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Phenethylamines The Big & Dandy Bromo-Dragonfly/DOB-Dragonfly Thread

Sorry but I disagree about nichols. His chemicals were all harmful street drugs like meph, bromo, spice, etc. Shulgin was more of a shaman. I believe Nichols had an agenda. And yes I do believe that it was his fault that they were put out on the street. No 1 broke into purdue and stole the chemical and spread it around the world accept for maybe the cia.
But anyways I appreciate your concern on the other subjects. I did "get rid" of the other bromo except for a couple ten strips as a keep sake that I left at my girlfriends house in a vault. Someday where it dissappears from the face of the earth it might be qute interesting to have a little stash of it ;) Could you imagine if someone had that forsight with qualudes? sp
The cayenne actually works really well for the vasoconstricion. I have even been using it when I get headaches from adderall.
Thanks for the advice on laying off of drugs, but for the most part it has become a part of my life. I quit heroin and am on suboxone ( actually I have been doing heroin on the weekends occasionally but for the most part ive been on suboxone for yearsw), and now I take my benzos as prescribed. Mostly scripts. Its a shame the gov made all the harmless drugs illegal like lsd and we are left with garbage like bromo, bathsalts, and methalone. :p But I regress. Take it easy Iamthesuck. Have a good weekend.
How much cayenne do you take for headaches and how do you take it?

First off you have to make sure its a headache from a VASOCONSTRICTING drug. The cayenne pepper dialates. So if you are needing it for bromo or amphetamine, I would start with a little less than a teaspoon. Youll feel relief almost right away. Make sure you dont have a migraine though because a migraine is caused by vasodilation which lets toxins leak into the brain tissue I believe so taking a vasodilator will make it worse. Chances are that since you are in the bromo thread though, it is a vasoconstriction headache and the cayenne will help you. bromodragonfly is a potent seratonin agonist. Seratonin was actually named as a chemical that closes the vessels. Sera meaning blood serum and tonin meaning to open and close the vessils. Imitrex is a migraine medicine and works almost exactly in the same way but is no where near as bromodragonfly. Actually before taking a teaspoon, pour some of the pepper on the table, lick your finger and take a huge dab and swallow it. Its always easier to start out with less and work your way up. I had the absolute worst headache that day and I was amazed at how the cayenne worked. Good luck.
Mygreenbic, good call on saving some of your dragonfly for later I so wish I still had some of those wizards stashed somewhere..
Identifying Bromo-DragonFLY

Hi there. I recently acquired a single blotter of what I was told is Bromo-DragonFLY. It was off a trusted source who I also acquire pills, MDMA, ketamine and 2-CB from. Everything I have purchased from him I have tested myself; they have always been pure.

My main concern is that he bought this in blotter form, and with the mislabelled 2-cb-fly that attributed to many deaths a few years ago I would like to make sure what I have is actually Bromo-DragonFLY.

So is there anyway I can accurately tell which substance in the blotter?
Hi and welcome to Bluelight & PD :)

The deaths that occurred happened because Bromo-Dragonfly was mistaken for 2C-B-Fly, not the other way around. Bromo-Dragonfly is about 10 times as potent as 2C-B-Fly so when using it unknowingly and especially in raw unprocessed powder-form making a mistake like that can prove fatal.
2C-B-Fly hardly fits on blotter at all and if you accidentally had it anyway, it would most likely cause mild or no effects since you'd be underdosing via blotter. Realistically I don't think that would happen or be a concern.

Having a blotter hit that has not been analyzed however, that is a safety concern. Testing it could be done via a lab which should be conclusive, or via reagents which is not conclusive but indicative / preliminary. However both would mean sacrificing your hit.
Assuming it's Bromo-Dragonfly (there aren't really a lot of things out there that are more scary - NBOMe compounds are different but like Bromo-Dragonfly they can be quite dangerous in very high doses), I'd say not knowing your dose is your real problem. Unless you were told the dose it is supposed to contain and you trust your source like that, basically with your life.

