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The Big & Dandy Medication/Supplement Interaction Thread

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Selegiline and LSD Interactions?

Does anyone know of any interactions between low dose selegiline (MAO-B inhibition only) and LSD? I read the MAOI FAQ and saw the general response on psychedelics and MAOI's, but does anyone have any personal experience perhaps on this specific combo?
I wish I did... I haven't tried selegiline yet though. My guess is it will have some sort of effect of the trip but not anything like a full-on MAO-A Inhibitor would.
Effexor IS TRASH. Get off it before withdrawals catch up to you, i guarantee after long term use when you see/feel that beastor you will want to cry.

agreed. I dated a girl that was on it for sometime, and it took her over a year to get off it with horrible side effects & withdrawl, not to mention it didn't really help to begin with.

Are you sure that if, say I skip my dose for the day, I would lose this cross-tolerance? SSRIs have a fairly long half-life...

Venlafaxine's half life is only about 5hrs. It has one active metabolite, O-desmethylvenlafaxine. Skipping one daily dose would likely decrease its dulling effects on 5-HT agonists. Skipping Two would be much better, as it may take 2 days to completely rid the body of O-desmethylvenlafaxine.
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Seratonin Non-Reuptake Inhibitors

OKAY so lets say I was on a daily capsule of an SNRI. Lets say, hypothetically, of course, that this SNRI was Cymbalta 30mg.

Also, lets say that I LOVE DOING DRUGS. ;)

Lets also say, hypothetically, that I dont need to be taking this SNRI. Also, lets say that I HAVENT been taking this SNRI.

If I WERE taking it, what drugs would I need to avoid? I haven't taken a single one yet for fear of ruining the MAJOR part of my life that is psychonautics. I guess what I'm asking for is a list of substances that I SHOULDN'T consume if I were taking a seratonin norepinepherine reuptake inhibitor.

Thanks guys <3

:) C^ :)
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I just wanted to throw this out there: SNRI stands for serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (or in some cases selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, but in the case of cymbalta its the former).


someone beat me to it. non-reuptake inhibitor :p it inhibits the "re-uptake" aka recycling aka taking neurotransmitters out of the synapse. inhibiting something that takes it out of the synapse, will increase its concentration in the synapse. so SNRIs increase the concentration of serotonin and norepinephrine at equilibrium conditions (takes a few weeks as complex systems of autoreceptors (receptors on the dendrite rather than axon) and receptors down/up-regulate)

so, you want to avoid serotonin syndrome or too much serotonin, and avoid overstimulation from norepinephrine, as well as any metabolic interferences. so stimulants may have their side effects exacerbated i think, as for other drugs, i don't know. i'm sure someone on BL knows though.. as far as psychedelics are concerned, phenylethylamine psychedelics are more stimulating than tryptamines for many, though i am not saying that you can't combine them--i don't know for sure either way. but i think stimulation could be increased. any psychedelic will invariably have some stimulating effects

all the tryptamines and phenylethylamines mostly act at certain serotonin receptors, namely, 5HT2A (primarily) and 5HT2C and 5HT1A, sometimes 5HT1D (eg psilocybin) (feel free to ask for articles, only reason i know these receptors is because i just wrote a paper on psych's), and as far as other receptors are concerned, depends on the psychedelic but each one will influence a different subset of 5HT receptors the most (hence why they vary individual to individual), with downstream effects on dopamine and other compounds

hopefully this little handful of pharmacology info will help someone figure all the interactions (however, it will be much more safe for you if you provide a list of what you may take with SNRIs, because no one can possibly account for every interaction). im pretty sure i remember reading on BL that taking an SSRI or SNRI will mute much of psychedelic effect, i've never taken SSRIs or SNRIs with psych's but i know there are many threads on bluelight about their interactions with psychs
The interaction would most likely be between the SNRI and one of the following:

MDMA (impure, probably laced with Meth)

But thanks for the quick answers. I think I would probably be safest to simply not take the SNRI's at all. Dont have to worry about the interactions between two drugs if I'm only taking one of them ;)

Thanks for all your help guys <3 :)
^MDMA would basically not affect you, as your blocking the major point that it would flood from....DXM would be dangerous as it increases levels of serotonin....2C-E would be 'safe', but with all SSRI/SNRI meds, theres a risk of serotonin syndrome when combined with psychedelics. That said, I did it for years (on SSRI's) with many psychedelics and noticed nothing untoward, except a reduction in the effects of PEA's, that stilll remains I think at least.

