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Heroin detox at home


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
So i managed to stop taking methadone and heroin now im on tramadol only and small normal doses but i am always afraid of relapsing no matter how good sobriety makes me feel, got any tips on how to maintain sobriety without feeling like shit or relapsing all the time? Tips like meds or stuff that will calm me down and curve cravings, I need to fucking stop this madness for real. Thanks in advance y'all
Oh and also it is very hard for me to distinguish between normal pain and withdrawal pain, as in everytime I feel whatever physical discomfort I begin freaking out because I think its the withdrawal a coming
Well done to you on stopping the heroin and the methadone. I'll presume you're using Ultram? I use something similar for detoxing from heroin, its codeine and ibuprofen (Neurophen Plus) but I can get it OTC where I'm from so I'm stocking up on it at the moment so that I can use it to make my withdrawals easier when I begin detoxing on the 1st.

I know you'll have heard this a thousand times but honestly, the only way to not feel like shit when you're sober is to fucking despise using. You have to hate using more than being sober. I picked up today just so I wouldn't be in withdrawal on NYE but I was crying inside waiting on that dealer to show up. You have to hate the lifestyle. Cravings will cease after a couple of weeks, but the less want this lifestyle the quicker they should fade away.

Also, how much Tramadol are you using a day? How much actual codeine are you using daily?
Also, how much heroin were you using? Did you use heroin to get of methadone (I know its typically done visa versa but this is often done too) and are now using the Tramadol to stave away the symptoms of the WD?
Have you got a tapering schedule done out to get off the Tramadol? You should seriously consider this because unless you do your chances of relapsing are always going to be much higher than if you were off them.

The more I know the more advice I can offer.
Ultram? i've for real never heard of it. Yeah i was telling my roommate the other day that if he actually wanted to quit heroin he would not feel so bad when he is detoxing... it is my case right now. i really want to get sober so i do not miss the heroin except on some weird moments of anxiety which fade away if i eat or smoke so whatever.... i have been 8 years doing a half gram everyday, except on weird occasions when i tried getting sober but all i could ever manage were about 3 days even with the help of methadone... i am terrified of methadone withdrawal because since you probs already know it is many times worse and longer than heroin withdrawal... hell to the no. so after 3 days of using it i switched to 500 mg of tramadol everyday. so right now i am using that, plus vitamins and cbd, herb teas, and smoke natural tobbaco, its a nice combination, tho i had a box of lyrica that went nicely with that and i fucking lost it id love to find it....
another problem i have is my roommate he has been using heroin for like 15 years and does not intend to stop.... he brings it home everyday and not always am i able to not ask him for a (FAT!!!) shot... he is really inconsiderate of my pain. while im the opposite with him.... and im sorry you had to use again but you did the right thing because a heavy withdrawal has the power to kill you so never forget about that
edit: the 3 first 3 days of attempted detox at home (ive tried this more than once....) i take 40 mg of methadone, i should take at least 60 but yeah im scared of it
edit again: threw in some wine and other alcoholic in the mix, is it too much? ive never liked drinking and i get drunk with very little but getting drunk is not my objective, a glass of wine calms me down
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mate to give yourself the best chance you really need to move somewhere where you will not be living with someone who is using. having it under your nose every fucking day will make it too easy to go back to it. he will not stop doing it in what is, after all, his place too and will probably actively try to undermine any recovery effort you put in- i've never met a junkie that wanted another junkie to recover, while you're using they can get something from you but that's not the case once you get clean.

you need to get some psychological help to address the underlying problems fuelling your addiction. stopping using is the first step in a very long road. its the hardest and most important, so you've made a good start, especially over christmas off your own bat. i could never stop using on my own!
mate to give yourself the best chance you really need to move somewhere where you will not be living with someone who is using. having it under your nose every fucking day will make it too easy to go back to it. he will not stop doing it in what is, after all, his place too and will probably actively try to undermine any recovery effort you put in- i've never met a junkie that wanted another junkie to recover, while you're using they can get something from you but that's not the case once you get clean.

