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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Sick Of Heroin/Opioid stigma & misinformation


Jan 23, 2020
If I can't rant here, please feel free to move it.

I've been a drug addict for well over 20 years. I've done just about everything.
12 of those years were spent on pain pills only, with about another 5 years with heroin use on & off. I did other shit too off & on obviously & am a stoner, so cannabis is pretty much required for any of my other drug experiences.

Through out my own experience & research, I have discovered that society has been conditioned to believe flat out lies regarding heroin/opioid use.

When I used heroin & opioids, they made me more physically active, controlled my depression, my pain & made me more responsible.
I try to make it my duty to speak openly across the internet about my experience & how I think it's wrong that heroin is illegal. (When I say heroin, I mean specifically diacetylmorphine only). I never even once overdosed in all those years, but I think part of that comes down to my dealer. He made sure to only give me rocks, never any cuts. I also hated the way benzos & alcohols muddied up my opioid effects, so I rarely mixed it with those because when I had H/pain pills, then what the hell did I need benzos or alcohol for? I didn't.

I am constantly running into people pushing things like "heroin is more dangerous than alcohol".
I even had one person today tell me that "heroin effects your judgement making skills more than alcohol".
I told them that's false & then asked them to describe to me how mu-receptor activation would even cause the same judgement ruining effects as alcohol & of course they couldn't. Because it can't. Other than the general sedation or drowsiness from opioids, they do not impact your judgement making skills the same way alcohol does.

I use to go on long walks on heroin, work harder at my job, exercise, create things, etc... & enjoyed every moment of it. Doing those things today is now a tedious task that pains me. Alcohol on the other hand landed me plenty of assault charges, car accidents, suicide attempts & nights in jail. Now THAT is serious judgement making impairment.

I also had one person say to me "you're a heroin addict & giving out advice??? gtfo".
Seriously???????? If I needed advice about drugs, the first person I'm gonna go to about it is a veteran junkie that knows their shit.
This person went on to say they "work with addicts everyday" & so some how my experience is false & invalid.

I live in pain with chronic fatigue & just barely function every day. Ever since my heroin dealer went to prison, I moved & lost my pain pill connect, I just haven't been the same person.
And it boils my blood knowing there is an effective medicine out there for it, but I can't have it because it's "illegal" and full of stigma and bullshit lies that people believe every day.

I'm at my wits end with the medical system, with ignorant people, etc....
My new therapist last week flat out told me I should just accept living in pain the rest of my life. Pushing that mindfullness crap (a whole other topic I don't wanna get into here).

What are some ways we could this topic going further? Especially in the US? I think legal, clean, prescription heroin could help so many people who are addicted/dependent on opioids & who WANT to use them to make their lives better. I just don't know where to start, who to contact or what to do to get this heard. I thought being vocal online was enough but people will defend their misinformation about heroin TO THE DEATH.


At this point, if society collapses, it's deserved. Just like how I some how "deserve" to live in pain the rest of my life because other people for some reason get to dictate what goes in my body. I'm so tired of it.
My quality of life is over thanks to arbitrary drug laws. What else is left in my life then, except to dedicate it to some cause that I feel passionate about?

How do we get through to these people who push their misinformation as universal fact?

I would like to see some kind of change in my lifetime. Heroin is no more dangerous than drinking in fact I'd consider it LESS dangerous, considering heroin doesn't cause any major brain or organ damage. Plus a person with no tolerance is most likely to pass out & fall asleep long before doing too much heroin. Heroin is not meant to be used like alcohol anyway. And the fact that some people will be irresponsible with it shouldn't make it so that the rest of us can't use it. Fentanyl is obviously a different story & wouldn't be a problem today if heroin was never made illegal.

It's absolute HYPOCRISY that should have ended YESTERDAY.
In fact, I dare say it's a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY to tell people they cannot use opioids & punish them if they do.

Anyone else feel this way? I know I can't be the only one.
Imagine something in your life, something you use or need every day to get through your day. Anything. Then imagine society saying "well, that's bad, so we want you to not use it anymore or we'll take away your freedom". That is exactly how prohibiion is for people like myself.

And ironically, no matter how in depth I go with this topic to some people, they will still defend alcohol & continue to spout falsehoods about opioids/heroin. It completely blows my mind.

