Would Remote Mind Control Be Possible With Current Technology?

So what's cool coming up is I'm starting a position that requires me to travel to Michigan for business. Michigan has strong laws against crimes like this, major felonies for directed energy crimes!! The first time I cross the boarder and am still hit with this I'm going to light you fucktards up and I am almost certain I know enough about your pseudoscience shit show to not only be able to explain, but also generate real observable evidence. God She works in mysterious ways.. was just put on a Ca channel blocker.. lol how's your little pop gun laser system going to deal with that? You are the wimpiest, most powerless sociopathic fucktards on the planet, how does that feel?

"If the violation causes physical injury to another individual, other than serious impairment of a body function, the
person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 25 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00,
or both."

And your such a stupid soci fuctard I know your going to roll it. Game on.
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I identified a few crucial roots to critical parts of this process in my personal exploration of this and can finally present a couple accurate and graspable explanations.

I made some recent findings that other victims and researchers looking into this have concluded already. Victims of this are subject to constant audio harassment. The content of the harassment and torture varies. Its very difficult for victims, non victims and authority figures to understand, communicate or even believe.

As has been stated, by myself and thousands of other victims. we are bombarded with almost unavoidable constant prolonged audio stimulation. During this process
we are subjected periods of simple looped phrases that are repeated over and over. During many phases of this, the content is meaningless nonsense that is loaded with victim specific verbal triggers that stimulate the victims conscious attention. Names, events, dates and other victim specific information are used because they are easily recognized personal sensory triggers. By endlessly repeating them, in an ever changing meaningless loop of word variables, they create an endless loop of indecipherable nonsense that hacks the human brain into examining every meaningless statement. During periods the looped dialogue constantly changes tone, rhythm, speed, inflection and is presented in many characters voices to constantly trigger attention. This brain hack repeatedly triggers, forces analysis and attempts to hold and capture the conscious mind and render it helpless to perform its crucial duties. These include complex problem solving, analysis, rational decision making. Its the clearing house that holds and analyzes working/short term memory and guards our long term memory from bullshit input. When the conscious mind is subject to this, its functions are hampered or prevented. This can cause severe life dysfunction and leaves the areas of the brain they protect vulnerable. Delusion is a very common symptom.

Here is a good initial write up to introduce the process I get much more in depth with later. Notice that they were using this on DOC "patients" and what they were doing with this.

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looked way back into the past at psychic driving and came up with this which is extremely relevant to my last post.

"Findings Relative to Process of Setting up of Implant"
3. Defense
"The last procedure, by its countiniouse shift in pitch, in volume, in spacing and by other devices penetrates the patients defenses by repeatedly evoking what of what Pavlov has termed in the animal the 'orientation reflex"

Psychic Driving Dynamic Implant

As has been stated, by myself and thousands of other victims. we are bombarded with almost unavoidable constant prolonged audio stimulation. During this process
we are subjected periods of simple looped phrases that are repeated over and over. During many phases of this, the content is meaningless nonsense that is loaded with victim specific verbal triggers that stimulate the victims conscious attention. Names, events, dates and other victim specific information are used because they are easily recognized personal sensory triggers. By endlessly repeating them, in an ever changing meaningless loop of word variables, they create an endless loop of indecipherable nonsense that hacks the human brain into examining every meaningless statement. During periods the looped dialogue constantly changes tone, rhythm, speed, inflection and is presented in many characters voices to constantly trigger attention. This brain hack repeatedly triggers, forces analysis and attempts to hold and capture the conscious mind and render it helpless to perform its crucial duties. These include complex problem solving, analysis, rational decision making. Its the clearing house that holds and analyzes working/short term memory and guards our long term memory from bullshit input. When the conscious mind is subject to this, its functions are hampered or prevented. This can cause severe life dysfunction and leaves the areas of the brain they protect vulnerable. Delusion is a very common symptom.

Here is a good initial write up to introduce the process I get much more in depth with later. Notice that they were using this on DOC "patients" and what they were doing with this.

