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RCs Big Mephedrone thread

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'Does anyone know how long mephedrone will keep good for, is it indefinately?'

That's funny for a cpl reasons. Firstly it has only been around for a year or two so there won't have been many ppl 'stocking it away'.

Secondly and more importantly, it is so moreish for most that they wouldn't be able to resist keeping it indefinitely. Plus also it has been so cheap and widely available until recently that people have had no incentive to do so.

The ban could potentially lead to disastrous consequences as many who usually only buy a gram or so, and have a weak tolerance, furiously stock up and end up canning it! :!

I think it'll keep though. Only chem that I've used that didn't was base putty speed but that was only cos I would leave it out in the sun. Kept in the freezer it would keep fine. I'm sure there are others that don't but I wouldn't say this is one.

As for continuing to trade I wouldn't be so sure about them 'ignoring the ban'. That is well and good that an online vendor sells real weed online but the trader in question I presume is not under close scrutiny which I'm sure most UK meph vendors will be once the ban comes in.

I know the place I got mine from sent me an email just hours after the ban was announced saying they will continue trading until 72 hours before the ban comes into force.

Saying that it's still a great scarcity marketing tool for them even if it will mean they might have to close their doors as it will drive up demand even more for a short period.
I have a degree of self-control and am planning to save some for the summer festivals, which is why I was curious. Im going to guess and say it will keep fine for years though.
only been doing the meow a few weeks now...but am loving it so far, have only tried snorting in small doses (150mg) and have found the high fucking brilliant. I love a bit of speed or coke but this seems to combine the both as well as give that E vibe a long with it.

Been a bit paranoid since theres not much info around concerning adverse effects and what not, but ive noticed none myself, probably because of the low dosage. Other than the brilliant high the only things ive really experienced is i get pretty thirsty and slight gurning.

Its worrying this stuff is so cheap at the moment...im sure thats soon to change so i bulk bought some for me and some friends.

I usually do a few Gs of coke on a night out and i really cant see how anyone could possibly snort so much meph...especially when its reportedly like 99.8% pure from certain websites.

A friend of mine just dabs a bit every now and again and its enough...

concerning its addictiveness though....ive been doing about 250mg a day for around 5 days now and again...no real negative side effects, although my tolerence is building so i may have to give it a rest for a while, save it for a good night out.

this drug has been around years now though...im still waiting for some decent scientific info on the damage it can do.

all the media hype is really pissing me off at the moment, if some kid mixes everything he can get his hands on and finishes it off with 5g of meph then of course its gonna fuck him up, moron.

the only reason ive switched to meph though is cause everything else is so hard to get hold of where im living right now, cant seem to find a good source, but im all about the meph right now so its all good...
My story is this:

I had never taken any crystal or powder drug properly before, and i ordered a gram of this from an internet supplier who shall remain nameless to protect reputation

on recieving it it was a fat baggy about the size of 2 or 3 grapes.

i read on the net that i should take around 300mg for a safe / good experience, i thought i'd go for it, i put a teaspoon in the baggy and brewed some tea and in it i stirred the teaspoon of the crystal in, which i had estimated by the total as being about 335mg and stirred, the tea tasted so disgusting it was unreal, but i had kinda expected that, so i just downed it as fast as possible and washed it down with some fanta.

i felt nothing so i went to the kitchen and wrapped a little more in a cheese slice and gave the same to my girlfriend who had poured her tea away for being "too horrible" as i was just putting the cheese bomb in my mouth i felt really funny all of a sudden, it was like a headrush from standing up too fast coupled with an intense excitement, i was constantly trying to tell my girlfriend how fantastic i felt, and how much i loved her, but her face appeared to be shaking rapidly from left to right while i was trying to speak to her, tried to hold it still to no avail.

i kissed her repeatedly like we'd never kissed before, but my mouth grew INCREDIBLY dry.

my excited tone and intense words and gaze scared her a little so she took me upstairs to lie down.

I'd never felt so good and so horny in my life, even just thinking back to it now my heart is racing for some reason ...

we tried to have sex but nothing was happening down there ... i thought it was because i'd had 3 wanks before she came over, but that had never stopped me before, for the first time in my LIFE i just could not perform ! dispite ALOT of encouragement !

i couldnt sleep for days, and my mouth stayed dry for a long time, the next day my mouth was actually sore from kissing and performing oral all night with no saliva, the web under my tongue was cut right through by my bottom teeth and i hadn't even felt it !

my knees were all burned and worn literally to the point of bleeding from all the "attempted sex" we'd been doing all night.