PS : There use to be a haven of old information on google about how opioids were once legal, used for psychiatric reasons (with good results), tests that showed it was actually difficult for some one with a tolerance to just up & OD out of nowhere, etc.... I've watched all of this important information get totally SCRUBBED from the google search results & replaced with "opioids are dangerous" propaganda.

If people don't start standing up, then how much more control of our minds & bodies are we planning to give away? How many more people have to die from fentanyl or have their lives ruined forever? Why am I the only person who seems to be this passionate about it? I thought heroin was a deadly, life-destroying drug... yet my experience was the EXACT OPPOSITE. Even if you don't use or like heroin, the ignorance, stigma & laws surrounding could become the same reality for many things you DO like or need to use.
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If I can't rant here, please feel free to move it.

I've been a drug addict for well over 20 years. I've done just about everything.
12 of those years were spent on pain pills only, with about another 5 years with heroin use on & off. I did other shit too off & on obviously & am a stoner, so cannabis is pretty much required for any of my other drug experiences.

Through out my own experience & research, I have discovered that society has been conditioned to believe flat out lies regarding heroin/opioid use.

When I used heroin & opioids, they made me more physically active, controlled my depression, my pain & made me more responsible.
I try to make it my duty to speak openly across the internet about my experience & how I think it's wrong that heroin is illegal. (When I say heroin, I mean specifically diacetylmorphine only). I never even once overdosed in all those years, but I think part of that comes down to my dealer. He made sure to only give me rocks, never any cuts. I also hated the way benzos & alcohols muddied up my opioid effects, so I rarely mixed it with those because when I had H/pain pills, then what the hell did I need benzos or alcohol for? I didn't.

I am constantly running into people pushing things like "heroin is more dangerous than alcohol".
I even had one person today tell me that "heroin effects your judgement making skills more than alcohol".
I told them that's false & then asked them to describe to me how mu-receptor activation would even cause the same judgement ruining effects as alcohol & of course they couldn't. Because it can't. Other than the general sedation or drowsiness from opioids, they do not impact your judgement making skills the same way alcohol does.

I use to go on long walks on heroin, work harder at my job, exercise, create things, etc... & enjoyed every moment of it. Doing those things today is now a tedious task that pains me. Alcohol on the other hand landed me plenty of assault charges, car accidents, suicide attempts & nights in jail. Now THAT is serious judgement making impairment.

I also had one person say to me "you're a heroin addict & giving out advice??? gtfo".
Seriously???????? If I needed advice about drugs, the first person I'm gonna go to about it is a veteran junkie that knows their shit.
This person went on to say they "work with addicts everyday" & so some how my experience is false & invalid.

I live in pain with chronic fatigue & just barely function every day. Ever since my heroin dealer went to prison, I moved & lost my pain pill connect, I just haven't been the same person.
And it boils my blood knowing there is an effective medicine out there for it, but I can't have it because it's "illegal" and full of stigma and bullshit lies that people believe every day.

I'm at my wits end with the medical system, with ignorant people, etc....
My new therapist last week flat out told me I should just accept living in pain the rest of my life. Pushing that mindfullness crap (a whole other topic I don't wanna get into here).

What are some ways we could this topic going further? Especially in the US? I think legal, clean, prescription heroin could help so many people who are addicted/dependent on opioids & who WANT to use them to make their lives better. I just don't know where to start, who to contact or what to do to get this heard. I thought being vocal online was enough but people will defend their misinformation about heroin TO THE DEATH.


At this point, if society collapses, it's deserved. Just like how I some how "deserve" to live in pain the rest of my life because other people for some reason get to dictate what goes in my body. I'm so tired of it.
My quality of life is over thanks to arbitrary drug laws. What else is left in my life then, except to dedicate it to some cause that I feel passionate about?

How do we get through to these people who push their misinformation as universal fact?

I would like to see some kind of change in my lifetime. Heroin is no more dangerous than drinking in fact I'd consider it LESS dangerous, considering heroin doesn't cause any major brain or organ damage. Plus a person with no tolerance is most likely to pass out & fall asleep long before doing too much heroin. Heroin is not meant to be used like alcohol anyway. And the fact that some people will be irresponsible with it shouldn't make it so that the rest of us can't use it. Fentanyl is obviously a different story & wouldn't be a problem today if heroin was never made illegal.

It's absolute HYPOCRISY that should have ended YESTERDAY.
In fact, I dare say it's a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY to tell people they cannot use opioids & punish them if they do.

