Chapter II: The Abyss is Eternal !

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STAY SAFE <3 I would send you a care package if it wasn't impossible or cost prohibitive at the moment (I am cash strapped right now but that might change)

wish you were here because at least US has decent financial packages for citizens; I can't imagine no alc/tobacco sales in RSA. Totalitarian measures to the extreme IMO.

They could set a minimum purchase of a large quantity so you had 2-3+ weeks worth at a time I WOULDN'T BE OPPOSED? There can be a rational in-between? Surely black market = COVID transmission for some... scary. 8(

lots of <3

Indeed would be nice however not happening.
Also a giant mission to claim from our Unemployment Insurance Fund but yeah....
Anyway miss you all xxx
I'm humiliated as all fuck.
There's a certain grim refusal to kill myself.
I want to see how much worse it can get.
I'm humiliated as all fuck.
There's a certain grim refusal to kill myself.
I want to see how much worse it can get.

You are because you're doing it consciously, you say these things on purpose. You refuse to connect with real people and instead you shitpost the thread with ''HELP'', well there's no help man. Life's beautiful, Life's your personal museum, what canvas you choose to store it's up to you, your mind is a garage -- be careful what words/thoughts you store in.
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You are because you're doing it consciously, you say these things on purpose. You refuse to connect with real people and instead you shitpost the thread with ''HELP'', well there's no help man. Life's beautiful, Life's your personal museum, what canvas you choose to store it's up to you, your mind is a garage -- be careful what words/thoughts you store in.
I'd love to connect with real people. There are none available.
I wish I could clear out my "garage" and go with "life is beautiful" but it isn't that simple.
And don't tell me I'm shit-posting or , I dunno what you are getting at, insincere. You're obtuse. If I can't put shit posts about how shit I am on a thread called the Abyss in a social media thing for people with drug and booze issues...what is the fucking point in the first place?
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You are because you're doing it consciously, you say these things on purpose. You refuse to connect with real people and instead you shitpost the thread with ''HELP'', well there's no help man. Life's beautiful, Life's your personal museum, what canvas you choose to store it's up to you, your mind is a garage -- be careful what words/thoughts you store in.
PS some people are having a hard time.
Go check out the snow cat Wendy!
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There's no point in anything. You think it is but that's just you. Belive me, I am too old for these type of conversations, if someone else wants to bite this that's on him. I don't wanna sound superior but having a source of income it's vital, try and get some money, see something beautiful and travel the world. That's the point of life, btw -- to travel the world. There are 2 type of snakes, the one who changes his skin and the one who eats his skin.
There's no point in anything. You think it is but that's just you. Belive me, I am too old for these type of conversations, if someone else wants to bite this that's on him. I don't wanna sound superior but having a source of income it's vital, try and get some money, see something beautiful and travel the world. That's the point of life, btw -- to travel the world. There are 2 type of snakes, the one who changes his skin and the one who eats his skin.
Or the ones that have 2 faces/heads like a hydra....
Does anyone else enjoy kicking dandelions? Picking them up and blowing on them seems too much effort. If you just lightly kick them the little fluffy things still come off.

(Quickfixgrrl is quick fixed again. 💨☘)
I need a new rug. I love the one I have though.
Maybe I should just wash it? I guess I'd have to steam clean it. I should. It was expensive.
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