methylmethcathinone. We know cathinone is the active ingredient, now the rest of the name, is that the chemical boosting up of it? I.e. you couldn't have anything else without the cathinone but the rest of the name is also an inherent part of the chemical structure?

Mephedrone is 'semi synthetic' so the natural ingredient is needed to make the 'unnatural' parts, same with saffrol for MDMA. How does this differ from totally synthetic things like amphetamine- i.e. what makes something synthetic from non synthetic- does it mean it doesn't naturally occur in nature- of course this can't be true or else how would we make it in the first place! all chemicals must have originated from some natural source however far removed...

Interested by this. Humour me, I'm a philosophy graduate ;).
I really don't know the details of what makes a substance synthetic or semi-synthetic (other than the former is totally man-made and the latter partially based on a naturally occurring substance) but I'm pretty sure meph isn't an extract or concentrate. Think it's something to do with isolating certain chems from (in this case) khat then altering - tweaking, as it were - the chemical structure to make it do your bidding. Kinda like baking a cake with a pre-made mix and adding chocolate and cherries on top. Sort of. Perhaps.
Highest dose yet, now I see the addictive potential :(

I really understand now what people were saying about the addictive qualities of this drug.

It seemed the lower doses I was taking weren't breaking through to this barrier, like all my other doses had only been the tip of the iceberg. I can now see how some people can take higher doses (although the level they take still baffles me I would not want to temp fate with this substance).

At home today I took 200 mgs of a .5 g I bought earlier in the week. I had not taken it since monday (now sunday) so I guess my neurons had grown back.

After bout 10-15 mins I felt the come up and up and up. I was feeling great but for some reason I thought why not try and get higher! so I took another amount on the tongue to total about 250.

So this caused me to come up even more. I began walking around and my vision was a little blurred from the intensity. I kept muttering to myself 'fuck fuck fucker, muther fucker' as I rocked my way into the living room. I felt so good I had to lie on the ground on my back and just stay still still swearing to myself.

I see what people mean about the full body orgasm thing. On lower doses I felt horny and wanted to masturbate but with this higher dose I lost that urge cos it felt like I was having a full blown orgasm in the body right there.

I walked back into my room after a bit still peaking and again felt I had to get on the floor so I lay on the floor on my belly wriggling in ecstasy still swearing to myself at the good feelings.

Now even though I was this high I still wanted more. I felt my heart beating really strong but I didn't mind cos I could feel the bliss flowing through me. I checked my heartrate and it was about what it had been on lower doses at about 130 or so but my heart was def beating harder.

I managed to crawl into my computer chair while still enjoying this great feeling. The really high high had slightly subsided so still I wanted more, just little bits, but more. The problem I think is that when in such ecstasy you lose your reasoning capabilities somewhat- and I shall come back to this in a minute. So there was still 50mg left in the bag as I had separated another 200 mg in pill for another time. So every few minutes I kept dabbing in the bag and INSTANTLY I'd get another rush.

The worst thing about it was it felt so clean that I would think all my thoughts were my own and that everything was a good idea in this state. Not so. I was walking around cheerfully thinking to myself 'I'll have to get myself 5 grams of this before it gets banned!'

I had a great epiphany in that I realized how much of a dick I have become with people. I knew I was becoming like this but I was not impelled to do anything about it. I spoke to one guy online and told him this and we had a good chat. That is fine and all but then I decided to text a girl who I broke off with and started gushing to her about how I might wanna consider seeing her. This is annoying because I don't wanna mess her around and my feelings felt so real at the time I was like 'of course! I'll thank myself for doing this when I come down!' So she replies and is quite confused but entertaining of the idea. This is what pisses me of that the high feels so REAL at the time but when you come down you think 'oh shit, shouldn't have done that'. So in terms of body load no there isn't really a comedown but just by virtue of being HIGH you will not feel as good when you're not high.

So I am sending texts back and forth to her and to other people, but the others weren't so gushy as this one just 'how are you' stuff (but again even that is out of character for me cos I'm so closed off usually). Once I started to come down I could feel that shit like being kicked out of eden. Again I started swearing to myself 'fuck fuck fuck' but this time cursing that I was sending this girl texts as now I would have alot to explain my way out of it. I may wish to see her again but the impetus is nowhere near the level when I was high. See I still slightly feel I might but I don't want it to be cos I'm still high and arrange a meet which I'll regret later.

I started becoming angry because the clarity I had was fading and things began to become a little more 'normal' and my goodwill towards peopel began dissipating. As it faded more I would get little rushes as I thought about things but I had to second guess them every time cos I would think 'is this just cos I'm high?' That sucks.

