Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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I feel so fragile. I feel abandoned and misunderstood. With a suffering that's interior. It's just to hard to kill oneselve.
I'm from Rome.
At the physical level I have improved since I stopped the "cure". I was shaking and I was very weak, also full insomnia, I did not sleep a minute for more than three months... As I said the persistent problem is anhedonia and mental ability, creativity, intelligence, responsiveness, memory, language...

Sono di Roma.
A livello fisico si sono migliorato da quando ho smesso la "cura". Avevo tremori ed ero molto debole, inoltre completamente insonne, non ho dormito un minuto per più di tre mesi... Come ho già detto il problema persistente è l'anedonia e le capacità mentali, creatività, reattività, memoria, linguaggio...

Puoi aggiungermi nel gruppo se vuoi grazie. 347 0689448
And how was to sleep again? I just sleep because I take pills
Wow so not much is under our control, seems like there’s a lot of luck involved and we can only do our best and hope things work out. But you would say that most people recover well right?
Lot of luck yes lol, everyone reacts different to medication, that’s why they take a handful of people for a trial on a new medication on the market and pay them to take to see how they all react to it. I would so most people recover 100% To 75% in that range. I only seen a handful of people who are completely torn up from this medication and most of then had a lot of injections and were on other antipsychotic before and after invega, even fewer who only had a few. You need a wait at least 2 years to have a definitive answer.
And how was to sleep again? I just sleep because I take pills
Actually i tried to use pills when i had insomnia but neither them worked so i just decided to stay without. After three months of total insomnia (same months I had the shot) I started going to bed very late at night and eventually i could sleep a couple hours. Over time it just became easier. I wanna point out that I reached a good amount of sleep after about 2.5 months from my last injection. Felt good to be able to do it again. Try to go late maybe that helps.
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Are you off of antipsychotics? And for how long have you been off
Yes. I have been off since January 2019. I took Invega pills for 10 days in March 2020. I think I also had a Haldol shot at that time.
I'm from Rome.
At the physical level I have improved since I stopped the "cure". I was shaking and I was very weak, also full insomnia, I did not sleep a minute for more than three months... As I said the persistent problem is anhedonia and mental ability, creativity, intelligence, responsiveness, memory, language...

Sono di Roma.
A livello fisico si sono migliorato da quando ho smesso la "cura". Avevo tremori ed ero molto debole, inoltre completamente insonne, non ho dormito un minuto per più di tre mesi... Come ho già detto il problema persistente è l'anedonia e le capacità mentali, creatività, reattività, memoria, linguaggio...

Puoi aggiungermi nel gruppo se vuoi grazie. 347 0689448
That is crazy that the symbiology in the gnostic tattoo parlor drove you insane. I was studying Cirlot's dictionary of symbols around the time I went psychotic to try and improve my art.
What if I have pssd from all these medications? I'll kill myself if I can't have a family or intimacy.
I was worried that I had PSSD from APs, but I recovered. The stories of people who have PSSD from ADs are very concerning & it seems like they get deleted off reddit.
Actually i tried to use pills when i had insomnia but neither them worked so i just decided to stay without. After three months of total insomnia (same months I had the shot) I started going to bed very late at night and eventually i could sleep a couple hours. Over time it just became easier. I wanna point out that I reached a good amount of sleep after about 2.5 months from my last injection. Felt good to be able to do it again. Try to go late maybe that helps.
I was getting terrible headache when not sleeping so I am with sleeping pills at month 4 to sleep
Very advised to find out natural remedies to sleep as fast as possible, because sleep meds are building tolerance and will cause withdrawals.
They certainly can! I stopped taking a benzo for sleep and I feel better for it, though I'm not entirely through the withdrawal. Sleep meds can produce a gnarly dependence, even if there are those of whom benefit from taking one.
Very advised to find out natural remedies to sleep as fast as possible, because sleep meds are building tolerance and will cause withdrawals.
No natural remedy has worked. Then I don't sleep at all and my head feels like exploding next day
My psychiatrist of course says my insomnia has no connection to invenga even if before I was sleeping great. I hate psychiatrist I should have never gone to one and my life would not be destroyed
My psychiatrist of course says my insomnia has no connection to invenga even if before I was sleeping great. I hate psychiatrist I should have never gone to one and my life would not be destroyed
Yeah the doctors keep saying the side effects i feel have no connection to the drug. I dont get insomnia but instead i get lack of emotion and feel no dopamine. My doctor just says these are negative symptoms of schizophrenia as opposed to a result of the medication. Thats why i dont like psychiatrist they dont even really know what these meds do and there the ones prescribing them.
Hey, I took Ritalin but it gave me heart related side effects. I really do think that these ap's made me stick to the meds. I mean: If I would'nt take ap's I would'nt experience anhedonia and would actually care and not take Ritalin for my health sake. I might have sticked to rtialin because of the dopamine (as these ap's made you Both retarded,very anhedonia the Ritalin gave me a relief die the heightened dopamine).
I also developed very ocd symptoms and really lack of caring of my heart. Normal me would quickly cease stopping it and make sure it dienst happen again by changing meds or reducing dosages.