Anyone else feel this way? I know I can't be the only one.
Imagine something in your life, something you use or need every day to get through your day. Anything. Then imagine society saying "well, that's bad, so we want you to not use it anymore or we'll take away your freedom". That is exactly how prohibiion is for people like myself.

And ironically, no matter how in depth I go with this topic to some people, they will still defend alcohol & continue to spout falsehoods about opioids/heroin. It completely blows my mind.

PS : There use to be a haven of old information on google about how opioids were once legal, used for psychiatric reasons (with good results), tests that showed it was actually difficult for some one with a tolerance to just up & OD out of nowhere, etc.... I've watched all of this important information get totally SCRUBBED from the google search results & replaced with "opioids are dangerous" propaganda.

If people don't start standing up, then how much more control of our minds & bodies are we planning to give away? How many more people have to die from fentanyl or have their lives ruined forever? Why am I the only person who seems to be this passionate about it? I thought heroin was a deadly, life-destroying drug... yet my experience was the EXACT OPPOSITE. Even if you don't use or like heroin, the ignorance, stigma & laws surrounding could become the same reality for many things you DO like or need to use.
You’re allowed to rant here it’s cool, brother. As a recovering heroin addict who’s been on bupe for like 11 years. I was always thankful I didn’t have pain issues. Because I’d be so incredibly fucked.
That shit with fent is almost American problem.Why?idk..vut it must be adressedvsome how.moreveasy availability to legal pharma pain-killers,more free maintaince programs,true polite info,needle exchange programs.This problem is for all,but especialy alarming in America..i think that the point of view of people regarding this problem will goin'to change and the so called"war on drugs" is longtime ago lost and just consume big ammount of taxpayers money.
You’re allowed to rant here it’s cool, brother. As a recovering heroin addict who’s been on bupe for like 11 years. I was always thankful I didn’t have pain issues. Because I’d be so incredibly fucked.
Thanks! :)

11 years?!?! Wow!

Does the bupe still do anything for you after that long? When I first started bupe, it helped my pain & depression for maybe the first 6 months to a year.
But eventually my body started screaming out for the full agonists again. I've had some people & doctors try to tell me that it's my bupe that's giving me pain. While I don't totally rule that out, my issues with pain & depression as a teenager were what originally got me into opioids in the first place. And they worked!

I wanna say that this could even be chronic fatigue / fibromyalgia from a prior mono infection that hit me really bad as a teen.
However, I was able to cover a lot of that pain & agony up with heroin, tramadol, hydrocodone, etc... for a good chunk of my life. But now all I'm left with is bupe & these issues have come back full force to the point where some days I don't even wanna shower or brush my teeth or do anything anymore.

I knew eventually I'd end up with no connections whatsoever & I knew that I needed opioids to function everyday. So I made the leap to get on bupe (legally). Thought I made the right choice, but now I'm not so sure, cause no doctor is ever going to give me opioids ever again.

I have a really understanding sub doc & they do pain management there. They at least put me on gabapentin for the pain, which actually helped for a month or two. But then stopped. Now in order for me to get gabapentin to help, I have to not take it for awhile & then take it & I'll get 1 day of semi-relief from the pain. And then it's pointless to keep taking again day after day.

Even just typing messages out like this takes a good chunk of energy & is painful.
Some days I'm so fatigued that I can't even speak. I know no doctor is gonna let me try stimulants for the fatigue either (if they're not gonna let me take full agonists, which ironically gave me energy).

Constantly on the edge of giving up all hope.

That shit with fent is almost American problem.Why?idk..vut it must be adressedvsome how.moreveasy availability to legal pharma pain-killers,more free maintaince programs,true polite info,needle exchange programs.This problem is for all,but especialy alarming in America..i think that the point of view of people regarding this problem will goin'to change and the so called"war on drugs" is longtime ago lost and just consume big ammount of taxpayers money.
This true!!

I think it's worse in America because the drug war. In European countries they at least offer actual diacetylmorphine maintenance. Or they offer multiple different full agonists to choose from for maintnenance. Where as in the US we only get bupe & methadone. And methadone is a pain in the ass to get on unless you live right ontop of the methadone clinic.

Plus they've made it harder than hell to get pain pills here, even if you're in legit pain. So people have to turn to street drugs & end up dying or dependent on fentanyl instead.
Thanks! :)

11 years?!?! Wow!

