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How High Are You? v. Who Am I And What Is High?

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^I'm curious to see just what you consider a KO dab haha. I take pretty big dabs compared to others I know, but have seen some people with an insane ability to kill half gram dabs in one go.

@Professer Sounds rough man, hope that xanax is helping to kill the anxiety.

I'm getting baked as fuck too. Smoking on Green Crack, Pacific Coast, and some other fire strain. All mixed in the grinder. I also popped 2mg Alprazolam so I'm chill as a cucumber. Hoping to get some beautiful sleep tonight. I have another xan barski for tomorrow night as well. Should be nice and relaxing.

Peace everyone. %)
So i'm here finishing a six pack of some craft brew and 10mg of valium...I feel fine. I spent like half an hour thinking about how badly I want to do some MDMA. The last time I had any was back in 2010. Jesus christ, it's been half a fucking decade since I rolled balls. I took a couple doses of 5/6-apb back in 2013 though. Shit was whack, but had an OK time.

I think about my daily prescribed doses of amphetmines and night time benzo dose and I'm just like, MEH. It's cool because I am not really abusing my meds and never have any gnarly comedowns, but I have become very COMPLACENT. And my drive to improve myself both mentally and physically have been nullified.

I was on my knees in the floor looking for ROCKS on the floor back in 2012, so at the end of the day at least I am not smoking coke, and for that I am very grateful.
Smoked a little tina, not enough to get fully spun though so not happy honestly now just drinking vodka to pass out and get ready ffor work tomorrow
I fucking feel you. I take my amphetamines and then drink my ass to sleep. It was fun as fuck the first two months. But it's been almost half a year now I been doing this shit, I'm actually looking forward to taking a tolerance break at least for two or three weaks so I can actually get motivated and do productive things on stimulants instead of just dicking around on the interrnet and then waiting for the high to wear off so I can drink
Baked, and did the rest of that hydro a few hours ago, so I'm pretty sober aside from how baked I am.
The valiums ended up tweaking me out, it's fucking 8am and I'm still awake. Fuck, benzoz are starting to give me insomnia
The valiums ended up tweaking me out, it's fucking 8am and I'm still awake. Fuck, benzoz are starting to give me insomnia

i have the same problem; for some reason it's easier for me to fall asleep while being terrorized by anxiety than on benzos, regardless of the amount. just e-mailed my doctor regarding a prescription for atarax.

added 10 mg valium and 0,75 mg flubromazolam to my morning fix.
i have the same problem; for some reason it's easier for me to fall asleep while being terrorized by anxiety than on benzos, regardless of the amount. just e-mailed my doctor regarding a prescription for atarax.

added 10 mg valium and 0,75 mg flubromazolam to my morning fix.

I have the same issue with benzos! I can't fall asleep unless I mix them with enough alcohol or opioids, even though I'm already sedated. Otherwise I'll just feel like I'm in the mood to go do something, or that I'm bored.

Speak of the devil...

4mg clonazepam sub-l + coffee + cannabis
yes, when the sedation kicks in, which in my case is a couple of hours after the initial anxiety relief, i tend to get bored/restless. lately i've been killing time with persona 4 arena ultimax.

nuff benzos for today i think, so just coffee and some cigs for now.

(btw, i've been to ohio -- bowling green, to be specific. knew a girl who lived there.)
Feeling pretty good/relaxed this morning.
80mgs of Methadone
50mgs of Promethazine
50mgs of Doxylamine
25mgs of DPH
400mgs of Cimetidine
Caffeine(sweet tea)
Nicotine(e-cig 10mg of nicotine strawberry banana cheesecake liquid)

Take care n have a good day everyone
Ran a bunch of errands today, tired as fuck. But my 'done is fully peaked. When I got home, with the A.C. on, I was like ahhhh', what a fucking feeling.

Here's what I took when I got home, from 'done clinic and other errands-

80mg DOLOPHINE, 8 10mg pills
7.0mg Clonazepam, 7 1mg pills
60mg Hydrocodone, 6 10mg pills
1950mg APAP, from Norco pills
120mg Oxycodone IR, 4 30mg pills, 3 oral, 1 smoked
100mg Hydroxyzine, 4 25mg capsules
50mg Promethazine, 2 25mg pills
Nicotine/Tobacco, Parliament light 100s
Caffeine, coffee, PURE LEAF sweetened iced tea

DAMN I feel good.


Cheers to all BL's!

There's a HUGE party this Friday that my friends invited me to go with them. It's a LATE party, starts at 10pm and ends at 5:30am.........so I'm going to obviously need an UPPER to keep me awake.

This is why keeping BACK-UP's are important. I still have a light bulb with at least 0.4-0.5g of Methamphetamine. Which would be PLENTY to get me twacked out. Usually, all I need is 0.1-0.2 of a gram of speed to get me speeding,. so this light bulb I have saved up has 2 bad ass highs left inside. Yeahh BABY. Gonna be SPEEDIN on Friday night, and gonna be up all night...the PLUS side, I get my weekly take home for methadone now, so right after the party, around 5-6am i'll dose my 'done and benzos and pass the fuck out. I'm NOT gonna crash on the speed with opiates and benzos on hand, gonna be a hell of a night!
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SO I went ahead and only took 5mg of Adderall today, holy shit I am so physically weak, I feel like wanting to lay down in bed all day. I'm emotionally fine, but I feel so Lethargic it is insane.
If I was in better physical shape, I am sure sure this would not have happened.

It's already 5:30pm, I got this.
lol got so baked earlier..

Dabs had me like -_____-*zzzz*

now I'm waiting on dilaudid friend to show up and my bf is gonna take me out :3
In the meantime, more dabs
70g dried Peruvian torch, 15g kratom, 2mg clonazepam
I am starting to feel the trip coming on, seems to be coming pretty fast for cactus/mescaline. Maybe I got some exceptionally strong batch this time.
I'm going to snort and/or smoke some yohimbine once it peaks to see if that potentiates the effects or makes it last longer. May have some 1,4-butanediol at some point. Wish I had some weed to go with this.
10mg diazepam, 3 halfs of vodka and irn bru, 6 cans beer. 3, 4 grams cheese. Still wide awake, bastard.
Happy tripping T*D. I hope to try Mescaline or at least a cactus extraction at some point in my life.

OT: Popped the other Xanax bar I had left. GG's FTW. Taking one of these feels stronger than 4x0.5mg alprazolam. Kinda like how popping 4 percocet 5mg's would get me higher than a 20mg roxi. Sometimes pharmaceuticals make me :?. But at the same time, they always have me like =D. lolz drugz

Anyways that was about half an hour ago, starting to feel really chilled out. Gonna smoke a plethora of ganja and space out for a while before bed.

Peace my brothas/sistas. %)
Loaded. Lots of fire chronic, a pint of Jim Beam, 1mg kpin and some nicotine(vape sesh)!!
Just a little valium to help with work, and a coworker brought me leftover wine from a function earlier today. So I'll be drinking that when I get home, whee.

I made the mistake of watching all four leaked game of thrones episodes. Now I have a long wait again
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