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☮ Social ☮ [PD Social General Talk Thread] Observation Tank for Fractallized Redundancy Modules

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yeah we have medical marijuana here in Michigan. the cruddy rural part i live in has lots of local ordinances against it, tho. when i do get my card i won't be able to grow in my own house (due to city laws) and if i don't find a local caregiver i'll end up driving over an hour to the closest "compassion club".
edit:<blacked-out, drunken rambling>

P.S. I'll be back on here in a couple months, when I can write my posts rather than discover them. I also intend to try something arts and crafty, if my primitive efforts please me, I'll show y'all what I come up with. And thank you for the birthday wishes everybody (it was a nice purple thing, TAC).
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Always these weird synchronicities :D

I had just been thinking about Thoreau und what he said about society moving in the direction of more and more personal freedom, that the individual is always to be treated as a subject, not as an object to be manipulated by the forceful means of society. That our history is the history of acknowledging the rights of the individual and the fact that the state / the society / your social group or whatever outside force you can imagine, hast no right to violate these personal freedoms, just because it is able to. The american revolution has obviously been an important step in this development. And I think that eversince that the implications of what might be possible for humanity to achieve have changed 'the old world' so drastically that we are now all living in 'the new world' regardless on which continent we dwell.

I thought that person called Thorns Have Roses said it was their birthday, but now I've stumbled over the fact that everybody is talking about a certain NKB. Does that refer to you, Thorns Have Roses, or am I missing something here? I am a little confused. Happy Birthday to both of you, just in case. :D
You still making tunes these days?

Well, it would be a lie to claim that I ever made tunes in the first place. I more or less just fiddled with DAWs and softsynths, and made 30-second musical thingies. But the short answer to your question is yes! I took a long break from production, but recently I decided that music is one of the only things I can do with a fair degree of competence, so I've gone back, and I'm hoping to make a career out of it. I'm working on producing my first full-length track now (vocal DnB).

I decided about three weeks ago to try and perfect the hardstyle kick sound; surprisingly complex to get the tone and timbre right but I got there sort of Multiple synths, huge compression, layered distortion, running shit through formant filter... I don't even really like hardstyle that much, but I really love the idea of kick-bass combined in a single instrument, similarly found in trap with the pitched 808 kicks. Its led me to begin using more distortion and effects when synthesising kicks- opened a bit of stuff up for me...

That sounds like a fun project. :) Usually when I want a good kick, I can't be arsed to make my own, so I just trawl through sample libraries for something workable. But it would behoove me to learn how to make my own drums, because I would have a lot more control over the sound.
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I thought that person called Thorns Have Roses said it was their birthday, but now I've stumbled over the fact that everybody is talking about a certain NKB. Does that refer to you, Thorns Have Roses, or am I missing something here? I am a little confused. Happy Birthday to both of you, just in case. :D

we're being PD hipsters and referring to him by the acronym of his old screenname, Never Knows Best.

might see people call me TNW once in awhile, likewise (i used to be thenightwatch).
^I've been pondering a name change, what with being a mod now... I've started making a list. I want to do something unique, something that references something I like, or perhaps something just abstract and strange... It's a tough decision!

America never was, and never will be a country. It always has been, and always will be, a state of mind. No matter how many of centuries of European history, of American history since the the Mayflower was landed, will amount for shit when compared with your state of mind today. America has never been and never will be a nation in the traditional sense, it is a state of mind, and anyone on this earth who is born who finds his way to American principles is equally American with the descendents of the Mayflower and Plymouth Rock.

I found this observation very interesting. I never read the poem inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty (nor have I been to New York for that matter). It makes me look at 20th-21st century American "nationalism" and xenophobia in new light.
I am 33 and I look back on my 20's as a total void of utter bullshit fuck. The only thing I achieved was a few addictions, some scars and health problems and a racking up of debt. My 30's, on the other hand, have been pretty good so far having studied to near completion, working full-time and owning my own shit. I've decided to simply write off my 20's as a traumatic learning experience. :\

Now that I am older with less headhair and greying beard hair, I've freed myself from suffering considerably, though am still a sucker for self-punishment. I would rally hate to have to live my 20's again; I was angry, aggressive and highly antisocial. I'm basically much less angry :D

I feel the same way. My thirties so far (I'll be 33 in June) have been far superior to any point in my twenties. I feel younger than I did at 25, even though I have some gray beard hair just like you (and some interspersed head ones too). I know myself far better and I love who I am and am fully comfortable with the state of my self. My relationships are better and I feel more like myself than I ever have. Truly, this is the best part of my life so far, even including childhood. I had an amazing childhood, but it was also plagued by insecurity, and often a feeling of not being sure what I wanted. Now neither of those things bothers me.