Also- any MAOi- such as harmala alkaloids, pharmacutical ones, some 2C-T-x chems, and a few tryptamines are a no go zone.

2C-E is fine to take on or off an SNRI :)
affects on psychedelics while taking am ssri

Hi all,
So, swim has used many a psychedelic in the past but was recently put on zoloft for depression and anxiety:(. Swim is well aware that ssri's reduce the effects of LSD, mushrooms, and MDMA. Swim would like to know if the ssri he is taking would reduce the effects of either phenethylamines or LSA(Swim assumes LSA's effects would be reduced). Swim has also done a little research into kratom and wishes to order some in the very near future, would that also be something that would have it's effects reduced??

Thanks in advance
The PEA's are seratogenic as well, so ssri's will likely diminish their effects to some degree as well. couldn't tell you about kratom
You obviously don't know the meaning of the word swim. Do they have water where you live?


I've experienced Kratom in leaf form from a couple different vendors, sampled red/white-veined varieties. The nearest I got to an opiate experience was being extremely dizzy and nauseated. However, there was no euphoria or even pleasantness. Made tea and tried chewing quids. Bleh... bitter and worthless in my experience. I have no doubt Zoloft would effect the experience of kratom. I'm fully aware of the science behind it, but I never experienced any pleasantness from kratom.

The kratom should have no bad interactions with an ssri. Stear clear of DMT and DXM.

This issue has been covered in-depth. Use the search engine.
You obviously don't know the meaning of the word swim. Do they have water where you live?

chill out man, it's my second post

from what i understand from research is that there should be no real diminishing of kratom's effects from taking an ssri

i now realize that most psychs are going to have their effects reduced. the half life of sertraline is about 24 hrs. do you think it would be worthwhile to go 2 half lives or so before dosing on any psychedelic?? i realize that ssri's shouldn't be missed, i know all the risks and all and i have gone for a few days without them unintentionally before
Im taking 3.5 g mushrooms with 1 g vitamin C. How much will this potentiate the psilocybin?
I'd like the answer to be in terms of what amount is it equal to. For example, 3.5 g mushrooms with 1000 mg is equal to 5 g. just an example but thats the format id like the answer in
There's no clear potentiation of any psychedelic by vitamin C. Acids may well increase rate of absorption (or at least that's what my experience leads me to suspect), but I really don't think X amount of vitamin c is going to make y amount of mushrooms feel like 2y or whatever.

A lot of people swear by the lemon juice method - i.e., grind up the shrooms and let them soak in a shot of lemon/lime juice for a few minutes before ingestion. I've never tried this exactly, but I've been told it lessens the time to come-up.
So I have been prescribed 1g of Epival/Depakote a day for bi-polar, split into two doses 500mg each morning and night. Previously I would take tons of 5-HTP, ALA, and other supplements to help deal with my symptoms, but I found solely the supplements ineffective in terms of stabilizing my mood long-term, hence the prescriptions. What would be the effects of ALA, Inositol, or 5-HTP I took it in top of my medication? I gather from studies that Inositol doesn't seem to help people with bi-polar when used on top of Lithum/Divalproex. I would agree there, but while sober it does seem to have some effect on anxiety that I find helpful. But what of the 5-HTP and ALA? Should I decide to dose some sort of tryptamine or whatever, I follow a full 24 hours is roughly how long I'd have to skip doses before hand? Given that the half-life of the drug is 9-17 hours on average, 2x that would be total elimination right? I'm a bit of a pharmacological newb, I'll admit. That makes roughly 36 hours until total elimination occurs, a day and a half should be a good amount of time to clear the body and mind.

It's been several months since my last trip, I'm saving it for a special occasion... My birthday in the middle on next month :) I'm curious to try some K, with it's supposed instant effects on depression, I'm going to mix some with some DPT and check out this supposed sexual synergy everyone keeps talking about ...I might be "bi-polar" but also a mysterious investigator. ;)
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Ok to use DXM with lamictal?

I was just wondering if its ok to use DXM with the mood stabilizer Lamictal (lamotrigine) or if it would cause a negative reaction, such as serotonin syndrome. I had SS one time when i had first tried DXM because i was dumb and didn't research before hand what it would do with paxil(when i was on the paxil, no longer though). I know these are two dif drugs but i want to be safe as I am curious to trip again. Its been well over a year since I have done any robbo trippin
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Paxil is an SSRI, that's the reason why you got SS the last time you experimented with DXM. Lamictal is not. That's as much as I can tell you.

Any other side-effects or negative reactions to be concerned about can't exactly be specified.

Here's another thread with the same question on BL:

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