Does the bupe still do anything for you after that long? When I first started bupe, it helped my pain & depression for maybe the first 6 months to a year.
But eventually my body started screaming out for the full agonists again. I've had some people & doctors try to tell me that it's my bupe that's giving me pain. While I don't totally rule that out, my issues with pain & depression as a teenager were what originally got me into opioids in the first place. And they worked!

I wanna say that this could even be chronic fatigue / fibromyalgia from a prior mono infection that hit me really bad as a teen.
However, I was able to cover a lot of that pain & agony up with heroin, tramadol, hydrocodone, etc... for a good chunk of my life. But now all I'm left with is bupe & these issues have come back full force to the point where some days I don't even wanna shower or brush my teeth or do anything anymore.

I knew eventually I'd end up with no connections whatsoever & I knew that I needed opioids to function everyday. So I made the leap to get on bupe (legally). Thought I made the right choice, but now I'm not so sure, cause no doctor is ever going to give me opioids ever again.

I have a really understanding sub doc & they do pain management there. They at least put me on gabapentin for the pain, which actually helped for a month or two. But then stopped. Now in order for me to get gabapentin to help, I have to not take it for awhile & then take it & I'll get 1 day of semi-relief from the pain. And then it's pointless to keep taking again day after day.

Even just typing messages out like this takes a good chunk of energy & is painful.
Some days I'm so fatigued that I can't even speak. I know no doctor is gonna let me try stimulants for the fatigue either (if they're not gonna let me take full agonists, which ironically gave me energy).

Constantly on the edge of giving up all hope.

This true!!

I think it's worse in America because the drug war. In European countries they at least offer actual diacetylmorphine maintenance. Or they offer multiple different full agonists to choose from for maintnenance. Where as in the US we only get bupe & methadone. And methadone is a pain in the ass to get on unless you live right ontop of the methadone clinic.

Plus they've made it harder than hell to get pain pills here, even if you're in legit pain. So people have to turn to street drugs & end up dying or dependent on fentanyl instead.
Yep, still keeps me sane after all that time. No need to jump up my dose.
@DeathIndustrial88 great post, except mindfulness correctly practiced is most definitely not 'crap' and can in fact be almost miraculous for many
Absolutely! Mindfulness helped with me to learn to get a better grasp on my borderline personality disorder. Or at least what I call "mindfulness" (which was learning to try & control my temper & reactions before popping off on people). But the general definition of mindfulness that I read was to just "accept" things as is & live in the moment. Which I do quite often anyway. But it's no cure. And telling some people to just accept feeling miserable the rest of their life seems to take away hope & can be dangerous for some people. I wanted to say so bad "well if I should just accept being in pain the rest of my life, then why not just end it???" but I didn't wanna get thrown in an unnecessary psyche hold. lol So it just bothers me a bit when therapists/psyches immediately default to "mindfulness" for any and every circumstance, especially physical pain & fatigue. No amount of mindfulness is going to make my body stop hurting or give me my energy & zest back. lol

If I could get rid of the pain & get my energy back, I'm sure my mood would improve 10 fold. Which would be easier & faster than mindfulness IMO.

but I understand what you mean. And I appreciate you listening.
I find; as a pain patient on Methadone for 15 years; that so much is wrong with American value system. You literally are labelled a weirdo if you don't drink; and a dirty junkie if you are on methadone; whether from a dr for pain or from a clinic; its the same. Alcohol makes you so very very dangerous to others and unstable. And prone to make terrible decisions. One of my son's friend wakes up on the couch only to be told he parked his somehow dented car on the front lawn, another gets residential rehab for pot; only to be drinking hard alcohol every day at work now. And my son; he was doing 80 past the police station; now he will ride with me but riding with his pals makes him feel sketchy; cuz they drive crazy and are drunk most(all?) of the time.

The more sober one in my son's group is dead from taking a fake Oxy 30. if only the narcotics were accurately dosed and available; we wouldn't have so many overdose deaths; and not as severe problesms from the so called opiate epidemic.