I Worry if I risked myself a heart attack, problems on the brain,etc due the insomnia as well. I was under a lot of stress for.someone at age 19-20. Nobody experiences this.
If you start to notice improvements in a way where you can see yourself living a decent life without being completely bitter and miserable then try to make it happen. Don't wait until some other worst bullshit happens.

Last year I had to get proton beam therapy and chemo to treat a tumor that appeared on my face that had traces of cancer. I thought the bullshit chemical lobotomizing AP drug was the worst it got in regards to taking everything which was already a problem (severe social phobia, depression, insecurity) and making it worse. Well it turns out, it could get a lot worse and the only way to find out is by waiting for it to happen.

I'm more bitter and angry now about the fact that the chemo significantly reduced the quality of music and my ability to enjoy listening to music. It's platinum-based chemo which is known to cause irreversible hearing loss and damages hearing cells. I can still hear pretty well, but music has lost a lot of the magic it used to have; and listening to music was really the only thing that I enjoyed doing.

And what's known as "chemo-brain" took away a lot of the cognitive improvement I had. Before I still felt inadequate and inferior to others socially, but I could every now and then make a joke or say something that was taken well and would boost my self-confidence. Now it feels like talking to people is a waste of time because everything I say and do just sounds like braindead bullshit. I make an observation, and everyone just looks at me like I said something completely irrelevant or too obvious to matter. My memory is a lot worse now then it was pre-chemo, and I feel a lot more lifeless.

I could go on and on about this shit but the moral of the story is if you ever get to a point where you feel confident enough in your recovery that you could see yourself living again, you should strive towards that. I say this to y'all because I know that you guys have actually gone through shit, unlike a lot of people and their fake ass problems.
Yeah the doctors keep saying the side effects i feel have no connection to the drug. I dont get insomnia but instead i get lack of emotion and feel no dopamine. My doctor just says these are negative symptoms of schizophrenia as opposed to a result of the medication. Thats why i dont like psychiatrist they dont even really know what these meds do and there the ones prescribing them.
That must be so frustrating :(
Hey, I took Ritalin but it gave me heart related side effects. I really do think that these ap's made me stick to the meds. I mean: If I would'nt take ap's I would'nt experience anhedonia and would actually care and not take Ritalin for my health sake. I might have sticked to rtialin because of the dopamine (as these ap's made you Both retarded,very anhedonia the Ritalin gave me a relief die the heightened dopamine).
I also developed very ocd symptoms and really lack of caring of my heart. Normal me would quickly cease stopping it and make sure it dienst happen again by changing meds or reducing dosages.

I Worry if I risked myself a heart attack, problems on the brain,etc due the insomnia as well. I was under a lot of stress for.someone at age 19-20. Nobody experiences this.
How much ritalin are you taking + how often, your recovery might be slowed down by ritalin + ritalin can cause anhedonia.
@t_xeplionhell why would that be?

I'm still taking 15 mg ritalin per day as I did before. It used to give me a huge mental boost.
Atm I don't notice too much effect of it.. not too much difference in whether or not taking it.
Are there any recovery stories from those who have taken the highest dosage of Invega (234 mg) for a couple of times? I fear that a lot of recovery stories are from people taking low doses (100-150 mg), and that the highest dose might induce some kind of permanent effects.
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