I could barely walk in the morning i guess it was physical exhaustion, my girlfriend was too, she had to crawl to the bathroom.

I felt depressed for no reason for the whole day and more, im assuming it was low serotonin ?

couldnt sleep the next night either even with the lights off on the cieling i could see ants marching in formation across the dark cieling, the darkest corners of my room had spiders fighting if i stared at them, i was very aware those things weren't real but i did wish the effects would just hurry up and end.

I bought another 1 gram after that, but when i recieved it it was about 5% or less compared to the amount i had recieved the first time around, so i got in contact with the supplier... to find out ... thats right .... there had been a mistake, i had been sent a much larger quantity in error.

in his email he says it was 10g he sent the first time, but estimating it compared with what i got this time i would have placed it more like 20-25.

He didnt ask any additional payment as it was his error, and just seemed to be glad i was ok.
Whether a wind up or not that is a dumb story! 8)

The main deterrent for me is I have constant post nasal drip (throat clearing) even though I only bombed the stuff.

I get this with every other stimulant or intoxicant in general, anyone else notice this (I'm not including if you snorted stuff cos that is to be expected due to the substance drip)? It's just a general hoarseness which requires a stern clear. Alcohol was no exception which leads me to believe it is just intoxicants in general although stimulants have been the worst for this in my experience and what cause a prolonging of symptoms over days sometimes over a week whereas with alcohol it would stop after the hangover was gone.

As the substance must be out of the system by now I can only surmise it's probably something like the body clearing out the dead brain cells and they are clearing via the sinuses and down the throat (similar to how when you have a cold you get a blocking of the nose and mucous due to it clearing out of the body). Sounds like a wild speculation but all I can think of really. Someone else on here once proposed it might be due to a weakened immune system caused by the use of the drug and subsequent stress on the system which seems plausible. The cause might be off but it the symptom is definitely there for whatever reason (any other ideas?).

I know this is a common thing for everyone though although they won't admit it cos when I used to be at raves in the morning everyone would be hacking up awful mucous like they were close to death. I think most people try and ignore it or deny it's caused by the drugs.

It is annoying not only for me but embarrassing when in company/when my housemate is in having to clear my throat (sometimes quite forcefully) every few seconds (the absolute worst for this is speed of course).

It is somewhat exasperated for me as I always have a certain amount of post nasal drip due to dust mite allergies. I have it somewhat under control usually but after taking drugs it becomes constant till presumably the damage ceases.

This nuisance has deterred me from wanting to buy any more as I still have this symptom after not having done any since Monday night (now Thursday night).
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Whether a wind up or not that is a dumb story! 8)

The main deterrent for me is I have constant post nasal drip (throat clearing) even though I only bombed the stuff.

I get this with every other stimulant or intoxicant in general, anyone else notice this (I'm not including if you snorted stuff cos that is to be expected due to the substance drip)? It's just a general hoarseness which requires a stern clear. Alcohol was no exception which leads me to believe it is just intoxicants in general although stimulants have been the worst for this in my experience and what cause a prolonging of symptoms over days sometimes over a week whereas with alcohol it would stop after the hangover was gone.

As the substance must be out of the system by now I can only surmise it's probably something like the body clearing out the dead brain cells and they are clearing via the sinuses and down the throat (similar to how when you have a cold you get a blocking of the nose and mucous due to it clearing out of the body). Sounds like a wild speculation but all I can think of really. The cause might be off but it the symptom is definitely there for whatever reason (any other ideas?).

I know this is a common thing for everyone though although they won't admit it cos when I used to be at raves in the morning everyone would be hacking up awful mucous like they were close to death. I think most people try and ignore it or deny it's caused by the drugs.

It is annoying not only for me but embarrassing when in company/when my housemate is in having to clear my throat (sometimes quite forcefully) every few seconds (the absolute worst for this is speed of course).

It is somewhat exasperated for me as I always have a certain amount of post nasal drip due to dust mite allergies. I have it somewhat under control usually but after taking drugs it becomes constant till presumably the damage ceases.

This nuisance has deterred me from wanting to buy any more as I still have it after not having done any since monday night.

Very interesting, to me especially as I have exactly the same problem. Ive had the embarrassing throat-clearing problem for a few years now, and come to think of it, it only started after I started taking pills / mdma. I must add that I never snort anything, just take orally (either bombing, dabbing or mixing in drink).