We are steered from white bread carb diets and monkey see, monkey do learning from friends and parents, to accept and be alcoholics. I tried to control my wife's alcohol use; she liked her nightly wine and we sort of looked down our noses together at day drinkers. When she decided we were divorcing; and lord knows that is terrific, she had developed gout and was driving around with a flask in her car. I have been peacefully maintaining on methadone this whole time; sometimes I smoke pot, but usually not. On pain meds I could surf, drive 180 miles to the beach, surf 6 hours; and drive 180miles back on the same day. Staying away from alcohol has saved my life; pain meds helped me lead my life. Not saying they are great or anything as much as alcohol is very evil and wrecks lives more quickly.
When they take me off of meds; and train me more towards mindfulness to manage my pain; I may give in and drink like everyone else does. destroying my organs in the process too!
Ya its some bullshit. I have been on script opiates mostly morphine but also dilaudid fentanyl and oxy since 2006 and suffered no ill effects from it. can't say the same thing about alcohol which once cost me about 2 grand in lawyer fees. There's no reason addicts can't have a script for morphine or heroin for opiate addiction.
I find; as a pain patient on Methadone for 15 years; that so much is wrong with American value system. You literally are labelled a weirdo if you don't drink; and a dirty junkie if you are on methadone; whether from a dr for pain or from a clinic; its the same. Alcohol makes you so very very dangerous to others and unstable. And prone to make terrible decisions. One of my son's friend wakes up on the couch only to be told he parked his somehow dented car on the front lawn, another gets residential rehab for pot; only to be drinking hard alcohol every day at work now. And my son; he was doing 80 past the police station; now he will ride with me but riding with his pals makes him feel sketchy; cuz they drive crazy and are drunk most(all?) of the time.

The more sober one in my son's group is dead from taking a fake Oxy 30. if only the narcotics were accurately dosed and available; we wouldn't have so many overdose deaths; and not as severe problesms from the so called opiate epidemic.

We are steered from white bread carb diets and monkey see, monkey do learning from friends and parents, to accept and be alcoholics. I tried to control my wife's alcohol use; she liked her nightly wine and we sort of looked down our noses together at day drinkers. When she decided we were divorcing; and lord knows that is terrific, she had developed gout and was driving around with a flask in her car. I have been peacefully maintaining on methadone this whole time; sometimes I smoke pot, but usually not. On pain meds I could surf, drive 180 miles to the beach, surf 6 hours; and drive 180miles back on the same day. Staying away from alcohol has saved my life; pain meds helped me lead my life. Not saying they are great or anything as much as alcohol is very evil and wrecks lives more quickly.
When they take me off of meds; and train me more towards mindfulness to manage my pain; I may give in and drink like everyone else does. destroying my organs in the process too!
Thank you for sharing!!!
I could not agree more.

My oldest sister died of liver failure after a life time of drinking. She had the option to live & get a transplant, but she chose alcohol. Society doesn't like to talk about this aspect of alcohol use.

I had people online telling me yesterday that heroin impacts your decision/judgement making skills MORE than alcohol. Which is just flat out false. I couldn't fucking believe it. They continued to tell me that it was impossible that I was responsible on heroin or that I exercised on it, etc... I was SO infuriated!! I know I shouldn't be over stupid strangers online, but this is the exact ignorance that we are up against & I don't see enough people fighting back.

Your experience sounds similar to mine (although I've never been surfing lol). I absolutely functioned better on opioids.
I'm still on maintenance, but it's just buprenorphine & it isn't enough anymore. Even tramadol was more effective than buprenorphine at this point.

Some of my closest friends are also alcoholics. I watch them stumble around in misery & forget conversations they had with me just a day or two before & I just can't understand why the shit is legal & everything else isn't. Alcohol made me a very violent & suicidal person. Opioids absolutely saved my life by saving me from that shit.

Unfortunately I've been thinking about picking back up drinking since I know I'm not gonna get any help or respect from the medical system. I'm more than just dependent on opioids & if I lose access or can't get something better than bupe, I'm absolutely gonna end up dead. When I didn't have opioids, I would drink like a fish, chug bottles of DXM cough syrup & then try & find people with drugs (usually meth) and then combine that ontop of everything. The only drugs that stopped this self destructive urge in me has & always will be opioids. So by keeping them from me, I feel I'm being condemned to death, or at the very least, a poor quality of life.

I have other family members who are dealing with the same issues as me, even had to quit working because of it & they can't get anything prescribed except shit like Effexor or gabapentin, which is just a huge insult & obviously doesn't help them cause they're still in pain & not working.

It would at least be nice if they'd make opioids legal for those who are already dependent on them & want to use them or something. But I've lost hope that much of anything will get to change in my life time. At least in the "Land of the free". A lot of other countries have made opioids legal (including heroin) and they don't have a massive fentanyl problem like we do now.

