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Alcohol Alcohol Megathread

Wow, lucky about the heroin. Wish I could get away with it that easy!
Oh yah. 😜

Though it took me a good long time to get a habit - about 2 months of daily injecting - and even now I can continue to use twice weekly on average and not experience withdrawal symptoms. (Can't use for much more than 5 days in a row without getting into that territory though ; so as a rule I don't.)
I'm positive there's genetics involved in how quickly you build up a tolerance and how quickly you lose it.
Ha, no. Only when doing something dumb like laughing at the same time and it's tried to come out my nose.
After years and years of opiate addiction I get withdrawals almost instantly. I was even clean for 5 years and I relapsed and once I used 2 days in a row and started getting withdrawals. Seems permanent for me, and it is for a lot of people. In the beginning that didn't happen though. Kindling is a bitch.
After years and years of opiate addiction I get withdrawals almost instantly. I was even clean for 5 years and I relapsed and once I used 2 days in a row and started getting withdrawals. Seems permanent for me, and it is for a lot of people. In the beginning that didn't happen though. Kindling is a bitch.
Same story.Being clean even ampule morphine gives me withdrawls the next day
Every single time I drink a lot of alcohol very quickly, like at the start of a drinking session, I sneeze my head off for about 2 minutes. After the sneezing attack is finished I don't do it again. 😶

I get massive sneezing fits and nasal congestion from booze. It's like an allergic reaction. But it only seems to kick in when a few days into a bender, not at the start.

But I've read somewhere that alcohol causes histamine release which could explain things?
Tanqueray Jin 2.5oz poured into glass with Growers Pear 5% tall boy can

like a potent Jin Pear drink…..consumed with my Ritalin 30mg IR & Methadone 80mg breakfast cocktail

this is how I start every single morning (after a light breakfast)

Tanqueray Jin is amazing ….in Canada Dry ginger ale
Me & my boyfriend drink nightly, we can finish a gallon of Henny in a night lol
Depends on the form. Tequila, Agave and Polish Vodka, winter Rye are more tolerable.

Normal wheat, Rye is also an wheat, or grape based have me smashed way faster.
Usually 3-4 beers in the evening. I drink frequently (more often than not) but i have a strong idea of the limits of utility when it comes to alcohol. It hasn't escalated one bit for like two years.
I like to have between 2-4 pints of a ~5% beer usually. Anything less I don't feel it, anything more I get hammered and hungover the next day.

I try to limit it to only a few days a week, if that. More and more lately I just haven't been drinking, but I'm on alprazolam as a daily medication and then illicitly using buprenorphine so I've just been saying 'no' to alcohol since I don't wana go overboard.
I don't drink daily, but when I do, I drink it all. It's brutal. I've gotten to a pretty rough stage with the binges.

Since the lockdowns of last year, I've started drinking alone for the first time ever at the age of 35, which is fucked in and of itself....but I'm now at like buying a case of pints and almost finishing it in one session (which is always something like 16 hours of drinking) or like two bottles of wine an then switching to cocktails where I drink another half litre of gin or something.

Send help.

On the other hand, I've got it down to drinking only one night a week instead of most of a weekend. But I think I may be drinking the same amounts, just in a shorter time span which can't be good. Can't even fail at failing.

"Too much" for me is an undefined amount as of this year. I have no idea...I just keep going and can function well at very high doses. For example, I don't get refused service at the pub if I walk in after having drank all day before arriving.

I need better hobbies.
I’m 28, started drinking nightly (like 5 nights a week I guess lol) a couple years ago to get through work at night but now I drink on nights off too. I have a fifth of tequila I plan to annihilate tonight.
I have heard of a lot of people doing this. If you’ve ever been to AA, you probably have too. However, I have no idea how people actually get drunk off it. I was desperate and tried it once. I was an alcoholic for many years and ended up virtually homeless living with family who wouldn’t allow me to drink. Hence, why I tried mouthwash, Listerine. I only swallowed the amount you’d use to rinse with, about one capful. Initially, it gave me the most disgusting taste in my mouth, and a weird sort of minty burn high in my chest. Then, about 10 minutes later, I threw it all up, plus the rest of the contents of my stomach. No idea how people keep it down, and if they somehow manage to do so, I can only imagine what it does to your digestive tract. Definitely would not recommend, even if you’re desperate. If it’s a matter of money, I know the 99 cent store used to sell wine, not sure if they still do. Otherwise, just buy the cheapest Vodka.
I have heard of a lot of people doing this. If you’ve ever been to AA, you probably have too. However, I have no idea how people actually get drunk off it. I was desperate and tried it once. I was an alcoholic for many years and ended up virtually homeless living with family who wouldn’t allow me to drink. Hence, why I tried mouthwash, Listerine. I only swallowed the amount you’d use to rinse with, about one capful. Initially, it gave me the most disgusting taste in my mouth, and a weird sort of minty burn high in my chest. Then, about 10 minutes later, I threw it all up, plus the rest of the contents of my stomach. No idea how people keep it down, and if they somehow manage to do so, I can only imagine what it does to your digestive tract. Definitely would not recommend, even if you’re desperate. If it’s a matter of money, I know the 99 cent store used to sell wine, not sure if they still do. Otherwise, just buy the cheapest Vodka.
It seems like op was a minor, hence the mouthwash. Honestly by now op is likely of age to buy real alcohol, or has succumbed to chronic mouthwash poisoning.

Vanilla extract is a much healthier way to go (or angostura blitters, i, a functioning adult will sometimes drink a shot of bitters over ice over an evening because i like the intense flavor).

While Listerine is quite bad to drink (due to detergents used to make it foam, antibacterial phenolics like thymol and eucalyptol, and sorbitol (plus other things i can't think of off the top of my head in it)), i truly doubt that it is denatured with methanol.

Methanol is quite hazardous to the optic nerve, causing irreversible damage if ingested in too high of a dose (10 ml enough to make you blind). Mouthwash while not meant to be drank, is an oral preparation, and some amount of it is likely to be ingested. There would be stories of people dying and going blind from mouthwash drinking if this was the case. "Abuse deterrents" in medical products typically arent dangerous usually just causing a horrible taste or nasty side effects. Acetaminophen is toxic but there is the plausible deniability that it is for analgesic effects rather than to kill pill abusers (even though that is the case).
Really, don't. The alcohol isn't denatured (no firm would ever get a licence to sell a medicinal product, containing methanol, that could be swallowed), it's much worse. Sodium fluoride is as toxic to red blood cells, as sodium cyanide is to all the other cells in your body (and you really need functioning red blood cells). So, a good gutful of Listerine (or equiv mouthwash) can put enough fluoride ions into your body for you to asphyxiate, even though you can fill your lungs with air...
I had no idea. I have drank mouthwash a couple of times, long ago. Obviously I knew it was not good, I didn't know that about sodium fluoride though.
In the train hopping/homeless crowed I used to run with years ago, we would only drink the brown(ish)-yellow mouthwash. We were told it was the kind that wouldn't kill you.

It brought a different buzz, and I became twice as addicted to alcohol that way then if I were to drink like just a couple beers. Drinking mouthwash for a couple months led me to DTs and hospitalized due to the WDs.