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Quitting Methadone (that bastard)

And in case u guys wonder why so many women are "crazy" like having mood disorder, can be angry 5 minutes, cry 5 minutes, then laugh after next 5 minutes, this is why: the fuckin hormone
I wondered when kid. Not anymore. You grow to understand when you have lived with women who spent 2/3 days pre period, then 6/7 more bleeding the hell out of their 120 pounds bodies and then have another 2 bad days post it.
Half of ther young lifes suffering.
Minds are changing also. Here in my country they have just gave the period a "disease status" by law, where if you have this kind of bad period you can take days off from work, as with any other illness you may have.
So i went to my doc and made my report: Hi doc i have stopped taking tramadol and clonidine all together. Now i'm just on 50mg Codeine 4x per day. The Benzos i use only as needed and in low doses.

Doc: 😳 😲

He almost could not believe what i just told him 😆 coz i am just on day 15.

Then he asked me what i want now, i want the Codeine still in 50mg 4x a day. I need it to maintain stability during this shitty period. Then i will fight again once the period ends. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT! Like @neversickanymore said.

And give me Benzo in smallest dose possible. Because it's true it works best in smaller doses for me. I still have a lot enough for another 10 days but he prescribed me for one week smallest dose of Alprazolam, Valium and Clobazam just in case.

I asked him for pregabalin. He told me it's not possible for him to prescibe me that, because first he is a psychiatrist not a neurologist, i need to go to a neurologist for that. Second, it is not a common medication prescibed for opioid/ opiate wd in this country, third he seems to be against it since i have never tried it before, and he has never prescibed that for MTD wd.

The usual meds approved by doctors and government for opioid wd in here is replacing them with weaker opioid/opiate then taper off (Codeine+Tramal), clonidine and benzo. (I was given so many benzo it fills almost half my medicine cabinet 😅 but i still take them responsibly and in moderation.)

So instead he presribed me for my restless leg syndrome: trihexyphenidyl 2mg

For my endless migraine and mood: depakote 250mg.

I just tried the trihexyphenidyl and fuck IT WORKS! My restless leg gone like magic i am amazed.

If i can hug that doc right now i would! Like THANK GODDDD!! It even help curbed my anxiety, and muscle spasm/ pain. Also works for this shitty period pain.

Unlike benzo this one makes me feel just chillin, relaxed. Feels so good. Not sedated. Not sleepy. Not high.

The depakote is supposed to be taken once a day, i don't know yet what it will feels like, i will try tomorrow morning. Since the doc instruction is to be taken in morning.
Bad news your doctor won't prescribing pregabalin. Should know it is much more often used for general anxiety disorder than for nerve pain. But you will do it with or without Lyrica.
You are being so strong.
Your doing amazing!!! What’s your plan for any PAWS?
What are symptoms of paws? All i have right now is just headache, anxiety and restless legs but i'm not off the codeine yet. I can't wait tho to taper my dose coz it gives me headaches now.
Day 15
I took 50mg codeine 4x a day as usual

Before i went to hospital i had to take clobazam 10mg + 0.25mg Xanax which made my speech slurred like a retard.

I hate it.

I felt so weak from the blood loss which seems to be TWICE AS MUCH as my usual period.

At 5:20pm i tried the hexymer 2
At first 30mins it feels soo good until it reached its max plasma level and i had side effects: rapid heart beat, energized. It did however cured my RLS up until morning 7:35am. Weird.

Oh and my migraine returns at 9pm. I have a suspicion it has something to do with my female hormone. The hexymer relaxed all mucles including the uterus. Which it supposed to contract so period blood can flow. Maybe my body produce even more prostagladin to counteract the hexymer. It may not be a good idea to take this until at least day 4 of period. What a shit.

I took 50mg Codeine as usual before bed and just 1 spoon of Benadryl.

Today Day 16

I woke up super drowsy. I woke at 3am coz my stupid cat again but sooo drowsy until 5 am my first morning dose. I froze at the medicine cabinet.

