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Misc Gang stalking


Aug 11, 2019
Feeling a certain way this morning about gang stalking as I experience it most days if I go out in the world. Also in my home.

It entails me being obviously watched by security staff at shopping centres I go to and ALWAYS passing police if I ever go out and it's always on my return home that I pass them. I have tried to ask about it in security groups but they are a shady bunch and only say things like it's their job to watch people. And I can't question it or do anything because it would only take the security to ask me to leave and I am fucked and can't shop there.

Surely a human rights lawyer or political person like an ombudsman can help. I need to get evidence which is tough. They spring it on you and it's pretty much as I leave the grocery store so my hands are always carrying stuff and I can't film them. They must think it's hilarious to make a mentally ill woman's life more difficult and stressful by doing this.

There is much more to it than that but it's all I can be bothered typing for now. Thank you for reading and I look forward to seeing all the replies telling me I'm paranoid. That's what this thrives on - trying to shame the targeted individual into either silence (bullied into silence) or if they are not the quiet-type then they will probably be locked up if they speak of it.
There are some situations where police do conduct surveillance
Thank you for your reply. I know some people say it's psychosis but I have reported this phenomenon for years now and just had a sleep study last night and am currently doing a hobby class weekly. I think if I was psychotic then I wouldn't be able to do these things. Thinking you're gang stalked might be a symptom of some mental illness but that doesn't mean that gang stalking doesn't happen.

I have even been with one of my brothers not long ago and he saw the police vehicle we passed and we spoke about it and I told him how I always see them about that time on my journey home whenever I go out. He raised his eyebrows but didn't say much. The security I actually see and they appear to "stalk" in that they are coincidentally walking right past me as I leave the centre EVERY time. I tried once a couple of years ago to film him and he approached me and asked me if I was filming. So I don't know how to prove it without making myself look crazy and I don't know how to get to the bottom of why it's happening. Mostly I just live with it and ignore it but every now and then I get upset and it gets to me and I speak out about it.
You'll never be able to prove any of this. The best thing to do is lay low and focus on yourself and your life. Play the game.
You are overestimating your own importance. As long as you're not a celebrity, politician, UHNWI or someone in the possession of sensitive, secret gov docs who has gone rogue, it simply is not likely that you're getting gang stalked as a form of psychological terrorization. What actually is the reason you're getting stalked? Why should security and cops stalk some total rando instead of doing their actual job?
I've gone through psychosis so i know this
Me too (cocaine induced). People have totally wrong ideas about what a psychosis is and how it feels like.
You think your worldview makes total sense and no amount of rational talk will change that person's perception because those who try to convince the psychotic of his erroneous thinking simply become part of the conspiracy. That's the defense mechanism which ultimately keeps the psychotic in his delusional worldview.
I just express my experience and reality. If it's psychotic then it is what it is. If that's how people want to label it then so be it. Doesn't make it so because internet people say something. Some of what I think is gang stalking is possibly coincidence also. I also think that if I experience this then it must happen to others also (ie. I'm not that important - I do know that) and try to remember that. Maybe they do conduct surveillance on people who are a bit different or dabbled in substances. I'm not on anything now that would cause this mentally as in drugs.
You don't need to be on drugs in order to have a psychotic-like perception. Also, you still can't explain what the motive of the supposed gang stalkers is for them to stalk you. Gang stalking being a coincidence is an absolutely ludicrous explanation. You're honestly telling us that security personnel and cops are stalking you for no reason at all?! You're making no sense man. I don't judge you though. When I had my stim psychosis that lasted 3 months I also thought that my words make perfect sense and how everyone else must be crazy for "labelling" me or just being too dumb for not "getting it", but now in hindsight I can see how both my perception and my sentences added up to one thing -> nonsense.
As long as you can't give us, and more importantly yourself, a good reason on why these people should waste resources on stalking average Joe Shmoe, then I'm just going to assume that you're not quite right in your head.
I thought the CIA was stalking me at one point now I live like someone might be following me but who the fuck would why would they watch that degraded carnival sidewalk freakshow

Knives stashed all over inside outside in the vehicle in the trunk

I realized how insane I was being and am like dude not another drug induced delusion that persists even when it wears off

lol I do it for fun I loved watching action movies I guess

There’s a lot of bat crap nutty things happening out there who knows I am not gonna let them bother me
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There are some situations where police do conduct surveillance
“Mr. Walton engaged several active Calgary police officers to assist in that surveillance. Mr. Carter paid Mr. Walton who, in turn, paid the others as well as friends of Ms. Taylor to provide information about her.”

The appeal judges said the degree of harassment of Taylor was significant.

“The surveillance lasted many months and was highly intrusive. Mr. Walton went so far as to attach a GPS tracking system on Ms. Taylor’s vehicle. Much of the surveillance was intentionally overt, apparently to frighten Ms. Taylor.

