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Beginner's Dosage Guide

Erowid is a great tool, and Im not bashing them at all. But I am tired of kids coming on her eand saying well erowid says this is a common dose or this is threshold dose. Maybe im just a different kind of addict, but I dont like to take drugs "normallY' I want to get the absolute best high and strongest feelings out of what i try, without it becoming a dangerous or resulting in an overwhelming experience. The dosages I put were not liberla nor conservative. Just my two cents on how much it took for me to get the most out of my drug. I also like to laugh when people who havent done these drugs go on to websites and look it up and then tell me that i am wrong after I had just physically experimented with these chemicals. Oh well. Peace and much love to ya'll
So the first time you took the prescribed dose of a narcotic when you were NOT in pain, you received no recreationally pleasant results?

I used to get high off 2 vicodin.
yeah your right axxaer you need a bit more usually. for example when they prescribe you ,5 alprazolam every 4 hours, or take one 4/325 percocet every 4-6 hours....come on who is getting high off 5mg of oral oxy?
yeah your right axxaer you need a bit more usually. for example when they prescribe you ,5 alprazolam every 4 hours, or take one 4/325 percocet every 4-6 hours....come on who is getting high off 5mg of oral oxy?

Someone who has never taken a painkiller and who is not in pain.

But when I was young and started to "abuse" meds I would take one or two more than directed. Note this only applies to vicodin and oxy 5s, do not apply this rule to an oxy 80.
my figures also were not for a low dose or to get a slight buzz, like the first time one takes a perc. They were amounts to get a strong solid high,if they did not have tolerance. None of it is exact though, ya konw man thats just what sent me flying when I had no tolerance
Recreationally, no it isn't.

Actually it's always a good idea to take a very low dose of a new drug first, so as to check for allergies, enzyme deficiencies, or other idiosyncratic reactions.
If it is the first time you are doing something, it seems very unwise to go for a full dose. You might have really low tolerance. For example, I have a very low tolerance for amphetamines. The first time i did them i did 10 mg and got high. Imagine if i had done 40-50. And besides, there is no harm in taking a little less the first couple times. So maybe you don't get high, but you do know your own response. So it seems odd to post your own responses as guidelines for other people when obviously they might have totally different responses.
Hydrocodone- 20mg every 4 hours (orally)

Morphine- 60mg (Orally), 45mg (Snorting)

This is confusing as hydro and morhpine have the same BA orally, and morphine has a higher oral BA than intranasal.
Also, I think that instead of "every XXX hours" you should put "no more than every XXX hours" but that's just me.
thanks bob L, I understand that morphine has a higher bioavailability orally, but when i did it thats just what i used...maybe ill change it for BL's sake
Nice list, but for beginners I'd list half of the amount you wrote on each benzo. And 1 lsd blotter :D

Zolpidem: 10-20mg oraly, 10mg snorted
Codeine: 150-200mg oraly
Effedrine: 45mg oraly (but it's shit)
Nutmeg: 2 big or 3 smaller nuts oraly
Benzydamine: 500mg oraly
LSA (Agrygeria Nervosa): 10 seeds oraly

It wouldn't be good however if people wouldn read more about drugs, just look at the list :/
Ketamine = 50mg bumps, 5-15 minutes between bumps, probably want to stop at 150mg unless you have DXM, Nitrous or PCP experience.

Nitrous = 1 charger, 2 chargers (full balloon) with other dissociative experience.

Cannabis = Smoke a spliff with 1-3 other buddies and see what happens. Or one normal sized bowl in a bong or pipe (about 0.1-0.2g).

Mephedrone = 75-100mg lines, top up ever 30-60 minutes or 150mg bomb.

Methylone = don't snort, 100mg bomb if no MDMA experience, 150mg bomb if experienced.

MDMA = 100mg bomb.

GBL = 1-1.5ml, don't expect too much as enzymes need to be built up to convert to GHB. Take 1-1.5ml 2-3 nights in a row and you should feel effects by the 3rd night. 1.5-2ml will be nice from this point on for most people.


1,000th post! Yay! It wasn't me being bitchy or anything! Just good and helpful, haha...
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thank you mindtools and vortex for the contributions, when I get a minute I will add them in.

and yes I do strongly believe that everyone should do their own research before using drugs, but this sadly is not the case these days. I was just seeing so many new threads of "I want to use blank, how much can I do?", so I was hoping if they had a place to answer that basic question it might help.
MDPV 5-7.5mg nasal.
4-floroamphetamine. 75mg orally.
phenzepam. .5mg upto 2mg.
phenobarbital- 70-100mg
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just thought i might add that tar heroin is different in weight. for example, the first time i did any tar i think i did about .25g, which would probably kill a first-time user if they did that much powder. you also kinda have to figure that the first time you do something like heroin/fentanyl, you probably already have a tolerance to some other opiate. i always say to start off small and increase accordingly... it's easy to add more, but if you do too much of anything you're screwed.

p.s. i agree with the xanax comments. 1mg was more than plenty the first few times i did that.
ok I added the black tar onto there and clarified that my post was for powdered dope. Also for Alprazolam I have 1-2mg listed. 1mg does work well for a lot of folks their first time, but a good deal of people take a bar because their first time at 1mg didnt do much for them.

PS- If anyone has information on Methamphetamine, PCP, Research Chems, or anything else that is not listed it would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks a lot guys!
i would raise mephedrones oral dosage to at least 180-200, 250mg is a nice hit from that. Even for a begginer 180mg should be the mininum dose imo if you actually want to get something good from it.
i would raise mephedrones oral dosage to at least 180-200, 250mg is a nice hit from that. Even for a begginer 180mg should be the mininum dose imo if you actually want to get something good from it.

My friend had a VERY strong reaction from 200mg his first time, that's why I say 150mg. 200mg is great for me, but to err on the side of caution, it being a first time and all with an obscure RC, I think 150mg is a safer bet.
My friend had a VERY strong reaction from 200mg his first time, that's why I say 150mg. 200mg is great for me, but to err on the side of caution, it being a first time and all with an obscure RC, I think 150mg is a safer bet.

fair enough, yeah i agree 150mg the first time ever doing it to see how you react, but if your good then a 250mg bomb is heaven :p