I have tried a few things to rid of this incredibly irritable and frustrating problem - various cough medicines and tablets - but nothing has worked so far. I guess I might have to ask the doc, but im not getting my hopes up he will have a cure either.

It seems pretty much permanent, the last time i had drugs was 3 weeks ago (mephedrone) and my post-nasal drip is as bad as ever. Im looking at remedies online and will give some a go.
@Lovetechno, for me I developed a strong case of dust mite allergy after one night taking a gram of speed at a rave cos I saw the police outside and was 'scared' they would catch me. I was 17 then and it's been with me since (now 26). As you can imagine I was devastated at the time.

The bitter irony is that I was actually weening myself off drugs at the time. I had stopped taking pills thinking they were worse at the time and so took the speed. After that I certainly steered clear of drugs.

Thing is that it has forced me to live a healthy life for the most part cos even alcohol aggravates it so my main pleasure in life is women which are a handful in the mental department but I get a nice buzz form them without the physical load :). I doubt I'd live so healthily were I not forced to do so by necessity.

Chronic post nasal drip is usually attributed to allergies from what I have read so maybe the drugs have triggered a latent allergy in you too as it did in me.

My mum also has the post nasal drip, though she has never seen a doctor I presume this is also dust mite allergy (she just tries to pretend it's not an issue) and looks at me blankly when I would inquire about it just saying she has always had it.

As for the acute short term symptoms I think it might be low seratonin/dopamine cos it's worse right after you come down which you'd presume would be the time those levels would be lowest. It then seems to slowly taper off as I recover. I have been trying to supplement with 5htp and l-tyrosine whenever I get a bought of it but I can't draw any conclusions yet as to whether this helps or not.

As for remedies, if it is an allergy then you'd need to diagnose what you are allergic to and then you can work on prevention plus nasal steroids as remedies. The medications don't really work for me (antihistamines make me delirious and dried up and the nasal steroids don't make much of a diff either unless recovering form a cold), prevention has been the best way to calm the symptoms. Think to times when it's worse i.e when inside in a dusty carpeted room, when around animals etc. to try and pinpoint a possible antagonist. Talking to doc about it would be worth a go although they are pretty useless for allergies from my experience, the ENT specialist though was able to say for sure that I was allergic to dust mites by doing a test but the biggest gains in finding a remedy have been doing my own research.

Actually another great thing I take is certain supplements. Here's something you can try right away which will help regardless of the cause of the post nasal drip as they both treat the symptom as they are mucous thinners. I take a garlic tablet (1000mg) and N acetyle cysteine (600mg) twice a day, morning and night. This has greatly reduced the need to clear the throat as much as it dilutes the mucous so it doesn't clog up so much. Those would be the best bet I'd recommend to start out.
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i'm getting 5 grams meph this week for house party but obviuosly i wont be having it all to myself, iwas originaly gonna be getting some mdma but the dude i was getting it off let me down last minute so i'll be getting meow instead.

i also got some 100mg viagra cuz there be plenty of girls there and i wanna be able to get it up cuz we all know how hard it can be when your wired some times ;)

i was just wondering if this is a safe combo? i have done meow before but never with viagra i just hope it doesn't have bad side effects.

as long as it is viagra and not cialis as i was up for hours and never got the job finished ran out of time before work!!! and then couldnt get much work done for lack of energy had viagra before with meph and was fine though but dont go hammer and tongs at it just incase as your heart will feel like it is beating out your chest and take a towel cos you will sweat like fuck!! :p
this drug has been around years now though...im still waiting for some decent scientific info on the damage it can do.

all the media hype is really pissing me off at the moment, if some kid mixes everything he can get his hands on and finishes it off with 5g of meph then of course its gonna fuck him up, moron.

the only reason ive switched to meph though is cause everything else is so hard to get hold of where im living right now, cant seem to find a good source, but im all about the meph right now so its all good...

i agree the research by the government has been shite but my own has been quite in depth!! and your right if some kid mixes everything and is just a monster with it it is obvious that meph is going to get the blame over alcohol / coke / sweetie as they are not in fashion just now

i remember when tehre was the hype about xtc and they were saying that if you took it you would die . . . we had the same "mr kiplings" the night laura betts died and had a brilliant night . . . . . .everything in moderation i say - but my man says am no so sure about that though!! lol
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@Lovetechno, for me I developed a strong case of dust mite allergy after one night taking a gram of speed at a rave cos I saw the police outside and was 'scared' they would catch me. I was 17 then and it's been with me since (now 26). As you can imagine I was devastated at the time.

