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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Which drug(s) do you think will be the end of you and why? Are you doing-planning to do something about it ?


Apr 4, 2022
Sorry for the somewhat grim topic but yeah, drugs are great and all but as we all might have noticed they tend to have some bad consequences. At 40 I m a little bit more conscious of my mortality and at times I wonder which drug is hurting me the most and will likely fuck me up. I ve tried pretty much everything that was available in Europe and in Brazil, I ve been in an on off relationship with opioids for the last 17 years, I m enjoying cocaine and booze way too much atm but the more I think about it.....the more I think that the drug that will kill me is tobacco. The stupidest, smelliest, unpleasant vice that I have and still is the only drug that I ve never even attempted to quit in the last 26 years, I m even afraid of thinking about quitting. Anytime I have more pressing addictions to take care of , sometimes I win sometimes I loose but cigs are always there in the background. I guess it tells a lot about how stupid humans in general and your Skipjames here in particular can be. Discuss if you feel like it and sorry if it s a little bit depressing , maybe can be helpful for someone to rethink his-her habits a little....cheers
i've been smoking about a gram of weed a day for the past twentyone years. recently i started smoking about 2 and a half grams a day. i don't know if i'll have the finances to keep it up, but i'd like to be able to post on this board thirty years from now and saying that i didn't get any type of cancer from smoking bongs. whether or not i'm smoking a gram a day or two or three.

i've thought a lot about if i encounter lung problems, whether or not i'd keep smoking. i'd probably just start using edibles, which i don't really like, and i'd definitely start growing or buying shrooms, which i'm paranoid about doing now because of legal problems... but for now smoking is my go to escape and i'll continue with it until something goes wrong... even then if something went wrong, i was watching a commercial on t.v. the other day and it was a "stop smoking before it's too late" guy on a breathing machine. and i was like "i wonder if it feels good to be on that when you are suffering". then i was like "i bet i could sneak in a hit". these thoughts honestly went through my head, and honestly, i love weed that much. i know people say it's not addictive and not a gate way drug. but for me, once i started, i couldn't really stop... i'd like to think if i have imminent cancer or something that i'll stop though... i assume it has to feel good being on shrooms and on one of those breathing machines. maybe something like that will be my fate... hopefully i just die of old age and not cancer. i'm hoping weed is proven to be safer than tabacco in terms of how much you can dose. i know tabacco kills a lot of people. i don't really hear about weed killing people.

