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RC's: How Often is Too Often?

2c-b every two weeks is ok,I dont recomend to use dob more than once every month becose its hard on your heart.
2ces been pretty easy on my body. Ive been tripping every other day for about a week ince i got my 500mg baggie and ive finished about half of it. My brains in good order and i made some positive changes in my life. The magic is wearing off and im getting bored with it. But I find that 1-2 week binges allow me to fully explore the material and get all the visuals and insights i need without throwing myself headlong into ++++ territory(at least not without testing the waters). so over the past week ive had about 2 ++++'s and three +++'s and nothing less and basically only taken breaks for sleep. And i feel great. wouldnt reccomend it for more than the amount of time im doing it though. 2ce is not a nessessary vitamin or mineral. Theres a reason its not an important part of our diet. But 250mg/wk 1-4times a year. have fun. More than that and your probably wasting money and who knows. mabye youll be the first to find out that 2ce DOES cause lasting mental impairment. .
I don't know about the long term effects.. but i've been on some 10 to 12 day binges on 2C-I and 2C-E often combine with mephedrone, M1, B1 or MDAI, and have suffered no ill reactions in the short term, i felt the crashes from the stims... but apart from my tolerance to 2C's skyrocketing by the end i was doing 100-200mg of 2C sniffed or IM'e in a day... but felt no physical withdrawls or come-downs as such... just a slight desire for more... but when i ran out i would not binge again for 4 or 5 months...
Unresearched compounds should be ingested sparingly.


These compounds aren't toys, we're pushing blindly into uncharted territory here. Only a fool would approach a situation like that without exercising caution.

and those who wish to be REALLY safe wont take them altogether.

Once every full moon is perfect :)
Those who wish to be really safe wouldn't take any drugs at all (unless absolutely necessary i.e. medical reasons). They also wouldn't leave their house and would live in a padded and sterile room their whole lives ;)
Call me a fool, then. Until there's actual solid evidence of any long term negative effects and/or I notice or feel any such effects myself, I find it hard to buy any argument that I should severely restrict my 2C consumption based on the unknown health risk posed by any drug that hasn't been fully studied in every possible way. Hell, Shulgin is still sharp as a tack and he's had more psychedelic phenethylamines and tryptamines than I can name without a search engine. I could name a person or two here who I assume has never touched the stuff and seems to have more symptoms of being damaged by whatever drugs they've used than any 2C users I know, but let's not turn this into another one of those threads ;)

Maybe in a decade I'll regret my reckless RC use when I have Alzheimer's or something. I doubt it. Feel free to tell me you told me so then if and when it happens. For now, I'll enjoy tripping as often as I feel my 5HT2a receptors are up to the adventure.
doing phenethylamins constantly seems to make the negative body effects show more the more i do. they also loose their magic and i start getting mentally exhausted of trippin in general after a couple days or so.

tryptamines seems to have alot more tolerance effects with me, once i do a tryptamine i have to take at least twice the amount to have slightly similar effects, several days after the first tryptamine dose. RC tryptamines by the way. Except 5-meo-dmt, that stuff for days in a row made me notice psychotic-like behavior, weird and unpleasant kinda.

Also, after trying a pretty large size variety of RCs in a pretty small amount of time ( around 7-9 in about 2-3 months) made me notice weird gassy stomach effects that make me burpy and stuff, my stomach aaalllmmoossttt feels like it has some RC in it thats making me a little gassy, but on a regular basis. idk what that came from lol.
i have weird stomach/bowel issues after moderate 2ce use. i've tripped on it 17 times in 15 months. but some of those months i tripped 4 times or so. so i did trip multiple times a week/ once a week. but this is very moderate compared to some.

it took me 9 months to ingest 250 mg 2ce, NOT A WEEK!

i do feel it has torn up my gut a bit, and maybe given me some lasting negative effects.

i agree that the more i do it, the more i notice the negatives.
now i kinda feel "2ce gut" when i dose LSD
Weird. I've read a similar report somewhere on this forum (I think) of how T7 caused similar GI issues for one person.

