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☮ Social ☮ PD Umph: Hearts Rainbows and Butterflies Social

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do what you please with this <3
yes I like Charlie better as well, it really is an awesome username i think.

Well, Im off to work, have a good day everybody! :)<3
That sounds like a plan dude , Im going to have to peal myself away from this computer at some point this winter. And what better place to go then sunny florida , I'm going to have to talk my girlfriend into going on a road trip. I have friends in the Carolina's Id like to visit as well :)
I'm hitting South-west florida in january or february for a week or two.

I'm definitely going to take the drive out to Key West while I'm down there. :)

Edit: I feel great now. I left work with a nagging headache, got home, got the fire going, took 2 AC&C and 5mg of diazepam and then got myself a really spicy bowl of salsa and a bag of tostitos. Feels good man :D
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Swarlie ure back!!

god i missed you :D

oh boy, created my first virtual domain, network that will soon have Citrix / terminal services and server based computing...
need to figure it out for my exams begin of december 8(
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i want to share my consciousness, no, the buildup of memories manifesting themselves into novel thoughts as they are remembered and composited with other memories, resulting in the feeling i want to slip across in a sublime cloud, or paper thin sheet slowly being slid under a door, like some kind of tart candy mellowed and sweetened as it melts into the mouths of your minds....

yes. that would be good. telecomunication. all of the things i want to share with you, because your reality is diferent than mine, and our preceptions are diferent, can be shared but only spiritually, as the physical manifestations of them would be diferent, so as to make you preceive them and have them as a part of your reality as they are for mine...
each shall live their own life, their own path. but then should i share with you my destination, so that we may meet then one day in this consciousness, and my desire made manifest?

yes. now the question is how. oh, but to live in the same spirit! with one same desire, our minds will grow into one, and we shall be the body of that concept; that desire, that these things piled upon my record of being might not just glimpse but encompass and gush out in ecstacy the things i so wish to share!

it wont be easy... whos down?
so i dont do any drugs anymore (for the purpose of righteousness when asked if i do drugs and say no, it will be in concordance with reality, which, when this concept is lived in all aspects of life, gives you superhuman powers i cant describe the nature of... becoming the hand of synchronicity might describe it well...) but im always around people that do dmt (not my stuff, but some other source, as ive stoped making the stuff) and it really pisses me off when people dont go for the best expereince ( in a pitch black room or in the middle of nowhere with only starlight, with no sound but the vibration of the earth, while it is cold but with a nice jacket and comfy clothes or naked in a slightly cold place, with no more than two other people who will be occupied with something eles, or preferably by yourself if your good at it, though with other people somewhere near, with the full intent of comming to a complete separation of spirit and body.. a breakthrough in every sense of the word, and letting go completely, under the desire to pray or meditate upon the depths of your heart while in the spirit world) and instead opt to use it as a drug to escape an earthly circumstance. i just feel disapointed, or like the DMT was wasted or misused... it really sucks... dose anyone eles feel this way?
im quite new here, but figured I'd drop in and say high =D

I love this place... it's the absolute best source for the most in-depth psychedelic info and discussions... and there's amazingly zero drama :D

some forums tend to stray off-topic and be cluttered with less than ideal intentions... but this place is golden <3

i hope to stick around here for as long as possible

just wanted to say a big THANKS for being so amazing :)
Heya deff!

Ignus, I hear what youre saying though I have no experience with all too casual DMT use. I have taken it myself before under less than ideal circumstances and paid a heavy toll. This has unequivocally made my intentions with it pure, certainly the most of all compounds. Now I only do it with a reason, and guided by ritual.

The way you picture it, accepting nothing more than absolute breakthrough sounds pretty radical to me. In retrospect a breakthrough seems almost not even in the same league as sub-breakthrough experiences, and if done wisely it wipes out any previous insecurity about it. Once you are plunged through to the other side and back it is intensely self-confirming... but in prospect it is something inspiring not only awe but also apprehension. This will always be the problem with leaps of faith, you are letting yourself go into the alien unknown. Don't you think it's a bit harsh to expect everyone else to go for the jackpot without much ado?
well yeah, it is kinda harsh on other people, which is why its just a feeling and not a truth... in truth my feelings let out might make someone uncomfortable, and further incline them to have a negative expereince when they do the things that are beyond my control (holding in hits, closing your eyes, etc...) rendering what advice i have given not only counter-productive, but offsetting to a good mindset and means by which they are introduced to the expereince... its horrible really... i supose its just a thing of self control for myself, and on one level accepting (just as one might accept the dmt state) the way things unfold in this world (beyond our control) and also the more you fight it (in this instance me trying to make someones expereince perfect against their will, due to their unknowledge) the more it fights back, that when the time is right the right things will happen, and to coordinate my actions (to have them in sync) with the things i know about reality, and that this is actually the way my will is made manifest and not in trying to tell someone how to blast off with my words, but with my actions, and in time, when it is in their desire to have the expereince, that i might have the keys to help them acheive it, and that it can happen no other way.
I love when teachers make projects due at 11:59PM on Friday nights.

Makes for a fun night 8)
I made poems in treatment :) I'll post them in the Psychedelic Art thread too :) Here's a short one for here

Stuck inside
Wrapped around
Gentle glide
Without a sound
Swift decline
Unfit landing
I swear I'm fine
And I'm still standing
^Thats pretty good man, I couldnt see myself coming up with something like that..

Also, welcome to PD, Deff. THANK you! :D
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