you need to get some psychological help to address the underlying problems fuelling your addiction. stopping using is the first step in a very long road. its the hardest and most important, so you've made a good start, especially over christmas off your own bat. i could never stop using on my own!
wasnt easy for me at all either it took me YEARS. the apartment is mine and he pays rent to me but very cheap because i know he is kinda hopeless when it comes to making money. what pisses me off is that he agreed on detoxing with me he is even going to a methadone clinic by himself but he never sticks to the program i would really like it if he made the smallest effort to get clean but idk whats going on in his head his life is pretty easy compared to every addict ive ever known he has everything to get clean especially my help hes just being an idiot
look if its your place you need to look after you. chuck him. its harsh but do you really wanna spend another few years in active addiction for some rent money and to not feel guilty about someone who is ultimately responsible for themselves?
look if its your place you need to look after you. chuck him. its harsh but do you really wanna spend another few years in active addiction for some rent money and to not feel guilty about someone who is ultimately responsible for themselves?
you there my guy? im so fucking sad. he just got home and began preparing his tar under my nose. it makes me so sad to know that i cannot have it. i dont even know if i want it anymore. im just not sure if i will ever get used to having in in my face and not using it.
edit: fuck he's so happy when he uses, i dont think i should make him stop if he doesnt want to, maybe i should just accept my fate, that i will have to miss it forever. it makes me so sad. sadder than losing my mom.
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sorry i didn't read this earlier, busy day and need to get to bed. look its your place, you don't deserve to suffer like this. i know you are trying to be nice to this guy but you have to put yourself first. you shouldn't have to put up with it in your face like that, you are doing him a favour but it has got to the point where its doing you more harm than good so its time for that arrangement to end. you don't have to fuck him over, you can give him reasonable notice etc, and he can take responsibility- but that means you have to accept it if he doesn't find somewhere and ends up on the streets.

i would say- do you honestly think he's happy using? what percentage of your recent usage would you say made you happy? vs just feeding the addiction? the vast majority of my using has not been fun and i assume its similar for everyone who ends up wanting to quit.

it isn't your fate to be using forever. you have more control than you think, but no one can cope with having something they're addicted to thrown in their face all the time. fuck i have been in recovery 2 years, i have used gear in two short periods this year and actively did not enjoy it either time, which is how i was able to stop. but honestly i think if i had it in my face every day it wouldn't be long til i had a proper habit again. you don't have control over all of your circumstances, but to give yourself the best opportunity to make it into long term recovery, you need to bend the circumstances you can control.
Ultram is an Opioid Analgesic - sorry nevermind. Tramadol is an opioid painkiller though - whats in them, codeine? It must be. How many mgs of Tramadol (or however many mgs of codeine is in them) are you taking?

Listen up chinup, you cant keep carrying that guy - especially not at the expense of your own recovery. You sound to me like someone who wants to get sober and is not that far from achieving it but look, if you stay living in the same place as him you're going to end up relapsing by using with him and you know its just waiting to happen man. The circumstances you surround yourself with is the number 1 factor in wheither you're going to relapse or not. Thats why my ass is staying at my parents house from New Years Eve until I'm back to feeling like myself. Nobody could be blamed for relapsing while living with someone in active use, but they can be blamed for not changing the circumstances. Give him the two weeks and if he's still at it tell him he'll have to find somewhere else.

You're not going to miss it forever either, but being around it will keep those feelings of missing it ever-present because it's right under your nose and you cant have it however the temptation is constantly there. Thats a fairly nasty form of torture @chinup

Lyrica are great for a lot of the symptoms though, for certain.

I'm having a smoke tomorrow night, then I have 42 x 10mg Valium, 50mls of Methadone, 10 x 12.8 codeine tablets, 50 Cystrin (these kill the sweats which I HATE) and 4 x 30mg Mirtazepam for sleep. I'll start with the Methadone over the course of 5/6 days, then move onto the codeine tablets afterward for another 5 if needed. At some point my anxiety will shoot through the stratosphere so thats when the Valium comes in.

Cant fucking wait to be back to myself.
You need to really want it too buddy - start by getting rid of that liability you're looking out for. If he's any kind of a friend he'd understand you need time away from that whole scene, though were he any ilk of a friend nor would he be even using around you.

To answer your question, a glass of wine isnt too much. Better than swallowing 60-80mgs of Diazepam - but along with the methadone I dont think I'll need that much.
So thrilled tomorrow is my last day of this. Was 'only' a 5 month binge; I kicked a 2 year habit this time last year in a week but it was in Lanzarote (a Spanish Isle), not in the bowls of a storm in Dublin.

Sorry, I dont want to make this about me, its your thread.
Did you mention anything to your roomate yet @chinup ?
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I hope you are doing well, I have a lot of experience with tramadol trying to use it to either come off painkillers (20-30 per day- yeah that’s a lot) or bridge the gap until I could find more pills. Sheesh, I was taking tramadol with oxy’s and/or hydros.
Anyway, the way I finally broke the cycle was with a prescription for suboxone (detail in another thread) It has eliminated all the cravings and anxiety that plagued me trying to quit. I know I’m still in recovery and still on opioids, but I gladly trade where I am now with where I was.
But whichever route you choose just know that you CAN do this! Others have done it and I am on my way to doing it, and I know you can to!
Best of luck and prayers for you. Keep posting, there are people on here with more knowledge and experience than me that can give advice and encouragement.
Ultram is an Opioid Analgesic - sorry nevermind. Tramadol is an opioid painkiller though - whats in them, codeine? It must be. How many mgs of Tramadol (or however many mgs of codeine is in them) are you taking?

