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Bupe Suboxone/Buprenorphine FAQ and Megathread v.1; 2007 - 2010

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You sure can. It's not going to be the quickest onset for a drug, it might take a few minutes. However, the relief you get from buprenorphine while in WD is really nice.

I wouldn't expect to feel euphoric off of IV buprenorphine until your opiate tolerance is medium-low to low.

While IVing buprenorphine, you might find that re-dosing every few hours is effective. Try to stretch the time window as wide as you can for re-dosing because it's a very effective drug and can be administered in small doses two or three times a day very efficiently.

Let me know how it goes for you.

well 5 days of IV bupe (low dose shot 4 times a day) and i *think* i'm past the opiate w/d. finished the last of the little bit of bupe this morning. waiting for the other shoe to drop, this was too easy.....

btw, liquid bupe is very commonly used in vet med. much nicer than the pills given us lowly humans.
ps. also, there was no head with IV'ing bupe, just w/d relief after about 10-15 minutes.
I just started suboxone this afternoon after being in full withdrawal since Saturday afternoon. A lot of the symptoms are gone and I do feel a bit better, but now I'm jittery, I still have a headache although not as bad, and I'm nauesous. I can't really function, I'm stuck on the couch feeling sick.

I took 8mg at 1:30 and another 8mg at 3 when the first dose wasn't enough. WTF? The first time I took this about a year ago, within 30 minutes I felt GREAT and by the second day I was down to like 4mg once a day. Did I wait too long into w/d? Or if I feel this way should I not be taking it? Do I need to give it a day or something?
Suboxone for depression

Hi, has anyone else here been prescribed suboxone or subutex for depression/anxiety?:)
So I went to my sub doctor about a month ago and he popped a drug test on me (No problem I have been clean this whole time) but what blew my mind is that I GOT A BILL for $150.00 from the drug testing lab... Can they really do this?? I mean he told me he may give me a drug test from time to time but he NEVER said anything about ME having to come out of pocket for it... especially 150$... I mean it cost me $204.00 for a 2 week prescription right now... so thats $408.00 a month I am spending on the Suboxone alone and THEN I get a $150.00 bill for a CLEAN drug test that HE chose to give me.... I know this is probably just a rant because there isn't a damn thing I can do about it huh???

Anyone ever have this kind of shit go on with there Sub doctor???
So I went to my sub doctor about a month ago and he popped a drug test on me (No problem I have been clean this whole time) but what blew my mind is that I GOT A BILL for $150.00 from the drug testing lab... Can they really do this?? I mean he told me he may give me a drug test from time to time but he NEVER said anything about ME having to come out of pocket for it... especially 150$... I mean it cost me $204.00 for a 2 week prescription right now... so thats $408.00 a month I am spending on the Suboxone alone and THEN I get a $150.00 bill for a CLEAN drug test that HE chose to give me.... I know this is probably just a rant because there isn't a damn thing I can do about it huh???

Anyone ever have this kind of shit go on with there Sub doctor???

Do you have insurance? If so, you should forward them the bill - they should cover it. If not, you should check to see if you qualify for state coverage. Your pills would also be mostly, if not all, covered if you got coverage.

As for the drug test bill, yep, if you were aware that there was random drug testing and you agreed when you started treatment, then you are responsible for the bill. It sucks ass that your doctor didn't tell you, and he's a douchebag for letting you get the bill in the mail without so much as a warning, but no, there's nothing you can do.. you are responsible for it unfortunately. If you can get coverage through your state now, like call them TODAY, there's a good chance you can have them pay the bill retroactively after you're covered. Just make sure the bill gets paid on time until that happens and you can get reimbursed, or you can get kicked out of your doctor's office for non-payment.
Hi, has anyone else here been prescribed suboxone or subutex for depression/anxiety?:)

It's not approved for that and because of the licensing you have to have to prescribe it, there's literally no chance you will get a doctor to prescribe you suboxone/subutex for depression. The good news is they have been and still are doing research to see how and why it affects depression, so within a couple of years we may see it being prescribed off-label for depression regularly, who knows.

If you have refractory depression/depression that doesn't respond to drugs or treatment (like me, yay!) please don't turn to opiates for the answer if you're not already on them. I can tell you with 100% assurance that opiates will only make the depression worse. In the beginning everything will seem great but as months go by you'll realize that even one day without opiates will bring back the most crippling depression you've ever experienced, make you suicidal.. you name it. You can talk to your psych about tramadol, which I think is sometimes used off-label for depression, but please do it under a doctor's care!!!
Do you have insurance? If so, you should forward them the bill - they should cover it. If not, you should check to see if you qualify for state coverage. Your pills would also be mostly, if not all, covered if you got coverage.