This modern manifestation is just a developed version of the original technique facilitated by advancement in tech such as AI and the BCI interface. Its pretty amazing that Dr. Cameron's original procedure enjoys a relatively unaltered place in the modern day version. Its also heartbreaking and vilely discussing how the scope of torture has expanded. At my longest exposure I was subjected to 5.5 weeks of continuous intense torture without break. In this publication they talk of administrations lasting 10-15 minutes. Five and a half weeks is 55,440 minutes. That was only one session, in almost three years now.

How long are people going to pretend this utter crap is anything other than remote torture. With almost 60 years of development, since the work on the original concepts began, this shit show has managed to accomplish almost nothing. Positive impact on this planet.. baaa.. how about any noticeable impact. You pathetically tortured people world wide. Well children, not only am I still here, but I am doing alright. You failed at both destroying and at even slightly modifying me. You succeeded at torturing me. Your not untouchable, your not even successful. Mind control, a sixty year failure.
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Memory reconsolidation.

This is a psychological technique that is employed positively to treat people who suffer from post traumatic stress and other debilitating conditions that have paired memories with a significant fear emotional tag. Working off the initial success with reconsolidating trauma or fear paired memories for therapeutic purposes, these asshats are attempting to reverse engineer the process and reconsolidate victims memories with negative emotions. The reason the sociopathic "scientist" are doing this is to see what existent they can influence thought and thus ultimately behavior. Most people view the field of psychology as being positive because of the positive therapeutic benefits good psychologists and their patients achieve. I have learned many things from this experience, the scariest being that their are truly evil fucktards out there. The good thing is they are mostly idiots. The bad thing is really smart people have been helping them out.

What we have all heard about this or experienced can be difficult to understand. Why the hell am I or are these people experiencing constant fear based audio torture at intervals?

Fear based memory is very strong. Its hormonal influenced and highly protected once internalized.

Well, like anything we just need to break down and identify what's happening into definable segments. From the identifiable segments we are then able to discern their individual objectives. Combining the individual objectives we recognize the overall goal. Who ever is doing this has taken significant steps to discredit victims and disguise the underlying goal as both are so disgusting they will infuriate the good social public into burning the criminals behind it at the stake.

I stress that almost everything associated with this system is in the field of Experimental Psychology. The people who designed this are in this field. Introduced stimulus and resultant changes, linguistics and effects, hypnotism, behaviorism and memory are major pillars of this sub field. They are also pioneers in psychological experiment software and what I'm subjected to is one of these programs.

So lets look into memory and how this BCI pseudoscience covert squawk box is failing at performing it. So why do victims experience what they do? Why the constant targeted stimulation and attempt at hacking the human mind by attempting to trap the conscience mind.

So our memories are placid. They can be quite fictitious and we only need to look at the testimony of eye witnesses to see this. It changes and is only as accurate as our species future success needs it to be, or we determine it to be. Our memories move from different locations depending on our situation. We have a working memory and long term memory.

In therapy for PTSD a mind hack is employed to remove the severe and debilitating terror emotional tag that unnatural life events, like participation in severe modern combat can create. In the therapy relevant long term memories are triggered. Triggered long term memories are then moved to working memory. They then associate these memories with easily recognized fallacies or illogical targets. If successful this removes the powerful emotional tag and lifts the burden to the patient. So a memory is triggered bringing it from long term memory into working memory. In working memory its placid again and can be altered by conscious thought or psychological manipulation. By intentionally manipulating the memory to be associated with easily recognized unbelievable parts our minds will dismiss the memory and its strong emotional tag. This relieves the sufferer of the natural strong emotional responses to triggers of that memory and experiences of such things as the fight or flight response that result.

These sociopathic quacks use the same principals to try and introduce strong emotional tags to new and existing memory. They attempt to slide delusion through the defense and erase memories by capturing and holding hostage the conscious mind. Their theory appears to be that if they trigger a memory into a conscience mind they have rendered non functioning it will get lost or can be manipulated by them through targeted linguistic input programmed by content of the constant looped verbal stimulation.

