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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Thread: Trans-dimensional Hyperspace Cocktail Bar - Fractals Apply Within

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It's only been 15 days, but, yes. I am definitely more productive. Haven't noticed a creativity drop--actually, if anything, I've noticed a boost. But I was using so often and so much that it was wasted. I got to the point where it wasn't exciting or nearly as *much* fun as it used to be. I'd reached that film over the eyes stage every time I smoked. It was smoke and binge on sweets and then sleep every night. I've since quit everything but cigs and beer.
IMO the best way to smoke is to get high one time per day max, a few hours before bedtime.
I'd reached that film over the eyes stage every time I smoked. It was smoke and binge on sweets and then sleep every night

Yeah pretty much this, and I just know it's making me boring. I don't even want to stop smoking per se, but it's so habitual. I don't even think I would call smoking "fun" anymore, it's a form of relaxation and I'm starting to realize it's hindering my development as an artist and as a social person.

I'll probably quit entirely in one go though, finding that middle ground is pretty tough and I don't think I have the discipline to keep it that way. If it's really too hard I'll just do Ayahausca with Graham Hancock :) Good idea to keep getting high far away from going to sleep though, thenightwatch. If I have to smoke, then at least it will not interfere with my sleep too much.

Anyway, I'll finish my last block of hashish and get this quitting thing going then
What was surprising is my best friend and smoking buddy moved away a couple of months ago. He was back in town last weekend and it turns out he'd already been quit for a month. I'm getting hyper again, and I'm glad. I can feel it--and, I'm waking up early on my own again, whereas before I'd always be tired in the morning.
Good idea to keep getting high far away from going to sleep though, thenightwatch. If I have to smoke, then at least it will not interfere with my sleep too much.

i find that smoking once per day a few hours before bedtime not only interferes with sleep less, but it actually is conducive to a healthy sleep schedule.

smoking throughout the day can make it hard to sleep at night (or do much else productive, really :p), and smoking too close to bedtime can cause me to either say "eh, i don't need to go to bed yet" or to just lay there in bed unable to sleep because i'm high.

but smoking just once a few hours before bed time helps me unwind from the day and have some introspective time, and then when i start coming down a few hours later i lay down in bed and sleep like a baby. smoking just the once allows me to wake up in the morning without feeling groggy. i actually feel refreshed after doing it this way. :)

if you've had bad smoking habits for a long time, tho, then idk if this method will work that well right off the bat. you may have to get habituated to the schedule first.

^^ that word "habituated," though, sort of sums up the downside to smoking like this. its still better than smoking all day, every day like i used to (and sometimes still) do.
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Hey PD! I've been gone for many a year it seems like, just checkin back in and seein whats up. How's everyone doin? Anyone here that remembers me that has changed there handle so I know who you are?

Yea kind of...I missed all you guys <3 I took a little walk on the dark side and makin sure i never do that again. How you been? u been holdin it down obviously :p

PS Sol, tried sendin u a PM, ur full...hit me up
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BOB! Good to "see" you :) Yea i havent been around since 2010-11ish but i was really active til then
Wow must say oxy is pretty good for my piano playing, I am able to play nerve free but with great sensitivity and feeling. Not that I would drop it just to practice or something like that but a small dosis could enhance performance occasionally. :)
I also recall composing going well on it also, that was maybe 6 months ago IIRC.. Pretty motivated and stimmed.

Just started with this crazy fugue 8(
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and just trying to learn what its all about.
Nice to meet you all!
My oh my, nice to see some of the old timers here, dispensing wisdom as always.

Fucken BL, been a while brother :)
Ah, to be a bluelighter again, no responsibilities. Gonna kick my feet up and post only as the fancy strikes me. %)

My oh my, nice to see some of the old timers here, dispensing wisdom as always.

Fucken BL, been a while brother :)

Oh my god you're alive/returned. What's been happening? How goes it? Nice to see you, this makes my day man.

Roger left a ways back, and Psox hasn't been around in a few months. Other folks come and go as always.
^I'll go through the motions tomorrow or next week. The anticipation is always the best part, ya'know.
right on

well as little as i read PD proper lately, i did appreciate your mod style. you seemed to have just the right amount of laissez-faire-ness. i definitely understand stepping down though... i think being a moderator in PD would get old to me after awhile. lots of repeat threads and etc.
Soup all; I've been working a lot. Kickin' it a lot, too. I work until eleven during my inital training two weeks, and then I just go blaze and shit it seems like heheh. But the job is legit, I like it. It's an inbound call center taking orders for infomercial products. The people are cool, such a small world, I know so many of them. And my boss even bought some jewelry and crystals off me because she likes my handiwork, she's chill.

Anyway, that's my life this week.

Uhm.. yerp... :)
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