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Methamphetamine Discussion Thread 3.0

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One thing you can do is brush your teeth morning, noon and night because its going to affect your teeth especially if you smoke it. But its the dry mouth that's what causes the tooth decay so if you can keep your mouth moist with either a bottle of water with you at all times, chewing gum is another recommendation, you'll reduce the damage to your teeth for sure. Its the same for methadone, it dries out your mouth so people end up with no teeth in a very short time frame.


This just goes to show you how impulsive meth can make you which in turn can get you in various amounts of trouble from making your partner angry to killing someone because the person pushed them too far and their impulsiveness caused them to attack rather than brush it off.

Anyway, its 3:50am, my friend said he was coming over so I thought great he'll bring over shards and he's usually got between a G and an 8-ball so I was pretty stoken then I see him come in through the back door scaring the crap out of me in the process, and he proceeded to explain that he'd just ran from a taxi and he's lost his wallet, shard etc and he knows it will catch up to him. So firstly im a little annoyed because if I got dragged into this id cop jailtime because ive nearly already used up my one chance this week already because I stupidly went to parole a scattered mess. So my first thoughts are when will the cops get here and what will I say?

Well no cops yet thank god. My friend has no product and is kind of depressing me. My friends had some 2C-E tonight for the first time, they split 20mg 3 ways and are shitty with me because they had a strange and short experience with the 2C-E but the deadshits didn't listen to me. I specifically said NO PSYCHEDELICS WITHIN AT LEAST A FEW DAYS OF USING METH!!!! I said try to leave at least a week between the tripping and the meth and that the cap was 2 doses not 3 but no, theyre probably methed up now and tripping and he wonders why it feels strange! They think theyre hard headed enough to ignore the most knowledgeable drug user they know until they fuck up. Every time we have something new im there and we never have a problem and always have a good time, I knew I should have been there and for once its not me doing the dumb shit, im the one trying to get them to not do anything stupid again like running from a taxi...... What an idiot! Does he know they have cameras inside them?
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But its the dry mouth that's what causes the tooth decay so if you can keep your mouth moist with either a bottle of water with you at all times, chewing gum is another recommendation, you'll reduce the damage to your teeth for sure.

I would suggest specifically products that stimulate salivation and/or promote gum health. Sugar free candies and gums with xylitol are good, as is biotin mouth rinse.
I don't think the shit your friend left in a taxi will get back to you, and I don't think you'll see the cops. You'll be fine (you just need sleep in the interim ;)).

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I would suggest specifically products that stimulate salivation and/or promote gum health. Sugar free candies and gums with xylitol are good, as is biotin mouth rinse.
I don't think the shit your friend left in a taxi will get back to you, and I don't think you'll see the cops. You'll be fine (you just need sleep in the interim ;)).



I agree that you will be fine, ketaman.

Good to know ebola and ketaman agree on what causes meth mouth (though please correct me if I am assuming too much).
Thanks for those suggestions. Gum with xylitol is easy to get, and chewing gum relieves the intense jaw pressure (and grinding) I get on meth.
(The first time or two, I didn't know to chew gum, and my jaw hurt for 2 days afterward!)
Another suggestion I might offer: I use toothpicks infused with tea tree oil and mint, made by a company called Thursday Platation (sourcing? I think I can risk it :) ) You chew or suck on them - the faster you chew, the stronger the flavor. They are too strong for at least half the people I have given them to, but I can handle the intensity (spiciness?) without a problem.. They promote salivation and are anti-bacterial as well, and I have always been a big fan of mint, which settles my stomach.

Now I have another question for ebola, and anyone else who might know. I am looking for answers with a scientific and informed basis, to the greatest extent possible, though I am also happy to hear about personal experiences if you think they are relevant.

How severe is the toxicity of meth? Liver, brain...

I am not even clear on what kind of answer I expect, because statistical answers in e.g ppm might not help me really understand.
If I could ask a genie, I would say something like "how frequently can I use meth over a 20-year period and not significantly raise my risk of e.g. liver cancer or notice any chronic detrimental physical effects? Once a year, month, or week?"
Of course, you are probably not a genie, ebola, though sometimes I wonder :D

I think a comparison to other substances might be another way I could grasp your answer pretty easily.

Thank you in advance.

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So, where would one go who wanted to talk about shadow people. Maybe even share a strange Shadow People story? One that involved 3 of 4 people (the 4th had taken a 5 hour nap beforehand) seeing the exact same damn shadow people.