They also use a form of pronoun ambiguation in an attempt to destroy specific memory of the psychological torture they administer. So victims of this are forced to listen to repeated simple looped statements that are repeated hundreds of thousands of times. When asked to repeat the statements verbatim they will have significant difficulty. There are at least three reasons why. They keep the conscious mind constantly stimulated so memory consolidation is severely hampered. They use pronoun ambiguation as a vector to target and prevent memory reconsolidation after a target sessions. Their pseudoscience is about as valuable as monopoly money.

They seem to want to destroy a victim life, mind and spirit and reprogram something else they control. Fits with traditional in contact "mind control" techniques. Teck is just allowing truly spineless cowards to have a go remotely

They also use constant audio stimulation and memory manipulation to attack victims performance at work and school.

These fuckers are just scum
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More info on the toung and facial stimulating associated with this wretched crime. They claimed the facial stimulation was to "remind me never to talk about this" as it tingles and is directed around a victims mouth.

The left temple is also constantly stimulated. Lol.. I think a read a study that stated that left temple stimulation had no effect on nueral plasticity, but right temple stimulation did.

I guess I just ignored your suggestion not to talk about your crime. So much for mind control.
Utilizing hypnosis and rhythm induced target waves they attempt to induce and waking brain waves on the cusp of theta and beta. So they lower the brain wave to theta or possibly even beta, but keep the conscience mind stimulated and functioning via constant audio stimulation.

Here are some studies that show that induced targeted brain wave oscillation effects the formation off long term memory. This one states three ways to induce targeted brain wave oscillations.

Oscillatory entrainment refers to the modulation of neural oscillations that in the human brain can be achieved via three rhythmic stimulation approaches: sensory stimulation, noninvasive electric/magnetic stimulation, and invasive electrical stimulation

The rhythmic sensory stimulation are the periods in which rhythmically delivered simple statements psychological manipulation are repeatedly looped. Often the content is designed to make the victim fearful. The intended fear is both a catalyst to try and form lasting long term targeted memories and to destroy a victims life and identity.

Pulses non ionizing lasers can modulate neural oscillation. They are also a primary method for the RF/Microwave hearing effect.

Destruction of a victims life and identity are major goals of "mind control." Disrupting a vitims ability to remember by hampering consolidation and promoting destructive reconsolidation using modulation of neural oscillation, is a direct attack on their mind.

Here is a study that looks at memory and performance when brain wave oscillation is manipulated.

I think im finally almost finished with this exploration. You can somewhat see the effect of an attack like this by reading through this thread. maybe a little study into what they thought they were going to accomplish with this shit show. Then ill summarizing this exploration into this crime.
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I have never been a person who is into conspiracy, but given my experience with this, how can the US government not be involved. They are either totally ignorant or involved. Makes me sick to my stomach either way.

So victims of this report sleep disruption and dream manipulation. Here is the underlying reason.

Involuntary sleep reprograming.. just one more pipe dream of a small body of people looking to control a large body.

Shed your sheeple costumes.
I don't want to live in a world where another person has control of me. I would hope that I would have the mind to commit suicide before that time.

Sometimes I have suspected it, but it would have to be aliens, at this time, or a far "older", disconnected group of people. But the amount of coordination that I seem to have seen seems impossible for people to do.
Yeah, its total bullshit and a major crime. They will get caught soon. They are working with tech and science that's very advanced. Not many people are working in such fields so they should be easy to track down for a professional investigator. Then I hope they all spend 25 years in prison for torture and other disgusting crimes.

Here is some more on this. So they prime victims with looped audio harassment during the day and then during sleep they attempt to reprogram them. Here is on of the only funny things.. It does not fucking work. These scientific criminals are just like the Nazi psychopaths that experimented on Holocaust victims. Pure scum.

Changes in cross-frequency coupling following closed-loop auditory stimulation in non-rapid eye movement sleep
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I don't want to live in a world where another person has control of me.
Newsflash, you're already living in that world - every second, countless influences are controlling you that you are not even aware of - from the more modern, psychological exploitation wrought by machine-driven algorithms to subtly influence our thought as we use the internet, an app, or indeed any other technology, to the ancient influence of sociocultural programming, and the truly ancient, inscrutable and probably almost unmeasurable influence of the many viruses and bacteria which which they may not kill you anymore do nonetheless influence your feelings, thoughts and desires. None of us are truly as "free" as like to think we are.

