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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

Television South Park

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I think that Randy as a dad, Kate Moss as a mam and Cartman as a brother would be the ultimate nuclear family.

i'm a sucker for the canadians (cept celine dion); i had a T & P b-day cake one year.
I'm gonna have to go with lemmiwinks on this one. I mean, the gerbil king is the only person I know of to make it out of a gay man's ass...the other end.
saturnine said:
i'm a sucker for the canadians (cept celine dion); i had a T & P b-day cake one year.



I like god.


Lemmywinks seems to be popular too. Here he is with the sparrow prince.

college_dropout said:
Although he isn't a main character Stan's Dad, Randy Marsh, is an absolute pisser. Especially in the later seasons he is a crack up.

Yeah, he's probably my favorite and an extremely underrated character. I'm glad they use him more often in the later seasons. I also like those two moron kids who randomly appear in episodes, the first of which is the Big Gay Al episode. They always appear briefly just to calling something or someone gay. "Stupid dog." "Yeah, stupid gay dog." Haha.
1. butters
2. cartman
3. cartman's mom (i know a certain kitty who's sleeping with mommy tonight)
he's the reason i want another south park film.
oh god, i can't pick a favourite! :|

* Jimmy (pissing myself laughing the other night at Jimmy's rendition of "the 12 days of Christmas")
* Timmy
* Butters - That's me!
* Mr Slave - Oh Jezzuz Chraast!
* Kyle Schwartz:


There are a few more, but yeah, i can't pick a favourite :(
heh I was thinking about this on the day to work.

It's got to be Cartman. They are all great characters in South Park but Cartman rules them all.

I watched the "Scott Tenerman must die" episode last night for the first time in ages and it still had me pissing myself with laughter =D
Carman, hands down. Cartman. Who has all the bright schemes ? Cartman. Thats who.
Whose your favorite south park character? (please make a poll)

If i leave any out that youd wanna vote for lemme know!

Who is your favorite south park character, and why?

And fuck puttin this in film and tv, cuz i want lots of off topic, useless discussion, aight? ;)

Ill try and just list the main characters that appear kinda on the regular, i mean, whose gonna vote for "wendy"

But feel free to throw in your opinion on that











-Mr Garrison

-Mr Mackey

-Mr Hat

-Mr Slave

-Uncle Jimbo/Ned (they come as a set right?)



-Token (even doe he never really does anything or says anything.)

thats all i can think of now...
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