We don't really allow ID questions here, but that applies mostly to avoiding pure speculation. There is a thread about research chemicals on blotter, I could give you the link but it won't really truly answer any of your most pushing questions, I'm afraid.

Do you understand what I'm telling you, and where does that leave you?
Ah, I understand. I've done a lot of research into Bromo-Dragonfly, and feel comfortable with a range of psychedelics including the NBOMe's at doses of around 3000ug if I recall correctly, so the incredible intensity of this trip is not an issue.

You've answered my main question; I can acquire another blotter from the same sheet to send off for lab analysis.

Thanks for the help, I suppose this thread can be closed now.
Any time...

There may be more acute vasoconstriction concerns with Bromo-Dragonfly also with lower and normal doses whereas NBOMe's may apparently feel fine at higher doses for some people (I personally felt vasoconstriction from them at low doses then stopped trying them), until they may have sudden seizures and as of yet unexplained acute toxicity reactions.

My point is: I recommend you try a low dose first before taking what is supposed to be a "full dose". Tripping ultra hard is not the only issue... knowing how your body handles it is, also.

Good call on the lab analysis, that should solve your problem if they do quantitative analysis for you.

*merged thread into B&D, not close it
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Yeah, bromo-dragonfly is much more dangerous than 2C-B-fly. I love 2C-B-fly, it feels very benign and beautiful, no vasoconstriction for me at all. bromo-dragonfly, on the other hand, felt vasoconstrictive and edgy, I'm not a fan.

Also an active dose of 2C-B-fly wouldn't fit on a blotter.
Yes like Solipsis says start small with bromo dragonfly.. I've seen a few people not handle it well physically and then others handle it no problem. You must respect the dragonfly.. it is a very unique chemical..
This might sound like a stupid question but this is one area of science that I could never quite grasp... But does bromodragonfly give a risk of Bromide poisoning? I'M not sure where in a chemical the br has to be and how much of it would cause it to be a risk for Bromism.
Bromo dragonfly I fucking hate you. If you want to feel like your on a heavy dose of acid without any mental benefit or psychedelic experience outside of corny ass visuals then this drug is for you. If you like all the physical effects of a heavy dose of acid, with a stomach full of gas then you'll love it! And guess what just when you think it might be finally letting up, oh no, here comes another five hour peak. My recommendation to any person who uses this is to load your phone with your favorite music, tell your family you have a stomach flu, close your door, lay down and hit shuffle. Hang in there you could get lucky and it will last less than 36 hours
Bromo dragonfly feels more like homo fag in guy
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Haha mygreenbic send me those extra strip you saved of it, I loved those wizards ;). Yes it lacked psychedelic depth mentally but man I always had a blast on it, made me feel like a little kid. Come down is rough though.
Bromo dragonfly I fucking hate you. If you want to feel like your on a heavy dose of acid without any mental benefit or psychedelic experience outside of corny ass visuals then this drug is for you. If you like all the physical effects of a heavy dose of acid, with a stomach full of gas then you'll love it! And guess what just when you think it might be finally letting up, oh no, here comes another five hour peak. My recommendation to any person who uses this is to load your phone with your favorite music, tell your family you have a stomach flu, close your door, lay down and hit shuffle. Hang in there you could get lucky and it will last less than 36 hours
Bromo dragonfly feels more like homo fag in guy

I think you were able to sum my feelings about it enough in this post here. Very flu-like and I agree with the duration, this is pretty much the general consensus to those who are familiar with the compound.

Some other people may enjoy this compound but for a comparison...

It is like saying that someone who has never been much of a beer drinker much less ever had an IPA will like an IPA that only IPA fans like.

Sure there are people who think Hoptimum is the way to go but then there are those who can't even drink a common Budweiser and still some that can barely stomach something watery like a Natty.

If you can't tell what I am saying here, this isn't the beginners level and you usually won't chose to play a game you haven't played on hard. It seems like mygreenbic was having some issues with his controller and chose the last level on expert difficulty. I really hoped for more in depth stories but I am glad you are alive dude, didn't think this thread would still be getting updated.

