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Why isn’t Benzedrex a controlled substance???


Dec 10, 2022
Can someone please help me understand this? It should be controlled under the Federal Analogue Act right???

I am pro freedom to use safe drugs but this drug is far from safe is extremely addictive and we should be protecting children and mentally ill at risk populations.

It just should NOT be over the counter where kids have bought it and died. I just feel like there are kickbacks and payoffs responsible for this drug not being scheduled or at least behind the counter like ephedrine and such.

Theoretically you can even make meth out of it by dehydrolysis.

I believe we as adults have the responsibility to make healthy choices but what about at risk populations? It needs to be regulated someway at least.

And I can’t believe I’m saying this because I am pro freedom to alter your mind if you so choose, but this drug is so addictive and dangerous I think we should limit the age that can buy it at the very least.

Does anyone understand why/how this substance is over the counter and how it’s not under the federal analogue act? Thanks everyone.
Can someone please help me understand this? It should be controlled under the Federal Analogue Act right???

I am pro freedom to use safe drugs but this drug is far from safe is extremely addictive and we should be protecting children and mentally ill at risk populations.

It just should NOT be over the counter where kids have bought it and died. I just feel like there are kickbacks and payoffs responsible for this drug not being scheduled or at least behind the counter like ephedrine and such.

Theoretically you can even make meth out of it by dehydrolysis.

I believe we as adults have the responsibility to make healthy choices but what about at risk populations? It needs to be regulated someway at least.

And I can’t believe I’m saying this because I am pro freedom to alter your mind if you so choose, but this drug is so addictive and dangerous I think we should limit the age that can buy it at the very least.

It was a controlled substance:

Does anyone understand why/how this substance is over the counter and how it’s not under the federal analogue act? Thanks everyone.

Well l-methamphetamine is itself in otc inhalers, so I don't think they are applying the analogue act in the case of these inhalers. Plus dehydrogenation of propylhexedrine doesn't sound too easy, and presumably would yield undesirable racemic methamphetamine (and would also not be cost effective). So it's not a major concern in that regard.

There has been pressure on the manufacturers to make it harder to abuse, and also to reduce the dosage per inhaler. Plus I think you have to be 18 years of age in some states to buy it.

To be fair it probably shouldn't be sitting on the shelf where a teenager can swipe it, and probably should require ID, but the last thing we need are more controlled substances.
It is a recreational drug but I think it's definitely hyperbole to classify it as "extremely addictive"

We DEFINITELY don't need any more controlled substances. If anything we need less, much less.
I mean wasn't it originally straight up amphetamine ? If so it might seem relatively much less alarming.

But I'll tell you what when I was a minor anything done "thinking of the children" was like a challenge for me to get it, do it, read it, listen to it, swallow it, ect.
I do agree that we need less controlled substances. I just think that there are certain substances that do deserve to be controlled.

Maybe I’m just partial because I found it to be extremely addictive.

I had about a year clean from all illegal substances. Just was using kratom and medical marijuana but I do have about 20 years in active addiction and have used pretty much every common drug of abuse. I used to take ecstacy pretty often and have done meth a few times, cocaine, etc and there have been others. I understand ultimately that I’m at fault for my addictions.

Anyway, I was clean from those kinds of drugs for about a year and then I was surfing the forums and found out about propylhexidrine and in the post they described it as a mix between meth and ecstacy. Well, I made the mistake of entertaining the idea of trying it but ya know just one time right.

Well, I tried it the “one” time and got extremely high. I’ve never had a drug take control so fast. I was a daily user if this for about two weeks and fully knowledgeable about the risks especially with daily use, and every day I would tell myself that I’m not going to get anymore tomorrow. This is it kinda thing. Yet, each morning I’d find myself at a drug store getting more.

Well at the end of those two weeks I started getting a sharp pain in the left side of my head and started to worry so I went to the hospital and by the time I got there I was losing my near sighted vision. I couldn’t text read or even look at pictures on my phone and make them out. I also started kind of like blacking out here and there so they wanted to check me for a brain bleed. Which is entirely possibly because the only thing I had to help with vasoconstriction that I had access to was aspirin. Not the greatest but thought better than nothing tho I thought aspirin normally caused GI bleed not brain bleeds.

Anyway, they did the cat scan and they said no brain bleed but I had damage to my brain due to hypoxia likely and the following:

“Mild paravertebral white matter hypoattenuation non-specific although commonly associated with chronic small vessel ischemic change”

The quoted portion I took off of the radiologists report because I don’t really understand it so can’t explain it.

So they admitted me and of course were giving me benzos though they were only giving me weak oral benzos when my blood pressure was 160//105 when I got there and my pulse was 155 when I got there. I wonder if there was a sound medical reason that they didn’t give me a stronger benzo or IV Ativan instead of 4mg oral every few hours as my heart rate and blood pressure were not going down in any significant way with oral Ativan. I have a feeling it’s because they knew I was an addict especially since I was honest with them about what I had been using because I was scared and wanted help. Then again maybe they didn’t want to drop my heart rate too fast ir something because it could cause my bp to spike I don’t know enough to tell.

Well regardless of me feeling scared/terrified I get discharged from the hospital and next thing I know I’m back in a pharmacy getting some more Benzedrex. So so stupid.

Oh and my vision returned completely the second day I was in the hospital.thankfully.

And I continued to use it for a week after that. I have been clean from it since Dec. 21st.

