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Codeine Extraction

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^ How did you react to the 60mgs?

Felt nice n fuzzy lol

Just relaxed and in a good mood. A bit more talkative than usual. Felt good overall. Nothing major but great if ur in a shi tmood and good for a pick me up lol
The filtrate is a bit cloudy, is that ok to consume? I cant see through it at all, its white. There were alot of sediments in the filter after i did it 3 times. The mixture is very bitter and when i taste it its like drinkin water, no sediments in it at all. What do u guys think?
^ What filter were you using? How large were the gaps between the fibres? Were they the C/O tablets or capsules?
They were tablets and the filter was a stocking. donno how big the gaps were.
Yeah I would think it would be ok. I have filtered multiple times before, mainly when coffee filters broke and solids were falling into the filtered liquid, but usually just do one filter and the solution is never clear.

I found that the C/O tabs don't filter to clear. I've used them twice and filtered with boardshorts. One filter was enough for me, so I would guess three should be ok.
Decided to rather take 6 pills. The extracted codeine water tastes too foul, mixed it with powerade n it taste like an arse lol
It's a bit hard to tell from that picture. Generally mine turn out cloudy rather than solid white. Perhaps use a finer filter next time? Maybe use coffee filters, they are the finest you can easily buy. This will at least give you an idea what the filtered water should look like.

6 tablets is 3g of paracetamol, you probably shouldn't take that much but I suspect you already have heard that a million times :)
The pills only have 200mg of ibuprofen in it. Yeah i heard it too many times lol

The extract taste like shit. Need to find another way. Do u know of any teks out there that involve chems? maybe an A/B extraction?
I've heard it's possible but likely difficult and more dangerous because of the chemicals involved. As a process, CWE would be much safer and easier to perform.

Others have suggested mixing with cordial to mask the taste. Because the taste is so bitter, tasting something more bitter beforehand would make it seem less bitter in comparison. It's only a small amount of water so you could just mix with cordial, slam it down then chase with something strong tasting.

The CO tablets with ibuprofen don't contain any codeine. The ones with codeine have 500mg paracetamol per tablet. http://www.chemistsown.com.au/products_37.htm
I've heard it's possible but likely difficult and more dangerous because of the chemicals involved. As a process, CWE would be much safer and easier to perform.

Others have suggested mixing with cordial to mask the taste. Because the taste is so bitter, tasting something more bitter beforehand would make it seem less bitter in comparison. It's only a small amount of water so you could just mix with cordial, slam it down then chase with something strong tasting.

The CO tablets with ibuprofen don't contain any codeine. The ones with codeine have 500mg paracetamol per tablet. http://www.chemistsown.com.au/products_37.htm

Yeah the taste was very foul so i donno lol

I took 6 nurofen plus but they are:) The pills i used for the extraction has only 200mg of ibuprofen and 12.8mg odf codeine in em.
last night i left an extraction in the freezer and went out to do some stuff only took a lot longer than i thought and i came back pretty late. The extraction had fully frozen, when i let it unfreeze i put it through a coffee filter and it did nothing. So filters aren't neccesary if your patient :p
Sustanon said:
The extract taste like shit. Need to find another way. Do u know of any teks out there that involve chems? maybe an A/B extraction?

Why not evaporate it and then parachute the powder or something, or cap it up?

I've looked at a few teks for OTC codeine products before, none of them sounded that easy though compared to the CWE.
either bare the taste or spend the time evaporating it and putting it in caps i say. i personally dont find the taste that bad but still for convieniance i have recently done a cwe poured the result in a pyrex dish, then left it to evaporate. if you use heat be careful you dont break down the lovely little molecules we want.

alternativly you can plug it
Why not evaporate it and then parachute the powder or something, or cap it up?

I've looked at a few teks for OTC codeine products before, none of them sounded that easy though compared to the CWE.

How would one evaporate it? Doesnt heat destroy codeine?
Very strange i swear i seen a codeine/ibuprofen formula of chemists own on Thursday when i went up and picked up 2x100 packs.

That water looks way to cloudy, should be mirky but not that mirky lol.
Yeah that's far too cloudy, try using a coffee filter, I found mine went from being very foggy (using the tshirt method), to being so clean you can only tell the difference from pure water if you look for it (or if you taste it, ugh :p ).

Does anyone know if codeine can degrade if left to sit in the water too long? I did an extraction on friday night but ended up crashing out while it was draining. I woke up about 9 hours later and figured it should still be good and drank it down. I got a mild buzz, but it was barely noticeable, whereas 300mg usually gets me quite fuzzy and high. I had eaten a piece of pizza for brekkie beforehand (healthy eating!), but that's nothing unusual, I never dose codeine on an empty stomach, and I've taken it after stuffing myself before and been fine.

Another factor is that I used those new brand name panadeine caplets, and not the usual pills. I did crush them though, so I don't know why they'd have any trouble dissolving.
Sustanon said:
How would one evaporate it? Doesnt heat destroy codeine?

If you are very patient (which I am not) you can just let it sit out until it evaporates. Or, use a lamp or fan to give it a bit of a push and evaporate quicker. I definitely wouldn't boil it or anything.

blah_blah1991 said:
Very strange i swear i seen a codeine/ibuprofen formula of chemists own on Thursday when i went up and picked up 2x100 packs.

Yeah they have just rolled out codeine/ibu combos under the Chemists' Own brand, there is some discussion of it between me and Belarki a page or so back in this thread.

Crankinit said:
Does anyone know if codeine can degrade if left to sit in the water too long? I did an extraction on friday night but ended up crashing out while it was draining. I woke up about 9 hours later and figured it should still be good and drank it down. I got a mild buzz, but it was barely noticeable, whereas 300mg usually gets me quite fuzzy and high. I had eaten a piece of pizza for brekkie beforehand (healthy eating!), but that's nothing unusual, I never dose codeine on an empty stomach, and I've taken it after stuffing myself before and been fine.

No it should be fine; if anything the binders and fillers that are used may attract bacteria which could grow in the water, but you should still have gotten the effects just fine. Tolerance? Mess up the extraction maybe?
No it should be fine; if anything the binders and fillers that are used may attract bacteria which could grow in the water, but you should still have gotten the effects just fine. Tolerance? Mess up the extraction maybe?

Tolerance could be it, but I haven't dosed for two weeks or so. That dose wasn't all that effective either, but I put that down to having consumed alcohol before and during. The one before it was a similar dose (300mg-ish) and worked perfectly.

I don't think I messed up the extraction, I did it the same as usual, the only difference I can think of is that I didn't squeeze out the bottom of the coffee filters since I was passed out, but I can't imagine I lost much of the dose with that.

I'll try again tonight or tomorrow and see how it goes. Maybe up the dose by 50mg.
would anyone know where the hell in australia one can get an enema kit so i can bop this stuff up my butt? or is putting a CWE solution up my bot bot inadvisable?
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