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Benzos Valium and Xanax Conversion rate


Apr 29, 2018
I've never beveled about Xanax (dose for doss) being 20 x more potent as diazepam.
Recently, a lot of sites and now stating that 5mg of Valium is the equivalent of 0.5 mg Xanax.
I 100% agree with this. I have a LOT of experience of both drugs and 1mg Xanax does about the same for me as 10mg Valium. If anything, you get even more of Valium as it has such a long half-life it'll keep building up in your system more.
IME alprazolam=diazepam is 2mg=10mg equivalency. The charts provided on wikipedia say it's 1mg=10mg. Obviously individual receptor affinities are at play, so finding benzo equivalencies is a bit more complex than doctors seem to believe. I think they also say clonazepam is 2mg=10mg diaz, but ime it's more like 3-4mg=10mg diaz.

So yeah, I personally find 10mg diazepam to be much better than most any of its counterparts' equivalencies.

Also, alprazolam isn't nearly as sedating as diazepam, and neither as hypnotic as say, temapzepam, or etizolam. BZD equivalencies are extremely dependent upon them being of similar structure and effects (i.e. hypnotics vs non-hypnotic) IMO.
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IME alprazolam=diazepam is 2mg=10mg equivalency. The charts provided on wikipedia say it's 1mg=10mg. Obviously individual receptor affinities are at play, so finding benzo equivalencies is a bit more complex than doctors seem to believe. I think they also say clonazepam is 2mg=10mg diaz, but ime it's more like 3-4mg=10mg diaz.

So yeah, I personally find 10mg diazepam to be much better than most any of its counterparts' equivalencies.


Yeah, I think Diazepam is very underrated in terms of strength
Also, alprazolam isn't nearly as sedating as diazepam, and neither as hypnotic as say, temapzepam, or etizolam. BZD equivalencies are extremely dependent upon them being of similar structure and effects (i.e. hypnotics vs non-hypnotic) IMO.
That's probably right. If I feel a panic attack coming on I want Xanax. If I have general, every day anxiety, I want Diazepam.
Indeed. Each has it's own use.

I think equivalencies are only important when switching bzds in order to taper and avoid WDs successfully.