Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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Yes I have a friend who was on for 15 months recover in 10 months from fasting exercise and social setting at work
I started fasting two weeks ago.
I'm doing intermittent fasting. It isn't hard and it can have many benefits besides weight loss (have a look at this video: ).
My aim is to do this for 10 weeks at least to notice some effect, but I will share my experience in a month or so.
I have been attending a Nutritionist and Natural Health expert since December 2007. The first thing she said what remove Anything that is Gluten, Dairy and avoid Chlorella and Spirulina; all these four things can cause psychosis, she said. It's well known that Gluten and Dairy can cause psychosis, at least from actual scientific research.

I hope it's okay if I post these links.

Chlorella Induced Psychosis​

Celiac Disease and Psychosis: A Scary Story

Beyond The Gut: The Relationship Between Gluten, Psychosis, And Schizophrenia https://www.greatplainslaboratory.c...ip-between-gluten-psychosis-and-schizophrenia

Abram Hoffer's 60 Years of Research and Discovery of the Orthomolecular Approach to Psychiatry

I have two of his books: HEALING SCHIZOPHRENIA and Niacin: The Real Story. I have tried it many times as his cure for Schizophrenia. Im starting at 50 mg under the three daily meals and go 50 mg up every week until im at 1 gram 3 times a day. At the moment, im at 500 mg 3 times a day. if you get flush getting and are very red, you can take these Acetylsalicylic acid tablets; they make the flush and the red
go away.
I dont tank chlorella that much and take in low doses. Spirlina has proven to have no bad effects, in fact it has lot of minerals and antioxidants. can contribute to maintaining neuronal functions and synaptic plasticity
I started fasting two weeks ago.
I'm doing intermittent fasting. It isn't hard and it can have many benefits besides weight loss (have a look at this video: ).
My aim is to do this for 10 weeks at least to notice some effect, but I will share my experience in a month or so.

My body fat is 10% or bit less.
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I don’t think you can recover from Invega Sustenna…I think you lose the weight and just start doing normal things again and that’s how you recover…it took away my imagination completely
I don’t think you can recover from Invega Sustenna…I think you lose the weight and just start doing normal things again and that’s how you recover…it took away my imagination completely
You can recover from Invega I have heard more than 100 recovery and I am 6 months I have 7-4 months left until I am pre Invega
I recovered fully in march 2021 but for two months prior I could enjoy stuff again and my sexual side effects went away in march I started to feel small amounts of emotions that increased for just over a month until it started to affect my sleep and they became seriously strong I was having crazy mood swings and it got so bad I started to develop psychosis and was sectioned for 3 months I’m back on invega after trying every available medication in the uk minus clozapine since December 2018 every antipsychotic makes me feel generally the same some worse than others no emotions lack of enjoyment etc at this point I’ve decided to stay on them permanently and take 175mg 3 monthly doses so I don’t have to think about taking it very often some people are just really sensitive to antipsychotic I’m just waiting for new ones to eventually try it is possible to recover it just takes a great deal of time I felt great for a few weeks but coming off again the stuff that I end up doing and saying to people is just not something I want to have to face again maybe it will be different for some of you but I’ve followed these threads for several years and it’s surprising that so many people are repeating exactly the same conversations over and over and it’s just exhausting to listen to tbh and I cant be bothered wading through it anymore so this is my last post I wish you all the best in your recoveries.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us mate. Yes, it's the same thing getting repeated over and over in these Invega threads so I don't blame you for being totally over it. But I hope you do pop your head to the the thread every now and then <3
I took 10 shots of Abilify Maintena which is pretty much just like Invega. I took two shots of Invega in March and April of 2020 and recovered in about 6 months. I can’t get high when I vape or smoke weed but when I take edibles I get high. I found a loophole
Very interesting 🤔 I wonder why that is.
Keep in mind receptors are proteins and they can't be destroyed or "burned". They can be downregulated. And can be mishapen by oxidative stress, but this damage is repairable and will get repaired just like at any injury. This is also why taking antioxidants is important. Also can be calcified until body decalcifies it eventualy. Decalcification time depends but must happen sooner or later.

Mishapen receptors can also be partialy working but will eventualy be replaced with new ones. Everybody has different speed at replacing those, this might play important role in speed of recovery, also taking antioxidants during recovery like turmeric should help, but beware it can be bad for kidney, so its recommended to dring lemon water and apple cider vinegar with it.
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Keep in mind receptors are proteins and they can't be destroyed or "burned". They can be downregulated. And can be mishapen by oxidative stress, but this damage is repairable and will get repaired just like at any injury. This is also why taking antioxidants is important. Also can be calcified until body decalcifies it eventualy. Decalcification time depends but must happen sooner or later.

Mishapen receptors can also be partialy working but will eventualy be replaced with new ones. Everybody has different speed at replacing those, this might play important role in speed of recovery, also taking antioxidants during recovery like turmeric should help, but beware it can be bad for kidney, so its recommended to dring lemon water and apple cider vinegar with it.
How long have you been off and what improvers have you noticed and what are you still dealing with
How long have you been off and what improvers have you noticed and what are you still dealing with
13.4 months off. Still a lot of anhedonia, moderate to high apathy, all experiences are dampened, tiredness. But things improved and is still improving , I can see anhedonia easing up every month slowly, I started noticing that since 1.5 months off and it got a bit faster at easing up at 10 months off. It is not exponentional recovery for me but linear one as it is for most people like that until some point of recovery where they start recovering faster which didn't happened for me yet.

I'm also having weaker visualisation then before and less creativity, minimal motivation (almost at 0) for anything.
What improvements have you noticed at 6 months off compared to the first few months of any
I’ve noticed the days go by faster less constipated able to sleep longer durations able to feel weed and mushrooms at 4 months haven’t lost any real weight yet I hear that’s at a year plus when you lose natural weight because prolactin goes down I still have major anhedonia and the akathisa went away
I don’t think you can recover from Invega Sustenna…I think you lose the weight and just start doing normal things again and that’s how you recover…it took away my imagination completely

I recovered fully from invega and abilify after switching to latuda. I stopped feeling like a zombie, anhedonia and apathy are fully gone, i am back to my normal weight of 180lbs down from 225lbs and my sex drive has come back fully. Im feeling good these days and can't complain really. I would tell anyone struggling with the side effects of invega to not give up hope because it does totally get better.
I recovered fully from invega and abilify after switching to latuda. I stopped feeling like a zombie, anhedonia and apathy are fully gone, i am back to my normal weight of 180lbs down from 225lbs and my sex drive has come back fully. Im feeling good these days and can't complain really. I would tell anyone struggling with the side effects of invega to not give up hope because it does totally get better.
How did you lose the 45 pounds and how long did it take
So I've been off invega since February, was on haldol for a few months and now I've been on abilify 400mg since May. I know I've been misdiagnosed and I know it might look irresponsible and off topic but I've been thinking about trying shrooms for my depression. I was wondering if anyone here has ever tripped on shrooms while on medication? I've looked into drug interactions and haven't found anything bad.
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