but yeah, i hope blue light is a message board in thirty years and i can come back and post that i'm cancer free and have been getting high for fifty years.
well , smoking in general is not good for your lungs, but at least smoking weed afaik is not as bad as smoking cigarettes, especially if you are a chain smoker like your humble here (30 cigs on a normal day, imagine how many when I do coke and drink...) Also..at least weed makes you high ! What do i get in return from cigarettes but smelly clothes bad breath and all the well known risks to lungs hearth etc.? I ´ld love to smoke weed (and I ve smoked a shitload of it) but since I was around 26 it made me feel like shit and I really stopped smoking overnight (at times I do some puffs due to peer pressure and it never goes well...) . With cigarettes is slightly more complicated , Ive been smoking for the ...last 26 years! But I wish you a happy and long and especially cancer free stoner life my friend!
The only drugs i use nowadays is weeds and methamphetamine (btw I love the word methamphetamine and how it rolls off tongue hence my verbiage, plus meth has negative connotations just like crack. Hate that word bc it’s called hard. I’ll pop benzos no more than a bar. It’s so different than before on desires to get fucked up as possible all the time even methamphetamine was like this as monster shots was my thing. Been a couple shots not many where I’m regretting it and have trouble breathing. Had siezures once but that was a while ago.
I believe it’s shortening my life and if I make 60 id be impressed. I worry at times the quality of my life when I’m old
Im old now feeling especially the two years clean. Once life is shitty over 75% percent of the time and permanently have something immobilizing painful I’ll be ok with dying. Im ok with it now and I enjoy life. No belief of any afterlife and it’s gonna be like sleep. How I die is what’s scary.
I do believe in an afterlife but I ld like to verify whether I m right or wrong in my 80´s - 90´s, not at....63 like my dad (lung cancer due to cigarettes)
How I die is what’s scary.
tell me about it, the very idea of slowly agonising like my dad should make any sane person stay away from cigarettes forever. But here I am. You know is therapeutic writing this shit cos its probably the first time in...26 years I m seriously considering quitting cigarettes. What makes me go insane is that I managed to quit opioids quite a few times, i m working on at least significantly reduce my use of cocaine but I m almost powerless when it comes to..cigarettes. Beyond ridiculous....
I really have to be carefull for basloecoke, about ten yrs ago I struggled for many yrs with a major coke addiction but I was snorting back then doing 6g a day every day, since a few yrs I started doing coke again but snorting does nothing for me anymore, however, I now had fallen big time in love with smoking base, Ive been able to keep my use to one g one or maybe two times a week and this is perfect to me, but its not always easy to keep it like this especially since I deal in large amounts, if I slip up I see myself losing it in major basecoke addiction, its a bit playing with fire but hey, doesnt that make you feel more alive...?
I really have to be carefull for basloecoke, about ten yrs ago I struggled for many yrs with a major coke addiction but I was snorting back then doing 6g a day every day, since a few yrs I started doing coke again but snorting does nothing for me anymore, however, I now had fallen big time in love with smoking base, Ive been able to keep my use to one g one or maybe two times a week and this is perfect to me, but its not always easy to keep it like this especially since I deal in large amounts, if I slip up I see myself losing it in major basecoke addiction, its a bit playing with fire but hey, doesnt that make you feel more alive...?
Hi my friend! Kudos for the self control and I m glad of having always been on the user side of the force, if I was dealing smack or oxys I would use everyday , if I was dealing coke and was into smoking base....every second? With oxys at least you do what you need and that s it,same with smack as I smoke it so if I ve done too much.. I ll just sleep, while coke is way more compulsive and unmaneageable beast, at least for me. But again, it drives me crazy that I managed to be functional with opioids, I hope that I m starting to learn (by trial and error) how to use coke in a responsible - less irresponsible way, still I m totally unable to even think about a plausible strategy or find some willpower to stop....smoking cigarettes!!!

Hi my friend! Kudos for the self control and I m glad of having always been on the user side of the force, if I was dealing smack or oxys I would use everyday , if I was dealing coke and was into smoking base....every second? With oxys at least you do what you need and that s it,same with smack as I smoke it so if I ve done too much.. I ll just sleep, while coke is way more compulsive and unmaneageable beast, at least for me. But again, it drives me crazy that I managed to be functional with opioids, I hope that I m starting to learn (by trial and error) how to use coke in a responsible - less irresponsible way, still I m totally unable to even think about a plausible strategy or find some willpower to stop....smoking cigarettes!!!
Hi my friend! Thx for the cudos!

Yes, trial and error is also my path down life, and surely there are still many more errors to come... But with age comes wisdom, dont ppl say that? I dont know man, I often still feel like the same fuck up I was at 16 lol

Yes, sigs are horrible addiction! I cant quit that either, I stopped trying to quit sigs since to me it seems both pointless and hopeless to try.

Good luck controlling that coke beast man, it is a hard one to get a handle on, but Im living proof it actually is possible, and if its possible for me than its also possible for you, and I actually believe deep down nothing is impossible (except quitting sigs lol).

Wish you all the best! Grtz!