Actually another great thing I take is certain supplements. Here's something you can try right away which will help regardless of the cause of the post nasal drip as they both treat the symptom as they are mucous thinners. I take a garlic tablet (1000mg) and N acetyle cysteine (600mg) twice a day, morning and night. This has greatly reduced the need to clear the throat as much as it dilutes the mucous so it doesn't clog up so much. Those would be the best bet I'd recommend to start out.

Thanks, hadnt actually heard of those supplements until now, do you get them online? Seen a few websites sell them fairly cheap. Gonna go to docs soon see what he has to say.

On the mcat tomorrow night so will see how it is afterwards. Also will report any bad symptoms from it. To be honest im just looking forward to getting on it for the first time in 3 weeks! =D
i agree the research by the government has been shite but my own has been quite in depth!! and your right if some kid mixes everything and is just a monster with it it is obvious that meph is going to get the blame over alcohol / coke / sweetie as they are not in fashion just now

i remember when tehre was the hype about xtc and they were saying that if you took it you would die . . . we had the same "mr kiplings" the night laura betts died and had a brilliant night . . . . . .everything in moderation i say - but my man says am no so sure about that though!! lol

yeah for, sure, i mean you can actually OD on water if you drink too much of it, moderation ftw
I'm disappointed with regards to the change in legal status in mephedrone. As always, carelessness, under-education and recklessness ruins the fun.

I'm not at uni at the moment and wont be going back for a two weeks or so (by which point mephedrone will be ilegal) thus the price will go up and i cant get to my usual source in time.

Thus I'm considering order some online, does anyone have any first hand experience of ordering via an 'unknown' website and what was the quality of the product like? I'm concerned about the nature of ordering online as your just another number.. This probably isn't allowed, but are there some sites out there better than others?

I would go back to MDMA but the stuff going around at the moment is so dodge and i've had no problems whatsoever with mcat...

EDIT: In fact, I had sinusitis at one point, this happened a week after taking mephedrone for the first time. I'm wondering whether mephedrone was the cause or whether I already had it as i;ve heard mephedrone lowers your immune system to such an extent it may have made it worse. I was prescribed antibiotics and it was fine agian after 3 days.
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I'm disappointed with regards to the change in legal status in mephedrone. As always, carelessness, under-education and recklessness ruins the fun.

I'm not at uni at the moment and wont be going back for a two weeks or so (by which point mephedrone will be ilegal) thus the price will go up and i cant get to my usual source in time.

Thus I'm considering order some online, does anyone have any first hand experience of ordering via an 'unknown' website and what was the quality of the product like? I'm concerned about the nature of ordering online as your just another number.. This probably isn't allowed, but are there some sites out there better than others?

I would go back to MDMA but the stuff going around at the moment is so dodge and i've had no problems whatsoever with mcat...

EDIT: In fact, I had sinusitis at one point, this happened a week after taking mephedrone for the first time. I'm wondering whether mephedrone was the cause or whether I already had it as i;ve heard mephedrone lowers your immune system to such an extent it may have made it worse. I was prescribed antibiotics and it was fine agian after 3 days.

Ive ordered from a website that advertises meph as "research chemicals" and found the product to be exactly as advertised, also ordered from a different website where it was marketed as plant food, both sites sent out decent product and the price was pretty good as well.
Hey, I'm new but I've been a long time lurker at bluelight and I'm grateful to everyone who has posted here over the years and the knowledge they provided.

Does anybody know how to get a long mephedrone high and when to redose and what that dosages should be?
I'm enjoy mephedrone at the moment but I find its just too often a tease.
It often ruins nights out for me if I'm only on mephedrone as I have a great time for an hour or two but after that I end up scoffing down at least a gram in a blind attempt to regain my earlier high.

I know doing this is wasteful so I want to know any good tips on getting a longer lasting high, for example when to redose (nearly all my doses are oral) and any preloading to enhance the experience.
I used mephedrone quite often now and I'm wondering if it depletes dopamine and serotonin levels and therefore any sessions in the following couple of days will not be as effective.

Main reason I'm finding it really fiendish ( even more than coke) is just the lack of a harsh comedown, it feels like something I could do almost every night.

Perhaps 5-htp could be used post mephedrone sessions and maybe pre?

Going a bit off my topic I'm disgusted with the upcoming ban and how it's been played out.
The ACDM has just been forced into spitting out very little detailed reports in a matter of weeks by political and media pressure.
Surely people can see something is wrong when a independent committee isn't actually free from external pressures. I hope something goes pear shaped with the ban.

