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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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So i got a half 8mg suboxone left. im trying to maximize the use of it b/c im on day 2 of w/d. I had 3/4s (6mg) to start, took 2mg around night time yesterday. Woke up in w/d (12+ hr since 2mg dose that held me off). I was thinking taking a little under 1.5mg snorted (about equivialnt to 2mg sublingual?) in the morning, leaving me with 2.5mg for sublingual or snort for the night..would that hold me off alright for tommorow since it has some build up quality in the body sytem?

Idk that was just a game plan I half assed up. Anyone have a better idea to maximize 4mg?...ya i knwo:|

just confused how the half-life works sublingually vs snort vs iv. because i remember talking to you C.H. on the half liffes of each but I thought since the you got the bupe in you regardless the half life would be same with build up effects..dam just tripping myself out
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So i got a half 8mg suboxone left. im trying to maximize the use of it b/c im on day 2 of w/d. I had 3/4s (6mg) to start, took 2mg around night time yesterday. Woke up in w/d (12+ hr since 2mg dose that held me off). I was thinking taking a little under 1.5mg snorted (about equivialnt to 2mg sublingual?) in the morning, leaving me with 2.5mg for sublingual or snort for the night..would that hold me off alright for tommorow since it has some build up quality in the body sytem?

Idk that was just a game plan I half assed up. Anyone have a better idea to maximize 4mg?...ya i knwo:|

just confused how the half-life works sublingually vs snort vs iv. because i remember talking to you C.H. on the half liffes of each but I thought since the you got the bupe in you regardless the half life would be same with build up effects..dam just tripping myself out

Apparentely the 1st 2mg you used at night prevented you from withdrawing till the morning after which means that if you do like 2mg in the morning and redose at night with the remaining 2mg you should be more than ok til next morning,If I were you I'd do exactly what you suggested in your post (well ,1.5 -2mg /2mg-2mg , same difference really) .insufflated , sublingual ,IVed ,it's all basically the same really(by opting for your normal drug of choice's ROA you might feel it works better though)...oh , if you have access to any benzos do some in small doses , that is helpful,at least to me it is ... good luck
So i got a half 8mg suboxone left. im trying to maximize the use of it b/c im on day 2 of w/d. I had 3/4s (6mg) to start, took 2mg around night time yesterday. Woke up in w/d (12+ hr since 2mg dose that held me off). I was thinking taking a little under 1.5mg snorted (about equivialnt to 2mg sublingual?) in the morning, leaving me with 2.5mg for sublingual or snort for the night..would that hold me off alright for tommorow since it has some build up quality in the body sytem?

Idk that was just a game plan I half assed up. Anyone have a better idea to maximize 4mg?...ya i knwo:|

just confused how the half-life works sublingually vs snort vs iv. because i remember talking to you C.H. on the half liffes of each but I thought since the you got the bupe in you regardless the half life would be same with build up effects..dam just tripping myself out

I think that your idea sounds reasonable. If 2 mg sublingual held you for 12 hours than 1.5 mg snorted (or 1 mg snorted to be honest) should keep holding you. I believe that the Suboxone Megathread FAQ puts sublingual BA at ~30% and intranasal at ~50%. IV will give you ~100% BA but it won't last nearly as long as the other ROAs.

For me the same dose of SUboxone never needs to be raised after I'm tolerant to it like opioid agonists.

Will you be getting more Suboxone in a few days or are you trying to detox off your DOC with Suboxone? If that's the case then I would snort even less than 1 mg to start and see how I felt. You can always take more and you don't want to find yourself with no Suboxone and still in withdrawals.

Good luck!
^^^^No way man , actually Subutex is way more common over here than Suboxone and by "here" I mean Portugal/England/Scotland/Spain to name but 4 countries within the EU I've lived in and where I could easily get either a Subutex prescription or otherwise score it on the streets.

I live in Spain too (well now I'n in the U.S but I'm going back home to Madrid on December 16.

