If you could give one peice of advice for people like us...

Don't look for happiness in others until you've found it in yourself.

(Relationship - b/f-g/f type of relationship. They may help at first, make you feel worth something again, but when/if the relationship ends, you're back where you started.... but also feeling discarded and more worthless. You need to help yourself be happy with yourself before you can expect someone else to be happy with you. Friends, on the other hand, are GREAT for helping you through the hard times....)
no matter how bad it seems at the time, it gets better
life has its ups and downs....if ur feeling down now, the time will come wen ull feel good again
Know when to take this advice 'seriously' from a drug harm reduction board! :)
^ Yeah I was just wondering as the way you phrased it made it seem one could pick and choose, which one can, but it aint wise!:\
Oh Zoph, all knowing wise friend- You can read my mind just fine!;)
zophen said:
:X :X
I insist on being addressed as a fool, I can't live up to being called wise!
I didnt want to do it but...................=D
^ Ha nice one getreal. I said addressed as a fool not photoshopped as a fool!

BTW you heard anything from pharcyde I just noticed he seems strangely absent!
Listen to your parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, i know i should have listented to mine dammit. :p I hope they never know i have admitted this, lol.

& certainly haribo's post. that made me smile :)
Here I am

Listen to your parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i like this quote very much
Wow. Everyone has such great advice!! I've enjoyed reading every one of them! The advice I would give has been said- So i will say-
Be Real. (which i also think may have been said!!)
Again- this thread is great!!!! Can't wait to read more!!