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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread 2022-2023 v. Year of the Phenethylamine

I just finished watching Altered States on mdma and thc and it was just as mind blowing as ever. Have you guys ever seen it? It's amazing.

I know I didn't take a psychedelic but the film is about a psychedelic that is out of the world.

You have to see it if you're a fan of psychedelics. I recommend it as a tripping film in fact.

Just Google altered states movie streaming free....
My health issues seem to be treating better now in my 30s than in my 20s. Really seemed to dodge a bullet with the storm; really was sure my house would be gone but there's no damage or flooding. Also came close to severely hurting myself in a bicycle crash today due to the wind thankfully I caught myself properly and didn't smash my face after almost going over my handlebars. I'm little scrapped and bruised but didn't get cut; extremely soar because it caused my issues with my spine and shit to flare up.
our nanny state gov has now banned polystyrene wtf lmao
What like... plastic?

Not gonna lie man, I do not envy you (or anyone) for living in New Zealand. The country seems to be going down the tubes. So do the rest of the commonwealth nations though so y'all ain't alone.
What like... plastic?

Not gonna lie man, I do not envy you (or anyone) for living in New Zealand. The country seems to be going down the tubes. So do the rest of the commonwealth nations though so y'all ain't alone.
yup all single use plastics and others are banned. Ones that break down are also banned now. From today cups of noodle have become illegal. No more plastic trays for meat. No more plastic stickers on fruit lol?

No more easy to reuse plastic cutlery for parties.

I was at a mall the other day and saw massive gang of folk smashing and robbing jewelry stores, this is now occuring every day over the country in broad public and daylight. Its become the wild west no a single fucking cop to be seen anywhere.

Ram raids are up 570% since this gov got in. There is no consquences for crimminals. They get counselling and home D for all every crime now. Part of the gov policy to reduce our inmate numbers by 70%. You can go armed rob something and get a few months house arrest.

These mfs need to be heading down for 14+ years or getting shot like america.

This country was once a wonderful place to live. Within two terms jacdina and her woke pc crowd have turned out country into a shit hole and trying to erode our democracy in many ways with something called co-goverance. This means a bunch of people who are unelected get to decide 50% of how things are run based on their race and ancestry but only if they are the elite maori chiefs. Nothing for the rest of them.

So all takeaway packing is now illegal and jacdina wants use to bring our own tupperwave to takeaways to take the FOOD back home lmfaoooo!!!!!!
really need to buy some more Turkey Tails again soon and start supplementing again for good measure. 🦃
Buy? Buddy that shit is free. They've gotta be the most common mushroom in North America. They grow everywhere year round. I'll pick some for you this fall. Remind me if you don't hear back from me by November just in case I forget.
yup all single use plastics and others are banned. Ones that break down are also banned now. From today cups of noodle have become illegal. No more plastic trays for meat. No more plastic stickers on fruit lol?

No more easy to reuse plastic cutlery for parties.

I was at a mall the other day and saw massive gang of folk smashing and robbing jewelry stores, this is now occuring every day over the country in broad public and daylight. Its become the wild west no a single fucking cop to be seen anywhere.

Ram raids are up 570% since this gov got in. There is no consquences for crimminals. They get counselling and home D for all every crime now. Part of the gov policy to reduce our inmate numbers by 70%. You can go armed rob something and get a few months house arrest.

These mfs need to be heading down for 14+ years or getting shot like america.

This country was once a wonderful place to live. Within two terms jacdina and her woke pc crowd have turned out country into a shit hole and trying to erode our democracy in many ways with something called co-goverance. This means a bunch of people who are unelected get to decide 50% of how things are run based on their race and ancestry but only if they are the elite maori chiefs. Nothing for the rest of them.

So all takeaway packing is now illegal and jacdina wants use to bring our own tupperwave to takeaways to take the FOOD back home lmfaoooo!!!!!!

Remember when Key was PM and he made it easy to sell NZ housing to overseas real estate investors, turning parts of the rural NZ into holiday home ghost towns and making owning a house a pipe dream for a whole generation of young kiwis? Yeah, that was cool. He may have impoverished the nation to make a quick buck, but at least he didn't take away anyone's sporks.
Remember when Key was PM and he made it easy to sell NZ housing to overseas real estate investors, turning parts of the rural NZ into holiday home ghost towns and making owning a house a pipe dream for a whole generation of young kiwis? Yeah, that was cool. He may have impoverished the nation to make a quick buck, but at least he didn't take away anyone's sporks.
No, you don't understand: The mean lady government wants to reduce the completely useless crap used to over-package stuff from ending up in New Zealand's ground and ocean therefore Tupperware ram raid gangs are smashing jewellery stores because they don't have the plastic spoons they need to survive.

Can you honestly say you've never driven a car through a 7-11 when you didn't have immediate access to polystyrene burger containers?
Remember when Key was PM and he made it easy to sell NZ housing to overseas real estate investors, turning parts of the rural NZ into holiday home ghost towns and making owning a house a pipe dream for a whole generation of young kiwis? Yeah, that was cool. He may have impoverished the nation to make a quick buck, but at least he didn't take away anyone's sporks.

Thank you so much brother, I'm so touched right now by your kindness. You really are an amazing person and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Honestly I feel like I have seen them before at some point in my life while traveling thru the woods but at that point I didn't know what they were. How much of it do you pick, like the whole big thing off the tree and then grind it up or something. I remember them being incredibly large in comparison to other mushrooms. If the one you give me is fresh from the woods I bet it's even more powerful than buying it online.