To further iterate my earlier posting, this one will make you shit and dehydrate you and make you lay in bed for a day and half and the visuals are the only thing it has to offer, if you are lucky and get enough in that department.

Everyone is different as can be seen by all the different posts here.
Thanks you for your assistance in getting me through this. I plead that none of you take 4 mg of strong bromo. I dont even reccomend one mg. The stuff is pure evil. Im starting to wonder if that purdue lab and Nichols were working for the cia to wipe out some drug users. Thats where spice bromo and many other drugs like meph came from. Pff. I feel so run down and tired. Its crazy. I think all the benzos are still working now that the speed affect is gone and I feel freaking exhausted. The only reason Im not sleeping right now is because I wanted to warn people of the dangers and hell I went through, and that if you are in the middle of a constricting crisis cayenne pepper instantly relieves it. Actually after I took a table spoon immediately my headache went away, a huge burst of OEV's instantly appeared, and I felt like super man. It felt like taking a popper or something. Im not saying its safe but it sure is an amazing temporary fix. Research it before you try it. I was desperate and I think it may have saved my life. Thanks again everyone.

Just reposting this because I have questioned his work as well. I agree that it all has scientific validity but also question why certain compounds made my Nichols and company were able to make the rounds in such magnitude when the majority of Shulgin's work has been left untouched.

Food for thought. Both knew each other and worked with each other but both had very different reasons for working with the compounds and I can't say that Shulgin is the better of the two because equal arguments could potentially be made that he was obsessed with only certain compounds and was very biased.

Personally I am a great fan of Shulgin and his work and think he was working for the greater good of humanity.

If one were to look more into this it would not surprise me to find that there was more to it than meets the eye. Maybe it is just coincidence that Nichols had many compounds make the rounds but maybe it is due to his past students being active in creation of compounds. This kind of talk is all speculation and it is something that a minority of the human race is vaguely knowledgeable about.

But to get this back on track, I am glad you are alive dude, give us some reports of how this all went down, you have to have some crazy tales to tell, I know there have been worse reports posted here and I feel like you should help people see how this compound behaves by describing it better.
Bromo is unique as hell, nor for the first timer. Also like anything know how it reacts to YOUR body I've seen it act different in 75% of people..I really enjoy it though :)
? I'm on my bromodrfly again. what do you guys think about seroquel helping to abort some of the negative
I apologize for the lack of quality of my past reports. the problem is, when you are on bromodragonfly, it is not a relaxing experience, not one where you feel like sitting and typing out your experience. you feel most of the time like you are having a panic attack with fractal visuals being the primary psychedelic effect. by time two to three days have past, and youre finally able to sleep, you are not going to want to sit down and the computer and write a reflection piece.
I've done plenty of chemicals and this one simply is not pleasurable. sure if you are craving that slant on reality that only some of us understand, and you have zero pot or anything else remotely psychedelic, yet you have like ten sheets of Bromo on hand because you can't sell it because no-one that has tried it once to repeat the mostly negative quarter-week long extravaganza, then maybe it's a good idea to take some.
I sure hope you have plenty of clonazepam on hand and you are near a toilet. I pray you do not take this compound while camping or with a hot girl for the first time. and above all, I hope that no one sells you this in blotter for calling it lsd. for one to ingest this in an overdose ten fold is going to suffer tremendously if they survive it. then after the psychedelic effects finally wear off, they would be lucky not to lose limbs several days later do to necrosis caused by irreversible vassodialation. I could see this compound as bring enjoyable if you have your own place, a comfortable bed, no over concerned relatives, no obligations and plenty of benzos and opiates. I took about two mgs tonight so if anything different occurs such as euphoria or dissociation that you want to hear to make this compound worth it, then I'll be sure to report it
Yeah bromo-dragonfly seems sketchy and not worth it to me. I tried it once, and I found it uncomfortable somewhat (I had I think 1mg if I recall), and there was absolutely nothing about it that I couldn't have done better with something else. Even at that dose I felt some vasoconstriction, and the feeling in my body contained a definitely element on anxiety and tension.