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Dissociatives [Methoxetamine Subthread] Combinations - 2nd experiment

a quick google search reveals that scopolamine is sometimes used as an adjunct with ketamine anti-depressant therapy. that's in much smaller doses than you'll be using though, i'm sure.

i hope you have a trip sitter!

That's really interesting! I am gonna look it up and read up.

And NKB, I definitely did. I had an entire TEK worked out. Thanks for the info, too.
Last night I felt absolutely PERFECT. The feeling was so divine I was being still sitting indian style so that I could hold it as long as possible; maybe the most perfect and balanced I've ever felt in my entire life. Leading up to the state I had consumed over a 100mg of MXE throughout the day, mixed with a little bit of cannabis, 20mg methadone, a small glass of wine, and a very small amount of alprazolam (xanax) .25 mg. It was the ultimate sense of peace and bliss.. Also should note I've been taking 25 mg amitriptyline a day for a few weeks.
I'm not a big fan of meth nor have I used it much since I began experimenting with different substances 14 years ago, but I did abuse the drug a few nights ago. I must have smoked about .3 of a gram throughout one night. The next day I did a few lines of MXE. Although I no longer felt high from the meth at the time, the MXE gave me a huge dopamine kick each time I did a line. It felt like a meth rush to the point where my brain felt like it could explode, like pulsating dopamine rushes flooding my brain in waves. I was concerned at the time that I might be doing serious damage to my dopamine systems, but the rush was pretty intense. The MXE use took place about 8 hours or so after I finished the meth. I would not recommend this combo only because it might not be safe (I also don't recommend meth in the first place) and because it could have done more damage than meth by itself. The MXE experience itself was not as good as it could have been without the meth, aside from the huge dopamine rushes. As the night went on, the dopamine rushes were less impressive. I did feel pretty stupid throughout the experience, like my mind was stuck and I couldn't accomplish tasks. Just wanted to share my experience with this combination.
I'm not a big fan of meth nor have I used it much since I began experimenting with different substances 14 years ago, but I did abuse the drug a few nights ago. I must have smoked about .3 of a gram throughout one night. The next day I did a few lines of MXE. Although I no longer felt high from the meth at the time, the MXE gave me a huge dopamine kick each time I did a line. It felt like a meth rush to the point where my brain felt like it could explode, like pulsating dopamine rushes flooding my brain in waves. I was concerned at the time that I might be doing serious damage to my dopamine systems, but the rush was pretty intense. The MXE use took place about 8 hours or so after I finished the meth. I would not recommend this combo only because it might not be safe (I also don't recommend meth in the first place) and because it could have done more damage than meth by itself. The MXE experience itself was not as good as it could have been without the meth, aside from the huge dopamine rushes. As the night went on, the dopamine rushes were less impressive. I did feel pretty stupid throughout the experience, like my mind was stuck and I couldn't accomplish tasks. Just wanted to share my experience with this combination.

Amphetamine after MXE (during its afterglow), always gives me a much more dopaminergenic rush and high than the shitty adderall high by itself. I crushed up the add, added .25 bicarb by mass....heat lightly and plug....this gives a good rush almost as good as shooting amphetamines (it helps if the solution/mixture you plug is still hot when you plug it....makes it absorb faster I think).
So heres my list of dreams I had about mixing these things together, this stuff really makes everything else better (except THC, big NoNo, the two are awful together, panic attacks etc.)

1) MXE then Dilaudid

I experienced the best opiate rush I had every felt in my whole carreer, and I was on sub maintinance at the time too which is supposed to ruin any pleasure from opiates. I must stress.....you IV the D AFTER the MXE has peaked (a low threshold dose of it), when you are in afterglow. USe much less D than you are used to....half it. Best body rush I've probably every had from ANY drug or combo in the history of my life....hands down. It makes that warm D rush much more intense and it makes it last like 5-10 minutes instead of just 1 minute.

2) MXE then Cocaine (or crack)

wow, just wow. again, do the C in the after glow, and use half of what your normally would or LESS. You will be drooling, bruxing, and banging (or spanking the monkey) like a crazed lunatic. Probably felt better than the first time I ever dreamt about doing C. C comedown still sux....benzos are a must (for my dreams anyways) just like when mxe isn't in the picture.

3) MXE and MDMA

I know this one is reccomended against. thats why the dosages i dreamt were totally low. Heres how it works in sequence and reversere order....