Oh, Curleycole, yeah, I feel ya, tho. 37 posts since 2009 lol.

The shadow people that people refer to are reptilian entities from the 4th dimension. They love and prey on people on meth because of the vibratory rate and state Meth puts you in. They share some of that energy. Alot of the demonic possession is people talking about the reptilians once again. Half the psychotic episodes and instances relate to people being possessed well not quite possessed but on the same court. THey are usually in company with other beings or entities from other dimensions.

Don't see this connection as a bad demonic or whatever thing because if you do these entities will take advantage of it. It's like you know when you are coming down and you sense someone is there and your thinking paranoid thoughts, its most likely not you wanting to think them its just the fact that you have company. The Meth only brings us closer to other beings and other realms of the universe but in the hands of the uneducated and in confident user this can come crashing down.

Shadow people you refer to look like shadows to us most likely due to this. We share the visible light spectrum in which is responsible for what we see only this difference making it impossible for us to see these shadow entities in physical form is the fact we dont share a wide enough band on the spectrum to see whats in the universe in the grand scheme of things over alla.

If you wish to discuss this more hit me up on pm.


No comment about the benzo's helping (I dont know benzo's myself, other than reading) but food definetly keeps my head together better. Small amounts regularly is always easier than sitting to a meal. Larger feeds (sober size meals) make me feel sick. Trick for me is to have the food ready and sitting near by. Just something picky you can grab while walking past.
Do you think it was the benzo's and food that's prevented me from having much of a comedown and no psychosis? Treasure hunting began very, very mildly one night but I slept that night.

Absolutely, buy yourself some vitamin E and Vitamin C while your at it and additionally you could use L-Tyrosine which is a good precursor to dope-amine and about the closest your going to get to dope-amine. I find eating raw vegetables like brockely before you are going to come down or on the tail end of a bender to be of great value and beneficial to the overall forecast of the comedown and how its going to shape up. It's kind of like with cocaine, vitamin E is the biggest recovery body replenishment item for that that there is.

Cant believe you just discovered eating food on a comedown attributes to you getting a more likely sleep lol
^^^ i just sank a BIG SHOT of 1 pt premium crystal!! Ur post had awakened me to be careful...i dont want this kind of sh*t happening to me. just try relax dude
I am SO PISSED OFF!!! Ive missed shots like twice in 6-7 years and its only ever been a few lines(lines on the syringe, just sang we use) so a lump would start forming immediately so id stop, re-register & still basically get the shole shot but coz this was thick and I just slammed it in I didn't have time to stop. Coz im not thinking straight due to already being high and the fact that I never use a tourniquet I ended up plunging with the tournie still tight as and half of it leaked out(as soon as I loosened it though it seems like some of its gone in, is that possible?) But fuck it hurt and I don't need an abcess :( Fuck!!!!! It looks pretty bad too, ive got a HOT compress on it but it looks worse than any miss ive ever had before :-(

PP.S Im a little scared but ive had so many meth related panic attacks ive got to be cae=reful how much I look into it but I am so fucking cooked, had 8mg of clonazepam that hasn't done much, drank lots of water, put a hot compress on and that's all I can do. Im scared but ive accepted my fate if I do end up OD'ing oneday which is incredibly selfish I know but I cant worry about things....... Fuck ive got nystygmus I,e y eyes and wobbling and going cross eyed........Im farked!!! & apologies for the terrible grammar/spelling. I shall edit in the morning...... Im off BL, might find a man whos in the frying pan too and hang out and do what gay guys do lol

EDIT:Im going to have 20mg of Seroquel coz the s=benzos are being overpowered, 8mg should be plenty and I doubt more will make any more of a difference and Its hard to drink water with pills under your tongue. and 20mg will bring me down just enough. Fuck this hasn't happened in a long time. My arm has stopped hurting but im uncomfortably high :-( ........ I had the Seroquel and its helped tremendously, im not even close to game to have a bong but I can at least half relax, the nystagmus is driving me a little bonkers though, its not like an eccy, I csnt fucking see! ....... I am sorry for being a drama queen though, I know it was the rush combined with the
'oh fuck" of missing so much that made me freak the hell out but Seroquel is a miracle in these situations and are obviously better than benzos!
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EDIT:Im going to have 20mg of Seroquel coz the s=benzos are being overpowered, 8mg should be plenty and I doubt more will make any more of a difference and Its hard to drink water with pills under your tongue. and 20mg will bring me down just enough. Fuck this hasn't happened in a long time. My arm has stopped hurting but im uncomfortably high :-( ........ I had the Seroquel and its helped tremendously, im not even close to game to have a bong but I can at least half relax, the nystagmus is driving me a little bonkers though, its not like an eccy, I csnt fucking see! ....... I am sorry for being a drama queen though, I know it was the rush combined with the
'oh fuck" of missing so much that made me freak the hell out but Seroquel is a miracle in these situations and are obviously better than benzos!