Should i take the Codeine? Why? My brain starts to question my own actions. I start to recognize that it may be just a habit. Do i really need it?

But then as i froze for 10mins i remember my shit period. Oh right, i have to be gentle with myself. Fine, we make a compromise. Just 40mg not 50mg and see what happens.

After i took that i was just so pissed.

Pissed at myself and my period bothering my recovery process.

I also felt hungry and started eating choco cake.

Then i feel so lethargic, weak and not fresh. I hate it.

Then i CRAVE COFFEE so much.

So i made a cup from very little freshly grinded beans and brew with a hell lot of water.

As i wait for my coffee i suddenly feel calmer.

I want coffee so much. I know it can have adverse effect. I'm gonna go slow and take sip by sip.

As i wait for the brew i also thought to myself, how weird. I didn't crave benzo, not really loving the codeine, after some research i'm hesitant to try depakote er, but coffee, coffeeeeeeeeeeee give me cofffeeeeeee
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Wow...now on day 16 i feel like...
I was a semi non-human with analgesic superpower ability that has now been taken from me. And then like in the movies they turned me into a vampire so now all my senses and emotions are intensified. I am more alert, my relfexes are faster.

I am also more in tune with nature and earth. When there is thunderstorm i have tension headache that's gone as soon as i put my bare feet on the ground. I can feel the electricity on my bare feet flowing from me down to earth. So creepy.

I used to sleep better at day time too when i was on MTD. At night my legs would curl and cramp up ∆∆ like that facing the ceiling, that i could even sleep on sofas sitting down. Now as soon as the sun sets down i feel sleepier and more awake when sun is up, and i can't for the heck of me sleep sitting down anymore, i have to lay down on bed. Total opposite of before.
Day 16

5:10 am 40mg Codeine
9:45 am probiotics, GABA supplement
11 am 50mg Codeine
12:30am 1 Magnesium
1-3pm nap
5pm 40mg Codeine
7:40pm 5mg Clobazam (was feeling very anxious like i have alien living in my chest. Pissed me off.)
8:25pm 1 Magnesium, 1 Vitd3
9:15pm 50mg Codeine, 1 spoon Benadryl, went to bed

Day 17
Woke up at 5am again coz stupid cat.
I think i found a way how to stop RLS stem from anxiety without meds: PLAY DRUMS!

Playing drums require focus, moving both leg and arms and following a tempo.

I just played the same tempo over n over and in 5mins my RLS gone.

If u don't have a drum set u can make one up with old paint pail, glasses, chopstick and shit.
Day 17
6am 40mg Codeine
8:30am iron, vit b, vit c
1pm 40mg Codeine
5:30pm Calcium+ vit D (Calcium fucks me up, resulted in muscle spasm)
5:45pm 30mg Codeine
7pm Magnesium
9:30pm 20mg Codeine+ 2sp Bendaryl (sleep quality poor: generalized muscle and back pain)

The whole day i also realized something very important: MY OPIATE RECEPTOR IS NOW WORKING 100% AND MY BODY IS LIKING THE CODEINE TOO MUCH!

So now day 18, we have a new battle called:

At HQ(Brain)
General Willpower Stayclean: Maam, estrogen and her army is back. It's time maam. Our ally Codeine starts to settle down way too nicely on the land and blend nicely with our citizens. They are here to stay. We should kick them out.

Me: Right. I agree. But how are we to proceed? Should we just man it up? What's testosterone doing?

General Willpower Stayclean: Testosterone is doing nothing for us. Their amount is just way too little to help us win this war maam. Soon V gate will be plugged so our citizen cannot escape with the dead. We should start phase two of the war.

Me: Shit. Should we just jump then? What other weapons we have?