When I started on Buperenorphine it was through Temgesic, which I started taking in December 2008 (one year ago). 0.2 mg tablets twice a day helped me off of a nasty (don't laught) Codeine habit that I developed. I was spending all day going to pharmacies to buy Codeisan (which are packets of 20 x 30 mg Codeine tabs with no fillers in them) and by the end I had drawn a map of all the pharmacies in Madrid so that I wouldn't go to the same pharmacy twice in a row.

I wasn't aware that they had high dose Buperenorphine in Europe, but now that I know that I'm very very relieved b/c I wasn't sure how I would be able to get my prescription filled in Spain. Taking 20 Temgesics a day wasn't going to fly (although I wish they made the 0.2 and 0.3 mg Bupe pills in the U.S for those trying top kick the Bupe).

Thanks Fist!
^^^^ hahahah, in Spain they'll be paying for you to take some Subutex from them , it's THAT easy to score or get a prescription for it over there,same as it is over here really ...an appointment with a psychiatrist and off you go with a 2-3 months prescription. hahahha @ that codeine map of Madrid , awesome stuff all we junkies go through at some point in our lives ...wasn't aware there's actually Codeine available without the usual fillers which have prevented me from trying it in the past since most those substances are potentially liver damaging and that organ is just about to come out through my mouth anyday now ...
For medicinal purposes I was fine taking 8mg at any time of the day or doubling up and taking 8 when I woke up and 8 in the evening, I usually took the second dose due to straneg coke cravings.

Thanks C.H. I've been Iving about .6-.8mg which I guess is about right for a 2mg sublingual target.

Aside from dosing efficiency is there any additional positive effect from IV use?

It's a pretty quick onset. I always disliked waiting the sublingual dose to take 20-45 minutes to begin to take effect.

Plus, I always vomited daily from sublingual Suboxone, and I don't vomit anymore. I mean I'd be vomiting *before* the Suboxone was fully dissolved. :x

Plus I have much better psychological relief from this ROA; I haven't had any cravings for a *long* time, even if I switch to sublingual for a short while. When I began with sublingual dosing, it wasn't working for me. It wasn't working the whole day (even if I took more than 2mg in the morning), and I would always crave dope later in the day. Now I crave nothing!

If your going to a doctor how does he decide what dose of suboxone to start you on?

Does he just ask you what you want OR does he piss test you to see how much is in your system, then decide?

If your persribed it do they piss test after your on it to make sure your have the correct levels?

They decide by a COWS score (ie. how bad your WD symptoms are). I never got piss tested, never needed to. It's just a time and waste of money.

how many can you get take home. like do you gotta go to the clinic for a check up every week or something.

I go to my doctor once a month like any other doctor's appointment for stuff like ADD or anxiety meds.

I'd never go to a "clinic" to check up, etc.

just confused how the half-life works sublingually vs snort vs iv. because i remember talking to you C.H. on the half liffes of each but I thought since the you got the bupe in you regardless the half life would be same with build up effects..dam just tripping myself out

The half life, allegedly, is the same for all routes of administration. However, the time of onset, and the total duration, effected by the route of administration, will effect the metabolism and how quickly the drug gets out of your system.

When I IV buprenorphine, I could theoretically take only 3 hours after my Suboxone dose, some IV dilaudid. I would be good for another 3 hours or so, and my next Suboxone dose wouldn't send me into precipitated WD's. Dilaudid is a good example because it metabolizes out of your system fairly quickly.

Any other questions?

Good luck on tapering with Suboxone.
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Wow I really feel no different taking 2mg daily instead of 8-16 the past few days after skipping a day or so. Maybe it is still the huge dose still in my system which should be down to a few mg by now. I haven't taken any today yet.
Wow I really feel no different taking 2mg daily instead of 8-16 the past few days after skipping a day or so. Maybe it is still the huge dose still in my system which should be down to a few mg by now. I haven't taken any today yet.

