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Console 2020 Next Gen console specs are out !


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jul 8, 2017
Both Sony and Microsoft hardware specs are out and they are indeed very impressive.

I'm a game developer and have been keenly interested this development. Lets have a civil discussion of what the new specs are, what they mean and how they will affect games in the future. Someone can create a different thread to discuss which one is better. 😄
As I understood it, xbox is gonna have about 1.3 times the performance of ps5? How would you rate their performance? Im thinking about getting ps5 but not sure now.
I don't have actual hardware access right now, have been working on a project that will eventually be released on both platforms. all things being equal.

But your question is exactly what I hope to unpack in this discussion.

Here's a couple of videos that recap each system spec so we can define some system features and discuss how things will actually change the way games act and feel. It isn't a matter of brute strength MFLOPs.



Pay particular attention to the way Sony's disk i/o architecture works to bring data to the System Ram and how that will affect things like loadup time when you start the game, respawn or fast travel. If they have actually achieved what they claim it will change the entire way games are designed and played.
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So these are probably gonna be what...$600 USD at the least?
If these new consoles have SSDs for storage they're gonna cost an arm and a leg, but damn, load times will be a distant memory! My gaming computer boots to Windows in 5 seconds with a cheap old SSD.

Are they both using the same processor this time? If I recall the last xbox and playstation both used an AMD A8 (?) I believe; no hyper/multithreading, just 4 slow ass cores if I recall. I hate our Xbox One it's so fucking slow.

More importantly, are they still using an integrated GPU? Because those bloooooowwwww.

Edit: sorry for derailing in any way. I just find it sad that people pay what they do for consoles I could build for ~$300. Was kinda miffed when my wife bought a Nintendo Switch but at least it has real exclusives that never get to the PC.
All those questions are answered in the vids much more comprehensively than I can right now CG.

Not only does the PS5 have SSD's but they have a lot (GB's) of FLASH RAM buffer so that even at 4K UHD they will be able stream to all the geometry , textures and shaders directly from disk to memory in real time. I'm still making sure of my facts before I say something stupid, LOL.
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All those questions are answered in the vids much more comprehensively than I can right now CG.

Not only does the PS5 have SSD's but they have a lot (GB's) of FLASH RAM buffer so that even at 4K UHD they will be able stream to all the geometry , textures and shaders directly from disk to memory in real time. I'm still making sure of my facts before I say something stupid, LOL.
Sounds like they won't be starting at less than $600 then.

A good gaming rig is roughly $1k if you hand assemble it yourself and grab deals, I don't see how they could make these consoles cheap with any decent amount of storage on those SSDs (the SSD was almost as much as my processor for only 250gb storage...) but I'll dip out right now, I am biased on this matter and haven't bought a console in more than a decade, my wife keeps buying them lol.
They have no effect. The only reason I am answering this thread it's because the OP said he's a gaming designer/dev. So the next console will use SSD's as RAM which's nothing new, you could do it in the past with a little bit of hard work. All these ''GAMING'' components seems useless in my opinion. The best graphics engines I've even seen was Frostbite 3/Crytek ( even without environments elements such as : Rain/Gloom/Fire) they still hold up pretty well and they deserve to use a 8GB GPU or 16GB of ram. I never understood why other games that don't use these engines require such high-end rigs, I mean why? It doesn't make sense but who said it needs to? The dev only care about money, not passion. The proof of dev only care about money it's the new Silent Hill game, it will be a PS5 exclusive game. The scariest game ever made from Team Silent, a crew who loved their work, a crew who stamped ''Silent Hill' name in our mind. These ''GAMING'' components should only be used for video editing and maybe but maybe, making games. But there's no games worth our money or at least mine these days, it's bullshit. Then I look back at the Metro series, a novel-video game. The books are fine, I mean they are something to spare your time with in this day and age. I bought all the books, they were worth my money, my time but not the game. First of all, I don't know how everyone says the game it's better than the novel because it doesn't make any sense, aside that they're undeground there's nothing like the book. All NPC's look the same, haha. There's no lip-sync but if you look at System requirements, they're fair. Rec requirements are GTX 1070/8 gigs of ram and a quad-core CPU. They respect themselves unlike other game developers. This being said I don't see the reason to why these ''GAMING'' components should exist, haha.
Cost is beyond my expertise CG. Many console hardware loses money per unit because the platform franchise makes more money through game sales and multiplayer access membership etc. than the hardware ever could. I'm not gonna hazzard a price at this time. Heck these are only specs and won't truly tell how each system will actually work vs what "Marketing" chooses to use to garner press buzz, etc.