General Willpower Stayclean: we have:
Duloxetine 30mg+5mg clobazam in one capsule
Clonidine 0.15mg
Benzos: Diazepam, Xanax, Clobazam
Hexymer 2mg
Olanzapine+hexymer 0.5mg in one capsule
Tramadol 50mg (but we should probably NOT use this weapon)
SSRI: escitalopram, zoloft
Herbs: Kratoms 4 different strains (these weapons are untested with unknown side effects, unknown stability.)

We should woman up next 4 days without Codeine or at least break the cycle. We are way too overly dependent on it.

Me: SHIIIIIIT. Fine let's try that today! Start with the duloxetine+ clobazam first for morning and then we need a solid plan for this. I have no idea what to do!
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Fuuuuuck never try SNRI for Codeine wd it cause instant wd in 1 hour i had to counter with 10mg of diazepam!

Opiate wd is mostly caused by over activity of norepinephrine. SNRI blocks reuptake of norepineprhine and cause RLS back and panick attack. Shit i should have known since Tramadol is also an SNRI and give me the same effect.
You are doing amazing and made the right choice.. unfortunately we can't use opiates to quit opiates.

it may not feel like it but you are so much closer than you think!!

How do you push through the tunnel and stabilize your web?

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You are doing amazing and made the right choice.. unfortunately we can't use opiates to quit opiates.

it may not feel like it but you are so much closer than you think!!

How do you push through the tunnel and stabilize your web?

MTD is completely wiped out with Codeine. But now Codeine has become my new enemy. I should STOP instead of tapering. Tapering will just cause my opiate receptor to crave. I start to feel the craving, cant wait for my next dose of Codeine. That's when i realize this is gonna cause me a new addiction. I will try using whatever meds i have that's not opiate
Codeine wd should last just 4days am i correct?
your killing it!!!!

so acute opiate withdrawal is accurately determined by taking the half life x 5 and adding right around four days,

Codine has a half life of 2.5 to 3 hours so 5 half lives are 15 hours.. then you have four days until the light at the end of the tunnel. That is when you start to feel better and better by the day.

I know you have been up against it for many days<3.. there is nothing left back there besides starting over the hell your amazing self has pushed through.

your less then six days out from beginning the miracle!!!
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Day 18
Yesterday was HELL ON EARTH!!!

I made a huge mistake taking duloxetine 30mg+5mg clobazam in one capsule.

Immediately 5 mins after i took it i had diarrhea, vomiting, chills, my whole body was crawled with ants, my brain felt burning and what's worse from this medicine duloxetine is the fact that NO ANY OTHER MEDS CAN COUNTERACT IT!

It felt like you have opiate in ur body and u take naltrexone or buprenorphine.

My wd was so intense and nothing i tried could stop it. I took 45mg Valium, 2x 0.15mg Clonidine, Tylenol, hexymer, benadryl, anything!

I even took Codeine but the codeine gave me muscle pain and electrocution on my left side of the body and spinal cord pain. Like wtf

Only until 2am of intense agony i took 30mg Codeine and i slept for 3 hours.

Today day 19
I'm gonna give myself a fuckin break and just take 30mg Codeine 4x a day with whatever i need. I gonna wait duloxetine out of my body so the other meds can work too.
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Sending love<3<3<3

Thats the way it just is.. We all pay the piper in the end. I did not sleep for almost two weeks. I was not very intelligent for awhile.. so I shelved the intellectual shit for a bit. Coming off methadone and benzos I slept for around 4 hours a night for a year and a quarter. Natural sleep is amazing regenerative and healthy.. but there is no sleeping this off. It will return as you heal.. but its gone for a minute or two. <3

I know your looking for relief, but consider discontinuing the medication cure. some medications, that are just not going to work for acutes and they end up making things worse. I would chuck a bunch of this stuff.

You can't medicate yourself out of opiate withdrawal. Opiate addicts have been trying to figure this one out since the first one was like "what in the fuck is this shit??" (1st opiate addict.. year way before one) and all the good opiate dependent or recovering people on BL and greedy pharmaceutical peoples and a whole bunch more..

As of now it doesn't exist.