Mxe then MDMA (60mg) during the afterglow: felt like my first mdma roll, except better didn't last as long though. was for the 4th of july, the fireworks were just magical....HighDEf vision, and so sharp visually. When my girlfriend hugged me while watching the fireworks I was just flooded with a RUSH of serotonin shooting out of where ever it shoots out of, but it felt like adrenaline was coming out too. quite amazing.

MDMA then MXE on the tail end: This is the one thats probably dangerous, or more intense. The closed eye voyages whilst mediatating that MXE normally gives where so much more detailed. I was seeing more defined figures, people, rooms, furniture etc than I normally see even though my level of MXE intoxication was moderate and would normally have produced more vauge visual experiences under mediation.
sleep deprivation + MXE binge (unknown amount) + NBOMe triggered seizures. NBOMe dose was somewhat low, 1500ug-1800ug.

those doeses aren't low....they are borderline lethal for some people, get your shit together man.
M-hole + 2C-B = wow. Best CEV I've ever had, including DMT. OEV were great too, loads of tracers and I remember standing up, looking down at the ground as it formed a huge spinning vortex. Also, two days before I took 100mg MXE over 1.5 hours without holing (or getting anything like this combo). 24mg 2C-B (optimal dose for me) and 80mg MXE resulted in pure bliss, so maybe the 2C made it easier to achieve the m-hole. Both substances on their own don't really do a lot for me visually, so the result of the combo was very surprising. Psychedelics + MXE seems the way to go, which hopefully makes it easier to take breaks on the MXE; I don't want to lose the hole.
Next up: LSD and MXE. Unless that's a bad idea, but I don't really see why. 2C-E should also make a good combo, as it is already more visual than 2C-B.
2C-E + MXE is glorious, and the only way I'll use the remnants of my 2C-E. It actually turns the body-load of 2C-E into a nice warm body-high most of the time, and there is euphoria, for me at least, while being deep and immersive. Also the visuals. Good stuff.
Try chopping a small nasal of dose of 2C-E into a normalish line of MXE.
M-hole + 2C-B = wow
2C-E + MXE is glorious
This makes sense that the serotonin agonist psychedelics synergize with MXE, given how the 5-HT2A receptor activity induces broadband cortical desynchronization (http://www.jneurosci.org/content/33/38/15171.short), while the serotonin reuptake inhibition activity of the MXE allows the desynchronization to hold more firmly (at least thats how I interpret it), so it kinda creates 'standing waves' in the phasing of the synchronization which ripple throughout the cortex. I noticed these coherent holding patterns when I combined 25-I with MXE.
I have a question about Weed and MXE

They don't mix well (in my experience and based on what i've read), one time I smoked about 4 hours after doing mxe (I had already come down from the mxe and just had lingering effects) and it brought back the mxe trip with a vengeance and cause a panic attack/racing heart. I've heard weed with mxe induces panic attacks in others as well.

My question is about the timing of smoking while using mxe...i like both drugs, and just want to make sure I space them apart properly. Is it ok to dose mxe a few hours AFTER smoking weed (obviously not before as I already learned that the hard way)? Also, how long should I wait after doing MXE before I smoke weed?
if you're prone to panic-type reactions, then weed can even cause them the day after an MXE trip. some people actually have a better time smoking weed during the peak, when they're too intoxicated from the MXE to get very panicy. smoking weed any amount of time before dosing the MXE should be okay, though.

how much did you smoke when you had your panic reaction? perhaps you smoked too much... you don't need to smoke nearly as much when there's lingering MXE in your system... one hit is often enough for me on the comedown.
mushrooms and MXE caused me to (according to my roommate, i don't have any recollection of the event) roll around on the floor shouting gibberish, glossolalia style

i took way too much though
I need to get my little pre ban stash out again for a wonky adventure, its been far too long
Next up: LSD and MXE. Unless that's a bad idea, but I don't really see why.
Alright, somehow I missed the first post's warning about LSD and MXE and yesterday I took 3 ~100ug tabs of LSD and 2 hours later (when the LSD had been coming up for some time and was getting near the peak) I snorted 100mg MXE. Was hoping for some really sick CEV, even better than the combo with 2C-B gave me, but all I got were mild-strong-ish DMT visuals (nice fancy fractals, but not very interesting otherwise). After what felt like quite a while, I gave up and started to walk around my room. And somewhere then I got transported to another world, with my eyes wide open. I could still sense all the objects in my room, but at the same time it wasn't my room anymore. I've been to multiple places and at some point I found an object, which I swear was from divine or alien origin. Turned out to be a magazine wrapped in crispy foil, but at the time it felt it couldn't be real, the way it felt and it even talked to me.
Very pleasant trip, until the end: about 10.5 hours after I'd taken the LSD I was still tripping pretty hard, but sober enough to read the clock. Usually I'd have come down from either substance on their own, but it seems the combo extended both effects. At this point I really started to freak out over nothing, something I've never experienced before. I was afraid I might do some really stupid/harmful things, so I decided to take some Valium to abort the trip (first time I've ever done that). That actually put me into a really mellow, but still still somewhat psychedelic mindset and I enjoyed some documentaries on TV.

