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Would 3 1/2 to 4 months of meth use pretty much everyday be considered “heavy” usage?


Feb 22, 2021
I first did meth, January 7th 2021. I did it probably 4-5 times till middle of February, lol you know how it is, flushing it down the toilet saying your done always. But then in middle of febuary, family shit happened, I said” fuck my life” and wanted to end it binging meth, so I was only snorting at this point. I was still in HS 17 at the time. I’m 18 almost 19 now. I controlled it at first, snorting a couple of lines at like 8:00am, then another in the bathroom at school at probably 10am. I would be able to sleep at is usually 2-3am then, and get like 4-5 hours a night. But in march, started staying up a night or two. Early april smoked it for first time. I got out of hand all throughout april, smoking it every 30 minutes, staying up 1-2 nights. Passing out waking up repeat. Till may 6th I couldn’t get anymore so I decided to quit temporarily. Relapsed my 18th bday, one month off it, did adderall September. Another month sober. Did meth one last time October 3/4. I didn’t even feel good at this point. I’ve been clean ever since then. What kind of usage would you guys classify this as?
How much were you using in March and April when you were staying up a day or 2?
When you start skipping days of sleep and dosing every 30 minutes I would say thats getting into heavy use, yeah.
Shit so that’s like hot territory, like lifelong addiction type usage? Or you think it can be put down, never done again? I’ve been sober on my own, no rehab. You don’t think a rehab would be necessary for this level of usage right?
Shit so that’s like hot territory, like lifelong addiction type usage? Or you think it can be put down, never done again? I’ve been sober on my own, no rehab. You don’t think a rehab would be necessary for this level of usage right?
Hard to say man. You're still young and if you already can stop on your own without intervention that's a good sign.

It's definitely a red flag for the future. You now know it could spiral our of control of you don't work on it now.

Rehab probably isn't necessary, but you might consider getting into the sobriety mindset with meetings, therapy or an outpatient program.
Hard to say man. You're still young and if you already can stop on your own without intervention that's a good sign.

It's definitely a red flag for the future. You now know it could spiral our of control of you don't work on it now.

Rehab probably isn't necessary, but you might consider getting into the sobriety mindset with meetings, therapy or an outpatient program.
Yeah man, I’m starting to think I have a lot of my mental issues cause of ocd, I just sit around all day thinking about the same shit all day, constantly asking myself if my life is ruined. Then convincing myself it isn’t, feeling better for a few hours, then feeling completely hopeless that my life is ruined. It’s like I’m trapped in my own thoughts nonstop. Really looking for any solution out of this man, I’m hoping time does heal all wounds tho. I don’t know how much I believe it tho
Ok, that's about 250mg to 300mg per day, I'd have to agree that it's heavy use, but not extreme.

Do you feel like it has had long term consequences?
Actually no I take that back, I think a 45$ gram bag, which I didn’t even scale it or anything lasted about a week and a half. I feel like he shorted me too.
Hard to say man. You're still young and if you already can stop on your own without intervention that's a good sign.

It's definitely a red flag for the future. You now know it could spiral our of control of you don't work on it now.

Rehab probably isn't necessary, but you might consider getting into the sobriety mindset with meetings, therapy or an outpatient program.
Yeah I’m in therapy as well. I recall you said you were on meth and heroin from 14-23 or something like that right? Did you get off at 23? Did you do it solo or what happened did you don’t mind me asking
Yeah I’m in therapy as well. I recall you said you were on meth and heroin from 14-23 or something like that right? Did you get off at 23? Did you do it solo or what happened did you don’t mind me asking
I went to many, many rehabs. By the time I was 23 I had spent well over a year of my life in various inpatient rehabs, court ordered rehabs, drug court and countless more time in outpatients. I did eventually get off the hard drugs but still struggle with sobriety, mostly alcohol. Relapsed on hard drugs sporadically but never went back to heavy use.
Actually no I take that back, I think a 45$ gram bag, which I didn’t even scale it or anything lasted about a week and a half. I feel like he shorted me too.
I have no clue how much should be in a 45USD bag, and it's against the rules of BL to discuss prices.
I don't think it was 2 grams, so your use was not as heavy as I thought.
I'd say that the biggest dangers at that level of use come from sleep deprivation, not eating enough, and the potential to get a criminal record and ruin your reputation at work or school and with friends and family.
I have no clue how much should be in a 45USD bag, and it's against the rules of BL to discuss prices.
I don't think it was 2 grams, so your use was not as heavy as I thought.
I'd say that the biggest dangers at that level of use come from sleep deprivation, not eating enough, and the potential to get a criminal record and ruin your reputation at work or school and with friends and family.
Do you think it will take literal years to recover from this? Like 4-5 years? Or nah not that long. I just get anxiety and obsess over how long till I’m out of this mess nonstop tbh
I went to many, many rehabs. By the time I was 23 I had spent well over a year of my life in various inpatient rehabs, court ordered rehabs, drug court and countless more time in outpatients. I did eventually get off the hard drugs but still struggle with sobriety, mostly alcohol. Relapsed on hard drugs sporadically but never went back to heavy use.
Yeah that’s the part I’m worried about to. I feel like at this point, especially after the meth, drug use has become a part of who I am now, and it’s upsetting thinking about what could’ve been, what my life could’ve been like if I never did any of this, and my mental health has gone down the drain. I’m hoping to one day be over all this but I doubt it to be honest
Yeah that’s the part I’m worried about to. I feel like at this point, especially after the meth, drug use has become a part of who I am now, and it’s upsetting thinking about what could’ve been, what my life could’ve been like if I never did any of this, and my mental health has gone down the drain. I’m hoping to one day be over all this but I doubt it to be honest
You're still so young man and have every opportunity available. Stop thinking like that, it's only making it worse and is ultimately untrue.
I have no clue how much should be in a 45USD bag, and it's against the rules of BL to discuss prices.
I don't think it was 2 grams, so your use was not as heavy as I thought.
I'd say that the biggest dangers at that level of use come from sleep deprivation, not eating enough, and the potential to get a criminal record and ruin your reputation at work or school and with friends and family.
1 gram is how much. I think I was being shorted tho, all plugs do tbh
Do you think it will take literal years to recover from this? Like 4-5 years? Or nah not that long. I just get anxiety and obsess over how long till I’m out of this mess nonstop tbh
What are your symptoms? I see you mentioned being extremely regretful of having used meth and that you constantly worry that you somehow fucked your life, but is there anything else?
Did you destroy any relationships, lost a job, do you have any type of cognitive issues?