Things came together for me in the year between 30 and 31. I had some great times here and there in my twenties... 2006 was an amazing year for example. 18 and 19 were amazing years too, irreplaceable because it was the first cusp out of childhood. But so far my thirties have been a flood of goodness.

One or two peeps still call me swilow.

Which is funny because swilow wasn't even the original.
Things came together for me in the year between 30 and 31. I had some great times here and there in my twenties... 2006 was an amazing year for example. 18 and 19 were amazing years too, irreplaceable because it was the first cusp out of childhood. But so far my thirties have been a flood of goodness.

Haha, this really gives me hope for my adulthood.

I'm 24, soon to be 25 ...
I'm actually in a good point of my life, but already feel like I've left some really great years behind. I just can't imagine feeling like everything came together haha, the more I learn and grow the more confused and doubtful I actually feel about things.

Ignorance is ease in a way, the bold categories and impulsive affections of my latter teen years were much more straightforward than the nuances with which I have to deal now as an adult. The more I get to know myself, the more I understand my difference, which sure gives more confidence to my actions but also makes me much more uncomfortable with what surrounds me and how things work.

I'll keep the faith waiting for that flood of goodness.
its crazy how fast the years go by. Eventually you're like, shit only 52 weeks? that doesn't seem that long..

I haven't posted in a while but in case anyone was wondering I had a full recovery from the mini stroke. I just got two more jobs so now I have three jobs all with flexible hours, and I have a dude who's gonna teach me to do tattoos!

right now I'm sittin in the sun, I'm about to go to a festival called neotribal tonight that is apparently benefitting native americans or something. Either way I have a hot date and I'm psyched :)

I hope all is well with the PD social

peace <3

I know all too well what you guys are talking about with not wanting to leave the 'comfort zone' even up to a point where it doesn't really offer any comfort at all anymore. What has helped me a lot in identifying the things I would like to change has been keeping a diary about the mood I am in. This has allowed me to look past the illusion of "I always feel the same. Never really good, never really bad, just always meh." and realize that doing or not doing certain stuff, does influence how good I feel. Also I was and still am impressed how effective writing down my thoughts is at breaking through depressive thought loops, suddenly it's just clear as day what I want to change and how to go about it.

That's a great idea. In fact, I tried keeping a daily mood journal for awhile too, but I only managed a couple weeks before I got lazy and gave up. :eek: I never could have developed the expression parsing engine for the calculator program I wrote years ago if I hadn't gotten my thoughts about it out of my head and onto paper.

purple is interesting, and is different than other colors in a way.

take the spectrum/rainbow.... ROYGBIV (red orange yellow green blue indigo violet, if that acronym is unfamiliar to anyone that didn't go to american school)... mix R and Y together, and you get the color right in between them, O... mix Y and B together and you again get the color right in between them, G... but mix together R and B and you get the color way off to the fucking left I or V. nuts.

the visible light spectrum actually roughly occupies one "octave" of the electromagnetic spectrum. low red is about half the frequency of high blue. but purple... purple gets into the next octave up a little bit.

I learned something new about purple! :D

edit:<blacked-out, drunken rambling>

P.S. I'll be back on here in a couple months, when I can write my posts rather than discover them. I also intend to try something arts and crafty, if my primitive efforts please me, I'll show y'all what I come up with. And thank you for the birthday wishes everybody (it was a nice purple thing, TAC).

Intoxicated rambling is welcome here in PD Social! I found it stimulating despite its drunkenness. ;) And please do show us your crafty efforts.

I had just been thinking about Thoreau und what he said about society moving in the direction of more and more personal freedom, that the individual is always to be treated as a subject, not as an object to be manipulated by the forceful means of society. That our history is the history of acknowledging the rights of the individual and the fact that the state / the society / your social group or whatever outside force you can imagine, hast no right to violate these personal freedoms, just because it is able to. The american revolution has obviously been an important step in this development. And I think that eversince that the implications of what might be possible for humanity to achieve have changed 'the old world' so drastically that we are now all living in 'the new world' regardless on which continent we dwell.

The government is supposed to work for you, not the other way around.

Speaking of government, what with the 2016 presidential election coming up, illegal immigration has been a hot topic. One of the major factors in Mr. Trump's popularity is his promise to build a big wall around the States. Excuse my naivety, because I really just spend all my time fiddling with synthesizers and/or tripping balls, but what is the big deal with illegral immigration anyway? I must have a chip missing from my noggin, but I just don't have any real sense of nationalism or patriotism. I feel an equal love for all of the diverse peoples of the world, and I feel that they all have equal rights, and it seems a bit arbitrary to treat someone differently depending on where they happen to have been born.

