Alisha Jean Miller leaked nudes *NSFW*


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
You're probably wondering why I gathered you all here today.

Maybe you've noticed some funny behavior from some of our newer members.

Weird stuff, like beautiful women searching for love in all sorts of strange places and asking people how big their dicks are.

It might come as a surprise to you, or it may not. But... turns out... Alisha Jean Miller is more than just a big fucking slut.

She's a man.

A man that's harbored a multi-year obsession with infiltrating Bluelight and "hacking" the website.

A man with cheeto fingers.

A man I've spent hours cleaning up behind, chasing his various alts off the site.

A man that calls me "daddy".

A man that practically begged me to give him the honorary title of "deficiT's good little slut"

Damning evidence was found and we have his identity now.

That's right folks.

Alisha Jean Miller = SneakyCosmos = Haley Grey = Sarah Marshall = GENGAR

I'm hoping this knowledge will discourage any further behavior from either him or any other weird fucking losers who have spooky designs on the site.

But I somehow doubt it. He's persistent. And depraved.

We know who you are. We'll be watching. Last thing you want is to have your identity attached to a global blacklist, or God forbid, reported to the Department of Homeland Security.

But it's all possible, if you don't fuck right off back to that wee bitch little state you call a home.




I can cumfirm this is the same person.


Never seen someone so unbelievably happy to be arrested for the mentioned allegations.

The bright side is BL got a 25$ donation from this dude for a name change. Silver lining here. Ban him, wait for him to come back, convince him to change name again, and you just solved BL’s money problems.

Come out come out wherever you arrreee
I guess my previous statement made a lot of sense to me, but really didn't elaborate efficiently into what I really meant. Yes, people are obviously pretty fucked up, have too much time on their hands and everything in between. It's weird, sad, depressing and distressing all in one shot for me to realize that this is a reality of our community.

I don't like to get too big of a head, but we are really one of the best, easiest, quickest resources available for a lot of people and I think I've been naive to the fact that we exist on a bit of a precipice. Between the people trying to sell shit and advertise in the Harm Reduction forums, to this weird meta-identity melodrama shit that I don't even know how to categorize or define, we, myself included, probably need to realize it's time to safeguard ourselves a little bit better.

We could be fucked with if someone really wanted to do it. That would mean a lot of people out there who call on us for help like a junkie Paw Patrol couldn't access what could be life-saving information. We are all volunteers here, but we still are apparently targets of people like this and I don't like it at all.

I'm totally down for learning how to be better prepared against this type of thing, both for my own benefit and for that of the community. I really am not technologically-minded. I'm 30, but I just mean I know nothing about programming or safeguarding/hacking. If someone who actually knows what's up would teach me I would be thrilled.
Man, mfs been pullin the bait and switch forever look at the jamaican lotto (no offense) that scam pulls in the money.
Ususally it ends in a money transfer for "services" that one may more than like not receive and they have all the info on you... address, name, tele, likes, dislikes etc they sell this info to the jamaican lotto scammers (no offense) or the like and there is a data base/dossier of sorts on one that can offer some leverage into anothers finances or other data/assets that may or not be available.
Some I think call it cat fishing no dif from a reg phishing scam same but different.
I am so disappointed that they didn't have anything more to say for themselves before being removed. I was expecting some form of Jerry Springer-esque kind of scenario before they were forcibly removed from the site, kicking and screaming.
I am so disappointed that they didn't have anything more to say for themselves before being removed. I was expecting some form of Jerry Springer-esque kind of scenario before they were forcibly removed from the site, kicking and screaming.
tbf i didn't give them much of a chance... kinda bumped them right when i was sure they'd read it. They've spewed enough dumbness