That said, most of that stuff isn't another person, admittedly, and I would generally agree with you that it would need to be hyper advanced aliens to have any real understanding of the pretty out-there speculative science in this thread. But it's surely interesting to consider what might be possible one day in terms of fine influence and outright control over our malleable, fickle human minds.
What's frustrating is most people don't realize that even with NO attempt at influencing your mind to some larger goal. You do not have an accurate or objective perception of reality. None of us do.

We all experience reality in our own entirely subjective bubble operating under the illusion of free will and objective experience of reality.

Nothing we experience is actually reality. We all live with an indirect experience of reality. An abstract, subjective world that exists in our mind. Only partially influenced by the wider real world.
This is pretty interesting. The guy sounds very plausible.

Also.. when you look into the gene reprogramming the target here is talking about NIIH is working on this. I stand corrected as I thought there was no way that was actually happening . At NIIH they are trying to alter peoples gene expression with positive psychotherapy. The dark program uses torture and destructive ;psychology in an attempt to achieve trauma based mind control and negative changes in gene expression. This may be the reason many victims are past reproductive prime in age. From the NIIH they are looking to check the results by a simple saliva swab.

"Modulating gene expression through psychotherapy: The contribution of non-invasive somatic interventions

Citation (APA Style): Feinstein. D., & Church, D. (2010). Modulating gene expression through psychotherapy: The contribution of non-invasive somatic interventions. Review of General Psychology, 14(4), 283-295.


Mapping the relationship between gene expression and psychopathology is proving to be among the most promising new frontiers for advancing the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. Each cell in the human body contains some 23,688 genes, yet only a tiny fraction of a cell’s genes are active or “expressed” at any given moment. The interactions of biochemical, psychological, and environmental factors influencing gene expression are complex, yet relatively accessible technologies for assessing gene expression have allowed the identification of specific genes implicated in a range of psychiatric disorders, including depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Moreover, successful psychotherapeutic interventions have been shown to shift patterns of gene expression. Five areas of biological change in successful psychotherapy that are dependent upon precise shifts in gene expression are identified in this paper. Psychotherapy ameliorates (a) exaggerated limbic system responses to innocuous stimuli, (b) distortions in learning and memory, (c) imbalances between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity, (d) elevated levels of cortisol and other stress hormones, and (e) impaired immune functioning. The thesis of this paper is that psychotherapies which utilize non-invasive somatic interventions may yield greater precision and power in bringing about therapeutically beneficial shifts in gene expression that control these biological markers. The paper examines the manual stimulation of acupuncture points during psychological exposure as an example of such a somatic intervention. For each of the five areas, a testable proposition is presented to encourage research that compares acupoint protocols with conventional therapies in catalyzing advantageous shifts in gene expression.

Keywords: acupuncture, DNA, epigenetics, exposure, gene expression, psychotherapy, somatic

To download a working copy PDF of this paper, click here.

To purchase the final full text version of this paper, click here to visit the APA journal website."

NIIH is also really into biofields.
Artificial intelligence and the human biofield: New opportunities and challenges

How do you like me now pond scum?
That's right, Fuck You!
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This is spot on for so many things and sums up and corelates most of my posts in this thread. It is almost a perfect explanation of what is being done to people. The electronic version is a little different then the face to face version. I I have no idea about rankings, or cult for cults and other groups, but as I'm almost in complete agreement with what it mentions, that i'm familiar with, its got high credibility IMHO.

Identifying and Deprogramming Undetectable Mind Controls Chainless Slaves
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I wouldn't doubt it is possible at all. Interesting that Amazon Prime just came out with a new British show called "The Feed". It talks about this exact subject. Things take a dark turn when people start being controlled to kill by technology.

