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Television South Park

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fuck that fucking sucks!!!!!!!! damn thats probably my favorite show. ok yeah i have every episode on my pc in .rm or .avi format lol.

i will miss chef, but come on dude, the scientology episode says it all!
Hmmm...I guess that's why Chef hasn't been in some of the recent episodes. It is pretty interesting that he didn't have a problem until after the Scientology episode. Oh well.
Matt and Trey completely destroyed him with their quotes.

Good on 'em. "Chef" stopped being funny around season 3 anyway... I wonder how many new recruitment centres and "drug rehabilitation programs" the Scientologists were able to set up from Isaac Hayes's donations to the religion as a result from his working on the show?
He's taking a stand for his personal religious beleifs, and I for one respect that. I may not agree with peoples religion (Hell, most of the time I disagree - particularly with war hungry Christians which IMO is the antithesis of Christs message) but I have the utmost respect for peoples right to beleive what they want when it comes to religion. Buddist, Scientologist, Satanist, whatever. Freedom of religion and persecution of said religion is one of the major principles that this country was founded on. I just wish the government was more accepting of riske ( riskay? don't know how to spell it but you know what I mean...) Native American and Rastafarian religious practices. :/
agreed with stone/parker he's dead wrong for only speaking up inregards to his religion, i'll be happy if they keep chef's parents in it though. the nessy stories crack me up.
yup souny is dead on.

But 2ndly. Scientology isn't a religion. It's made up hocus pocus psychobabble from a crappy sci-fi author. Scientology is the michael jackson of religions. It's just to fucken easy to rip on them b/c it's so fucking stupid.
he is being a total hypocrite ,HIS comments from an earlier article ..

: There's some pretty harsh satire on South Park. They don't really care who they offend.

IH: But that's their thing! They're success was built on that cutting-edge stuff. I've had to defend them a lot of times. One time on BET Tonight I defended them because Tavis Smiley, the host on that show, was coming at me. It was a call-in show, too, so people were calling in. I told them not to take this stuff seriously. If you do, you'll get in trouble. Just enjoy it. Remember your high-school yearbook? You look at those pictures now, you laugh, right? That's what South Park is. You got to laugh at it. Because we cursed, but we just didn't dare let the principals, the teachers, or the preachers hear it. And we didn't turn out bad, okay? Just look at it that way. Also, usually there's some kind of moral message at the end for the kids, by the Chef.

AVC: They did just do an episode that made fun of your religion, Scientology. Did that bother you?

IH: Well, I talked to Matt and Trey about that. They didn't let me know until it was done. I said, "Guys, you have it all wrong. We're not like that. I know that's your thing, but get your information correct, because somebody might believe that ######, you know?" But I understand what they're doing. I told them to take a couple of Scientology courses, and understand what we do. [Laughs.]


"South Park" co-creator Matt Stone responded sharply in an interview with The Associated Press Monday, saying, "This is 100 percent having to do with his faith of Scientology... He has no problem - and he's cashed plenty of checks - with our show making fun of Christians."

way to take a stand , hey it only took 8 years !!!
what a jackass; they should do a show where chef turns into a weido and that's why he's gone. i'd appreciate it.
You just know that gonna happen.

They won't let him get away lightly. I'm sure there'll be plenty of litle digs and references to his hypocricy.
What a fuckin tool,

just shows that people abandon all logic and reason when it comes to something to do with their own religion
"scientology is risky business"

that was on a shirt we had at work over the summer. i thought it was clever.
hayes' Chef Sort of Returns on 'South Park'

30 minutes ago

NEW YORK - "South Park" creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker vowed vengeance last week in their running battle with Scientology — and Wednesday night's new-season premiere appears to be the start.

Isaac Hayes may have left the animated satire in a huff over what he described as religious "intolerance and bigotry," but his Chef character, which he's voiced since 1997, isn't forgotten.

The Comedy Central cartoon begins its 10th season with an episode titled "The Return of Chef!" The character's return follows by just a few days Hayes' statement that he was quitting because he could no longer accept the show's satirical blasts at religion.

Stone and Parker quickly shot back that Hayes had no problem poking fun at religions until "South Park" took on Scientology in an episode last fall. Hayes is a Scientologist.

Hayes didn't return to voice the new episode, but there's widespread speculation that the mischievous Stone and Parker used creative editing of his voicing from past shows to fashion new dialogue.

Comedy Central on Tuesday began running promos of the episode that featured what appeared to be Hayes' voice.

According to the show's synopsis: "The town is jolted out of a case of the doldrums when Chef suddenly reappears. While Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman are thrilled to have their old friend back, they notice that something about Chef seems different. When Chef's strange behavior starts getting him in trouble, the boys pull out all the stops to save him."

The show's feud with Scientology heated up further last week when, a couple of days after Hayes' blast, a scheduled rerun of an episode skewering Scientology, and famous follower
Tom Cruise, was pulled without notice. A blogger site reported that Cruise had used his clout to force the episode's removal, a charge Cruise's representative denied. The next day Parker and Stone issued a statement promising more to come.

Wednesday's show is the first of seven new "South Park" episodes.

how the fuck do these boys work so fast?
the plot thickens

Isaac Hayes Still On "South Park"
Posted: Tuesday March 21st, 2006 11:06pm
Source: TV Guide
Author: Garth Franklin

Isaac Hayes did not quit his gig voicing South Park's Chef over some Scientology flap reports TV Guide.

FoxNews.com has deemed it "ridiculous" that the singer, who has been recovering from a stroke suffered in mid-January, would all of a sudden turn against the show for poking fun at his religion. Those close to Hayes are said to be "mystified" by the statement released March 13 and attributed to him.

Meanwhile he Scientology-skewering "Trapped in a Closet" episode, pulled last week amidst allegations that Tom Cruise had intervened, will air this Wednesday.