I was slowly coming down again and I started eating and felt more normal but kept going up and down but gradually less so.

The high was fucking immense but it's so frustrating that you have to leave it. It is really dangerous that it's only a few clicks away to get more.

The worst thing imo is thinking I have gained clarity then realizing it was just the drug talking and also taking actions while on the drug which will later have to be 'cleared up'.

I was gonna buy more but don't want to now even though the high is great and little comedown I see how addictive it is now.

So I had 300mg approx in all that time. Another dangerous thing being the more you take the better you feel and also that the higher you get the more you lose your reasoning capacity. That is a recipe for disaster methinks.

I am pissing it out now.
Mephedrone is an awful drug, but at the same time amazing. Im from Northern Ireland and it has taken here by storm over the space of 6months, i myself love it. No-one buys weed anymore and the amount of youths heavily addicted to it really is shocking. i wouldnt stop anyone from trying it but i also wouldnt advise it.
Thanks for the information on khat. Seems like a bit of mystery how mephedrone was discovered. As it’s stated above it seems very similar to how MDMA is synthesised using safrole and the way an organic molecule is altered by the addition of extra carbon chains and the key functional groups.

Shambles brilliant analogy sums it up perfectly

I don't think I'll bother with khat, if you really want something out of it looks like you need to go at it quite hard and I don't see chewing leaves constantly as a very enjoyable process.

I'm also interested on perhaps using methylone as a redose for when the euphoric high diminishes.

Are people still able to get a hit out of methylone after a oral dosage of mephedrone ranging between 150mg - 250mg?

I need to reduce my binging on it since I end up just stupidly chasing the high yet never getting it back and you know it’s not too healthy when you've been awake over 40 hours and you get that annoying black swimming effect (it's tough to describe) in the centre of your vision.

Has anybody else got this side effect, I don't know whether to put it down to lack of sleep or mephedrone but I've never recalled having it (or at least not as severe) when being kept up on amphetamines. I think I may have had a similar side effect on mdpv but I can't remember that clearly.
II'm also interested on perhaps using methylone as a redose for when the euphoric high diminishes.

Are people still able to get a hit out of methylone after a oral dosage of mephedrone ranging between 150mg - 250mg?

I think Mephedrone usually overpowers Methylone, asd Mnethylone is generally more subtle... might be an idea to start a session with Methylone then finish with Mephedrone.

awake over 40 hours and you get that annoying black swimming effect (it's tough to describe) in the centre of your vision.

Has anybody else got this side effect, I don't know whether to put it down to lack of sleep or mephedrone but I've never recalled having it (or at least not as severe) when being kept up on amphetamines.

After a two binge and 2 nights sleep I had what I can only describe as dark grey /black static dancing in front of my eyes I did this just just for the experience, but feel no need to take any more than a gram in one go now...

The experience of having hallucinations, feeling jittery and paranoid are not feelings I want to be on regular terms with.
I really understand now what people were saying about the addictive qualities of this drug.

It seemed the lower doses I was taking weren't breaking through to this barrier, like all my other doses had only been the tip of the iceberg. I can now see how some people can take higher doses (although the level they take still baffles me I would not want to temp fate with this substance).

At home today I took 200 mgs of a .5 g I bought earlier in the week. I had not taken it since monday (now sunday) so I guess my neurons had grown back.

After bout 10-15 mins I felt the come up and up and up. I was feeling great but for some reason I thought why not try and get higher! so I took another amount on the tongue to total about 250.

So this caused me to come up even more. I began walking around and my vision was a little blurred from the intensity. I kept muttering to myself 'fuck fuck fucker, muther fucker' as I rocked my way into the living room. I felt so good I had to lie on the ground on my back and just stay still still swearing to myself.

I see what people mean about the full body orgasm thing. On lower doses I felt horny and wanted to masturbate but with this higher dose I lost that urge cos it felt like I was having a full blown orgasm in the body right there.

I walked back into my room after a bit still peaking and again felt I had to get on the floor so I lay on the floor on my belly wriggling in ecstasy still swearing to myself at the good feelings.

Now even though I was this high I still wanted more. I felt my heart beating really strong but I didn't mind cos I could feel the bliss flowing through me. I checked my heartrate and it was about what it had been on lower doses at about 130 or so but my heart was def beating harder.

I managed to crawl into my computer chair while still enjoying this great feeling. The really high high had slightly subsided so still I wanted more, just little bits, but more. The problem I think is that when in such ecstasy you lose your reasoning capabilities somewhat- and I shall come back to this in a minute. So there was still 50mg left in the bag as I had separated another 200 mg in pill for another time. So every few minutes I kept dabbing in the bag and INSTANTLY I'd get another rush.

