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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Distancing Talk Thread: Swirly Congregation That's 100% Pandemic-Proof

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Looks like Belmont pricing to me.

Niagara Falls casinos special price: 20$....and that was five years ago.
Naw dude just Canadian Classics lol

Been reading more about vaping, relative to my device (sub ohm) and there’s way more to this than I realized. Definitely should have researched more first ... but it’s just vaping nicotine how complicated can it be lol
Been reading more about vaping, relative to my device (sub ohm) and there’s way more to this than I realized. Definitely should have researched more first ... but it’s just vaping nicotine how complicated can it be lol

Yeah I went with 50mg/ml of nic salts. Buddy said it was likely too high and might give me a head rush. I just laughed and said that’s be fine.

I only take a few hauls and feel satiated

It can be pretty involved.

Knowing you have a sub-ohm device, now, I would also not recommend using 50mg nicotine salt juices with your device. Sub-ohm coils produce such large amounts of vapor that using a 50mg juice with them will likely even up your nicotine dosage from what it was with cigarettes. 24 and 50mg juices are for Juuls and tiny, cute low-powered devices. The amount of vapor per puff with a sub-ohm device has got to be 10-30x more in my estimation.
Yes I’m reading tales of 1-6 mg nic salts for sub ohm devices (the device I got, Smok nord x, came with 0.14 and 0.4 ohm coils). And I’ve used maybe 3-4 ml of juice a day since I got it (hard to say as idk when to refill? The manual doesn’t say, I can’t see a refill line and idk if it gets too low if itlll mangle the coil? So I refill before the juice is no longer visible but there is still a bunch left in the pod). Quick math says that’s about 150-200mg nicotine a day. Idk how many cigarettes that equates as I can’t find the amount in my brand and avgs are all over the place.. but admittedly that seems high
i usually refill if the juice is getting below the visible cotton part of the coils in my uwell tank. Pretty much just keep the coils soaked to avoid taking a dry hit and burning the coil out and ruining the tank in a worst case drag. with my sub ohm tanks i had 6 mg juices.

that is probably like smoking a pack a day or a bit more with that usage. Use to love vaping on acid the nic rush would feel amazing.
Ya the buzz from 3-5 draws is def more than a smoke would provide... it’s not too complicated a device, just variable wattage. Buddy started it at 25 but I found it to be too much Vapor/hot/harsh so I’ve turned it down to 15... this morning in an attempt to use less I turned it down to 10W and though it’s def less Vapor it’s only marginally less satisfying... I’ll def consider lower bang/ml next bottle
Yes I’m reading tales of 1-6 mg nic salts for sub ohm devices (the device I got, Smok nord x, came with 0.14 and 0.4 ohm coils). And I’ve used maybe 3-4 ml of juice a day since I got it (hard to say as idk when to refill? The manual doesn’t say, I can’t see a refill line and idk if it gets too low if itlll mangle the coil? So I refill before the juice is no longer visible but there is still a bunch left in the pod). Quick math says that’s about 150-200mg nicotine a day. Idk how many cigarettes that equates as I can’t find the amount in my brand and avgs are all over the place.. but admittedly that seems high

Ya the buzz from 3-5 draws is def more than a smoke would provide... it’s not too complicated a device, just variable wattage. Buddy started it at 25 but I found it to be too much Vapor/hot/harsh so I’ve turned it down to 15... this morning in an attempt to use less I turned it down to 10W and though it’s def less Vapor it’s only marginally less satisfying... I’ll def consider lower bang/ml next bottle

I think the Nord X has 0.4 and 1.4 ohm coils. 3-4mL of juice a day is 150-200mg of nicotine a day, and the average cigarette has 10mg of nicotine. So you're effectively using 15-20 cigarettes worth of nicotine a day at that level of consumption. That's really high. Again, 50mg juice is for devices with so little power that you need a super high concentration to get anything from a hit. I would definitely slow your usage down now, otherwise you're getting yourself into even more of a nicotine habit, even without the tobacco.

If the pod runs out of juice and you hit it, you'll get a mouth and throat full of disgusting, burning tasting/smelling vapor/smoke that, if the hit is large enough, could completely ruin the wicking in the coils, and for you to change the coil. You can't really fuck the coil up, it's just metal that's being heated through electricity. What gets fucked up is the wicking.