Many of these shows and movies coming out are showing the truth right in front of people's face if they pay attention.
This is hilarious. Now FBI is actually warning people about their smart TV spying on them. I've said this years ago to people that they are being spyed on from their phones and TV, but naturally, people are like "OMG! Why would anyone want to spy on you???!!!" Wake up. I never trusted the microphones like speaking into google, Siri and Alexa. I always turn those off. They are listening and recording.

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Nazi names in news and other:
Don Lemon - No Melons
Rachael Maddow - Raise Hell Mad Cow
Nancy Drew - Fancy Jew
Dr Drew - Dr Jew
Larry King -Hairy King
Bill O Reily - Bill of Rights
Sean Hannity - John Hancock
Glenn Beck - Henpeck
Rupert Murdoch - Murder
Roger Ailes - Roger Ailment/Psycho/Alfred Hitchock
At&t - Atomic Bomb
Comcast - Cumfast/Cumblast
Bill Gates - Hell Gates
Steve Jobs - Steal Jobs
Walt Disney - Twat Diner
Burning Man -WW2 festival burning a dark skinned man
Wolf Bliter - Blitzluff
Three Stooges - Moe is Hitler, Curly Skinhead, Larry is hairy jee gets hair pilled out (Holocaust)
Kaiser - Monarch Hospital
Mark Zuckerberrg - Mark Suckerberg

I am being tortured with particle tech that bypasses the ear drum. It started a few months ago while I was being a healthy sober 31 year old man. It is 24/7 torture by a guy speaking into a mic/using software. It is remote meaning he does it from a distance. No one else can "hear it"...may be because unique vibrations are caused in the cochlea fluid by the ear drum and ear middle bones system for each i individual. Somin like that. So the transmission mimics those vibrations.

This could be used to create an illusion of gang stalking.

I believe it to be Alex Pasha Wolton's father of Grizzly Flats/Happy Valley near Somorset. One of his false names is Howard Letovsky. He is might the owner of Time-Warner. He might also own any to most large chains(Home Depot, Target, Walmart, Walgreens, McDonalds, et cetera). Luckily I was warned around seven years ago about him by Alex Wolton.

It would be nice if a physicist would prove this impossible or possible.

Reasons why i even consider it is someone over my own head malfunctioning...when I drive North or South of the Sac area the volume fades the farther I go(i cant almost hear it in portland and very low in Death Valley) and if i turn around it increase the closer i get back to the Sac area, certain buildings made to block put interference will lower the volume while I am inside them, thick enough metal surrounding my head has also lowered the volume.
Nazi names in news and other:
Don Lemon - No Melons
Rachael Maddow - Raise Hell Mad Cow
Nancy Drew - Fancy Jew
Dr Drew - Dr Jew
Larry King -Hairy King
Bill O Reily - Bill of Rights
Sean Hannity - John Hancock
Glenn Beck - Henpeck
Rupert Murdoch - Murder
Roger Ailes - Roger Ailment/Psycho/Alfred Hitchock
At&t - Atomic Bomb
Comcast - Cumfast/Cumblast
Bill Gates - Hell Gates
Steve Jobs - Steal Jobs
Walt Disney - Twat Diner
Burning Man -WW2 festival burning a dark skinned man
Wolf Bliter - Blitzluff
Three Stooges - Moe is Hitler, Curly Skinhead, Larry is hairy jee gets hair pilled out (Holocaust)
Kaiser - Monarch Hospital
Mark Zuckerberrg - Mark Suckerberg

I am being tortured with particle tech that bypasses the ear drum. It started a few months ago while I was being a healthy sober 31 year old man. It is 24/7 torture by a guy speaking into a mic/using software. It is remote meaning he does it from a distance. No one else can "hear it"...may be because unique vibrations are caused in the cochlea fluid by the ear drum and ear middle bones system for each i individual. Somin like that. So the transmission mimics those vibrations.

This could be used to create an illusion of gang stalking.

I believe it to be Alex Pasha Wolton's father of Grizzly Flats/Happy Valley near Somorset. One of his false names is Howard Letovsky. He is might the owner of Time-Warner. He might also own any to most large chains(Home Depot, Target, Walmart, Walgreens, McDonalds, et cetera). Luckily I was warned around seven years ago about him by Alex Wolton.