I don't wanna have to go back to "breaking the law" in order to feel better either. I can't afford to anyway. So I've just given up hope on everything.
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I feel exactly the same way. There is NO REASON for heroin or any other opiates to be as dangerous as they are. I've had discussions with people pointing to the overdoses saying 'this shit kills people and you want to make it legal?! Are you insane?'

Well I want it legalized precisely because I overdosed X number of times and twice nearly died! The only reason this happened is BECAUSE it's illegal! It's the illegality that makes it so dangerous because you never know how strong it is or exactly what's in it. This makes it impossible to accurately and safely dose yourself. I don't wanna have to worry each time I hit myself whether I'm about to inadvertently say goodbye to the world when all I want is get high for a few hours for fuck's sake.

Back when opium and morphine were legally available, yes of course there were addicts and of course a lot of them ruined their lives with the stuff - there always are and always will be such people as long as humanity has intoxicants. The difference was these people weren't criminalised AND they weren't dying all over the place because they generally could rely on their product. There were also fewer addicts in terms of population percentage in comparison to now. In fact the stricter the prohibition laws in any given country, the more problem drug users, so the law isn't only failing to fulfil its stated purpose, but is ACTIVELY counterproductive.

Best way I've ever seen it summed up is by Henning Schmidt-Semisch: "the drug deaths are taken as an argument for more prohibition, whose victims they are in the first place".
I feel exactly the same way. There is NO REASON for heroin or any other opiates to be as dangerous as they are. I've had discussions with people pointing to the overdoses saying 'this shit kills people and you want to make it legal?! Are you insane?'

Well I want it legalized precisely because I overdosed X number of times and twice nearly died! The only reason this happened is BECAUSE it's illegal! It's the illegality that makes it so dangerous because you never know how strong it is or exactly what's in it. This makes it impossible to accurately and safely dose yourself. I don't wanna have to worry each time I hit myself whether I'm about to inadvertently say goodbye to the world when all I want is get high for a few hours for fuck's sake.

Back when opium and morphine were legally available, yes of course there were addicts and of course a lot of them ruined their lives with the stuff - there always are and always will be such people as long as humanity has intoxicants. The difference was these people weren't criminalised AND they weren't dying all over the place because they generally could rely on their product. There were also fewer addicts in terms of population percentage in comparison to now. In fact the stricter the prohibition laws in any given country, the more problem drug users, so the law isn't only failing to fulfil its stated purpose, but is ACTIVELY counterproductive.

Best way I've ever seen it summed up is by Henning Schmidt-Semisch: "the drug deaths are taken as an argument for more prohibition, whose victims they are in the first place".
Excellent points!!

Heroin was totally legal (and in combination with other drugs) in the US back in the day. Yet I can't find anything in any historical context that points to Americans dying of heroin overdoses in large numbers or anything like that back then. Gee, I wonder why! I think The UltimateFixx summed up exactly why!

My sub doc of 6 years today told me that because I couldn't handle this new SNRI yet again, that they're not comfortable prescribing me anything but my subs anymore & that I need to go find a psychiatrist. Which means now I'm at the mercy of this new psychiatrist & whether or not they'll take away my clonazepam & gabapentin, leaving me with even less to work with. Just another fine example of our pathetic "medical" system here in the US. I'm terrified I'm gonna be totally fucked now.
Hey everyone I have a question? Do you think opioids can be therapeutic?
I believe opioids can be therapeutic, but the problem is we don’t know who can use them therapeutically without becoming a self-identified, out of control addict. We also don’t always know the diagnoses for which opioids may be the best therapeutic option. Meaning, I read this thread and see everyone has dif reactions & dif benefits from opioids.

I’ll be honest, and tell you opioids really only work well for pain (imho) for a short period of time. That’s how I got hooked at 32 yo. But I suffered from severe irritable bowel syndrome from the time I was 4 or 5 years old and my opioid addiction (15+ years) CURED it, for example. I was never constipated, not once (sorry for TMI).

I never expect to see opioids used therapeutically again in my lifetime, not in the USA. Too much public hysteria, with too many grains of truth in it.
I believe opioids can be therapeutic, but the problem is we don’t know who can use them therapeutically without becoming a self-identified, out of control addict. We also don’t always know the diagnoses for which opioids may be the best therapeutic option. Meaning, I read this thread and see everyone has dif reactions & dif benefits from opioids.