I don't know how long you have been taking some of these, so please consult with the prescriber before discoing any medication..

General Willpower Stayclean: we have:
Keep this, but id shore it up hard with reliable support as willpower is easily broken down. We are in a battle with ourselves and I will wup my willpowers ass any minute of the week.

Duloxetine 30mg+5mg clobazam in one capsule
huck this as well.

Clonidine 0.15mg
id keep this one, remember to taper.. may just give you worse dry mouth

Benzos: Diazepam, Xanax, Clobazam
Id go back to a stable dose on these as they aren't going to put you to sleep, won't help much with opiate withdrawals so taking big doses its likely only going to further disrupt your homeostasis.

Hexymer 2mg
This could actually make fighting psychological addiction harder.

Olanzapine+hexymer 0.5mg in one capsule
this Is a hard fuck no.

won't do anything may increase nausea

no pretty useless and likely will burn you out even harder.

Tramadol 50mg (but we should probably NOT use this weapon)
this is an opioid so it will treat opioid withdrawal.. but if freedoms your goal why put on new cuffs.

escitalopram, zoloft
possibly down the road for paws, but for acutes.. nothing

Herbs: Kratoms 4 different strains (these weapons are untested with unknown side effects, unknown stability.)
its an opioid so you would be trading one for the other.

Keep fighting till you are out!! Takes a minute to wander out of hell, but then your out.

but be safe..
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God I so feel ya. Methadone is such a small prison. Just to consider the chains it had on me still takes my breath away. And every night...Id start preparing myself for the call of duty that I knew would be there to face me in the morning. I thought there wasnt anyway out...until I got a dui. No one wants to detox from methadone in jail. The fear of that is what it took.

10 years later I am so glad I got that dui. Perseverance my friend. It aint pretty. But you can win this war and once you do...for the rest of your life itll probably be the best thing youll say you ever done for your life. Your future self is gonna really appreciate you for this. Chin up soldier! You are finally getting somewhere. Dont look back. Just keep your eyes on the prize....like the rest of your life depends on it❤❤❤❤
Sending love<3<3<3

Thats the way it just is.. We all pay the piper in the end. I did not sleep for almost two weeks. I was not very intelligent for awhile.. so I shelved the intellectual shit for a bit. Coming off methadone and benzos I slept for around 4 hours a night for a year and a quarter. Natural sleep is amazing regenerative and healthy.. but there is no sleeping this off. It will return as you heal.. but its gone for a minute or two. <3

I know your looking for relief, but consider discontinuing the medication cure. some medications, that are just not going to work for acutes and they end up making things worse. I would chuck a bunch of this stuff.

You can't medicate yourself out of opiate withdrawal. Opiate addicts have been trying to figure this one out since the first one was like "what in the fuck is this shit??" (1st opiate addict.. year way before one) and all the good opiate dependent or recovering people on BL and greedy pharmaceutical peoples and a whole bunch more..

As of now it doesn't exist.

I don't know how long you have been taking some of these, so please consult with the prescriber before discoing any medication..

Keep this, but id shore it up hard with reliable support as willpower is easily broken down. We are in a battle with ourselves and I will wup my willpowers ass any minute of the week.

huck this as well.

id keep this one, remember to taper.. may just give you worse dry mouth

Id go back to a stable dose on these as they aren't going to put you to sleep, won't help much with opiate withdrawals so taking big doses its likely only going to further disrupt your homeostasis.

This could actually make fighting psychological addiction harder.

this Is a hard fuck no.


won't do anything may increase nausea

no pretty useless and likely will burn you out even harder.

this is an opioid so it will treat opioid withdrawal.. but if freedoms your goal why put on new cuffs.

possibly down the road for paws, but for acutes.. nothing

its an opioid so you would be trading one for the other.

Keep fighting till you are out!! Takes a minute to wander out of hell, but then your out.

but be safe..
Thank u so much this helps me a lot! I'm gonna not take those u said i don't need