The worst thing about it was it felt so clean that I would think all my thoughts were my own and that everything was a good idea in this state. Not so. I was walking around cheerfully thinking to myself 'I'll have to get myself 5 grams of this before it gets banned!'

I had a great epiphany in that I realized how much of a dick I have become with people. I knew I was becoming like this but I was not impelled to do anything about it. I spoke to one guy online and told him this and we had a good chat. That is fine and all but then I decided to text a girl who I broke off with and started gushing to her about how I might wanna consider seeing her. This is annoying because I don't wanna mess her around and my feelings felt so real at the time I was like 'of course! I'll thank myself for doing this when I come down!' So she replies and is quite confused but entertaining of the idea. This is what pisses me of that the high feels so REAL at the time but when you come down you think 'oh shit, shouldn't have done that'. So in terms of body load no there isn't really a comedown but just by virtue of being HIGH you will not feel as good when you're not high.

So I am sending texts back and forth to her and to other people, but the others weren't so gushy as this one just 'how are you' stuff (but again even that is out of character for me cos I'm so closed off usually). Once I started to come down I could feel that shit like being kicked out of eden. Again I started swearing to myself 'fuck fuck fuck' but this time cursing that I was sending this girl texts as now I would have alot to explain my way out of it. I may wish to see her again but the impetus is nowhere near the level when I was high. See I still slightly feel I might but I don't want it to be cos I'm still high and arrange a meet which I'll regret later.

I started becoming angry because the clarity I had was fading and things began to become a little more 'normal' and my goodwill towards peopel began dissipating. As it faded more I would get little rushes as I thought about things but I had to second guess them every time cos I would think 'is this just cos I'm high?' That sucks.

I was slowly coming down again and I started eating and felt more normal but kept going up and down but gradually less so.

The high was fucking immense but it's so frustrating that you have to leave it. It is really dangerous that it's only a few clicks away to get more.

The worst thing imo is thinking I have gained clarity then realizing it was just the drug talking and also taking actions while on the drug which will later have to be 'cleared up'.

I was gonna buy more but don't want to now even though the high is great and little comedown I see how addictive it is now.

So I had 300mg approx in all that time. Another dangerous thing being the more you take the better you feel and also that the higher you get the more you lose your reasoning capacity. That is a recipe for disaster methinks.

I am pissing it out now.

I really hate that whole feeling you described there on the comedown. I've found though smoking some cannabis sorts it right out :)
After a two binge and 2 nights sleep I had what I can only describe as dark grey /black static dancing in front of my eyes I did this just just for the experience, but feel no need to take any more than a gram in one go now..

Yeah that is what I had, a black static/mist that looks as if its being sucked into the centre of your vision, it reminded me of a swimming motion with the way the blackness moved. I felt as if I was looking through the eyes of the smoke monster from lost.

I was out with my girlfriend on the day after having the 1.5g binge and no sleep that caused it. My vision didn't return to normal for at least 8 hours.

There are some reports on drug forums where users had this side effect for days, best way to get your vision back to normal is to just stop taking mephedrone though I'm sure this is the first line of action for most responsible drug users.
Ha! I think the average meph user's first reaction to any signs of dodgy side effects of taking meph is to take more meph ;)
Yeah that is what I had, a black static/mist that looks as if its being sucked into the centre of your vision, it reminded me of a swimming motion with the way the blackness moved. I felt as if I was looking through the eyes of the smoke monster from lost.

Yep that is exactly what I experienced! This only occured go me on the third day after about a 3 day binge and 2 nights no sleep. Such was my sense of disassociation at the time, I actually thought the static was coming from the television. I remember , that the static had a swimming motion too. It took me several minutes to relaise it wasn't static. I remmber a duvet which I had ditched on the bedroom floor actually seemed to physically rise in the air as well..

As I say it was an experience , and an experiment to see far I could 'cane' it, before being banned (I'm based in UK .. should have said...) That said I have no desire to ever repeat this experience again. I suppose in a way it gave me a first hand insight on how sustained excessive stimulant abuse can lead to paranoia or even psychosis if left unchecked..
4 day binge with 3 grams

SWIM and 2 friends;

boy oh boy, what magnificent days those were.
drank about 8 bottles of water had to piss like a racehorse every 2 hours
water helped keep the vasoconstriction away

-elevated pulse 2-3 days after + irregular heartbeat
-cuts and mouth hurt
-depletion of dopamine and serotonin resulted in mild depression for 3 days and irritability
-tired and no motivation to get up in the following mornings
when i had a mass bing i had some v od visiuals but only in low light thing id burt my retona using pc moniter with masive pupals plus no sleep pluss all that meph lokked like my fingers fell off at one point
Thank goodness for Simon Jenkins and Johann Hari. Both columnists have rightly called into question the government's decision to ban the drug mephedrone.