And yes, my experience with vaping is that you can actually go much lower than you think and still be satisfied. Like Xorkoth said earlier, the problem with vaping is that it's too easy to vape all day. And I don't really notice any difference between vaping 3mg or 9mg all day, except that the 9mg will jack up my tolerance and the occasional cigarette won't do shit because of it.
I'm not in a great headspace right now—for over a year I've been dealing with these stomach/esophagus spasms every time I eat. They actually started right after I experimented with MXPr when it came out. I hesitate to definitively say that it was the MXPr that caused them since there's no way to know for sure, but I realize it's a possibility. It's also possible Bacopa contributed because I would use it to clear up the dissociative brain-fog but it would always do a number on my stomach afterwards.
Sorry to hear that, my friend. I've had stomach issues (mostly anxiety-related) over the years and they suck. When you mentioned bacopa, it reminded me of something:

Several years ago I purchased some bacopa monnieri capsules for lucid dreaming purposes. Taking them orally didn't seem to have any effect, so I decided to try snorting one.

Now keep in mind, I used to put every stupid thing up my nose from pills to snuff to coffee grounds... pretty much anything that would fit in my nostril. Well, bacopa was by far the single most painful thing I've ever insufflated; I spent two hours curled up in the fetal position, rocking back & forth and holding my head because it felt like my brains were spilling out!!! :sick:

Hope you're feeling better.

Peace, Love & Faith,
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Niagara Falls casinos special price: 20$....and that was five years ago.
Jesus H. Christ, how does anyone afford a tobacco habit with cigarettes? Where I'm at in the South, people bitch and moan when Pall Malls crest the $6/pack margin. Last I checked they were like $5.50 a pack and I still think that's too much lol.

I stick to the occasional pipe bowl, a tin of a quality cavendish blend runs only $11 and lasts me about a year lol
Lol, in my state (where a lot of tobacco comes from), Pall Malls and similar shit cigs like L&Ms cost like $4, $4.50. Marlboros/etc $5.50. American Spirits are $6.
they want to make cigs so expensive here that it forces people to quit a stupid plan that destorys the poor. A 20 pack is over $30 atm for most brands but australia is even worse over $40.
God damn, I used to spend less money than that per day on opiates when I was totally out of control and ruined myself financially. I can't imagine paying that kind of money for a drug that doesn't even get you high.

Nicotine is weird though, no idea why it's addictive as I actually hate the feeling of a nicotine buzz unless it's really light. But despite that and hating how it made me feel in a more general way, I still had to do a 30 day detox in a cabin with no way to get it, in order to stop.
you would cry if you saw the price of what a 30 mg codeine would go for here let alone stronger opiates. Australia might have hella expensive drugs but it looks cheap when compared to NZ.

Finnish Customs Officers Shut Dark Web Marketplace​

DEC 11, 2020 | NEWS
Finnish Customs (Tulli) officers shut down the Sipulimarket dark web marketplace Friday and seized all its content, officials said.

This latest hit against the dark web was done in close cooperation with the Polish Provincial Police Headquarters in Wroclaw (Komenda Wojewódzka Policji we Wroclawiu) and Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) and Eurojust.
Drugs and other illegal commodities ended up sold in large quantities on Sipulimarket which had been operating on The Onion Router (Tor) network since 2019. It was the only remaining Finnish language dark web marketplace on Tor after the Finnish Customs shut down Silkkitie (Valhalla) in spring 2019.

Europol supported the Finnish Customs by providing operational support and technical expertise, including hosting the seizure banner. Bitdefender, an Internet security company, provided assistance by advising Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3).

In New England, American Spirit Blacks go for around $12 a pack! I only average about one cigarette a day, but that would be insanely expensive if I were a heavy smoker. They contain 2.63 mg. of nicotine per cig, so I usually just throw a pinch of it in my little pipe along with some cannabis, mugwort or whatever else I'm in the mood for at the time.
Jesus H. Christ, how does anyone afford a tobacco habit with cigarettes?

That was casino, captive market pricing. It was otherwise about 15$ for Belmonts elsewhere. They were still around that price at supermarkets by the carton when I quit last year.

The government has been going all out trying to tax smoking out of existence for the last 15 years. Even changed to stupid olive green packs a year ago. Half olive green, bland name and vague descriptor for lights or such and half graphic warning.

I'd love to see them grow the balls to do that to alcohol packaging. That'd be the day. It's fucking stupid. Like the prices. At least it's not Australia pricing.

I was spending about 250$ a month on darts when I quit daily smoking. And I wasn't a heavy smoker when I wasn't drinking. Small 20s would last me two to three days.
A lot of my mates over the years have had to downgrade from Belmonts ($$$) to their poor cousin Next ($$) or even more ghetto.

I never wanted to downgrade....like with alcohol, if the shit is going to kill me it may as well be enjoyable.
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