Ps I still didnt sleep, binge day 3 by now.
I do believe in an afterlife but I ld like to verify whether I m right or wrong in my 80´s - 90´s, not at....63 like my dad (lung cancer due to cigarettes)

tell me about it, the very idea of slowly agonising like my dad should make any sane person stay away from cigarettes forever. But here I am. You know is therapeutic writing this shit cos its probably the first time in...26 years I m seriously considering quitting cigarettes. What makes me go insane is that I managed to quit opioids quite a few times, i m working on at least significantly reduce my use of cocaine but I m almost powerless when it comes to..cigarettes. Beyond ridiculous....
Might seem silly but this guy and his method has helped millions of ppl quit smoking. Worth giving it a shot if you're really desperate to quit for good.
Might seem silly but this guy and his method has helped millions of ppl quit smoking. Worth giving it a shot if you're really desperate to quit for good.

Thx for sharing this!

Im not planning on quitting any time soon anymore at this point in my life, but at some point I would really like to kick cigs, so any help is more than welcome!

Thx for sharing this!

Im not planning on quitting any time soon anymore at this point in my life, but at some point I would really like to kick cigs, so any help is more than welcome!

Thing is , if I quit with cigarettes I have to quit with everything. Imagine doing a line and not smoking a cigarette while sipping a drink.....
When it comes to quitting cigs Im willing to try anything at this point in my life, I would by now even be cool with any kind of urban voodoo - you see what cigs done to me, finally drove me totally insane, I take back what I said about basecoke, cigs are most definitely my downfall!
Thing is , if I quit with cigarettes I have to quit with everything. Imagine doing a line and not smoking a cigarette while sipping a drink.....
Yes, that to me is also an inherent problem about quitting cigs, imagine not being able to smoke a cig with a nice beer, or after a line of H or amp! Or in between hits of a basecoke smoking session! Oh my God, someone stop the madness!!!
When it comes to quitting cigs Im willing to try anything at this point in my life, I would by now even be cool with any kind of urban voodoo - you see what cigs done to me, finally drove me totally insane, I take back what I said about basecoke, cigs are most definitely my downfall!
yeah worth checking out his book tbh. the cool part is it instructs you to keep smoking while you read, you're not expect to quit until the very end.
I could die whenever for alcohol poisoning and/or extremely hazardous behaviour it causes, theoretically
When it comes to quitting cigs Im willing to try anything at this point in my life, I would by now even be cool with any kind of urban voodoo - you see what cigs done to me, finally drove me totally insane, I take back what I said about basecoke, cigs are most definitely my downfall!
they surely cost a fortune in your side of the world. Not that other vices are for free but cigs are probably the more pointless one there is
19 euro for a big pack L&M (I think thats about 30 cigs...)
5 reais and 75 centavos a pack of Chesterfield here ( basically...1 euro). Before moving here I was living in the UK were cigs were more expensive than dope, how could I resist....
I do believe in an afterlife but I ld like to verify whether I m right or wrong in my 80´s - 90´s, not at....63 like my dad (lung cancer due to cigarettes)

tell me about it, the very idea of slowly agonising like my dad should make any sane person stay away from cigarettes forever. But here I am. You know is therapeutic writing this shit cos its probably the first time in...26 years I m seriously considering quitting cigarettes. What makes me go insane is that I managed to quit opioids quite a few times, i m working on at least significantly reduce my use of cocaine but I m almost powerless when it comes to..cigarettes. Beyond ridiculous....
My lungs I don’t pay much thought and i should. Cigs n weed are classics. I did switch to vaping but go back n forth now I do both. Interestingly on meth my cigarette intake and weed intake reduce greatly which isn’t the case on any other stims.
I can get really panicky with continued worry over the abuse I’ve put my body through and the body is remarkably resilient
No after life but believe there has to be life elsewhere. I’m tired and cranky though and not trying to get stuck
5 reais and 75 centavos a pack of Chesterfield here ( basically...1 euro). Before moving here I was living in the UK were cigs were more expensive than dope, how could I resist....
As an American we don’t learn shit about anything outside the borders including currency rates. Marlboro black is my go to
And it’s at 8.05 a pack which is high but Newports are over 13 Finna sound like an old man but Mariboro reds were 1.95 when I first started cigs.