Perhaps plugging it would avoid this lingering stomach irritation.
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ive only eaten 2c-e once, alllll the other times i snorted it. I also noticed the stomach feelings specially after this chemical, and most of the times i threw up so for a while i thought this was it and that it was gonna go away, but it hasnt all the way. It has lessened a tiny bit and i havent done 2ce in a few months, but im thinking about it again. i also get the 2c-e-gut feeling one lsd, and also just about everything i trip on now.

then again, that could be an effect from trippin alot overall? hmm.

o yeah, aside from physical effects like the ones mentioned, i also notive HPPD type stuff alot. i see tracers all the time, colors, and can make things move when i focus. this happened even after taking long breaks of everything including bud, but now i smoke alot and i think thats part of my mild visuals all the time.
thanks for all the great info....i must say i seem to relate to the gut issues with 2c-e.....i did b for the first time in a week today and i had more stomach trouble than usual.....i wonder what it is about 2c-e that makes the stomach have such issues...

someone said plugging it might avoid that...SO My question is....since you need to do such small amounts for plugging, how can i make more accurate measurements than a regular scale will allow? could i add some inert substance of a predetermined weight?

or is there a liquid way?
sorry for the ignorance
Liquid Measurement. But you only have to dose half the usually amount so it's not THAT small.
Call me a fool, then. Until there's actual solid evidence of any long term negative effects and/or I notice or feel any such effects myself, I find it hard to buy any argument that I should severely restrict my 2C consumption based on the unknown health risk posed by any drug that hasn't been fully studied in every possible way. Hell, Shulgin is still sharp as a tack and he's had more psychedelic phenethylamines and tryptamines than I can name without a search engine. I could name a person or two here who I assume has never touched the stuff and seems to have more symptoms of being damaged by whatever drugs they've used than any 2C users I know, but let's not turn this into another one of those threads ;)

Maybe in a decade I'll regret my reckless RC use when I have Alzheimer's or something. I doubt it. Feel free to tell me you told me so then if and when it happens. For now, I'll enjoy tripping as often as I feel my 5HT2a receptors are up to the adventure.

I agree with you about Shulgin. I do trust in his brilliance, and I rationalize my PEA use in the same way sometimes...but do realize that he did not test everything himself. The reports are from friends, I am sure are from himself and I know some from his wife, but not all the reports in PIKHAL or TIKHAL are from Dr. Shulgin.

Conversely, we have no idea how Shulgin will die, and his circle of friends is anonymous. Just because Shulgin and his friends did it, doesn't mean it's safe for you. Maybe they're all white males, and you're a Latina missing a metabolizing sort-of-gene. Or who knows.

The first argument is more significant to me than the second, I just want to offer warning to those you refer to...the ones that psychedelics should not find their way to :D
Last year I did a marathon of psychedelic explorations. Ate some morning glories and tripped on friday night. Ate a high dose of LSD and tripped on saturday night. Induldged in a little MDMA on sunday. Monday and tuesday brought two 2C-E trips for me. I can tell you that by the end of that marathon my mind was thoroughly beat to mush. The last 2C-E trip I had was horrible and I barely even tripped even though it was about 30 mg which should have sent me to outer space. After words I felt like shit, completely depressed and couldn't even tell what was going on anymore. I felt hopeless and extremely exhausted like my brain had been shocked with many volts of electricity.

I get what you're saying about the acid though...many festivals were spent tripping acid for days on end and the day after I wouldn't feel too bad off if at all. However, MDMA and the RCs tend to bring a pretty heavy toll on my mind so I hardly ever take them more than twice a month anymore. Theres something so pure about good quality LSD that makes it feel like a state of mind instead of a drug. Like a switch was hit in my mind instead of having ingested a chemical. Its wierd.

Be careful with the RCs though man not much is known about them and I could have done some real perment damage that I don't even know about yet.

As a general rule, psychedelic binges are not good...its a much better experience if its spaced out well.
I certainly agree that Dr. Shulgin is just another single human body's anecdotal evidence. I certainly didn't mean to imply that anyone should consider everything he's taken perfectly safe - don't think you were accusing me of this but I just wanted to clarify for harms reduction purposes.

PERSONALLY, and this is entirely unscientific, I use Shulgin and others like him as evidence that most, if not all of his more popular creations (he's certainly tried his own magical half dozen before at the very least and probably most of the more popular ones, at least among the 2C family) are at least not *guaranteed* to produce any obvious negative effects - if some metabolite of one of the ones he's tried were a potent neurotoxin or extremely carcinogenic or something, we'd probably know by now. I tend to agree with the logic in your example that any harms we do find will likely be specific to combining some RC(s) with some uncommon genetic or other health condition(s). The anecdotal evidence I've heard of physical symptoms seems to indicate that, while responses vary from person to person, these symptoms tend to be pretty consistent for each person between trials.