Listen up chinup, you cant keep carrying that guy - especially not at the expense of your own recovery. You sound to me like someone who wants to get sober and is not that far from achieving it but look, if you stay living in the same place as him you're going to end up relapsing by using with him and you know its just waiting to happen man. The circumstances you surround yourself with is the number 1 factor in wheither you're going to relapse or not. Thats why my ass is staying at my parents house from New Years Eve until I'm back to feeling like myself. Nobody could be blamed for relapsing while living with someone in active use, but they can be blamed for not changing the circumstances. Give him the two weeks and if he's still at it tell him he'll have to find somewhere else.

You're not going to miss it forever either, but being around it will keep those feelings of missing it ever-present because it's right under your nose and you cant have it however the temptation is constantly there. Thats a fairly nasty form of torture @chinup

Lyrica are great for a lot of the symptoms though, for certain.

I'm having a smoke tomorrow night, then I have 42 x 10mg Valium, 50mls of Methadone, 10 x 12.8 codeine tablets, 50 Cystrin (these kill the sweats which I HATE) and 4 x 30mg Mirtazepam for sleep. I'll start with the Methadone over the course of 5/6 days, then move onto the codeine tablets afterward for another 5 if needed. At some point my anxiety will shoot through the stratosphere so thats when the Valium comes in.

Cant fucking wait to be back to myself.
You need to really want it too buddy - start by getting rid of that liability you're looking out for. If he's any kind of a friend he'd understand you need time away from that whole scene, though were he any ilk of a friend nor would he be even using around you.

To answer your question, a glass of wine isnt too much. Better than swallowing 60-80mgs of Diazepam - but along with the methadone I dont think I'll need that much.
So thrilled tomorrow is my last day of this. Was 'only' a 5 month binge; I kicked a 2 year habit this time last year in a week but it was in Lanzarote (a Spanish Isle), not in the bowls of a storm in Dublin.