I don't buy the argument that they take our jobs. An expanded population means that there is more demand for goods and services, which creates more job opportunities. During the baby boom in the 20th century, were people worried that all the new children would "take jobs" from their siblings?? Probably not! Maybe the only valid argument I've heard for border security is the risk of diseases being carried across the border. Also, we obviously have to take precautions against threats to our liberty from people with Jihad agendas and such nonsense. But I feel that people have a totally unnecessary, tribal loyalty to the people of their OWN nation.
I think the whole wall/no immigrants is just fear and control. It is more complicated, and also just that simple. Maybe? Also, with the way America is going, I think that wall is more to keep us in, than them out, but what do I know.

Day 6 of no dissociatives. I realized I couldn't recall thr last week I went without some. Couldnt even recall two days in a row.
Saying no to iust one little bump of ketamine, 5mg 3meo/pcp/pce. Just a little mxe (that one is easier as supply seems limited).

Starting to see I have relied on that manic dissociative edge to get a lot of shit done this past year and a half. Not really a bad thing, but tolerance is a bitch and I like my bladder :-\
^This current neo-nationalism trend is really, really reminiscent of the beginning of both World Wars... I wouldn't be surprised that if Trump was indeed somehow elected, he'd plunge our nation, our world into WWIII. He even acts like Hitler when he makes his speeches... it's really quite disturbing...
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Ahh PD! I'll be home Thursday and back to posting. It's crazy so many of us have similar BDays. I really can't believe I'm 26. Oh how time flys!

I hope your all well and I can't wait to have time to read all the posts! Will be taking somethings after being sober(120 days, on the 20th...). Exciting! Just wish I had a bit more selection but oh well!

<3 you guys!
Haha, this really gives me hope for my adulthood.

I'm 24, soon to be 25 ...
I'm actually in a good point of my life, but already feel like I've left some really great years behind. I just can't imagine feeling like everything came together haha, the more I learn and grow the more confused and doubtful I actually feel about things.

Ignorance is ease in a way, the bold categories and impulsive affections of my latter teen years were much more straightforward than the nuances with which I have to deal now as an adult. The more I get to know myself, the more I understand my difference, which sure gives more confidence to my actions but also makes me much more uncomfortable with what surrounds me and how things work.

I'll keep the faith waiting for that flood of goodness.

It's also about identifying things in your life that are hurting you or causing you frustration or other chronic negative emotions, and working to change or eliminate those things. For example, for me, I was addicted to opiates and I was in a destructive long-term relationship. Experiencing these things for 10+ years (mostly concurrently) caused a gradual mental change in me, where I always felt bad about myself and there was always frustration and resentment right under the surface. These negative thought/emotional patterns led me further and further into a confused, negative space, where everything felt terrible and overwhelming, even my overall view of the world. When I removed these things from my life and started filling my life with passion instead (playing music, spending a lot of time in nature, and spending time with my friends, for me), I quickly began to view EVERYTHING differently. Suddenly everything makes more sense. I see the bad in the world still, but in my own world what I mostly see is good, and it helps me to just focus on my world a little more. I mean, yeah, shit's fucked up in the world, but what good does it do a person to just dwell on that? It's still possible to live an amazing life filled mostly with happiness, but you have to focus on the good, and if you're in a negative space, it's very difficult to do that, so one of the constant focuses in our lives should, in my opinion, be trying to always be aware of factors in your life that are contributing towards chronic negativity, and removing those things. That way you can be the best person you can be for yourself and others.

Ahh PD! I'll be home Thursday and back to posting. It's crazy so many of us have similar BDays. I really can't believe I'm 26. Oh how time flys!

I hope your all well and I can't wait to have time to read all the posts! Will be taking somethings after being sober(120 days, on the 20th...). Exciting! Just wish I had a bit more selection but oh well!

<3 you guys!

Damn, nice job man, 120 days sober! I actually have not done that since I first got intoxicated. I've always at least smoked weed regularly, if not daily.

Glad you're back. :) Whatchu gonna take?
Thank you! It's great to be back! Probably just some 3-MeO-PCP, as it's all I've really got... I wish I had some DOC/DOx or another psychedelic, but what can you do? It'll be good enough for now I suppose.

Yeah the big 120! I usually only take a month or two break but decided to make this one last longer.
^^ Was worried about you, man. I do believe I sent you a couple of PMs to get in touch. Glad you're doing awesome.
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