I’ll be honest, and tell you opioids really only work well for pain (imho) for a short period of time. That’s how I got hooked at 32 yo. But I suffered from severe irritable bowel syndrome from the time I was 4 or 5 years old and my opioid addiction (15+ years) CURED it, for example. I was never constipated, not once (sorry for TMI).

I never expect to see opioids used therapeutically again in my lifetime, not in the USA. Too much public hysteria, with too many grains of truth in it.
It's asham that they're is so much hysteria surrounding opiods in the us anyway I think a lot less people would have died if we legalized Opium and it's children for lack of a better word I have used opiods once a week and never strayed from that for Anxiety and as a psyconaught and it helped
Hey everyone I have a question? Do you think opioids can be therapeutic?
Of course they can.

Opioids have been the only drugs that can stop me in the midst of suicidal ideation.
They're blissful & peaceful. Thats why most hospitals also use them for end of life care. They can even make dying feel more comfortable.
I believe opioids can be therapeutic, but the problem is we don’t know who can use them therapeutically without becoming a self-identified, out of control addict. We also don’t always know the diagnoses for which opioids may be the best therapeutic option. Meaning, I read this thread and see everyone has dif reactions & dif benefits from opioids.

I’ll be honest, and tell you opioids really only work well for pain (imho) for a short period of time. That’s how I got hooked at 32 yo. But I suffered from severe irritable bowel syndrome from the time I was 4 or 5 years old and my opioid addiction (15+ years) CURED it, for example. I was never constipated, not once (sorry for TMI).

I never expect to see opioids used therapeutically again in my lifetime, not in the USA. Too much public hysteria, with too many grains of truth in it.
While I don't necessarily disagree, the same can be said about any drug or medicine though.

We don't know who gonna use alcohol sparingly or who's gonna become a slobbering drunk, but society doesn't seem to care either way when it comes to alcohol or other vices.

I know many people who are raging alcoholics & probably won't be living to see their 40's & 50's if they don't knock it off.
Many times when I was in opioid withdrawal I'd choose to drink & then end up becoming psychotic & pissed off violent. Alcohol is irrefutably worse for people whether they want to admit it or not.

There are doctors out there who are willing to use opioids to treat major depression & some studies have shown great success. But the average joe is unlikely to find one of these doctors. My suboxone doctor acknowledged that buprenorphine helped my depression (at first) & even agreed with me that that opioids can be used for such (as they once were).

I think it's wrong to ban something altogether rather than let adults make their own choices on an individual level.
So many horrible times in my life & drugs I tried that I wouldn't have tried otherwise could have all been avoided if I'd been able to go to the corner store & pick up a dose of heroin instead.

And to top it off, the maintenance opioids are arguably worse for your health than the ones they're meant to keep you off of.
With suboxone, it takes days for the shit to detach from the receptor, meaning the constipation & side effects it gives you are there 24/7. Where atleast with heroin or shorter acting opioids, they'd be worn off by the next morning, allowing my intestines to move & for the effects to come back when dosed, unlike with buprenorphine.
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>they do not impact your judgement making skills the same way alcohol does.

I mean, maybe for you. But the only time I thought it was a good idea to throw a brick with a menacing, threatening note into my neighbours property telling them the next bricks will be through their windows was when I was fucked up on opiates. They were being annoying but not *that* annoying.

That was on high levels of tramadol and codiene.

The first time I thought it was a good idea to smoke meth was when I was high on black tar heroin. I didn't take up a habit(of either) but when I was sober I never considered touching meth. I'd say smoking meth when you never do is poor judgment?

Either way, I think it's important to recognize that how you function on a drug isn't how everyone else does. Some people are super happy, friendly, kind and warm people when they drink alcohol. Some people turn into violent, disgusting monsters that kill their spouse in a fit of drunken rage. Personally I don't drink anymore besides the odd special occasion like a wedding or something but I used to drink regularly and got addicted for a short period in my early 20s. I have never done anything I regret while intoxicated, and I got drunk a lot! Drunk me is still very polite and respectful, friendly etc. But I don't go telling others how alcohol is awesome and has a false stigma because equally I have a mate who gets super violent when they drink. They no longer drink because of it.

The friends who hooked me up with black tar and meth are both full on zombied out heroin addicts now. Like, shells of their former selves. One reverse mortgaged his house and literally smoked almost all of it, he's pretty much broke now. He's old enough that when that money and thus heroin runs out, he will 100% die from withdrawls, I have no doubt. It's sad and I wish they never touched the stuff. It has ruined both their lives.