Sorry to say this man but you are crusiin for brusin. hsmmer, benzo's and then seroquel, I couldn't think of anything worse and s better way to maximize harm to your cardiovascular system and mind than taking what you mentioned in synergy. It is sound harm minimization advice to avoid benzo's when using heroin, even if you know your tollerance, and im guessing you drink booze with that aswell, well the seroquel on top of those 3 will be so bad for your mind and system. Seroquel is the leading anti psychotic medication that causes the most ammount of deaths per year.

Who needs benzo's and seroquel anyway. I can understand the heroin part. Im a stimulant and psychedelics user predominantly but i have used a quota of benzos over a short period of time that was enough to make me not want them ever again, they actually did the reverse for me and made me anxious. All seroquel does was made me drowsy, ive had it lke 4 times, i combined it with some mdma one day a 300 mg seroquel tablet on the tail end of the mdma duration and it gave me a racing heart and heart attack i felt like i was getting electric shocks too. Not good man.

Hope your arm doesn't fuck up too much and its ok but most importantly clean yourself up son, dont try and escape by adding to the list of drugs you use on a regular basis. My advice is to stick with the opiates and ditch the benzo's and seroquel.

slimvictor said:
Now I have another question for ebola, and anyone else who might know. I am looking for answers with a scientific and informed basis, to the greatest extent possible, though I am also happy to hear about personal experiences if you think they are relevant.

How severe is the toxicity of meth? Liver, brain...

I am not even clear on what kind of answer I expect, because statistical answers in e.g ppm might not help me really understand.
If I could ask a genie, I would say something like "how frequently can I use meth over a 20-year period and not significantly raise my risk of e.g. liver cancer or notice any chronic detrimental physical effects? Once a year, month, or week?"
Of course, you are probably not a genie, ebola, though sometimes I wonder

I think a comparison to other substances might be another way I could grasp your answer pretty easily.

Honestly, these questions are in general quite difficult to answer, as we will be for the most part trying to infer from animal experiments involving a very high dosages given a small number of times over a brief period to humans taking comparatively low dosages at higher rates of frequency over long periods. However, there are some notable general trends:

Neurotoxicity: methamphetmaine might be the most neurotoxic of typical classical stimulants. Compared with amphetamine, it induces toxicity (largely through oxidative stress) at lower dosages (certainly having measurable effects when taken in dosages over 20 mg). While it is not entirely clear why this is, it seems that part of what's going on is methamphetamine's higher lipophilicity allows it to more easily diffuse into the presynaptic cell directly, wherein it is more likely to affect the cell's functioning and to be metabolized to oxidative species. So at equi-intoxicating doses, amphetamine will be much safer, and NDRIs will essentially be absent of neurotoxicity. Additionally, meth's affinity for SERT and propensity to release large amounts of dopamine confer the type of serotonergic neurotoxicity that we see with MDMA and other entactogens, albeit milder...well, milder until one binges (as is common with meth). In behaviorally relevant terms, it is really difficult to establish a certain "safe" level. Given that the serotonin system is strongly affected, I would try to adopt once monthly or more infrequent dosing if the doses are high (especially to the point that there is dosing following a night of lost sleep), perhaps a bit more frequent dosing with lower dosages. I can't really see dosing more than once a week being prudent in any sense. One thing that has come out more clearly in the epidemiological data is that regular dosing of either meth or other amps significantly increases Parkinson's risk, due to dopaminergic toxicity localized to the striatum.

As for other organs, meth places significant train on the kidneys, and opulent hydration is key. Luckily, meth doesn't place particularly much train on the liver (beyond general metabolic increase and the other lifestyle correlates that come with regular use). As for cardiotoxicity...well...honestly, I wouldn't really use any classical stimulant with any regularity past age 40. The strain gets more and more apparent as one goes on. The cumulative toxicity seen with regular usage is pretty closely analogous to the damage conferred by a tobacco habit. . .

