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Drug addicts who still are scrimping n scraping, surviving in these times unite!! Baby!!


Apr 13, 2013
Seriously who is still going strong and managing to keep their drug supply up and up I know I am I mean I run out everyday.. But that's the point I always have at least a ten bag everyday thanks to being some very close friends to some very high up dealers ;) and of course the methadone especially on those rare days where I'm dry on gear but instead of panicking running up and down "what do I do?!, What do I do?! Ahh I need a fix" I'm just like "on can't get any gear today guess it's one of those days meh oh well" now if I have had no gear AND no methadone ie I over slept and missed the chemist that is my que to me panick but that has only happened once in the last few months and I just borrowed some methadone off my mate who gets a whole 2 weeks worth you should see his massive bottle of green goodness <33 I think I've done pretty damn good to survive the last few months and on the side working on cutting down my tolerance slightly I know what it's like to be without for days and worse not knowing where your next income or anythings coming in for a while that's when shit gets dangerous and criminality takes hold luckily my addiction is a lot more in control for a while now everyone says how I look better more colour and seem happier since being on methadone I'm just so grateful with all the stuff I got up to, to fund my addiction back a year ago I never got caught and fucked up my whole life with a criminal record now I don't do any of that criminal shit even if I'm all out of meth and heroin I will literally just get on with it mind over matter my friends mind over matter...
Glad you are getting stable !! I’m the same way with my oxy now that I found Kratom. If I run out of oxy I don’t suffer cause I can get Kratom at any gas station .
I'm out for 2 more days. oh well..mind over matter, right?
Well I know it sounds arrogant obviously theirs no magic button to turn off wd well except methadone and weed but after going through withdrawal so many time once so bad I had to go hospital when my tolerance was sky high and I was smoking an egg+(3.5 grams) of potent stuff every day now my tolerance is lower but withdrawal still sucks but I've done it so many times now I just get on with it I just put some music on, go for a walk, eat a cheese n jam sandwich to get some fibre have a cup of tea and watch hollyoaks withdrawal wouldn't even effect my day to day much anymore if I can't get anything for some reason because I know eventually I will get some I used to believe the opposite to all this a while back btw when my addiction was really bad and I was like fuck everything

now maybe it hasn't happened to you yet heck some people it might never happen to but eventually you just grow up have a nice look in the mirror thinking about all the shit things in your life and realise everyone who told you to stay away from drugs was right etc but instead of crying about it I say "hey my life ain't great and stuff but I'm new gonna learn from my mistakes and prove everyone wrong and get my old self back" that's what I told myself anyway when I had my junkie enlightening moment just remember the junkies who survive (literally, and none literally) are probably the patient wise ones who don't even look like a junkie because they recognise the need to look neat and tidy even if they are clucking because otherwise my friends no half decent person will give you the time of day and most importantly the one who survived is the one who can go without for a while without panicking the one who can save their money for when their good connect comes on the next day and patiently wait instead of going to the dodgy connect who probs will rip u off anyway.

Facts bro. I shower 5 times a day and take care of my appearance and my living environment is tidy with alot of organization. I'm a little OCD.
Facts bro. I shower 5 times a day and take care of my appearance and my living environment is tidy with alot of organization. I'm a little OCD.
respect being on drugs no excuse not to look after yourself it feels good to when I'm high and freshen up for the day.. I would be lying though if I said I haven't had a day or two I've skipped washing all together being lazy but I always keep myself fresh you never know who you might meet as my mum always used to tell me
Fair play I can see how it comes across like that but it ain't meant in anyway like that I swear just giving my experience and how I have somehow became a lot more stable and in control a year and a half ago I had no idea I would ever get to where I am at the moment I'm just grateful I never went through with all my half assed suicide attempts.. Real talk I can say I have been to hell and back not as much as iv users etc but there you go
Oh no, my preach wasn't sarcastic or anything; I agree.
I'm happy your stable and in control. And I'm glad you didn't go through with the suicide attempts.
No need to compare to IV users; hell is spacious enough for us all. :)

Stay with us @Ganjcat !
respect being on drugs no excuse not to look after yourself it feels good to when I'm high and freshen up for the day.. I would be lying though if I said I haven't had a day or two I've skipped washing all together being lazy but I always keep myself fresh you never know who you might meet as my mum always used to tell me
It sure does feel good to be high and freshened up. And I too have had times where I was too was too lazy to wash up. Those are the times I use wet naps, or aka a "whore's bath" lol. Your mum sounds smart!
It sure does feel good to be high and freshened up. And I too have had times where I was too was too lazy to wash up. Those are the times I use wet naps, or aka a "whore's bath" lol. Your mum sounds smart!
I just spray some deodorant on or as it's known in some places a Spanish shower
Just scored, for the second time today another freebie hehehe it pays to be friends with the right people