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The Big & Dandy Medication/Supplement Interaction Thread

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Question about anti-depressant Wellbutrin with shrooms

I'm taking 150 mg of wellbutrin a day, and am planning to do shrooms this weekend.

So far I've dranken and smoked weed on my meds, and the only noticeable effect it had was I got really drunk very easily.

I've done shrooms twice so far without being on any medication.

Does anyone know if it's fine to mix this specific medication with shrooms? I know it's different then most anti-depressants, so I can't stress I need information on specifically this drug, not a general thing on anti-depressants and shrooms.

Thanks so much, and if this is a repeat or something of another post sorry =/
its never affected me negatively other then possibly a bit more nervious energy, etc.

if you can i would skip my wellbutrin dose the day i trip, but i'm not sure how bad your depression symptoms may be. when i was on it i would skip days when i drank, etc. and it never really caused any problems
idk last time i skipped a day it was pretty bad...
i take it in the morning though. so i guess i could always just wake up early, eat, take it, go back to sleep and by the time i do shrooms, probably 9 or later, i guess i should be fine.

thanks :]
Budeprion isn't like other anti-depressants in that it doesn't hang around your system very long (and you probably noticed it started working very quickly when you initially started taking it, unlike SSRIs which can take months to start working). Having nothing in your system is best, so it can't hurt to leave a four day window for the mush (don't take any two days before tripping, two days after) just to be safe.
Also, Wellbutrin XL tends to have more of a stimulant effect than Wellbutrin SR, so keep that in mind when you make your decision. I find that if I take mush on XL, I'm more anxious than usual (like saveyour said), but on SR nothing much happened. ETA: And by "nothing much happened" I mean nothing bad happened.
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kk. agh i dont even know if i'm fucking getting them today. i thought there was only one middle man in this whole deal, and apparently there's like 2. and the guy's waiting to re-up etc etc and it's fucking getting late and i've been waiting for 2 damn hours.

waiting for a drug deal to happen always makes me anxious, but waiting 2 fucking hours+ and i feel like puking
If you feel that bad then maybe shrooms are not such a hot idea right now? Can be a hairy enough experience when you're feeling great, but whenever I've tripped when feeling already physically rough it has been a less than pleasant experience.

Personally, I'd save them for a better time. Could, of course, be great for you - YMMV and all that - but I like to be feeling physically reasonably well before tripping. Particularly with mushrooms cos I find the bodyload can be quite high anyway.
Bupropion should not interact with mushrooms due to the lack of SSRI-like activity, however, if it normally causes a state of heightened anxiety or predisposes you to anxiety, it would be wise to avoid the combination. The only thing I would worry about is the lowered seizure threshold if there was any personal or family history of seizures, but 150 mg is a very low dose. I would not be particularly concerned about seizures below 450 mg.

Here's an excellent FAQ for future reference:

Antidepressants and Recreational Drugs FAQ
^ Bupropion is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, so what's significant for methylphenidate, MDPV etc probably holds true for bupropion as well in terms of interaction with other drugs. It can lower the seizure threshold as well & I know of at least 2 people who'vwe had seizures after large doses of mushrooms, so maybe it's a case of being very careful or even postponing the mushrooms for a later date
^ Bupropion is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, so what's significant for methylphenidate, MDPV etc probably holds true for bupropion as well in terms of interaction with other drugs. It can lower the seizure threshold as well & I know of at least 2 people who'vwe had seizures after large doses of mushrooms, so maybe it's a case of being very careful or even postponing the mushrooms for a later date

Ive been on Bupropion and have taken $hrooms plenty of times..and I am always afraid of having a seizure or something. I have never had one and my family has no history of it...but you never know
thanks guys this has been a lot of help.
i'm probably going to end up doing them eventually, but shit has just not been working out in my favor when it comes to shrooms.

anyways...any info on acid on these meds? lol there's a good chance i'll end up trying to do that again this summer, so since i have a thread all ready mine as well see if anything knows anything about that
i'm on risperdal, seroquel, wellbutrin and neurontin.
i ate a shitload of morning glory seeds last night expecting nothing to happen because of the anti-psychotics. i tripped hard and bad My mind blew up the physical side effects, i was in a kinda bad set, HORRIBLE setting.
so it is possible to trip on atypical antipsychotics i guess.
Mirtazapine and Psilocybin

So, I have searched for threads regarding this combination and have gotten some conflicting information. A few people have said the Mirtazapine will potentiate the effects of psilocybin and to just use less and there is some information that says it is dangerous and to avoid it all together. As it stands now it looks like it will be at least 40 hours after taking the Mirtazapine that I would be ingesting the psilocybin. The half-life of Mirtazapine is supposedly 20-40 hours, so this should really be a non-issue. I guess I'm asking this question so that I can go into the trip with no anxieties and be able to enjoy myself without worrying about dying or adverse effects.
4-aco-DMT and Effexor

I recently did ~18mg of pure 4-aco-dmt while under daily dose of 75mg effexor. Well, I heard that ssris nullify psychedelic experiences, but I clearly felt the effects, rather strongly. I had a niceeeeee body buzz, and other effects, but far less visuals than I expected (I only had several visuals). I was just wondering if anyone else had experiences with 4-aco-dmt or similar substances while on SSRIs, or preferablly effexor. Should I wait until I'm off effexor before trying 4-aco-dmt again?

Also, a second question, any good drug combinations with 4-aco-dmt? And yes, I used the search engine, read the big dandy thread and googled it, with no plausible information about this topic.
Taking 5HTP after you take the 4-aco-dmt will make you trip somewhat harder and after your mind wont be so shot.
I've always wanted to try 4-aco
ssri's cause usually just decrease in the effects of seratogenic drugs, like you experiened. Abstaining from ssri's before dosing yourself can mitigate the problems caused by this "cross tolerance" of sorts. The 2c-x's and 4-aco-dipt, in my experiences, can be combined with 4-aco-dmt to good effect.
ssri's cause usually just decrease in the effects of seratogenic drugs, like you experiened. Abstaining from ssri's before dosing yourself can mitigate the problems caused by this "cross tolerance" of sorts. The 2c-x's and 4-aco-dipt, in my experiences, can be combined with 4-aco-dmt to good effect.

Are you sure that if, say I skip my dose for the day, I would lose this cross-tolerance? SSRIs have a fairly long half-life...
Effexor IS TRASH. Get off it before withdrawals catch up to you, i guarantee after long term use when you see/feel that beastor you will want to cry.
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