Hope this helps (sorry it was so vague...)

Is cocaine neurotoxic at all? Obviously its Cardiotoxic. Whats the Cardiotoicity of meth like? That worries me a bit but I am also very curious about the neurotoxicity of meth because I used to use very little amounts on a very irregular basis but now(well, the weeks before today, not tomorrow though.... HELL NO!!! Aint nobody got time for dat!!!) I use a lot everyday.

Does the method of admin make a difference to the neurotoxicity? Like you get 100% into you when you IV but say if you plug it, comparing the same amount of meth that actually gets into the bloodstream through the bio-availability, so for example you get 50mg of meth into your blood stream but you may have smoked 70mg of meth but if you'd IV'd 50mg(because IV gives 100% bio-availability I know plugging is high too but I cant remember exactly so this is all hypothetical obviously.. Not trying to have a science lesson here im just ensuring that im explaining this in a way that's understandable) would either method be more neurotoxic?

And I definitely would have thought that smoking it for sure is by far more neurotoxic as your turning the meth into other chemicals too if your not smoking correctly and come on admit it, everyone sometimes just smashes the puddle to get a faster and bigger toke. Not to mention probably 50% of the smoking population have terrible technique and they abuse the hell out of the puddle. (It should stay white to off-white through the entire process otherwise you are burning the gear and therefor you are not getting all you could be getting out of your product and your also poisoning yourself considerably!!!!) Then there's the jet-flame lighter users who wonder why they get 4 tokes out of a point lol And say its shit when really its themselves that are the shit ones.

If your gonna do drugs do em right! It took me awhile to learn that but its got its way in there. I even micron filteres crystal mixes filters were available, theyve since stopped stocking microns of 3 separate sizes, free Hirudoid cream and something else that was so useful, I cant remember what though. But its all because of funding.
Things they could do with are butterfly/infusion sets, Sterifilts(my favourite piece of equipment in existence, they really are the best invention). obviously microns need to come back and I think they should give out meth pipes but I don't think that will ever even be considered, but there are NSP's that give out crack pipes in the USA so maybe we could learn from them?. Why not make something YOU ARE PUTTING DIRECTLY INTO YOUR BLOODY BLOOD STREAM completely sterile and as safe as its ever going to be?
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my mate has a big fuck off bag of beauties thart he wants me to trip on with him tonight..

Ive been up like 2 days at least (possibly 3 too fried to think atm) and have IV'd about 3-4 pts. So I'm pretty bloody well and truly off my rocker...plus I've downed a half bottle of captain morgan(still drinkin ;) and dropped at leaf 150mg valium plus a few bars of 2mg xanax...in the time I've been awake..so its a mellowed fried but I'm def beaming fucking hard as u only can be after stabbing 3 pts up your arm...

is it a good idea to smash 8 of these little beiuaties and trip some epic unheard of balls? I'm tripped before on acid (twice) but i wasn't on meth at the time..oh wait one of times i might have been but i wasn't too fired and hadn't been up fgor days..

is this a bad idea lads?? or should i just dive in head first and have a tripped out rollercoasdter of a frioday night??? it is fry day after all ;)
and keteman there is indeed some method to this crack smoking shit.

You gotta melt the puddle without the lighter too close, but get it fully melted and smoking, then spread it round the pipe and let it re crystallise.

Then heat it again, with the lighter like an inch or bit less away from the bulb, so its smoking fully, then twirl nice and evenly and re apply the lighter only every 10 seconds or so, once its fully smoking it doesnt need much heat to keep vaporising. i like a cloth soaked in warm water there to put it on ion between tokes seems to help it set back better and keep it cool. a cold towel might crack the pipe.

i actually had a lovely smoke yesterday twas quite nice. i do love pitting the blue flame on there, twirling for 3 secs then take it off and keep twirling like a mofo. it can burn this way so you gotta be careful but fuck u get a toke and a half off it. i smashed a popint like this other day and was blowing out like fucking clouds like you've never seen before...fuck me there was some smoke. got high as all fuck
my mate has a big fuck off bag of beauties thart he wants me to trip on with him tonight..