I just say all this to show how addictive it can be. I knew the risks. Did tons of research. I should have had benzos on hand and I know it’s not to be used recreational so frequently. But I was out of control.

The last week I was trying to quit I was searching to see how other people were able to quit and found that there are quite a few others addicted like I was or worse to Benzedrex. One guy claimed he was chewing 50 cottons a day or something which I find hard to believe but then again I did extractions so maybe he was wasting a lot. He would do it like that three days a week. A concerned father said his12 year old kid found out about it on the internet and tried it and almost died on one Reddit post. And there are others. And I didn’t think l-methamphetamine was anywhere near recreational from what I heard but I could be wrong but propylhexidrine was very recreational for me.

I think the majority of people that get addicted are addicts who don’t have access to street drugs tho. When I got clean I moved and burned all my connects. Not ripped them off I mean that I burned the bridge to them by deleting there phone numbers. So by the time I was in active addiction again I didn’t have anywhere to get anything at all. Trust me would have lived to have had some benzos on hand and I don’t like the benzo high. But maybe I wouldn’t have had to go to the ER. Well I could have avoided that too if I would have been smart and made the smart decision if never trying the stuff to begin with.

No other drug as taken me down so fast. I lost everything I worked hard to rebuild in my life in a matter of weeks. Everything pretty much. But again I understand that’s my fault but I do think some drugs should be controlled that are not very safe but then again maybe people wouldn’t abuse it if all drugs were legal and they had access to better safer drugs.

Sorry the post was so long. I had a lot to say.

After they
I mean wasn't it originally straight up amphetamine ? If so it might seem relatively much less alarming.

But I'll tell you what when I was a minor anything done "thinking of the children" was like a challenge for me to get it, do it, read it, listen to it, swallow it, ect.
Yeah. It used to be benzedrene but I think imo that amphetamines are safer than benzedrex. Seriously.
^ So pardon my ignorance but are you speaking of those inhalers that people put in their nose and then breathe the fumes when they are congested with a cold.

And do you have to sniff the whole container to get high? And it's actually comparable to prescribed stimulants?

Do they still make them and you can just walk in the store and buy them?
^ So pardon my ignorance but are you speaking of those inhalers that people put in their nose and then breathe the fumes when they are congested with a cold.

And do you have to sniff the whole container to get high? And it's actually comparable to prescribed stimulants?

Do they still make them and you can just walk in the store and buy them?
Yup. They inject it and can cause all kindsa issues:
Im pretty sure you have to extract it or eat the cotton (which I think could cause gi track obstructions) and it has a overpowering odor of like lavander and other nauseating additives.

So I'd say it compares to prescription stimulants like specifically amphetamine

Like how driving fancy luxury car like a Lexus but not a sports car that is still pretty fast and a smooth ride like 5-10 mph over the speed limit (speeding but unlikely for anyone to notice or care)

Driving a car making questionable sounds from the engine while you have food poisoning and your seats are drenched in nasty alcohols and you covered your body in camphor and lit like a hundred lavender candles.
Do they still make them and you can just walk in the store and buy them?
I remember back in the mid to late '80 in state pen that this was a huge "thing". Removing the cotton and either IV-ing it or letting it soak in a hot beverage like coffee for a while before consuming. Some would put the cotton in a syringe and push the contents thereof straight into their veins.
This is where I first heard the term "cotton fever" but may have meant something different back then IDK....
Some would put the cotton in a syringe and push the contents thereof straight into their veins.
But how in the heck do people inject " fumes ". Isn't it a vapor that comes out of those things?
These fumes have to come from something. lol I do not personally know what is all that is in them and never tried it but from what I saw with my own eyes MFs would lock themselves in bathroom stalls with porno mags for hours when onnit. :shrug:
These fumes have to come from something. lol I do not personally know what is all that is in them and never tried it but from what I saw with my own eyes MFs would lock themselves in bathroom stalls with porno mags for hours when onnit. :shrug:
Damn Son....gonna have to run up to Walgreens and get me one of these bad boys. They are even buy 2 get one free in that ad. Hot diggety dog. :multicolorheadbang:
He's referring to Benzedrex, an over-the-counter decongestant medication consisting of an inhaler loaded with the drug propylhexedrine. People pop the tops off off the inhaler, submerge the drug-soaked cotton in lemon juice or other citric acid, and then drink that as a shot. It gets you pretty high actually, compares favorably with m-amphetamine (which makes sense when you look at a propylhex molecule and a m-amphetamine molecule)

Less sophisticated users will simply eat the cotton.

I understand what the OP is saying to some extent but...I just think that abuse of propylhex is very limiting because there is a very high price to pay for abuse of this drug. It is an enjoyable but ultimately a "dirty" high and I think most people understand that when they use it. Yes, some people will completely lose control of their shit while they're on the drug but that is something which is true for LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE PSYCHOACTIVE DRUG IN EXISTENCE. There will always be people who just can't handle their shit on [insert drug here], for whatever reason...that shouldn't impede upon the ability of the vast majority of the population who CAN handle their shit IMO anyway
From a brief search it would appear that Propylhexedrine was/is the active ingredient and was supposedly scheduled as (V) in hte US but........

Legal Status​

On the 4th of April 1988, propylhexedrine was designated a controlled substance (Schedule V) in the United States. Then was overturned in 1991 based on the opinion of the Drug Enforcement Administration that propylhexedrine did not warrant control. The substance has remained unregulated under the Controlled Substances Act in the United States ever since.
- Wiki