Sorry, I dont want to make this about me, its your thread.
Did you mention anything to your roomate yet @chinup ?
it me (strangeaeon) lmao chinup was giving me some tips i think hes clean... so glad you mentioned a remedy for the sweats they are my least fave part holy shit....
50 mg of methadone is too much for me, did you take more than half a gram of dope every day?
i think tramadol is a synthetic opioid like methadone, im taking 600 or 500 mg a day but i think i should take 100 mg for a month after i start feeling okayish again
im so glad its cold outside right now bc i was born in the coldest place on earth and i just cannot stand hot weather it drives me insane and im already insane
my father does not want me in his house but if he did i would be clean since years ago...
this roomie is a good friend but he does not care if i get clean or not. anyway i already told him about the two weeks. he will be in his mama house if he keeps on being an asshole. its so funny when she sees him and starts checking his arms and shit lmao
by the way not sure how long have you managed to stay clean but my record is two months and they were the worse two months of my entire life and that is something.... watch out for when that time comes. you will crave it like a motherfucker
I hope you are doing well, I have a lot of experience with tramadol trying to use it to either come off painkillers (20-30 per day- yeah that’s a lot) or bridge the gap until I could find more pills. Sheesh, I was taking tramadol with oxy’s and/or hydros.
Anyway, the way I finally broke the cycle was with a prescription for suboxone (detail in another thread) It has eliminated all the cravings and anxiety that plagued me trying to quit. I know I’m still in recovery and still on opioids, but I gladly trade where I am now with where I was.
But whichever route you choose just know that you CAN do this! Others have done it and I am on my way to doing it, and I know you can to!
Best of luck and prayers for you. Keep posting, there are people on here with more knowledge and experience than me that can give advice and encouragement.
aye, that is alot, were they 50 or 100 mgs? mine are 100 i take like 5 or 6.... im deadly afraid of subs would never attempt.... hope you get better it sucks to be dependent on a fucking substance to function
I was taking 20-30 oxycodone or hydrocodone. Almost always 10’s of those. The Tramadol was almost always 100 mgs, and yes I would take plenty of those also- I was a freaking hot mess for sure.
I hear you, I don’t like being dependent on the suboxone but at least it is a start for me. I feel so much better it is hard to explain. Considering where I was with all the pills I have this feeling of freedom now- not having to hide stuff or take inventory of what I have on hand.
You will be okay, if you want to stop you can do it I know you can. You may take a different route than I have and do a taper (I really think that is the best), but you can do it!
I was taking 20-30 oxycodone or hydrocodone. Almost always 10’s of those. The Tramadol was almost always 100 mgs, and yes I would take plenty of those also- I was a freaking hot mess for sure.
I hear you, I don’t like being dependent on the suboxone but at least it is a start for me. I feel so much better it is hard to explain. Considering where I was with all the pills I have this feeling of freedom now- not having to hide stuff or take inventory of what I have on hand.
You will be okay, if you want to stop you can do it I know you can. You may take a different route than I have and do a taper (I really think that is the best), but you can do it!
ever been a few months sober? it was hell for me, maybe when that time comes i will have to get as much pills as you mentioned before
ps i used to slam those oxys and roxys those were good times
It has been a long time since I went more than a week without some kind of opioids, probably nearly 7-8 years I think. The problem was at the end they had no effect on me at all, I just took them to keep from getting sick with withdrawals. I would wake up in the middle of the night gasping for breath every once in a while probably borderline OD.
Whichever path you pick to quit, once you are ready I know you can do it!
Sometimes i still wake up struggling just to take a pill but not often idk why that is, of course they have zero effect on me, they just prevent me from dying of pain, anyway, spent new year with people i hate and i really feel like relapsing tomorrow, this night left me feeling empty and hurt... i know dope will make me feel the same after a few hours not to mention the regret and so much effort wasted but i dont give a fuck i dont know what to do with this emotional pain idk
it me (strangeaeon) lmao chinup was giving me some tips i think hes clean... so glad you mentioned a remedy for the sweats they are my least fave part holy shit....
50 mg of methadone is too much for me, did you take more than half a gram of dope every day?
i think tramadol is a synthetic opioid like methadone, im taking 600 or 500 mg a day but i think i should take 100 mg for a month after i start feeling okayish again
im so glad its cold outside right now bc i was born in the coldest place on earth and i just cannot stand hot weather it drives me insane and im already insane
my father does not want me in his house but if he did i would be clean since years ago...
this roomie is a good friend but he does not care if i get clean or not. anyway i already told him about the two weeks. he will be in his mama house if he keeps on being an asshole. its so funny when she sees him and starts checking his arms and shit lmao
by the way not sure how long have you managed to stay clean but my record is two months and they were the worse two months of my entire life and that is something.... watch out for when that time comes. you will crave it like a motherfucker

Chinup is a girl and yeah she's clean :D

I'm really sorry to hear you're struggling. I know exactly how you feel in those don't give a fuck moments. What has helped me get through those is reminding myself - do you remember the day after a relapse? I always wake up and feel so fucking awful, despairing, hopeless that I am compelled to go and do more just to get rid of the misery & guilt. Hopefully you have also had the opposite experience in your life - have you ever resisted a craving?? I have, and often I can then spend the whole day vaguely resentful about it, as if I've cheated myself out of something. However, by the next day, I'm often so grateful for the fact I didn't give in. I remind myself of those experiences, remind myself that when I'm in my RIGHT mind, I don't want to take drugs. The reasons why can be hard to really see & understand when I'm in the middle of a craving, so I remind myself simply that the reasons are apparent when my perception isn't distorted by cravings.

Can you get your hands on codeine instead of tramadol?? I wouldn't recommend using tramadol to come off opiates, since if you use it for any length of time then when you stop the tramadol you will have SSRI discontinuation symptoms to deal with on top of the opiate withdrawal. If you can swap to codeine or even kratom then you at least won't have that added set of symptoms to have to contend with.
yes i am a girl and yes i am clean, well off heroin anyway, and have been apart from two blips that each lasted less than a week for over 2 years.

i'm really glad you have given your room mate 2 weeks and i hope you stick to it!! /lhonestly it will be so much easier without it in your face all the time.

i would agree with what rio said about tramadol bringing its own host of problems,

what psychological help are you getting? are you in touch with your drugs services? can you get a therapist? you really need to work out why you're using and address the issues you've been self medicating.
I agree, you have to cut out addicts unless they want to get clean themselves. My mother use to sell me pills and I had to make a very hard decision to cut her out of my life before she overdosed. I choose sobriety and she chose heroin. I miss her a fucking lot but I told her to go into rehabilitation before I would allow her to live with me. She refused. I chose me instead of my mother. What I learned from this so I don't feel crushing guilt is you can't save another person no matter who they are. They must choose sobriety. I have been clean on year. Its a roommate....put him out! Choose yourself!