Hopeless Unsure what to do

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ffs there's too many coincidences for there to be cameras on my watch.
Go to a hospital
LMFAO already fuckin been in hospital about 7 times. one of the ladies who worked there knew me cos i'd been there so many times says "hi Adrian" lol i'll end up back in the psych ward again I just KNOW i will
Just for reference (and not to demean you or imply you're mentally ill), if you are concerned about people spying on you all the time, or effecting you somehow with malicious thinking, and especially if you act threateningly towards people (even just by leaving notes), you are definitely checking many of the boxes for a schizophrenia diagnosis.

Did you know methamphetamine use can make thoughts and feelings of this sort more frequent? Part of its stimulant activity (and its side effects) comes from its ability to activate the fight-or-flight response that adrenaline provides. With continuous use, your mind is kept on high alert for unhealthy amounts of time, and can start making up threats where none exist.

I'm sure you've heard stories of methamphetamine users who have to contend with "shadow people" who they can sense but never see, or police agents they know must be weatching them, or even people who disassemble and destroy their living quarters and anything larger than a pack of cards that was inside it in a search for recording devices they fear have been watching them. In many cases there is no actual threat, and such thinking goes away with reduction in dose.

If you do want to act on this thought process, I urge you to do so in as calm and rational a method as possible. It would be best to have someone you trust come and help you compose a letter or something, and structure your thoughts coherently. You have nothing to gain by using threats of any sort, or acts that could be construed as violent or damaging to property. Rather than direct accusations, open-ended questions are better. Overconfidence will not help either.

Compare these two statements:

"Hello Bill. I don't want to alarm you, but I've been concerned reecently that someone's been watching me. It could be my imagination, but I'm curious, have you seen or heard anything? I just want everyone to stay safe"

"I know you've been watching me you fucking pervert. I'm going to come crack you over the head with a nine iron. I bet you want to sabotage my life, well, I won't let you"

Which do you think will be most effective? Which one sounds more rational and friendly? Which would be more embarassing if you said it to someone who turned out to be totally uninvolved?

Just a thought.
Fantastic advice. This is going to come to fruition no matter what (most likely), so right on. I've never seen it put this way actually. This helps me too.
You can live the life or the diagnosis it’s your choice. I don’t know you, I don’t have any place to speak about this and really no one else does. We can base this off psychiatry, but mental health treatment has done nothing for me. A bunch of pills, a practice that has no scientific basis nor can really ever be proven short of “you have these symptoms so most likely this is what you are”. It sounds to me that if your really concerned with your health you’ll get off the meth stop worry about money that you can’t take with you when you go. And find something in your life that makes you happy no matter what anyone else says or does. I also have “bipolar” my dad committed suicide because of “bipolar” I’ve tried. You know what we both had in common? Drug usage. Especially the love of stims like cocaine and in his case crack. I also use to think everyone’s out to get me I got tired of living in fear. Give your mind more credit. It’s a lot stronger then what you’ve been told by doctors trying to push a list of substances. I have a bug in my ass towards doctors so even though I say things your path may not be mine. But your a person specified. You deserve to find happiness.
Yes. There is a way for you to be more content than this, drugs or no.
I'm sorry I apologize I suffer from bipolar disord0e0r

Hi Specified, I have Bipolar and have experienced extreme episodes. I also have a terrible neighbour and dealing with issues on top of mental health is tough. Good decision in reaching out; silence kills. You're never alone and imo you don't need a romantic partner for meaningful connection.
tell me a way of going about confronting them (it will have to be one of there sons or daughters as they don't speak english) my other neighbours I don't think they have cameras actually just popped in they do because when the fat cunt was still alive I remember him saying what are they doing in there? sipping tea? nah I don't think they have cameras but if I rock up on the front door there facial expression will tell everything.
tell me a way of going about confronting them (it will have to be one of there sons or daughters as they don't speak english) my other neighbours I don't think they have cameras actually just popped in they do because when the fat cunt was still alive I remember him saying what are they doing in there? sipping tea? nah I don't think they have cameras but if I rock up on the front door there facial expression will tell everything.

When you're calm, write a polite, at the least, rational note and put it in the letterbox. In my case, my neighbour is unreasonable. So don't waste your time or energy imo.

Let the dust settle, then let sleeping dogs lie. Your home must be your space of sanctuary.
Some facial expressions are different across cultures, so don't go by body language.
Some facial expressions are different across cultures, so don't go by body language.
nah I have another neighbour who said "can I get a copy of this" who is okay and i'll confront him.
they let a dog in the psych ward when there not supposed to and im currently in there now thats why it says location psych ward. please help what do I do
im currently in there now thats why it says location psych ward.
no psych ward I've ever known will allow internet usage or even cellphones
Specified, you're in a church, you're naked, and that is not a cell phone, it's a block of ramen noodles.
Leave the trolling for the lounge, I really don't know what to do. there's cameras. Now this thread can be replaced with the other camera thread cos it got closed. mods please don't close this.
Leave the trolling for the lounge, I really don't know what to do. there's cameras. Now this thread can be replaced with the other camera thread cos it got closed. mods please don't close this.
Specified, there is nothing to do but relax. Even if cameras were everywhere, they can't do anything to you.

The dog there is probably a therapy dog. It isnt going to bite you.
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