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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television South Park

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people, please.
tolerance is only ok when you agree with the values of the people you need to tolerate.
get with the program.
They didn't show him last night?! God damnit~! I downloaded the episode and was waiting to find out when I got drunk, blazed nugs and watched it.BLARGH! I wanted to see if Matt and Trey could singlehandedly bring the Jihad down upon us with an episode of SOUTHPARK. Hah. Anyways - thats too bad. I thought it was absolutely hilarious how they just had black box CENSORS on the first episode - too funny. Wouldn't want to OFFEND anyone now would we ? PFFFFT. I hope someone leaks the unedited version.
What a double standard! Talk about "negotiating" with terrorists ....

So all we Christians need to do is riot and arson at our "outrage" over Jesus being mocked in a cartoon, and Comedy Central won't let the South Park creators mock Christianity anymore?

Chalk up another win for Islamic Extremism. If you don't like something, go burn something down and we promise we won't let it happen again!
Fred said:
I originally thought Matt Stone n Trey Parker put that message up just to further highlight the hypocrisy of the whole situation.

Me too.

A+ on these 2 episodes. The jabs seemed so direct at their targets. My love for South Park has totally been renewed lately.
South Park's Matt and Trey are my heroes.

Muslims consider any physical representation of their prophet to be blasphemous

Then they are going to dislike this photoshopped image I whipped up...

just saw them both
what fuckin excellent episodes. the terrance & philip bit really threw me.

perplexing and ridiculous censorship considering the subject matter discussed in the episodes.
kittyinthedark said:
the real killer is that Mohammed was shown on South Park before

Thats what i was thinking. Couldn't he shoot fire out of his hands? noone seemed to complain then.
You guys act surprised that Comedy Central would censor the episode. I'm kinda glad they did. I don't want my local KFC to get torched by some angry muslim.
^like that would actually happen, and even if it does, businesses are insured.

comedy central is fucked.
I couldn't believe Comedy Central censored the episode. The first thing I thought of was "wasn't he already in an older episode years ago?"

Donahue was on the radio the other day talking about this issue, and basically saying how sad it is that the media only respects the threat of voilence when it comes to mocking religion. It's called "art" when a display of Mary being covered in shit is displayed. But the simple image of their prophet is not allowed on Comedy Central. Pretty sad really.
WHO is your favorite south park character??

I like kenny the best because he's down for anything and he's a smart ass.

Mr. Slave is pretty cool too.... especially the lemmiwinks episode ;)

anyone else fuckin love south park?
apart from the allmighty cartman i like token, because he is black and can play bass. =D