As for nausea... This is actually the biggest negative side effect I've noted from 2C-E in general and on those occasions where I plan to trip and then back down from the idea at the last minute, it's usually because of hangups about the potential bodyload. My first few low dose -E experiences had only minor, transient nausea but the last couple higher dose trips involved emptying the contents of my stomach once per trip, which in turn seems to be reinforcing my sense of unease at the queasiness I experience when first dosing and on the come up. In retrospect, using ethanol for my solution probably didn't help, as my aversion to and negative bodyload issues on alcohol itself seem to be reinforcing this negative association with dosing itself. All that said, once I come up I've only briefly entertained the thought that I wish I hadn't dosed immediately before/during/after the vomiting session - my retrospective opinion of each experience has remained quite positive. I suspect this all may at least partially be my unconscious resolving a conscious worry I've had about 2C-E which is that it seems like it has the potential for compulsive overuse. Between having at least *some* aversion to dosing itself to keep me from using spontaneously and compulsively and wanting to minimise any loss of intensity due to receptor downregulation to maximimise my bang for my nausea-inducing buck, I think I'm done, for now at least, going on 3-night-in-a-row 2C benders and whatnot.
And I thought I was doing them a lot this haha. I don't get how people can binge on these chemicals. Yuck! By the end of any trip I'm usually looking forward to being sober so I can sleep and continue with my everyday life. I felt disgusted with myself when I took 2c-e twice in a week and a half.

I guess everyone likes it differently. Hope you guys stay safe and know your limits, that's all I gotta say
Yeah, my usual limit is 2ce/2ci once a week at most, less if I'm taking bk-MDMA or other phens. I realize that even this much is very reckless, but I still say it beats drinking myself stupid (the toxicity there is indisputable).
I've been tripping about once a week on 2c chemicals, some weeks its twice, others its once in a two week period. this was from Oct 09 to March 1st 2010. I've never done MDMA, but i must say that I have lost a good 40-60% of the "Magic" I got from 2c's.
I love psychedelics so much, so taking any sort of realistic break, one month, 50 days, 3 months, 6 months, is very difficult, because I <3 the psychedelic world oh so much!

I take vitamins every day
Fish Oil
Vitamin C
Vit B Complex
and a badass Multivitamin called Synergy 3000 (its expensive compared to other multi's, but its got a lot of hard to find shit packed in every serving, otherwise I'd have to spend a good $60 to get like 8-10 different bottles of the stuff that's already conveniently in the Synergy 3000.

I also started taking Piracetam 5 days ago and noticed that helps alot, as I'm a student. Although I have yet to see how/if the Piracetam will hopefully "potentiate" my next trip, so good luck to me i guess.

In short, if you've lost some of that visual/sensory/mental magic from RC's, First:
1. Take a break, at least two weeks, if that doesn't work then wait a month.
2. Eat healthy, that means unprocessed stuff, veggies and fruits are from nature for a reason
3. Starting a daily vitamin regimen is never a bad idea, so you may want to look into that, (here's a thread i started exactly for that purpose, check out skatardude10's post, words of wisdom...)

But like I've said, i was tripping about once a week (id say 5 times a month) from 10/2009-3/2010 and the magic has kinda gone. So you may want to take a nice big ol break, and then start up again with more time in between (once or twice a month trips) or just gradually trip less and less (that sounds depressing though =D)
for you guys that are talking about stomach issues with 2ce, do you find any truth in the statement that nausea can DECREASE with a higher dose. several people at another forum claim that at very high doses (30, 40, 60 mg) they actually experience less nausea/stomach issues than with 20 mg or less. i just don't buy it.

also, do you guys find that not eating before dosing helps at all? or maybe eating a small snack right before dosing? which way works better?

PM me if this is getting too off topic. it's important though. harm reductions stuff.

and it's my personal hypothesis that 2ce has a high affinity for serotonin receptors in the GI tract. higher than other 2cxs and other psychedelics
Never heard the decreasing with high doses theory. I get mild, passing nausea at lower doses and vomit consistently on higher ones. Never gone past 40 oral but 30-40mg orally has always made me vomit once during the trip, and my 30mg insufflated dose led to an extended bout of rather unpleasant vomiting and general physical misery.

I've heard the GI tract theory. Makes sense to me, plausible at the very least. At lower doses I think 2C-I is just as bad or worse for me, but at 30mg it still never made me vomit.