Mental Health Coming off Invega (paliperidone) injections, v 5.0

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So there are things that you could do to help yourself behaviorally. I'm not saying that what your going through isn't bad, but that things like exercise and meditation really can help expedite the recovery process for you. Have you tried that?
One of the gifts of invenga is that I can hardly walk. I have that till the 2 first shots and still the psychiatrist and my family thought that was the medication for me. I am depressed and utterly enraged at my state.
I'm also getting addicted to benzos since I can't sleep. I wish to die was easy.
Benzos are the only thing that helped me with akathisia when I was on invega. I couldn't sit down & got them from the ER. It does make you wish to die. Lucky my psych wouldn't give me any more or I may have had problems too
I posted going about to the doctor about 5 months ago, well I went back in today and got the results back for my testerrone and prolactin, my testosterone is back to normal ( I have very high testosterone) hinting why some people thing I'm a dick on this forum, and my prolactin is back to normal, I regained my deep voice almost half a year ago and my sex drive is like a high powered machine.
I'm starting to worry that all those recovery stories are mostly minimal recoveries and that almost nobody recovers 70%+. From what @Paula10 was saying it seems like she never fully recovered. Also there are many similar stories.
That's a lie bro and you know it, people do recover the proof is in the pudin, most of those people who didnt recover aall of them had a ton of injections or were on a shit ton of other antipyscotics before or after the injection. I'm not gonna sit here and go back and fourth with you. It's a common thing on this invega forum think the worst when people only ran a few yards and not the full mile. Even if you personally dont recover you are what you make with your life from this point, if you feel like your life is ruined, that is your choice I'm no longer gonna throw a pity party for ppl on here anymore. I only get on here for shits in giggle when I'm taking a dump to just to pass time, goodluck.
Posso camminare solo a piccoli passi.
nina hello. you are only 4 months off, I am 10 and I see no improvement. but I did not have psychosis, I deduce that whoever has them improves faster. I also want to commit suicide. I also take zolpidem during the day so as not to commit suicide. how many benzo do you use? over time, acatasia and sexual dysfunction improved. after 20 days ... then the sleep improved..but i have a headache. i would not like they were abusing sleeping pills. how come they gave you this lethal poison?
nina hello. you are only 4 months off, I am 10 and I see no improvement. but I did not have psychosis, I deduce that whoever has them improves faster. I also want to commit suicide. I also take zolpidem during the day so as not to commit suicide. how many benzo do you use? over time, acatasia and sexual dysfunction improved. after 20 days ... then the sleep improved..but i have a headache. i would not like they were abusing sleeping pills. how come they gave you this lethal poison?
I was hospitalized in a very ugly small place due to my first ever psychosis I think that due to stress and they told me injection was a quick way out. Afterwards my family obliged me to take the injection with blackmail of not helping me. I felt very lost becose of the brain fog and took 6 all together which is a lot and that's why I think on suicide. My sleep has not improved after 4 months I sleep only because of pills and not much. It is really terrible what this drug has done to me
Sono stato ricoverato in un piccolo posto molto brutto a causa della mia prima psicosi in assoluto, penso che a causa dello stress e mi hanno detto che l'iniezione era una rapida via d'uscita. Successivamente la mia famiglia mi ha obbligato a fare l'iniezione con il ricatto di non aiutarmi. Mi sono sentito molto perso a causa della nebbia del cervello e ne ho presi 6 tutti insieme, il che è molto ed è per questo che penso al suicidio. Il mio sonno non è migliorato dopo 4 mesi dormo solo a causa delle pillole e non molto. È davvero terribile quello che questo farmaco mi ha fatto
Stilnox-zolpiden. Not abuse
Sono stato ricoverato in un piccolo posto molto brutto a causa della mia prima psicosi in assoluto, penso che a causa dello stress e mi hanno detto che l'iniezione era una rapida via d'uscita. Successivamente la mia famiglia mi ha obbligato a fare l'iniezione con il ricatto di non aiutarmi. Mi sono sentito molto perso a causa della nebbia del cervello e ne ho presi 6 tutti insieme, il che è molto ed è per questo che penso al suicidio. Il mio sonno non è migliorato dopo 4 mesi dormo solo a causa delle pillole e non molto. È davvero terribile quello che questo farmaco mi ha fatto
the luck is that if you have psychosis you have more possibilities. to recover from injections. I use zolpidem in america ambien for sleeping. better than benzo but addictive so don't use it during the day to get high like I did
the luck is that if you have psychosis you have more possibilities. to recover from injections. I use zolpidem in america ambien for sleeping. better than benzo but addictive so don't use it during the day to get high like I did
I think it was stress related. I realized by myself it was not possible what I was thinking
Ho dormito 2:40...
con zolpidem? o seroquel o imovane dovresti dormire di più. Anch'io ho 10 mesi e il sonno non è come prima devo prendere almeno 2 compresse la notte. ora mi sveglio solo 1 volta. prima di svegliarmi 4-6 volte. notte. ..assurdo. ci fanno impazzire. ma ora dormo 7-9 ore. solo con i sonniferi non è un sonno riposante. per questo diminuisco lo stilnox e uso surmontil che agisce sulla fase REM e lo fa. dormire sonni tranquilli
con zolpidem? o seroquel o imovane dovresti dormire di più. Anch'io ho 10 mesi e il sonno non è come prima devo prendere almeno 2 compresse la notte. ora mi sveglio solo 1 volta. prima di svegliarmi 4-6 volte. notte. ..assurdo. ci fanno impazzire. ma ora dormo 7-9 ore. solo con i sonniferi non è un sonno riposante. per questo diminuisco lo stilnox e uso surmontil che agisce sulla fase REM e lo fa. dormire sonni tranquilli
What mostly destroyed xeplion is my sleep. Before with the combo 2 lorazepam 2mg lormetazepan and 192mg I was reaching 6 h now 2:40. It is really bad. I don't feel ever sleepy
Hello here, this is my first post. I've been watching this and other relative threads about antipsychotics to look for some hope even if i'm quite hopeless actually. Long story short in april 2021 I end up working in this private tattoo studio where they talk about how to control energies, magic, ego, illumination... Everything in there had a second hidden meaning and you could never tell exactly what was happening. This plus thousands other things plus that i was smoking quite a lot weed led me to believe weird things and i started acting delusional and paranoid for few days. My family freaks out on me and call the police, I end up in the hospital against my will (may 19th) where they put me on sleep for like 6 days for who knows what reason and start giving me depakin and abilify pills, then 400 mg abilify injection on june first. In about one day im depressed and social anxious, come out of the hospital two days later diagnosed bipolar.

They tell me i have to be on medication for indefinite amount of time or i will go manic again so i get two more shots of abilify in the next two months (last one August 1st). The next month I refuse having the shot because I'm no longer living since I had the first one. In all psychiatrists' opinions I should have relapsed in no time but guess what I never did and 9.5 months later I still am anedhonic, feel dumb, no creativity and major problem is I can't stay with people cause i can't think of anything to say so i just became asocial. Actually being suicidal cause i see no improvements in my cognitive abilities and I can't live this way, I have lost everything I had without it. Anyone else had a similar situation with abilify maintena and recovered?

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