Just bought the beginning of the Death Note series yesterday at Barnes and Nobles (Volumes 1/2) in a single book, and I have the 3rd one on the way right now. Have gotten really into Manga and Anime lately and I hear that this is a great one. So excited to start reading it and I will be collecting all the physical copies to have forever. I wanna start building a collection of Manga that I will be able to display one day on a bookshelf at my home. Have any of you ever read this series or heard of it before, it has also been adapted into a Anime series and Live Action movie.

I've also been reading comic books again, particularly The Sandman series after being blown away by the show on Netflix. That is such an incredible show and suggest all of you to watch The Sandman...thank me later 😊
Don't mention it! They're easy to harvest, you just pick them right off the log and set them out to dry, which they do readily. You don't have to worry about harvesting practices or pressure any more than you have to worry about overharvesting grass. They're unbelievably abundant. They aren't large, though. I'd say they're usually on the small size.

I've never used them medicinally, so I can't say for sure whether dried and ground, tea, or ethanolic extraction is the way to go without reading up on them some more.


Just bought the beginning of the Death Note series yesterday at Barnes and Nobles (Volumes 1/2) in a single book, and I have the 3rd one on the way right now. Have gotten really into Manga and Anime lately and I hear that this is a great one. So excited to start reading it and I will be collecting all the physical copies to have forever. I wanna start building a collection of Manga that I will be able to display one day on a bookshelf at my home. Have any of you ever read this series or heard of it before, it has also been adapted into a Anime series and Live Action movie.

I've also been reading comic books again, particularly The Sandman series after being blown away by the show on Netflix. That is such an incredible show and suggest all of you to watch The Sandman...thank me later 😊
Death Note is pretty good! I enjoyed the anime, but never read the manga for it. If you haven't seen Erased, it's very good. Serial Experiments: LAIN is my favorite. A little dated now, but a trippy masterpiece.
Don't mention it! They're easy to harvest, you just pick them right off the log and set them out to dry, which they do readily. You don't have to worry about harvesting practices or pressure any more than you have to worry about overharvesting grass. They're unbelievably abundant. They aren't large, though. I'd say they're usually on the small size.


I must have been seeing some other type of thing growing on the trees that have a similar pattern of colors. Those ones you show I'm picture are so beautiful and really look like Turkey's tails. I bet you the Native Americans used to take them as medicine all the time for thousands of years. The way they heal the body when it is sick is simply magical. It makes me think about what other plants/fungi are out in the world that we can all take to be healthier. Mother Nature does indeed provide, bless Gaia.
I finished my gram of cocaine yesterday.
I enjoyed it, but it was definitely disappointing. It's just more of a smooth ride, there's a minor physical "rush" as you feel it slightly numbing parts of your face and warming your body, which is fine. It was not as stimulating as you'd expect, it definitely put me more on my ass, feeling nicely warm and numb. But mentally there's never really much going on, you feel pretty good and alert but beyond that...
And like, you wanna push the cognitive effects, but it's just not possible, so you're just jacking up your heart rate and all the edginess for nothing. Still much better than all the street cocaine I've had though, but absolutely puzzling how this is a top 3 most popular drug ever, I don't think a 10-15% increase in purity will change much.
Good cocaine is surprising, and underwhelming, though much nicer than cut to shit levamisole-coke. I have always thought it's odd how it's so much more popular than any other drug besides weed and alcohol, too. Especially given the price and short duration.
Good cocaine is surprising, and underwhelming, though much nicer than cut to shit levamisole-coke. I have always thought it's odd how it's so much more popular than any other drug besides weed and alcohol, too. Especially given the price and short duration.
I think the crux of it in America at least is that blue collar/federal employees who are drug tested often can use it without the repercussions of losing their job.
Good cocaine is surprising, and underwhelming, though much nicer than cut to shit levamisole-coke. I have always thought it's odd how it's so much more popular than any other drug besides weed and alcohol, too. Especially given the price and short duration.
Compared to street cocaine, other than solely effects, I noticed there was actually less numbing and only in the very near vicinity where applied (nose, and gums for a while). No stuffed nose. And there was a tiny burn when snorting, until the numbing takes effect, most other coke I've done was almost immediately numbing (other -caines?). Pretty OK crash too.

I do take methylphenidate almost daily which probably has some effect.
I finished my gram of cocaine yesterday.
I enjoyed it, but it was definitely disappointing.
Back in 2016 I got an eighth from Spain that was EC tested, can't remember the exact number but I think it was like 93% purity. But yeah that was my impression too. I think my lines might have been too small though, because everyone else that tried that batch did bigger lines and said it was great.

Gave a wedding speech yesterday and fucking killed it. Everyone was saying it was the best one they've ever heard. I took phenibut, GHB, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and propranolol. Perfect combination for the occasion.
EDIT: took some more for a total of 25 ug

i dont get it with the microdosing. you take 25mcg of lsd, you feel a little weird for about 1hour and thats it. no increased creativity, no better workflow its just a low dose of which you cannot make anything useful imo. plus your tolerance goes up fast so that you cannot feel any effects after 2-3 days from you microdose. its like the usual babble of cis and trans genders nowadays. everyone, absolutely everyone has to talk about it but does it make any difference? yes, we can!