As for the drug test bill, yep, if you were aware that there was random drug testing and you agreed when you started treatment, then you are responsible for the bill. It sucks ass that your doctor didn't tell you, and he's a douchebag for letting you get the bill in the mail without so much as a warning, but no, there's nothing you can do.. you are responsible for it unfortunately. If you can get coverage through your state now, like call them TODAY, there's a good chance you can have them pay the bill retroactively after you're covered. Just make sure the bill gets paid on time until that happens and you can get reimbursed, or you can get kicked out of your doctor's office for non-payment.

Nope... no insurance, I'm going through the process of trying to find the right policy for me now... I don't think I would qualify for state coverage because of my income... unless there is some program I don't know about that doesn't care about your income... But thanks for the response...

Finding the right insurance is a bitch!....
Quick question on suboxone...

I understand that suboxone doesn't absorb and enter your bloodstream when swallowed, preventing it from working.

Earlier today (about 11:00am EST) I took about 2mg of sub, before it had a chance to dissolve for more than 15 seconds under my tongue I accidentally swallowed the tablet.

Would I be able to blow some oxy and still get high? I am concerned as I obviously don't want to waste the jam...

Any ideas?
I have a (different) iv suboxone question

Everyone who has commented on iv'ing this orange pill has said that the final solution should be clear. Now I can get the shit see through, but it never loses its orange color. Is there away to get rid of this orange tint? When I do an extremely low dose with a lot of water its fairly clear, but there is still an orange tint. If theres a way to get rid of the color I'd love to know. thanks =D
why don't people use it the way your supposed to? thats what i do,lol

to try and answer your question suboxone has a coloring agent (as well as a lemon-lime taste agent) in it so i dont think you'll be able to get them 100 percent out, so maybe just get it as clear as possible and do it up. good luck
I was talking to my bupe Dr. today and she actually had just met with the RB drug rep right before i got there. My Dr. told me there is a new suboxone formulation coming out soon. It is going to be a strip of some sort, supposed to dissolve really fast.

Also, the patent expires in a few more months and the one company who has a generic in the works is having problems formulating the buprenorphine and the naloxone so its going to be like subutex and the DEA isnt too thrilled about it because of the abuse potential. Granted this is all stuff my Dr. was telling me, but im looking forward to the new suboxone sublingual strips. Hopefully its like cherry flavored or something but i bet it will be the same lemon lime flavor.
That's not entirely true; when you swallow sub, it isn't absorbed nearly as well, but some still is definitely absorbed. And I don't know how well the naloxone in the sub is absorbed when swallowed, it could be just as much as if taken properly. Maybe someone else knows that answer.

Save the oxy, because there's a good chance the high may be blocked partially or even entirely.
I don't think it's about not getting absorbed, it's that some will be destroyed in your liver, so only a certain amount will be able to bind to your opioid receptors

It will still be working though, and you will not be able to feel any oxy
the few times i shot subs i never got the color completely out... its possible they are just using more water then you
Your not going to get the coloring out. When people say that suboxone should be clear before shooting really mean "The solution shouldn't be cloudy". A good filtered preparation of suboxone will have a nice orange clear solution.

Regardless, id pass on injecting citric acid and food coloring into my bloodstream.
I just started suboxone this afternoon after being in full withdrawal since Saturday afternoon. A lot of the symptoms are gone and I do feel a bit better, but now I'm jittery, I still have a headache although not as bad, and I'm nauesous. I can't really function, I'm stuck on the couch feeling sick.

I took 8mg at 1:30 and another 8mg at 3 when the first dose wasn't enough. WTF? The first time I took this about a year ago, within 30 minutes I felt GREAT and by the second day I was down to like 4mg once a day. Did I wait too long into w/d? Or if I feel this way should I not be taking it? Do I need to give it a day or something?

Maybe you too much? I know I get some of those symptoms if I take too much, especially nausea and inability to move, which is usually along with extreme exhaustion.
why even do it though? there are no benefits to IV'ing suboxone. you don't get any higher, you don't feel it any faster, there is no rush. why do it? honestly. I've tried every MOA possible for suboxone and take it from me, plugging will give you the most bang for your buck.

I realize that its not possible to plug your suboxone every time you use it, but if you're trying to get "high" from it, that's really the best option.
ABout half of the dose gets absorbed. So similar to the effect you get from 1mg under the tongue.
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