I don't think so Oxy ,it's more a case of some people not being aware of just how potent buprenorphine truly is ...I was abusing H for over 15 years with few and short lived stops inbetween and 7 months ago ,roughly, I finally decided to quit and get on the Subutex maintenance and it didn't take more than a week for me to taper down to 2mg and still feel as good as I would on higher doses ...if you feel comfortable at that dose (2mg) why overdo it? The whole point is getting clean (or at least the closest to it)or is it not? You sound as if you still wish to get high on your meds which is only normal ,after 7 months I've mixed tramadol and benzos and whatnot with my bupre in order to get some sort of buzz so I think you know where I'm getting at ...well, the way I see it and even though I still crave the buzz and look for it everywhere ,having changed the lifestyle in which I was stuck in with H is already a major improvement... overall,look for that comfortable place ,just remember and try not to take any steps back while at it ...
I don't think so Oxy ,it's more a case of some people not being aware of just how potent buprenorphine truly is ...I was abusing H for over 15 years with few and short lived stops inbetween and 7 months ago ,roughly, I finally decided to quit and get on the Subutex maintenance and it didn't take more than a week for me to taper down to 2mg and still feel as good as I would on higher doses ...if you feel comfortable at that dose (2mg) why overdo it? The whole point is getting clean (or at least the closest to it)or is it not? You sound as if you still wish to get high on your meds which is only normal ,after 7 months I've mixed tramadol and benzos and whatnot with my bupre in order to get some sort of buzz so I think you know where I'm getting at ...well, the way I see it and even though I still crave the buzz and look for it everywhere ,having changed the lifestyle in which I was stuck in with H is already a major improvement... overall,look for that comfortable place ,just remember and try not to take any steps back while at it ...

Yeah I suppose, but I still want to get high off it once in a while. If I'm going to do it it doesn't seem wrong or like relapsing if it is off meds I'm prescribed to take.
SWIM has a few questions about bupe, and has looked through many of the threads and used the search engine on the site but still can't find the answer to SWIM's questions. SWIM is on 8mg of suboxone a day, 4mg 2x daily. SWIM has been on that dosage of bupe for over a year...and has experimented with snorting OC and tonguing liquid morphine various times shortly after taking Bupe. SWIM has done that a few times, going on 3 day runs and taking around 120mg of OC a day, having taken 8mg of bupe 6 to 24 hours before. SWIM also once recently (two months ago) widdled down from bupe every day going from 8mg to 4 to 6 to 6 to 4 to 4 to 2, then went on an OC 3 day run the day after the last 2mg dose. While SWIM felt pretty good on each of these OC binges, they've all felt nothing like OC did before SWIm got on bupe. SWIM wants to remain on Bupe but would also like to be able use OC recreationally. SWIM has a few questions:

1. Since suboxone has such a long half life, how long would it take SWIM to be able to feel the full effect of OC after stopping taking Bupe?

2. SWIM is currently on 8mg of Bupe a day. If SWIM were able to bump that down to 6 or 4mg a day (indefinitely), would SWIM feel something closer to the full effect of OC more when SWIM used it?

3. If SWIM widdles off Bupe by dropping a milligram every week until SWIM hits 0mg a day, how bad would the withdrawals be? SWIM was on bupe for a month in a treatment center and was on 8mg for two weeks, then went down a milligram or so every 3 days until he hit 0. Will the withdrawal after being on Bupe for a year or more be far worse than what SWIM experienced at the treatment center? SWIM's psychiatrists are telling SWIM that it isnt the case, and it won't be much worse. Are they right?

Thanks in advance for answering SWIM's questions and reading what SWIM has to say. SWIM and I are sure this forum gets these kind of questions all the time, and anyone that knows anything about this topic and responds despite the consistency of personalized Bupe questions will make SWIM and I very happy and thankful.
We don't do SWIM on this site.

I am a bit busy and don't have the time to answer your questions...but I can come back later on.

We can't magically calculate when to dose what drug, because it's unique for different people. It's mostly based upon how you feel. If you don't feel that bad from coming down, don't take the Suboxone if you don't have to. If you do, then wait until you feel as if you need it (wd sets in, or you're well past the other opiate has been in your system) and then you can try taking some Suboxone.