Sorry for the long post.
I too had it three days in a row then took a one day break and took it again the next due to little comedown. I'm not taking it for a while now though cos it was interfering with my schedule a bit as I wanted to just take that instead of going out and being sociable. I'll prob have a hit on tuesday or one sunday on one of my off nights or just wait for a good dnb night.

It does cause brain damage though I'm sure cos I had the post nasal drip thing all week which seems to just be clearing up now on friday (after having last dropped on monday).

I take 5htp and l tyrosine after I comedown and keep taking them as I feel I could do with them.

I took tyrosine before dropping the other day and it wrecked my buzz (I think) so I wouldn't recommend that :). It did produce a more E'd type buzz but the usual 4 hour speedy buzz was lost so I felt cheated that night.

I don't think it's too much of a tease cos I know that the E'd up buzz only lasts an hour or so but I find the speedy buzz prolongs for like 4 hours and incidentally I love a speed/coke buzz over E buzz :) but that is just personal pref.
Thanks a lot^^^^
I Think I'll start dipping into my pockets to get some more 5-htp.
I do like mephedrone's speed buzz but it just doesn't come close to the magic of good E or molly, mephedrone is the closest drug from the RCs to E, I find methylone too mild.
The reason I've gotten into mephedrone is because of the lack of MDMA in my area, I'm fed up of munching on pipz and throwing money away.

Is it true that mephedrone comes from the khat plant? I always thought it was but I wasn’t 100% sure seeing as the press always mention its from khat and we all know how misinformed they can be.

Does anybody know if khat will get banned with mephedrone and has anybody tried khat and if so how does it compare to mephedrone & other similar drugs?

My friend who lives in east London says all the Somalians down there chew it constantly and that its 10x more powerful than ecstasy, I didn't take the latter as fact though since he does exaggerate sometimes.

He also said a stick of khat has around 30g mephedrone (or the chemical mephedrone is derived from) inside it. He should be bringing me a batch of some khat when he is on holiday and come back up north. It's something to look forward too but I won't get my hopes up on it being mind blowing.
One last question, has anybody ever recovered a euphoric high when redosing on mephedrone?
^Mephedrone (4-methylmethcathinone) is in the cathinone class, so yep, they're right on that part.
I found that mixing mephedrone into drink and sipping it gradually maintained an excellent high during the night. I think its pretty difficult to regain your peak high, I would say you're best off just relaxing and enjoying the buzz even after you've peaked. You're more likely to get somewhere near it this way than if you're worrying and desperately trying to regain the first buzz - you'll just get frustrated this way.
Mephedrone is def weird in what kind of effects you'll get. I mean it's always similar every time, but I've had 200mg bombs from the same batch that I've done 300mg and enjoyed the 200 a lot more. Then again the 200mg bomb was the first time I ever done it around friends and got to really feel the empathetic effects and this played a huge role.

I always did it solo sitting at my computer just so I could listen to the music I wanted to. I would personally consider that Mephedrone's #1 Quality - Musical Enhancment. Give me an empty house, loud speakers, 250mg and Incubus's - Sick Sad Little World and for that 6mins life is just so worth living. If only for those 6 minutes anyway. I don't think any other drug really compares to how into music it makes me. Well solo drug anyway. MDMA + a nice fat hit of n2o + a friend hitting play at ur favorite part of another Incubus song = Never will i get to hear music like that again. Never. Just so perfect.

I usually re-dose at least once and am usually pleased with the results. I try not to go over 500mg in a session and usually can control myself. I made a post here once saying how I never binge on it again after my first 2g' nightmare, and I did very well on many occasions because of that.

The only reason the first 2g binge was so bad was because I had work at this new company and it was only my 2nd day. Though I just got the package and was anxious to try it out. Just do a little ya know. Then ok lay in bed at 10pm to wake up at 5, but just do bumps every 5 mins.

So i went to work and told the boss I know ur gonna fire me but I can't work due to severe vertigo disorder I get sometimes. Which is true but 2g's of Meph with no sleep and omg, if anyone here has experienced vertigo, then don't over-do that Meph cause that shit will fuck u up..

He told me get my fuckin tools on and stay away from the edge. Totally wasn't buying my story as I'm sure I just looked like someone up on drugs all night. Guess he been there himself. That was seriously tortue and I dunno how I didn't collapse as it was like 80F out as well.

*********Please forgivev me but I am not done with this post. But i can no longer see due to MDPV so ill finish it when my eyesight comes back
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