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Meth Discussion/Habits/Preference.

9th Euclidean Sphere

Jun 29, 2021
Yo, so essentially I saw like no other thread on it, and I’m up bored asf tweaked out my mind. So finding others to discuss how they like to, do it, what they prefer to tweak on, fuck man even helpful tips & tricks to not get too far gone would be good.

So ye, let’s get it?
Personally I like to smoke/snort meth and and then jerk off for hours on end.
I am the exact opposite, dopes make me so unhorny it’s debilitating.
Tho the typically only way I’ll do meth is snorting, faster, easier, less ways to get caught.
I'm productive on other stimulants
I’m about as productive on meth as ya can be when your socializing is between 4 forums.
interesting, most simulants would have me very productive but meth particularly makes me hypersexual and it's a bit of a problem tbh

there's only one reason I would buy meth and only one thing I would plan on doing after buying it...
I really can’t relate, I’m typically hyper sexual just sober.
Meth highs make me almost physically incapable of getting hard, and usually have me locked on my phone, unless something in person catches my interest. Usually along the lines of cleaning my glasses, or phone case, or clipping my nails.
Yo, so essentially I saw like no other thread on it, and I’m up bored asf tweaked out my mind. So finding others to discuss how they like to, do it, what they prefer to tweak on, fuck man even helpful tips & tricks to not get too far gone would be good.

So ye, let’s get it?
You might find this thread interesting if you are high and want to dive into the subject of meth: https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/meth-primer-post-your-meth-tips-hints-hacks-here.778648/

We used to have a 24/7 social thread for tweakers but it got so out of control so fast we had to delete it. Mainly the tweaky mods fault.

Personally I agree with @Snafu of the Forest. Meth and hyper sexuality are part of the same package. I like meth for it’s general sense of happiness and contentment and I enjoy smoking it but I see it as intimately connected to a fairly adventurous sex life. I very rarely get anything productive done on it. Maybe the housework on a good day.
Personally I agree with @Snafu of the Forest. Meth and hyper sexuality are part of the same package. I like meth for it’s general sense of happiness and contentment and I enjoy smoking it but I see it as intimately connected to a fairly adventurous sex life. I very rarely get anything productive done on it. Maybe the housework on a good day.
This is so true. It really turns me into this catatonic hedonistic sexual zombie. It really controls my brain by far more than any other drug.

Amphetamines I can totally handle, don't find them particularly recreational, super productive, great tool...

but meth.... *que ominous music and devil imagery*
Why am I so fuckin weird haha, I’ll sit and tweak with my phone for a goddamn 17 hour period straight.
meth: https://www.bluelight.org/xf/threads/meth-primer-post-your-meth-tips-hints-hacks-here.778648/
Thank you
pro tip:

Bluelight search function sucks. Everyone knows it. It's notoriously bad.

If you are searching for a specific thread on BL it's best to use google specifically like this:

bluelight.org: "whatever thread u want"

type that into google search--^

and you will get much better results
This is so true. It really turns me into this catatonic hedonistic sexual zombie. It really controls my brain by far more than any other drug.

Amphetamines I can totally handle, don't find them particularly recreational, super productive, great tool...

but meth.... *que ominous music and devil imagery*
It’s definitely weird how regular amphetamines resolved so many problems for me and lifted me to academic excellence while meth basically turned me into a highly deviant whoremonger who barely reads or writes anything anymore.
pro tip:

Bluelight search function sucks. Everyone knows it. It's notoriously bad.

If you are searching for a specific thread on BL it's best to use google specifically like this:

bluelight.org: "whatever thread u want"

type that into google search--^

and you will get much better results
Good advice. Hopefully this update on the search function that's happening will fix that up.
Yo, so essentially I saw like no other thread on it, and I’m up bored asf tweaked out my mind. So finding others to discuss how they like to, do it, what they prefer to tweak on, fuck man even helpful tips & tricks to not get too far gone would be good.

So ye, let’s get it?
To avoid becoming too far gone, don't use too much and don't use regularly. Antipsychotics like seroquel or abilify low dose can help bring you down, and so can a benzo like valium. Take it easy no matter what you're doing and have fun.

There's way too many people using way too much meth. I've been addicted since 2017. And pretty much nonstop since the start of 2020. It's not fun a lot of times. I just try and regulate my use by taking what I need to function and no more.
To avoid becoming too far gone, don't use too much and don't use regularly. Antipsychotics like seroquel or abilify low dose can help bring you down, and so can a benzo like valium. Take it easy no matter what you're doing and have fun.

There's way too many people using way too much meth. I've been addicted since 2017. And pretty much nonstop since the start of 2020. It's not fun a lot of times. I just try and regulate my use by taking what I need to function and no more.
Ah no worries, I appreciate the care though, I’ve just been laid off for about a month. Decided to indulge myself, hadn’t done any in about a year prior, once work starts back up when the crew find a job I’m done again.
I just spent the last hour typing something for this thread. Deleted. That's what I do
Pretty normal occurrence for METH.
I feel so not normal now, I don’t get horny, I don’t get too out there in terms of energy, or movement.
Rarely can anyone tell I’m on it unless they actually know how I am during sobriety & how I am when I am not sober separately.

I usually pass out about 24 hours after doing it no matter what, and I feel like I’m being robbed out of a better high dammit 😭😭
That’s a very Greenlighter thing to do. The more you post here, the easier posting will become. Just don’t beat yourself up over it.

Just curious, what did you spend the last hour typing about about before you lost it?

Take your time man. This isn’t a race.

oh I just mean it was a super long tweaker post and a bit of sanity came to me and realized it didn't really make sense. However I guess that kind of would fit in the thread.