I'll be back later on.
For those who are on Suboxone?

I finally decided to make an appointment in regards to getting on Suboxone. I was told that i may have to actually visit the clinic daily. I hope that is not the case as transportation is a bitch atm.

I was on methadone back in 2006, which required daily trips to the clinic as you all know. I hope this particular clinic doesn't require the same every day trip.

Are anyone of you guys required to make the trip every day? or are you lucky enough to only be required 1-2 trips per week?

Just curious as to how it works in other areas/states. Also, i might be more coherent if i weren't so dope sick right now. Dilaudid/morphine withdrawl :9
Tapering off Buprenorphine (SUBUTEX) NEED HELP!

I am down to 3mg's of subutex and the clinic has suggested double dosing(for example dosing 4mg every 48hrs instead of 2mg every 24hrs. Will this be a good way to adjust my body to getting off the subutex or will i experience terrible withdrawals??

any help much appreciated as i HAVE to be completely off the subutex within 15 days!

please HELP!!

thanks in advance!
In the UK, if you give dirty piss tests - they put you on daily supervised consumption - until you provide a couple of clean tests in a row.

It only takes about 4 weeks of clean piss before you start getting 14-day takehome's.
In the UK, if you give dirty piss tests - they put you on daily supervised consumption - until you provide a couple of clean tests in a row.

It only takes about 4 weeks of clean piss before you start getting 14-day takehome's.

F that S. I could sit around doing every drug I felt like day in day out and I could still get Suboxone.

That's what made me feel comfortable enough to quit successfully.
I don't mind it.

I live in a city and the chemist is only 5 mins walk away.

I can still do drugs if I want - It just means I don't have a stockpile of subs.

I can see there reasoning - If I'm back into using - then providing me with a shitload of tablets that I'm not going to take and have a street value isn't in their best interest.

Also, most chemists over here are blind as fuck. You can just put the pill straight in your pocket and they don't notice - you can still stockpile/IV the shit.
I finally decided to make an appointment in regards to getting on Suboxone. I was told that i may have to actually visit the clinic daily. I hope that is not the case as transportation is a bitch atm.

I was on methadone back in 2006, which required daily trips to the clinic as you all know. I hope this particular clinic doesn't require the same every day trip.

Are anyone of you guys required to make the trip every day? or are you lucky enough to only be required 1-2 trips per week?

Just curious as to how it works in other areas/states. Also, i might be more coherent if i weren't so dope sick right now. Dilaudid/morphine withdrawl :9

Hey Jimston,

I'm sorry that your in withdrawal. It's a bitch for sure.

Most doctors will prescribe a monthly supply of Suboxone. Your Suboxone doctor should give you some Suboxone in his office so that he can judge how you react to the medication at your first appointment.

Because I didn't call the doctor until i was already in withdrawal and in distress, he was able to see me the next day. I felt much better from the 1/4 pill he administered to me in his office. If you are making a new appointment with a Suboxone doc than you must INSIST on seeing the doctor THAT DAY so that you can get started while you are already in withdrawal.

One doctors office who was not taking new patients helpfully gave me the numbers of other Suboxone prescribing doctors in the area. They also told me of one hospital that was administering Suboxone. You MIGHT be able to go to a hospital and get Suboxone on an emergency basis but I'M NOT SURE IF THAT IS TRUE.

Here is a website which lists Suboxone prescribing doctors in different states and towns if you are in the United States, ok?


Good luck!
I believe different docs have different policies about check-ups. I've always gone monthly, but my doc has tried adding "mandatory" extras. This has created a good deal of irritation that I'd rather not deal with. They have some kind of UDS screening at the office (they get the results right then). There is some kind of weird reaction with my other meds that causes it to come up positive for methadone each time and we've gone round and round about it. She keeps sending them in for verification, and they keep coming back clean (and the insurance company foots the bill). I take ambien, which triggers a positive benzo test (even though ambien is not a benzo). Its all more bullshit to endure.
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