I will say that the graphics card I needed to develop this on coast more than $1500 dollars alone (street value). This however is not the actual final hardware they they will have custom made and cost far less. Soon enough, even the most cutting edge hardware becomes more mainstream and cost effective so the eventually it will become cheap enough.
They have no effect. The only reason I am answering this thread it's because the OP said he's a gaming designer/dev. So the next console will use SSD's as RAM which's nothing new, you could do it in the past with a little bit of hard work. All these ''GAMING'' components seems useless in my opinion. The best graphics engines I've even seen was Frostbite 3/Crytek ( even without environments elements such as : Rain/Gloom/Fire) they still hold up pretty well and they deserve to use a 8GB GPU or 16GB of ram. I never understood why other games that don't use these engines require such high-end rigs, I mean why? It doesn't make sense but who said it needs to? The dev only care about money, not passion. The proof of dev only care about money it's the new Silent Hill game, it will be a PS5 exclusive game. The scariest game ever made from Team Silent, a crew who loved their work, a crew who stamped ''Silent Hill' name in our mind. These ''GAMING'' components should only be used for video editing and maybe but maybe, making games. But there's no games worth our money or at least mine these days, it's bullshit. Then I look back at the Metro series, a novel-video game. The books are fine, I mean they are something to spare your time with in this day and age. I bought all the books, they were worth my money, my time but not the game. First of all, I don't know how everyone says the game it's better than the novel because it doesn't make any sense, aside that they're undeground there's nothing like the book. All NPC's look the same, haha. There's no lip-sync but if you look at System requirements, they're fair. Rec requirements are GTX 1070/8 gigs of ram and a quad-core CPU. They respect themselves unlike other game developers. This being said I don't see the reason to why these ''GAMING'' components should exist, haha.

You know Shady, you ere entitled to have your opinion. This not what this thread is for though. I agree with what you say about AAA designers but you do realize that engines like Unreal and Unity put all the power of this hardware at the fingertips Indie developers, too right? This is not a thread about which game engine is better than another. That question is best discussed in its own thread because there is absolutely no best engine. They are just tools to build a game and require skill regardless of which engine any particular studio chooses.
Rec requirements are GTX 1070/8 gigs of ram and a quad-core CPU.
I was able to run Metro: 2033 at full graphics settings on an RX480 8gb; though after an hour things would slow down as I have a shitty ventilation setup on my computer and it would get too hot. Need to get a new desk that'll let my computer breath. I do have an i5-8600k with a liquid radiator for cooling though. My GPU is far behind my processor, cut costs when building.

I never read the books but the games were fun and looked great imo.
Soon enough, even the most cutting edge hardware becomes more mainstream and cost effective so the eventually it will become cheap enough.
Very true. A 2tb HDD is only ~$50 today because of how far storage tech has advanced. I recall my original 360 had a 20gb hard drive lol. I thought it was sooo big.

And you're right, I bet they'll take a loss on initial hardware costs since at $65 per game, discs not being at thing I'm guessing, plus $60+/year for access to multiplayer... yeah they make all the money back there.
@Cream Gravy?