It would be nice if a physicist would prove this impossible or possible.

Reasons why i even consider it is someone over my own head malfunctioning...when I drive North or South of the Sac area the volume fades the farther I go(i cant almost hear it in portland and very low in Death Valley) and if i turn around it increase the closer i get back to the Sac area, certain buildings made to block put interference will lower the volume while I am inside them, thick enough metal surrounding my head has also lowered the volume.
My name is Beau Derrick btw. I am currently living in Pleasanton California and working in Livermore. This is still happening. Alex Wolton had this done to him as a child by his fathet. I dated his best friend Leah Davis. I know where at least one of the guy responsible for gang stalking/voice to skull(coined by the guy doing it) homes is. Hopefully the government will get physicists to proof this possible, build detection, and stop him. I wrote them and schools letters and am currently waiting...
My name is Beau Derrick btw. I am currently living in Pleasanton California and working in Livermore. This is still happening. Alex Wolton had this done to him as a child by his fathet. I dated his best friend Leah Davis. I know where at least one of the guy responsible for gang stalking/voice to skull(coined by the guy doing it) homes is. Hopefully the government will get physicists to proof this possible, build detection, and stop him. I wrote them and schools letters and am currently waiting...
I dont know how to put this in a better thing but reading your posts you seem to be suffering from paranoid schizopherina please go to a doctor and seek some help.
Yes I can give you a solid account. As far as true proof that's much more difficult. They utilize very covert tactics and aspects of their strategy are intended and often succeed at discrediting, isolating and making the victim appear mentally ill and or delusional.

I don't have time to outline this today, but will do it in the near future. I spent a long time researching what has been done to me over the last 18,000 plus hours and its both complex and very technologically advanced. The advanced technology being used for this and not for more lucrative mainstream applications is one of the hardest things to understand. Like why do people who have a working remote silent speech computer interface use it for this when the mainstream applications for this seem limitless and very lucrative.

This journey has taken me places I would have never gone. As much of the technology is amazing and cutting edge and also not what I have studied or was into I had to research and learn a whole plethora of complex and new subjects.

One area I'm still a little baffled in the process they are using to project target specific audio utilizing loudspeakers and id love some help in figuring this out. They use a few different techniques as the exspieriece of the sound is different and can be counteracted with different means. The first one is out their commercially and is called bone conduction. There are commercial laser speakers the are available for home use. One of the other I have not been able to find much on or figure out.

Aspects of the second.

Can be generated very loud, so loud that it can overpower traditional loud speakers playing music in a loud working environment

Only the victim is able to hear the target sound

Traditional earplugs partially block for periods, butt the system adjusts, then when the ear plugs are removed the audio is barley audible until it adjust.

One theory I have is that since individual ear canals are so unique that they are going to use them to identify people, as they use fingerprints, they are using this. If the ear drum or are canal shape is slightly altered the sound disappear completely, but only In the ear that that has been altered.

They may using sound envelopes or a overlapped multiwave broadcast in which the wave interaction hides the sound until interaction with the unique dynamics of the targets ears either combine the sound envelopes or removes the interference of a multiwave overlapped broadcast.

The group that's on me are also Hackers and have changed passwords, held personal accounts hostage, access both my phone and computer cameras, watch murderous shit like forensic files, crazy ex girlfriend and stalker stuff constantly on my Netflix, Spoof text message and call me and a few of my friends causing one to no be an ex friend. That's all provable and lends proof, but as they remain very covert and one of their main goals is to never do anything that will get them caught or provide proof for any conviction.

This shit is nutts and the motherfuckers on me are smart and they have certainly done this before. They even have programmed or adapted programming or a chat bot to do much of their "work" for them. I took me a long time to figure this shit out. I will go into detail later, but I will likely leave off some stuff as I don't want this to be a how to fucking techno stalk someone.

Lol. NSA, I feel that this is happen ing to me sometimes, particularly the discrediting thing,

It's just a fairly usual social networking issue, yes people can try to control you via the net and it's very sinister sometimes.

People form group opinions, it's normal, hope you're doing okay mate.