Ive been up like 2 days at least (possibly 3 too fried to think atm) and have IV'd about 3-4 pts. So I'm pretty bloody well and truly off my rocker...plus I've downed a half bottle of captain morgan(still drinkin ;) and dropped at leaf 150mg valium plus a few bars of 2mg xanax...in the time I've been awake..so its a mellowed fried but I'm def beaming fucking hard as u only can be after stabbing 3 pts up your arm...

is it a good idea to smash 8 of these little beiuaties and trip some epic unheard of balls? I'm tripped before on acid (twice) but i wasn't on meth at the time..oh wait one of times i might have been but i wasn't too fired and hadn't been up fgor days..

is this a bad idea lads?? or should i just dive in head first and have a tripped out rollercoasdter of a frioday night??? it is fry day after all ;)

Check my response to this exact question in the mushroom thread and please refrain from making identical posts in multiple threads in future. Don't eat psilocybin mushrooms when you are sleep deprived and on a cocktail of drugs and alcohol. Mushrooms can really fuck with your head at the best of times and taking them now would likely result in a very bad time for you.
Not taking up for ketaman, but I believe he/she repeated their self to make sure canberracrack didn't go out and start tripping while on uppers. But, you also let him know, too. I think we are all acting fools in here lol.

BTW, I haven't got to see the shadow peeps in a long time. I don't like hitting that 72 hour mark from binging. The reward isn't worth the after effects, TO ME. But, then again, I'm doing more than I should be doing to hide my bupe withdrawals right now. Not dangerous amounts... but just more than I would normally do. .5g of this would normally last me 3-4 days, snorted. (I broke my god damn pipe TWEAKIN') But I've been going at about twice my normal rate. I think it hides the W/D's for a couple of hours, then they start overpowering. Then I feel bad, sweaty, etc., do another bump, and I'm just back to confused mode. Do I stop or do I finish it? What am I doing? Have I really tricked myself into thinking I can quit bupe with meth? We'll know soon.
Sorry for being off topic but I was wondering what kind of music you guys listen to when high/crashing. For some reason a Perfect Circle calms my nerves for a comedown.
Recently, I've not been able to even listen to music. No reason... I just am going through too much. And have something very major coming up that I can't even say what it is for fear of giving my identity out. Not that my username isn't already doing that.

I just can't think of anything, beforehand, that I even want to hear. Let's just say I've been stuck in a room, playing Clash of Clans, PC first person shooters.... and that's it. And I've contemplated music about 10 times in the last 5 hours... but have yet to turn any on lol.

Thanks for bringing it up, though, moohahamary. A man can't go wrong with APC or Tool. Going to turn some on right now. Looking for APC - Choke.

Bah... too much STRESSSS. My heart started RACING immediately as I opened that song... because I have a fear that it's not going to click with my mood, and that nothing will. Yeah, done too much. The LITTLE things are really getting me because the BIG things have already worn away at me. The thought of putting my headphones on, because reaching behind my computer to unplug them and plug in the desktop speakers, seems like too much hassle... and the headphones are going to hinder my hearing if someone knocks. No, I'm not tripping, people are here and no one knows what's up.

I can tell I'll be at the shadow level in about 8-12 more hours. Unfortunately, that's night time, but they have never scared me or fucked with me. Maybe that's why I haven't seen them in a long time, because I've been cooping myself up, binging ALONE like a prick. Wish me luck.

EDIT: It clicked. No worries. Damn, I need to believe what I say. A man can't go wrong with Maynard.
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I havnt used meth in almost 18 months, and I'm extremely proud I've stayed away. Personally when I was using, listening to music was the best way to get the most euphoria out of the experience. Have a point IV, go have a spew, smoke a few bongs then put sum headphones in and youtube songs and put them on repeat for 8-12 hours. The music I would always listen to was rap/hip hop. Mostly bone thugs and harmony I'd listen to. Although once I started feeling shit and was out of meth I'd generally just not be in the mood to hear music again(12 hours straight through headphones u tend to get over it) then I'd turn to watching porn and that quickly turned into a huge obsession itself.

Music has always been the thing that creates the most euphoria with me, and I always prefer to do(most) drugs alone. I remember the times I would be hanging with mates and all I wanted to do was be alone and listen to music, and quite a few times I would dissapear for an hour or two and just sit and the computer listening while they were out the back cracked up trying to smoke shards off foil.

Those were so some bloody loose days, and extremely dangerous. Some of the things we used to do were straight up retarted and dumb, but I don't regret any of it. They're some of the best times I've ever had while using drugs.
fuck im fiending a shot/pipe something chronic. bodies full of aches and pains and I'm fucking fanstatsing about a shot or a puff. at least they got me on valium cos they know of my huge habit. they say there gonna taper me down very slowly and carefully
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