I thought the CIA was stalking me at one point now I live like someone might be following me but who the fuck would why would they watch that degraded carnival sidewalk freakshow

Operation Midnight Climax was established in order to study the effects of LSD on non-consenting individuals.

Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass.

The prostitutes were instructed in the use of post-coital questioning to investigate whether the victims could be convinced to involuntarily reveal secrets.

The victims were sometimes fed subliminal messages in attempts to induce them to involuntary actions, including criminal activity such as robbery, assault, and assassination.

Many of the CIA operatives involved in the experiments voluntarily indulged in the drugs and prostitutes for recreational purposes.[3]

Additionally, information from Wilmington News Journal on October 15, 1978, reports from a FOIA request that, "the spy agency purchased two pounds of Yohimbine hydrochloride... by Dr. Robert V. Lashbrook, the chief aide to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb."

The role of Dr. Lashbrook was to, "monitor and approve materials for Operation Midnight Climax."[7]

You'll never be able to prove any of this. The best thing to do is lay low and focus on yourself and your life. Play the game.
Thank you for your encouraging words. I think we should be able to talk about it. Scapegoating happens in families and it would happen in communities also. Workplace mobbing is real and a thing that happens.
i believe the police in my area or the fbi or cia or whatever, i've heard it called "big brother" in rap music might try to get civilians to spy on drug users or possibly mentally insane people interacting with them to see how they respond. like right after i ordered lsd in the mail for the first time i went for a walk and didn't even take any of the acid yet and this asian lady walked by me with a stereotypical accent for an asian lady and was like "OH OBAMA WHAT A NIGGER", and they had a bunch of people i met as a child drive by me so i would remember what they looked like to remember my past better. i'm pretty sure this was an attempt to get me to remember paintings and music that i was shown in some type of MK ultra like program as a child. i wouldn't een have thought this was government activity if they didn't put me in the psychward with a bunch of people that i always met as a child, like some older people and some people my age like a girl that was like 12 or 13 when i was like 5 or 7, she had schizophrenia too and i was apart of some group that my parents knew about (showing me the paintings and stuff) they let me meet her when she was an early teen so i would remember he as an adult i'm pretty sure. i'm not certain but i thik people that are stuck in mental hopsitals they might take to the temporary hopsitals to meet people sometime and they had some type of secret file to let me meet this girl. i never said anything to her and it could've been my imagination, but i was on this old message board with people saying they showed me paintings as a child when i was a teen and they had this other girl on the site that was a little older and you could tell at that age what she would look like as an adult. when i was a teen and she was in her her early twenties she was telling me how she visited a bakery that my parents owned and they had me give her a sports card that was made with me on them from a basketball camp that i went to. they were like novelty cards they sold to remember you went to the camp. i specifically remember the card and that she mentioned it, i remember her at the bakery as well... she said she was supposed to show me the card if she remembered the paintings and my music, she said she wasn't confident enough to remember what the paintings were and she liked the first band that iw as in, so she wanted to tell me hoping it would help me to remember the art... weird story, i forgot to write about the girl with the basketball card during my first thread about how i thought i was some type of MK ultra "victim". i believe they gave me drugs as a kid and forced me to watch in depth movies of how a certain type of paintings are made and they showed me music tunings and stuff and it brain washed me to be able to do the stuff as an adult... i heard there are other people that have experienced it too. it was a message board off of a site called "make out club.com" which "suicide girls" was originally attatched to. not just girls with tattoos like they are doing now, but they used to have tribal scarification on some site, not sure if it was owned by the same owners, but my exgirlfriend was on the site and they got her to have some pretty crazy tribal scarring tattoos. i actually have a picture i might post of her arm and how deep the cut or burn or whatever they did to her was, it's some chinese letters or something and her skin protrudes like 1/3 to a 1/4th of an inch out of her skin like a wealt, supposedly they gave her "a good one" and it looks artistic (kind of). they let me meet this other girl at my drug dealers house who had one of the scars and supposedly the girl that was carving them didn't like her so she just carved a pretty not artistic cuts in her arm.. i really might make a thread about i am REALLY RAMBLING and i feel like the more i write makes less and less sense, but they definitely let me meet a lot of people as a kid and then they were all on this website when i was an adult saying they had faith in me to do art because i was telling my friend that the secret government had a lazer beam on me and they can scan an entire area and know enough to know when a bird is going to chirp. i thought this because i heard a beep in the ground and a crow flew right over it right after the beep and started sqwuaking. the people on the website were saying this was a sign i had "bird shocker" and they thought i had it when i was a baby. bird shocker means that my mind will get birds to chirp with what they are thinking. i was telling my friend about the problem and that was when everyone on the site decided to tell me about my childchood. i actually ask my parents about it and they say it never happened, but i remember as a kid that people threatened him not to tell me in front of me for whatever reason, but it was okay for other people to let me remember. pretty weird. i actually feel bad for my parents, but i think with all the stuff about me suspecting they were giving me drugs as a child, i don't think they want to let that secret out.

