Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Does the elevated prolactine subsidies itself after discontinuation of the ap's? Or is it better to make a checkout with a doctor for this to be sure?

If it messes up with someone's testosterone would that come back gradually after discontinuation of the ap's?
Usually prolactin stays elevated after discontinuation. You should get blood tests done to make sure.

If prolactin is elevated, the state is called hyperprolactinemia. If you have this, you will also have hypogonadism, which is a reduction in testosterone.

Both are severe conditions that you don't want. You can easily solve this with the right kind of medication.
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Fuck all of this fucking shit. Of course once prolactin is high it stays high. Why the fuck wouldn’t it? Why wouldn’t every horrible thing that shot does be absolutely permanent? Why wouldn’t it be total permanent misery and a shitty life? Its fucking disgusting
Usually prolactin stays elevated after discontinuation. You should get blood tests done to make sure.

If prolactin is elevated, the state is called hyperprolactinemia. If you have this, you will also have hypogonadism, which is a reduction in testosterone.

Both are severe conditions that you don't want. You can easily solve this with the right kind of medication.
Oh srsly. I read at the internet that it normally goes away if med is discontinued.
Would suck actually as I have a natural high testosterone (>900 ng/DL).
There's a possibility that my prolactin levels where elevated, but the increase wasn't that much.
It's better to do a recheck.
This whole blocking dopamine thing is going to be found out to have absolutely no benefits to anyone and only causing harm. I don’t see how blocking feel good chemical that is responsible for so many functions can possibly help any human being. It’s not even proven that schizophrenia is caused by high dopamine. In fact it’s been shown they have lower levels of it in the pre frontal cortex. Psychiatry is so flawed it isn’t even funny. People need exercise and to find a healthy lifestyle that balances brain chemistry. Not damaging drugs that we didn’t evolve to be able to tolerate. That’s why they cause damage which is hard to recover from. The brain did not evolve to be exposed to these chemicals at all.
They know they don't help, they want to create permanent psychiatric patients to keep there fucked system going.
They were blocked when I first got invega. I took 5 hits of LSD when I got home from the hospital and it did nothing. Extremely minimal effects. I didn’t try it again until recently so I’m not sure when it was able to work again but it not working is what first made me realize how powerful the drug was and what led me to finding this thread
Same. When I left the hospital I also took 1 hit of LSD and I wasn't to able to trip: nadda. However after the last couple of months I've been able to trip on MDMA and LSD and feel their full effects.This is a good sign that I'm recovering well. However, I don't know if it will ever go back to the way it was before invega. I think it will take years to fully reconfigure the brain. As for now I'm only depending on psychedelics to heal whatever little it can, whatever that maybe. It's not fair for people on this forum, especially the ones who know how it is to live with invega sustenna to criticize other people's coping mechanisms. If you don't like anything you read just move along and let other people be. Life is already hard as it is without people to put you down with their opinion. This is blue light, not Facebook.
Dude, I've told you this before, QTpi is NOT still fucked up after 5 years. He's recovered quite a lot. Stop spreading rumours! :)
I agree. I feel totally different today than I felt 2 months. It really does go away. It's unbelievable at the moment but the body is work as possible to remove these toxins and to reconfigure new transmitters. Take today for example, I woke up and suddenly I feel quite sharp cognitively and I've noticed I've began typing quite long and coherent paragraphs unlike before when I could just put together random words to try my points/ideas/opinions across. Thanks alot nophe(mod) for devoting so much of your time to read these posts and come to encourage us quite alot, and occasionally put us back in line when fuck up lol especially since you have never been on invega yourself. God bless. Recovery IS just a matter of when, not belief. Just don't be stupid enough to take another shot of invega again lol.
Probably we will recover fully so rest of our lives arent affected.
Yes, but is gonna be tough my brother. I can't imagine. The only time that I look forward is at night when I go sleep. Morning is horrendous. I know you can relate. Btw I would rather much have been imsomnic or cognitively impaired without the anhedonia. That's pretty much flirting with death itself.
Anyone taking abilify and/or zyprexa/olanzapin in pill form? The struggle is real too with them..🤦🏻‍♂️
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