My daughter loves to play games. She never asked money for her computer. So from her own money she made the following rig : RX 560/i3/8 gigs of ram and a 80+ Bronze PSU. I thought to myself, well I am proud to have you on my door, you doing quite well unlike other kids. And she does, but.. then suddenly she came and was like ''Daaa.'' and I said Stop, I know, haha. Then we went online and bought her some components. I said, this is for your birthday, ok. Next birthday you don't ask me for money or anything and she was yeah yea ok aye. She was happy, haha. Forward 1 week later, her delivery came home > AMD RX 5700 XT Nitro/ i7 and 16GB of ram/144Hz monitor. I said to myself while shopping, fuckin hell. What does these components do, haha, do they cook your food. Geez. Finally I've bought them and that's it.
I've been gaming and developing since the late 70's, and IMHO gaming will not only better, but cheaper on a PC for the near foreseeable future. This has been true for several decades, so it's not like that's a new discovery. Some folks like to game and really don't want to bother with any hassles (Thinking of my wife here.) Everyone has to decide for themselves where they land.

There are some new hardware developments that are going to come and change games.... on ALL platforms.
My wife's pre-order of the new Animal Crossing for the Switch just showed up so I expect I'll be over on the gaming computer this weekend if y'all need me hahah. I told her I was craving bupre today and she was like, "You can do whatever you want as long as I can play AC," and I'm like, "Well jees honey, I thought you'd be worried about me nodding off," and she's like, "Nah, you can nod all you want as long as I can play Animal Crossing." -_-
I've been gaming and developing since the late 70's, and IMHO gaming will not only better, but cheaper on a PC for the near foreseeable future. This has been true for several decades, so it's not like that's a new discovery. Some folks like to game and really don't want to bother with any hassles (Thinking of my wife here.) Everyone has to decide for themselves where they land.

There are some new hardware developments that are going to come and change games.... on ALL platforms.

That's true in some ways. The computers will always be more powerful than consoles, period. No more useless discussions here. I think as a whole Hideo Kojima will change the industry. That man..
@Cream Gravy?

My daughter loves to play games. She never asked money for her computer. So from her own money she made the following rig : RX 560/i3/8 gigs of ram and a 80+ Bronze PSU. I thought to myself, well I am proud to have you on my door, you doing quite well unlike other kids. And she does, but.. then suddenly she came and was like ''Daaa.'' and I said Stop, I know, haha. Then we went online and bought her some components. I said, this is for your birthday, ok. Next birthday you don't ask me for money or anything and she was yeah yea ok aye. She was happy, haha. Forward 1 week later, her delivery came home > AMD RX 5700 XT Nitro/ i7 and 16GB of ram/144Hz monitor. I said to myself while shopping, fuckin hell. What does these components do, haha, do they cook your food. Geez. Finally I've bought them and that's it.
They are hella expensive to build if you want to build for modern gaming. I play mostly late 2000s/early 2010s games, mostly city builders or strategy types. So cheaping out on the GPU, I was able to build a great computer for 800 that hasn't let me down.

But I got Windows for free (the perks of customers abandoning their old comps with activation codes on the side at my old place of employment ;)) and also got deals on most parts, cheated my employer and got the CPU below retail, bought a used GPU when my coworker upgraded to a GTX 1080. So for $800 I got a 250gb ssd for booting, 2tb HDD for basic storage, 16gb ddr4 ram, i5-8600k which is all I'll ever need for gaming (sprung for liquid cooling if I wana overclock), a decent mobo and wifi card (too far from my router to run a wire), 650w Gold rated semi-modular PSU (love it no need for fully modular, as some wires are plum necessary). All I need is an updated card like a RTX 2070 and I'll be able to play any new games.
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My wife's pre-order of the new Animal Crossing for the Switch just showed up so I expect I'll be over on the gaming computer this weekend if y'all need me hahah. I told her I was craving bupre today and she was like, "You can do whatever you want as long as I can play AC," and I'm like, "Well jees honey, I thought you'd be worried about me nodding off," and she's like, "Nah, you can nod all you want as long as I can play Animal Crossing." -_-

I wanna play it so bad