so yeah. that's my sstory very short. like i said i want to make a thread with all the music of my first band and stuff i've recorded over the years that i think they've showed me. i have a you tube with the stuff on it, but there is a lot of controversial stuff on the you tube and i don't want to show it to this site, so i've been thinking about uploading some of the just video stuff to vimeo in case anybody here is interested.

like i'm pretty sure that in certain parts of the world, esspecially different parts of america, they do do stuff to survey people. and they might take notes on people and watch them, but that all goes on pretty subtle and there's not really much they are going to do to a person. like even when i was ordering lsd in the mail they mostly left me alone, other than a bunch of times i went on the bus, the guy that used to be a cop whose voice i heard as a child would say "fruity pebbles" when i got on the bus. "uh yeah. fruity pebbles" in his cop voice... i think this was supposed to be something like MK ultra code words. he wanted me to remember his voice to continue my insanity.

this is just like one TL,DR paragraph. i'm sorry if people had a hard time reading it. i tried my best and will probably compile a thread trying to expain it again. maybe if i post some of the music people will maybe question that the music i made wasn't my own doing but something that i was tought... i really feel like most gang stalked individuals are going to be like genuises like Bill gates or Elon musk (heard it's debatable he's a genius), but i'm pretty sure they give them scientific ideas when they are children and babies so they remember the stuff when they are adults. i think the child mind is like a sponge that is ready to soak up information if brain washed the right way. this is what i get from my experience. i've createad so much art and guitar tunings that i believe was shown to me that i don't see how a person couldn't learn science as an adult by being brainwashed as a child.

So although i think theey survey and watch people, i don't think they really mess with people unless they are looking for something from them... i mean, i actually believe what landrew was writing is true about prostitues because i'm pretty sure the secret goverments actually control or at least know about gangs... i had two seperate friends tell me when i was VERY UNDER THE INFLUENCE that all the weed i got was from a gang and they actually have hookers and stuff and i'm supporting that. they told me some kid was going to be on the news for a home invasion and they told me both the guys that were responsible for the home invasions name and that i would remember this when i saw the news story... i wish i could've posted on bluelight like ten years ago "hey watch out of this news story to come up" like the people did for me, but like i said, they told me when i was very messed up on drugs and i couldn't even conscoiusly remember, the stuff just stuck in the back of my mind... like i'm pretty sure a lot of tattoos my friends or dealers get are gang related too.

and i'll leave this with "i could just be a total schizphrenic" but maybe some one even if they don't want to post has heard about similar things being done.
my post wasn't even really to help the OP, just to hope some people might accept that gang stalking and government brain washing might have happened to some..

i believe people could be watching the OP... maybe even some one made something up about the OP and the police are just curious at this point.. sorry if this causes paranoia, but it seems possible.... i don't really get what security guards at stores would have to do with it though unless maybe they thought you were stealing... sometimes people just get paranoid about others though for no reason. the OP should be fine as long as they mind their own business. there's nothing a person can do to stop people from watching them, so best to not even pay attention.
MK Ultra experiments are done on some people to this day, but the problem is that it's really hard to find out on a forum if the person telling you about this is truly a victim or simply psychotic. The problem is: we can't help you. In fact if someone is truly targeted by the government/intelligence agency, that person is in every imaginable way fucked. Nobody can help such a person.
i'm glad they still do MK ultra stuff if that's the case.. i'm pretty sure a lot of the music i listen to has been rumoured that they are MK ultra victims or whatever... if they are doing stuff sexually to people like encouraging them to be prostitues, i don't think that's really good, maybe i'm lacking some perspective which sounds kind of sick to say... but i think the idea of teaching some one special skills as a child so they will realize them as an adult is pretty cool and i feel like i have found my faith by learning these arts.
but i think the idea of teaching some one special skills as a child so they will realize them as an adult is pretty cool and i feel like i have found my faith by learning these arts.
I don't think you know what the purpose of MK Ultra is buddy. It's trauma based mind control. It doesn't have anything to do with hypnotically teaching you useful skills so you can realize yourself and become the best version of you. It's about controlling an individual. It's about erecting a mental prison inside the person. I suggest you read "Ritual abuse and mind control: the abuse of attachment needs" which was written by practicing psychiatrists and psychotherapists who have deprogrammed such individuals. You got no idea what you're saying dude. These people have experienced the most horrible, systematic abuse imaginable, for the sole purpose of creating dissociated alters to control them for the sick needs of the programmer. Please do some research before writing ignorant nonsense like that. It's an insult to all the victims out there...