Overall I'd say this was an excellent combo, but you'll have to be prepared to completely lose yourself for a very long time (and remember: YMMV). And have a benzo at hand, just in case. Still I'm convinced that psychedelics and MXE are better than the sum of their parts and I will continue experimenting with them, whenever I get my hands on some new MXE.
I have a question about Weed and MXE

They don't mix well (in my experience and based on what i've read), one time I smoked about 4 hours after doing mxe (I had already come down from the mxe and just had lingering effects) and it brought back the mxe trip with a vengeance and cause a panic attack/racing heart. I've heard weed with mxe induces panic attacks in others as well.

My question is about the timing of smoking while using mxe...i like both drugs, and just want to make sure I space them apart properly. Is it ok to dose mxe a few hours AFTER smoking weed (obviously not before as I already learned that the hard way)? Also, how long should I wait after doing MXE before I smoke weed?

If you smoke weed first and wait a while, and feel relaxed, then it's a great time for MXE.

However MXE first and then weed always equals a panic type reaction from me.

I'd probably have some beers around for this combo to smooth it out.
If you smoke weed first and wait a while, and feel relaxed, then it's a great time for MXE.

However MXE first and then weed always equals a panic type reaction from me.

I'd probably have some beers around for this combo to smooth it out.

Just some counter advice from me.

When I smoked Marijuana, I would IM my MXE, wait 2 minutes, then hit a bowl to ash. I find MXE rather lackluster without it, or some phens or tryps. Marijuana has never induced a panic attack in myself though. If you are a person who is able to smoke and just relax, I wouldn't worry. I also truly hate alcohol and MXE together, and I was a full blown alcoholic when I tried it a couple times.
If you smoke weed first and wait a while, and feel relaxed, then it's a great time for MXE.

However MXE first and then weed always equals a panic type reaction from me.

I'd probably have some beers around for this combo to smooth it out.

I'm inclined to agree with this from my experience. Weed after MXE feels pretty edgy, more body buzz. MXE after weed is more smooth and fascinating mentally.
MXE and any of the following aMT, LSD, 2cb, 2cd, 2ce and 2ci, allyescaline, mescaline, mushrooms. Also mxe with 3 meo pcp and MXE with amphetamines. If I just want to chill on the mexxi at home I'll have a benzo or two, something like diazepam, etizolam etc. 70 mg MXE and 40 mg 2ci was an intense experience as was 70 mg MXE and 500 ug 25B NBOME. IMI of 80 mg MXE 2 hours after a 40 mg dose of aMT was an amazing experience. Have never combined MXE with MDMA or any MDxx. Also never combined with APB's. Have used with ethylphenidate but that was meh. 4MMC and MXE is nice but the 4 MMC seems to fade to quickly and your left with the option of redosing or just having a tad more MXE and chilling, I go for the later almost every time.

Doing MXE while high on meth and 25i NBOME was like suddenly being hit with a wonderful warmth. All tension disappeared and I felt like I was floating through the club. Needless to say not long after my partner and I returned home to do more MXE and take a couple of xanax each lol. I don't bother at all with weed while I'm using MXE it just does nothing for me and I'd rather have a small dose of benzo's with my MXE experience or alternatively psychedelics and/or stimulants. Love MXE it's my favorite substance... Please note this details extensive poly-substance abuse and is not recommended or condoned.
I've experienced SS symptoms from mixing a even a tiny bit of MXE and molly (done it twice, the second time was completely unintentional). Definitely not fun.

What do you guys think about 4-MMC and MXE? Is it too serotonergic, or would it be safe in small doses (of either or both). Anyone with experience? Thinking about doing it for a concert tonight.

I've always found mxe to go wonderfully during the afterglow of mxe. this was a low dose of mdma (120mg or so) and lower dosages of mxe really brought me to an amazing peacful and highly visual (cEV, some of the best I've ever had) state