Positive The Tapering Supportive/Social Thread

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me in some good recovery me guesses so

since today when i woke up i found this sticky brown redish on my pillow, think is the virus that came out with earwax, I DUNNO YET

might bc the mump is still there but doesn't hurt when i woke up, hurts though when i drink and shit since is goin to ''hard mouth movement''
and i've switched paracetamol with ketoprofen

far more better but one of the strongest antibiotics tho

i took last night 4

bc i couldn't bare the pain
i've switched paracetamol with ketoprofen

far more better but one of the strongest antibiotics tho

A pain killer thats an antibiotic, won't that mess up your natural anti body's just taking it for pain?

Had to Google ketoprofen, is it on prescription or OTC where you are?
is prescription but i was lucky enough to find a pharmacy, i live in uk and i found this pharmacy and i asked there and i said just gimme 2 boxes to have, people don't know the wonder of ketoprofen yet, ahaha. I know it from a comrade of mine
and no isn't a pain killer, is just antibiotic. Morphine is a pain killer, things which causes anesthesia these are pain killers.
is prescription but i was lucky enough to find a pharmacy, i live in uk and i found this pharmacy and i asked there and i said just gimme 2 boxes to have, people don't know the wonder of ketoprofen yet, ahaha. I know it from a comrade of mine

I'm in the UK too, just looked it up, it can be mixed with alsorts including ketamine lol

Just read this

"Ketoprofen can also be used for treatment of some pain, especially nerve pain such as sciatica, postherpetic neuralgia and referred pain for radiculopathy, in the form of a cream, ointment, liquid, spray, or gel, which may also contain ketamine and lidocaine, along with other agents which may be useful, such
as cyclobenzaprine, amitriptyline, acyclovir, gabapentin, orphenadrine and other drugs used as NSAIDs or adjuvant, atypical or potentiators for pain treatment"

How have I not heard of it with my pain condition, what pain do you have, sorry if you've said before but I have benzo brain recently and a crap memory as it is
Just to clarify, ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used for pain relief and to reduce fever. It is similar to ibuprofen. It is NOT an antibiotic. It has zero antibacterial properties whatsoever.
another report. You're a mod in all primal sub roots of the forum yet you come and say this shit. Listen NSAIDS ARE ANTIBIOTICS, ANALGESIC MEANS REDUCE PAIN. You make a joke outta yourself, get off the internet for a while and please don't start these kind of convos here, I have a feeling you do some things on purpose. I will not reply back, you're your own google maps
another report. You're a mod in all primal sub roots of the forum yet you come and say this shit. Listen NSAIDS ARE ANTIBIOTICS, ANALGESIC MEANS REDUCE PAIN. You make a joke outta yourself, get off the internet for a while and please don't start these kind of convos here, I have a feeling you do some things on purpose. I will not reply back, you're your own google maps
Stop abusing the report function please. And no, NSAIDs are not antibiotics for the record.
another report. You're a mod in all primal sub roots of the forum yet you come and say this shit. Listen NSAIDS ARE ANTIBIOTICS, ANALGESIC MEANS REDUCE PAIN. You make a joke outta yourself, get off the internet for a while and please don't start these kind of convos here, I have a feeling you do some things on purpose. I will not reply back, you're your own google maps
Not exactly the most mature response. We’re all just trying to help and get some help.

NSAID stands for “Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug”. Perhaps it’s used differently in the UK, but in the USA it is absolutely different from antibiotics. Mostly used to describe Tylenol (paracetamol) and Advil/Motrin(Ibuprofen). Analgesic is just a fancy word for pain-reliever.

That’s not from Google, just me.
If Google is correct (they do get it wrong occasionally), ketoprofen sounds like something to avoid. Not that I would pass it up if it worked. The list of warnings sound like one good overdose and you’re screwed for good. It’s prescription only in the US, maybe for a good reason.

I always wondered why Tylenol (paracetamol for those in the UK) is so easy to get, and in such large quantities. One big overdose causes permanent and fatal liver damage 100% of the time. And it’s a horrible and slow death. With all of the stuff that is ‘controlled’, and the number of deaths from Tylenol overdose each year, it feels like the government should at least put the same kind of warning on the bottle that they put on a pack of cigarettes.
Now for something less negative.....

Try this one if you have an iPhone or IPad:
When the keyboard is on the screen and you’re typing but you want to move the cursor. You can try to touch the screen in the exact perfect spot OR touch and hold the keyboard for more than one second. Continue to hold your finger on the screen and move it around after the keyboard blurs away. The space where the keyboard is becomes a mouse touchpad. You can drag your finger fast or slow to move the cursor where you like and let go to put it in the perfect spot.
I always wondered why Tylenol (paracetamol for those in the UK) is so easy to get, and in such large quantities. One big overdose causes permanent and fatal liver damage 100% of the time. And it’s a horrible and slow death. With all of the stuff that is ‘controlled’, and the number of deaths from Tylenol overdose each year, it feels like the government should at least put the same kind of warning on the bottle that they put on a pack of cigarettes.
I wholeheartedly agree, and it's something I've felt passionately about for many years. It is frustrating.
“Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause for calls to Poison Control Centers (>100,000/year) and accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations, and an estimated 458 deathsdue to acute liver failure each year”

How is it possible that I can buy a jug of 1000 extra strength pills at any corner drug store. It’s not about protecting us.
Hey yall..... The US Food and drug Administration is trying to screw us all again, and this time they’re f’ing with the whole world.
In 2016, the US FDA tried desperately to put Kratom into Schedule 1(with heroin). Thankfully they failed. They have tried an extensive smear campaign ever since then, trying to convince everyone that Kratom is dangerous. About two years ago they actually flew to Indonesia and tried to convince their government to outlaw the export of Kratom (also failed).

Now they’re playing hardball. The United States Food and Drug Administration has convinced the World Health Organization to hear arguments regarding a global ban on all Kratom products. If it passes, it would be an international crime to possess Kratom anywhere in the world.

I’m including the link to a site for public comments on the proposed regulation. Please spread the word. We only have until the end of August to be heard.

this community failed to know what an antibiotic is. Just bc u need to say it over and over it proves even more so further, guilty conscious // heavy disease nowadays. Anyhow, I feel a lot better since I can sleep on the other unswollen cheek now ( left side ) and I ate a vanilla baguette, soft foods though. I don't go over board rn bc the gland is still swollen and it can irritate easily, I just needed to eat some sweet after these days of being on rag. I also ate some non heavy seasoned snitzel, not the whole just half.
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