Here, first, is Jenkins in a Guardian article last Thursday headlined Only drug dealers will benefit from this absurd ban on mephedrone:

As its last measure the present parliament will approve its silliest. It will "ban" a recently discovered party drug... They [MPs] have responded to a headline of a tear-stained family pleading for a drug to be banned after the sad death of a daughter after taking it.

If nowadays the public wants something banned – other than alcohol and cigarettes, which MPs enjoy – then it will be...

He detailed the absurdity of drug classification, the nonsensical business of an advisory council of the misuse of drugs that can be ignored and the way in which government responds to public hysteria fomented by newspapers.

But his major point was about the failure of drug laws and drugs policy to have any beneficial effect on society. (In that sense, incidentally, we seem no different from the United States: have you seen The Wire?)

Each measure has an effect. It drops the marker dye of criminality into the economic blood stream. It distorts the pattern of demand and supply and, in its ineffectiveness, subverts respect for authority.

Nobody I know who is conversant with the drugs scene, even those in favour of a "clampdown", regards the present law as anything other than an out-of-date nuisance. Britain has no workable drug laws, merely legislation that randomly fills jails with those unlucky enough to get caught, and ruins thousands of families more completely than the impact of the drugs themselves.

Now here's Hari, in a column in The Independent on Friday:

Almost everything you have heard about the drug "Meow-Meow" is fake – including its name. Here's the reality. Since late 2007, some young people have been using a party drug called mephedrone, which you can snort or wrap in rolling-paper and swallow. It gives you a quick euphoric ecstasy-style high, and then passes from your system....

You have been told that this drug is a new and unique menace. It has killed 27 people in Britain, makes teenagers try to "rip off their scrotum", and a ban will stop the harm it causes. Each of these claims is false.

The first mephedrone death was reported last November, when a 14-year-old girl called Gabrielle Price died in Brighton after apparently taking the drug. Immediately, there were calls for a ban.

Three weeks later, the autopsy found the drug had nothing to do with her death: she was killed by "broncho-pneumonia which resulted from a streptococcal A infection". But the campaign didn't pause.

They were now identifying deaths from mephedrone everywhere – mainly among clubbers who had taken a huge cocktail of different drugs washed down with alcohol. In truth, one death has been found to be caused by the drug. That's one. This makes mephedrone somewhat less dangerous than peanuts, which kill 10 people a year by causing an allergic reaction.

He then echoes Jenkins's argument that a ban is likely to be counter-productive.

The people demanding a ban act as if there's a simple equation here: it causes damage, so ban it and the damage will stop. But the evidence shows this is not how prohibition works. In practice it doesn't stop people using the drug – but it does add a whole new tsunami of harm on top.

Let's start with an easy parallel. Alcohol currently causes the death of 40,000 people a year – which is around 39,999 more than mephedrone. Like most Brits, I know people who have been broken by booze, and never came back. If harm is reason enough for a ban, the case is a slam-dunk for criminalising alcohol. But we don't.

Why? Because we have a mature understanding – based on history – that when you criminalise a hugely popular recreational drug, people don't stop buying it and selling it. No: all that happens is that the market is taken over by armed criminal gangs, who sell a stronger and more adulterated version of the drug, and kill to control their patch.

I could quote much more from each of them. They are writing sense when all about them are writing and doing the opposite. The media's coverage of mephedrone has been disproportionate to its dangers to society. Nothing new in that, however.

Some four years ago I wrote an article for Druglink magazine in which I pointed out that the media's handling of drug issues does more harm than good.

I take on board the editorial agenda, especially at popular papers, in which drugs of all kinds (except alcohol) are viewed as "evil" and those that deal in them or use them are deviants who must be punished.

But there is a denial of reality in much of the hysterical media coverage of drugs (and that denial is often hypocritical too, given that many journalists have more than an editorial knowledge of drug-taking). It leads to hyped and inaccurate reporting. It pressures government into knee-jerk political responses. And not only does it not stop drug use, it often tends to increase it.

I am not doubting for a moment that some drugs - and, arguably, all drugs, including alcohol - are harmful to people. But I am also in no doubt that media coverage of drugs and government policy on drugs has tended to exacerbate drug use rather than eliminate it.
Remember, the freedom you have is an illusion we are all prisoners in a cleverly veiled dictatorship system ran by the elite and governed by the media. They make their money by making us fight each other (arms & pharmaceuticals (and booze!)) hence anything thats aids in love and compassion (*for plants mind) will always be banned. Fight the power from within with peace love and education. The truth will set youfree.
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